Refurbish a Door Using the Shaper Origin

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I'm Tai welcome back to the channel I'm going to show you how to turn this into this using this [Music] hey welcome back I want to uh welcome you into my tiny tiny Workshop I have a little project going on a friend of mine has this cool door I'll show it to you guys I don't know how old this door is but as you can see it has a lot of panels on it so it used to be a front door what I'm going to do is I need to make some Dutchman and they are wood plugs used to fill in defects in wood this door is now going to be used as a barn door and in order to do so I need to cover up the holes on the other side my friend's going to still use the handle on one side and I need to plug up the top side with Dutchman so you don't see these holes from the latch plate so in order to do that you can make Jigs and fixtures I have a shaper origin and it's a handheld CNC this is the shaper origin as you can see it's a it's a handheld CNC router there's a screen and on the other side of this body is a camera and what it does is it can track where it is in space and it will auto correct what you're trying to cut so if you're following the digital line that's on the screen and you're a little off it doesn't matter the spindle will auto correct I'll demonstrate that with the Dutchman this workstation here has a bunch of these they look like dominoes and it can tell where it is in physical space by just looking at those dominoes so I'll bring you guys through that process right now all right in order to use my shape or origin I have to affix the piece that I'm going to Route out to the base plate in order to do so you can use double-sided tape but an easy method to do is using any type of painters tape I'm going to use a frog tape yellow because it's easy to peel off doesn't leave any residue and CA glue which is essentially a super glue with an activator so the activator cures the CA glue in seconds I'm going to attach the container's tape to the work surface so I don't ruin it and this is going to sit here about right there so what I'll do is I will fix painters tape to the bottom so I don't get any of the super glue on this piece and I will take this super glue I'll apply a line of super glue on each one I'll take the activator and I'll spray activator on the mating piece and I'll flip it over and it should set so now it's it's a fixed that's not going anywhere and I'll put this support back in this helps support the router on the back side this is essentially what I'm seeing there's a screen here an interface I would like to do a new scan I have to scan the work area so I can say start scan and as you can see it's scanning old all those dominoes and my work piece and I can hit the green button or on the screen saying finish so now it's updating my workspace so this dot right here is essentially the center of the spindle so it's able to track where the center of the spindle is going to be now I want to go to design and design is selected and I want to import my design I have one for the door latch mortise I have the door handle mortise so this is the one that I want and as you can see it wants to place my design and I will just place it kind of place it right in the center so now you can actually see the outline of this design I want to now cut so let me take the router out I insert the router bit foreign just give it a little snug and lock it in place plug it in right now what I have to do is I have to do a z-touch because it it doesn't know where I placed the router bit so now the spindle is going to lower and touch the surface and now it knows where the surface is and since this is the male side I need to cut on the outside of this line so it's already says outside let's do an offset we'll clean it up at the end but I'll do an offset of 0.01 inches I'll do an offset of 0.05 now you can actually see that offset now it's going to get noisy I'm going to turn the router on in the dust collector just want to point this out so this is the area that we routed notice the clean straight lines I'm offset from my finished product we'll do that at the end so we get nice crisp side walls but as you can see it auto corrects the whole entire time so we only go down in increments because we don't want to stress the router bit out so we'll go down a little bit further and run it again so we'll do half inch this time all right and now the final pass will actually bring it right to that line so instead of doing a .05 offset we'll have zero so now you can see that dotted line move and we'll go at the full depth pass that we had set so there we go let's uh let's take a look man that is clean so just some fuzzies I didn't go all the way through the thickness of the material because I didn't want to cut into my spoil board um but I will detach this from the spoil board so one of the ways that I like to detach it from the spoil board is I'll use a painters tool it's pretty stiff and it's got a sharp blade on it so I can get underneath the corner and you can actually pry up on it and you can see how well that CA glue and containers tape method worked so it peels right off easy peasy so just like that so what I'll do with this piece is I will I'll actually just cut it off um probably with a jigsaw and then I can use this as the plug no I just wanted to demonstrate what the router does if you Veer too far off of your line and it can't auto correct that little dot is where the center of the spindle is and if it gets to that Outer Circle and you go beyond that it's going to retract the spindle so I will show that right now I'll do an air cut I will pretend I'm cutting right now it's down to that line and if I go too far out it retracts and it aborts the cut I'll demonstrate that too you could go in the other direction too if you're going ridiculously fast which you shouldn't because it's just a small router I guess there is a chance that you could ruin your work piece but you shouldn't be traveling that fast to begin with or else you'll wreck your router bit so let's all go in and all of a sudden I go too far off it retracts so this is the beauty of the shaper origin so off camera I made the other plug for the for the latch plate you can actually see how good that surface finish is on the side and I cut the the base of it off with a jigsaw so you can see the little flange that's left on it we'll clean that up after we we glue it into the mortise the first part that we'll do is we'll we'll cut a mortise or these latch plates were and we will insert the plug and glue it down so I ended up picturing this door so it's pretty solid to my workbench and I have this plywood here with Domino tape this does come in a roll so you can apply it to whatever work surface you're working on what I'll do is I'll start a new scan new scan start scan like this I want to create a grid new grid and what I'll do is I'll actually take out the router and I'll flip the bit around and use it like a dowel so it's going to be a quarter inch dowel just okay and I will lower the router so it's past the work material there we go I'll set that depth and what I'm going to do is use that it has a 0.25 dowel so I have that set in there so I will set that as the first surface set that and I'm not too concerned where this third one is so as you can see the grid is actually aligned to the edge of my work piece I can zoom out there we go let's modify this grid to be 1 16. import door latch Morris I want to be I want to be as centered as possible that actually looks pretty good right there let's just double check yeah looks like we're covering it all up we'll go into cut mode and essentially what we'll do we'll pocket this out first and then we'll cut up to the line so we'll do we'll do a manual z-touch okay that looks like it's on the surface set zero and finish it middle oh it is almost there okay let's see how close we are it should be very close Okay so that fits that actually fits in there nicely I'm afraid there's not going to be enough room for glue I'll take a sliver off this is the beauty of this machine is you can just sneak up right on it nice fit so what I'll do is I'll end up putting glue down here on the sides and glue on this piece and I'll tap it down and clamp it and then I get to do the same thing on the space I have I have the plug cut out a lot larger more work but I will plug that area and this door will be done so I added glue inside the mortise on the side walls and at the bottom and I added a little bit of glue to to the plug and I hammered it down and you still see it's flush but I'd rather have it proud of the surface than recessed and I can come back with a hand plane and plane this down and then sand it so it's nice and flush with the door itself so if you would like to see more videos with the shape or origin let me know in the comments below so after the glue dried I was able to flush up these Dutch men using a good old hand plane so it's kind of ironic I'm using something like the shaper origin which is full of technology to make this and then I come back with something as old as this to flush them up but uh something about using a hand plane getting nice shavings for me it's a it's a matter of satisfaction so just demonstrate I've just come across and just take really light shavings until I flushed up all those Dutchman and it ends up with a really nice surface finish I'll bring you in nice and flush you won't see this this will be on the closet side I filled this one into long green dowel maybe I'll get a video of this after it's installed to show you guys the end result if you guys enjoyed this content please click like and don't forget to subscribe so you don't miss out on daily content that Chelsea and I like to do in our daily life
Channel: A Pretty Good Life
Views: 3,893
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Id: sbu9zwwxcFY
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Length: 17min 49sec (1069 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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