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all right this is video number two and now I told you I was going to show you how to inject oil into the system that already has pressure and refrigerant in it the system is running right now 29 PSI on the low side let's disconnect it and we're gonna put in our refrigerant oil and our dye mix in the low side so here's our refrigerator oil and dye mix I got 40 milliliters in there this has a new condenser on it let's get it on there there we go let's screw it in now remember this is under pressure at 29 PSI the system is running the compressor is running we're coming out at 55 degrees Fahrenheit out the dash right now let's see come on Focus 55.4 degrees from our temperature sensor that orange temperature sensor or yellow temperature sensor that you see right there so now we're connected I just connected this is filled with refrigerant this has dye in it too this has a fitting on it this is the fitting I took off here now if you could afford to have two fittings this is what you would preferably do because you would never have any air contaminating or getting in the side here you don't have leaks all over the place because it's always filled and I have other ones that are just filled up with concentrated dye and you only need like two milliliters three four milliliters of concentrated dye so a cylinder filled up with three ounces of this will get you many cars because yeah that's that's a lot that's like 45 50 milliliters for one of these tubes depending on the manufacturers so let's put this in let's see if I could do this oh shoot I can't do it one-handed um yeah that was bad let me do this there we go see we're connected right there I'll keep that in Focus so you can see now this is 40 milliliters all going to go on the low side and so I just turn it it's this easy this is under 29 PSI of pressure so it's not that much this is meant to take like 200 PSI of pressure so it's very easy to overcome a low pressure and because you're putting it in slowly you see how I'm turning this you're only injecting drops of oil at the time and there's High Velocity Vapor refrigerant going back to the compressor so you're only putting in a small amount of oil at any one twist now those ones that have ratchets there's other ones that have knobs on top there's other ones that are threaded there's plastic ones this is just one of many I'm just showing you one of many ways of doing it and so since this got a new condenser it was in a front-end accident and it punctured the old condenser we're putting in 40 milliliters because from the factory the recommended refrigerants okay capacity is 40 milliliters for this manufacturer on this situation and that's it and this is the way you put in refrigerant oil or Dye while I have and that's it it bottomed out that's 40 milliliters I take off the top here and we're done so that's the other method of putting oil inside or Dye whatever you want and then you take your fitting and you put your fitting back on and you complete complete the rest of your test it's not rocket science it's not difficult to understand it's very easy and I'll get on to my next vehicle complete you got your UV light remember you have your ultrasonic you have your refrigerant leak detector you have your dry nitrogen for leak testing and I'm I'm forgetting oh and your soapy bubbles so oh and you can have your hydrogen leak detector which is a mixture of like five percent hydrogen and nitrogen or helium leak detecting method what uses five percent helium mixed with nitrogen and just like you do the dry nitrogen you inject it into the system you charge it up to say 175 200 PSI of helium or hydrogen and then you use your helium or hydrogen leak detector that's just like a refrigerant uh leak detector but it has a sensor in it that's just meant for helium or you get the one that's just meant for hydrogen and those are your other methods of looking for leaks alright I'll see you guys later on
Views: 1,543
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Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 08 2023
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