Refinishing a Dining Room Table | Furniture Restoration Repair How to | John Bear Woodworking

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welcome back there buds this is next on the bench or their big old dining room table what happened with this the customer had tried to clean it here with some Murphy's Oil Soap and it looks like it just broke down that finish and it really discolored it and that's so much lighter and different looking now than the other half in this half I mean the whole table she said it's over 20 years old and gets a lot of sunlight it's been moved probably three times from house to house I think and you know just over time the the finish starts to really break down know if you can see that but it's got a lot of wear and tear scratches the finish is really pretty gummy so what we're gonna do is just strip this down stand it up bring it back to life the legs and everything are in pretty good shape they're just faded almost seems like the finish is worn off a little bit on these but we're gonna leave these as is we'll just clean and touch that up as well as the bottom there around the table that is almost like brand new still so we're just going to clean touch that up so I think it started here just gonna go ahead get some stripper on it [Music] I did two passes with the gel stripper just to get everything out of there saves me on sanding cleaned it up them with a little bit of steel wool and lacquer thinner just to make sure everything was out of there it's all down to the wood doesn't look like there's any finish left on there should be pretty easy to get sanded as usual I'll start with the orbital disk sander hit it with 150 then follow up and finish with 150 block by hand and 220 but before we do that I think I'm gonna let the shop air out a little bit it's pretty few me so we'll get some fresh air take bucco out for a little hike [Music] have a high five give me a high five [Music] [Music] [Music] both halves of the table all sanded down to 220 and the leaf everything's looking pretty good now now we're just ready for a little bit of stain [Music] well here we are let the stain dry up there alright a little over two days now just to make sure everything gets dry sometimes if you don't let it properly dry and some of these little cracks you'll still have a little bit of stainless just wet enough to mess up the finish so I always give it at least 48 hours just to be safe dry it up pretty nice and uniform got the leaf over here so we're gonna spray this now hit it with a sealer coat let that dry give it a quick quick sanding and then we'll get I think I'll do a little bit of a toner coat just to even this out a bit and then get a top coat on it and it's done [Music] [Music] [Music] here are three of the four legs from the table now I just need to clean up and touch these up I did one of the legs already is a test feast because I wasn't 100% sure what method to use on this one because there there's a few different ways that I like to do my touch ups you can see here that these two legs are so much lighter these are the two that's sat towards the windows and got all the the sunlight over the years and then this one's a little bit darker redder and that's that's matching the table top so I wanted to bring all of them to look the same and they didn't want the legs to look new either but just clean them up just get the grime off so what I did here is one of the legs that I have hanging up to dry here I already cleaned and touch this one up so I will show you how I did that so what I'm doing here to start as usual diluted Windex 50/50 then I spray it directly on to the steel wool kind of looks like a little bear there then just wipe it down with a rag a little bit more Windex on and I'll just spray it off with the air hose so then my next step is I got the this is the wax free shellac what I have in here this is just a little bit of that shellac left and then it was maybe 75% or half and just with some alcohol and then I like these products here this is the trans tint brand dye and this is brown mahogany and that is what I put in the lacquer when I spread the table to get that color a little bit more red so I put in so I thinned out about half and then I put in maybe half of an ounce of dye something like that just to color that shellac a little more and this is by no means a finish and shellac isn't even that durable of a finish or strong of a finish but this is just going to rejuvenate the existing finish the existing surface it's on there [Music] here are the four legs now they're all finished ready to get on the table after that shellac mix dried up I just buffed it out a little bit knock down the sheen with some fluoride steel wool spray them off a little bit with your gun to get all the you know dust or whatever off and then I just gave it a quick wipe down with a rag and this furniture polish that I I use doesn't contain and he waxes or anything it's just a cleaner just get to dust off it doesn't leave any kind of film just uh cleans it up nice well buds here we are it's another one done as always if you like what you see go ahead and like this video make sure you subscribe to this channel so you can follow along with all the future projects I really appreciate the comments you guys are leaving so far keep them coming if you have any questions let me know thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: John Bear Woodworks & Furniture Restoration
Views: 182,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: furniture, refinishing, restoration, repair, how to, nature, dog, woodworking, hvlp, ethan allen, table, dining room, refinish, restore, makeover, flip
Id: oh2xbUSjxSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 32sec (752 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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