Fixing your Broken Mobile UI Designs

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what is up everybody we are live and we're just gonna wait for some people to filter in here um we'll get started in a minute yeah big launch just ended the pre-launch rather we ended up getting like 430 members um yeah it went really well and went better than i had expected it to it did like double the amount of what i was hoping to get so um i'm very excited about that but one thing that we'll be uh do now what i'll be doing now is finishing off the course in the next couple months i and our official launch date is january 4th 2022 which is 102 days away so a little bit over a uh three month period and yeah really excited about that that's going to be the big launch and if you want to join um right now you just have to wait until january 4th but enter your email here at to get notified all right what is up all the people saying hi all right yeah today's a different day i usually don't stream on thursdays but i've been busy and i didn't have like a regular video to upload today i'll do that tomorrow um we'll have a normal upload normal video upload tomorrow about some type of tutorial or something all right so today we're doing a live stream and the thing is a little bit different this time is we're going to be focusing only on mobile design all right so i'm going to be taking this browser window with that window here not that one wrong one uh and getting it sucked in here actually there's some there's actually some issues with this landing page when it comes to mobile but it's one of those things like we really did try to we had to rush to the very last minute to try to get things out so i'll be working on improving things like this should be collapsed you know two two uh columns right here but yeah no big deal but yeah that's what i'll be focusing on today mobile design so we've already had a bunch of people submit in the discord server instructions for submission are in the description here on youtube you joined my discord server and um yeah as you can see people have already been submitting so um we still may have some time so uh to get through all this so you could still you know feasibly submit your design and i might be able to get to it because we'll do this for about an hour all right awesome thank you very much joran uh jvs the the coder the developer my partner is uh responsible for coding the site um at he is in the chat and you know i just cloned the repo and i kind of want to get into the development side a little bit but something tells me uh jvs we're gonna have to hop on a live call and you're gonna have to explain the structure of things to me yeah just a little just exactly what you want to do all right so um all right let's get started here um uh the very first entry hi gary i am capisce 17 year old entrepreneur entrepreneur and this is the website of my creative studio startup all right i like what i see so far yes you will have that chance in three months all right let's go ahead and refresh this there's some cool i like this type of animation so we are blah blah blah we do really cool branding for really talented people let's see what happens here i like the smooth uh scroll that's happening here it's not too bad sometimes people they'll they'll dampen it so much so like you get like tendinitis in your scroll finger trying to scroll down because it barely scrolls but this seems to be pretty responsive um i think you know if you want to do this kind of crazy typographic thing here for the headline that's fine but continuing it right here i don't know a little bit much um but still i like the white space i love obviously the contrast is great the colors here work well um let's see oh wait what am i doing i'm completely ignoring the purpose of this tutorial we're only looking at mobile oh that's a big issue you're probably hoping i didn't do this but this is the purpose of the tutorial or this video rather um shoot you're not supposed to see that all right anyway um let me do something really quickly yeah i just went blank [Music] well that sucks i was just looking at like what chat i just revealed by accident uh but it's no big deal i was just talking about the the launch to my um my fellow youtuber friend the portrait art he has a big channel he's like this amazing artist all right i'm going back to this and let's do that all right um this is kind of hard to see because my my my screen is black that sucks uh it's kind of hard to see where this design starts but yeah obviously this is gonna be a problem and maybe this person hasn't yet thought uh let's get me back here hasn't really quite thought about uh you know or tried to make it too responsive yet although there is a menu up here this works um but this part doesn't work because you have no clue what's happening so you have to rethink that part um coming down let me delete that there we go for the most everything's fine here but obviously this is a big issue you want to try to rethink this so that you can get your message out there better um so yeah what do you guys think this person should get for a rating one being the worst and 10 being the best yeah i really need to close all my windows before i start streaming and stuff refresh it yeah that didn't change anything for this uh especially for a 17 year old i mean this is this is better than most uh things that people submit during this stream so this is uh quite good if you if you actually did design it and code it yourself um so i'm going to give this one for what it is ignoring this kind of i have to factor it in i'm going to give it like a 7.2 just because this issue and again i'm only looking at mobile so it would actually be higher if we were doing this um but yeah thank you for that let us continue on next up all right we got another interesting design here all right so the little white space on left and right actually probably would be fine on mobile itself um just small real inconsistency things like you know there's quite a bit of white space here but then not here ideally they have equal white space all around um you know from left top bottom right i would probably want to spread this out just a little further although a phone isn't realistically that big so let me you know this is kind of more of like a realistic representation um get in touch resume you know you might want to add like a projects link instead people aren't going to want to just outright get in touch with you right here in my opinion um so maybe instead of resume or instead of this you'd have to think about it i put a project if you do have projects all right i like the consistent you know aesthetic here with the illustrations this all looks pretty good so far feature project push that down not enough white space um by the thumb um i wouldn't do this weird uh this type of text justification in my opinion i think it would be better just to stick um to the standard yeah this is good this is really solid what do you think this person should get for a rating one being the worst and 10 being the best one thing that's kind of weird here now of course you're not using a mouse on mobile that's kind of like it doesn't give you that that cursor feedback when you hover over this part all right i'm gonna i'm gonna take my phone and silence that what do y'all think this person should get i'm going to say for this one i think this area could be improved a little bit but i i'm going to give this one a we're gonna go with an eye easily an eight eight plus could be like eight point two eight point three all pretty solid for the most part all right awesome next up we got a figma file ah let's see if we can hit play here all right so memory box create a memory box to regroup all your memories of an event all right um i think these little uh paginations icons here they were you know these this one right here they're gray these three that are gray um let me include yeah there we go that doesn't contrast well instead and i put a video out about this recently um take these three shapes get the eyedropper the color picker tool click this make it the same color as the background and then just drag up the lightness or you can make them darker that way you're in the same hue and it's always going to work well so let's let's check out the next link or the next page i would probably get rid of the drop shadow here also you're running into this contrast issues here or the color issues rather i think you could probably make this this title versus subtitle this one larger and i probably make it black and a higher contrast and i think it just it's a little bit bland like for the logo here maybe you're going to have a different logo it just kind of seems a little bit empty um so think about that for the most part it's simple uh there aren't major issues occurring outside of this um so yeah i think this would benefit from having texture in the background in some way shape or form so when i say texture i just mean something that's very low contrast in the background that could be some type of pattern it could be an illustration it could be a photograph could be many things um so anyhow what do you all think this person should get for a rating one being the worst 10 being the best freaking thing you've ever seen in your entire life i think i'll go ahead and give this one a [Music] 6.8 i'm going to say a good old 6.8 yeah you want me to bring these back remember i used to do this 6.8 major production value right there all right okay um let us continue on um let's close this out yeah i know you can hit um f12 to get the inspector up and you can get like the technical maybe i'll try that next time the actual mobile viewports what's happening here stuff isn't loading um let's try this yeah i'm gonna imagine this just isn't complete um yeah obviously there's supposed to be something here not just this empty area view our range indoor outdoor kind of like the type here i like the uh the different colors that are working like the sub headline and headline you might even be able to make these a tiny bit bigger um but they're pretty they're good as is and then we have i don't know what's happening here i don't know why it's just a big blank area but the parts that are filled in they're pretty decent although not enough white space we have a lot of clutter right here so what i would do is i get contact us move that from this portion move it from this portion so what i mean by that is if i get my inspector out here and we do something like margin 2em 0 there you go it's like a thousand times better now um so definitely check that obviously there's no visual hierarchy here in this area um so you're gonna wanna bold the days and kind of move them down and separate them out a little bit and then plus you have all this room here you can put them into columns not just flatten them out um so yep um this seems unfinished obviously so i'm not even gonna bother bother with a rating for this one let's check this one out all right here we go uh dare nip darn up darn it wait i feel like i've seen this one before like recently like last stream maybe i'm wrong all right um i like the color like this very subtle blue that you have going on here um pretty pretty standard pretty uh yeah there's nothing that's really coming out as being incorrect i actually like the picture um this this yellow or orangish kind of background works well um so nothing major occurring here in terms of issues i like the approach here the mobile approach to the thumbnails just make them really large why not we've had some pretty good entries so far good contact form although name at we don't need that yeah this is all pretty solid let's do a rating for this one one being the worst 10 being the best for me i'm going to give this a rating of let's see here eight point one yeah i think that's a really solid entry um like i couldn't really identify or pick out anything that should necessarily be changed this part's a little bit unstructured but i probably put these in visible cards like just a very subtle background but yeah solid next up oh i've seen this one like five times but i didn't check out the mobile version so there's that alright so we have a little toggle here um let's see good headline i think i talked about that before get in touch i'm not sure if people just want to right away get in touch they want to see what you do so i would rethink their call to action here they probably want to see your work instead um let's bring this in even more all right so then they do collapse uh or expand rather into single column all right so this type right here let me make things a little bit bigger just so we can all see so this type where is that yeah right here i wouldn't bold it because we're facing some issues um with things looking just too similar i would just make this regular in terms of font weight um then you'd have a better structure and also it would make sense to center this text not left align it just because this stuff is centered as well [Music] oh these uh you're facing that issue i just talked about this in one of the other submissions uh the grays don't work well on a hue or a colored background so take all this stuff grab this color just make them a little bit darker not lighter because then you wouldn't be able to see them hardly so yeah overall not too bad um pretty solid what do y'all think this person should get i'm gonna give this a rating of i'm gonna say just thinking out loud here um yeah let's do a 7.3 i think that's pretty decent and fair okay next up coffee wheat coffee i can't handle coughing anymore i became so like intolerant to caffeine i started wigging out and having freaking panic attacks um that's interesting yeah that's real interesting i don't know why you'd have like it's just kind of like split here an experience to remember um no discernible call to action except for that tiny little um border down there so i would make it evident that you want people to scroll down with some movement now i like this type it's very rare that i see people like i can make this bigger i i see people who can you know correctly mix font faces together this is a good use case here what is this what is that font playfair display there we go i really like that one that's like my favorite uh serif font now this i'm not sure about this i'm not too sure about that almost makes me feel like if you're going to have this type underneath this type you know because there's two paragraphs essentially um this should probably be bold in my opinion and then i'll really separate it out visually from this down here overall pretty solid what do y'all think you should get i'm going to give this a rating of again this is all pretty solid so i can't yeah i'm going to do a 7.07 i think i don't know why i'm asking you guys because i'm just giving my opinion without waiting for you but i kind of want to move along faster so that i can get through more of these um let me close some of these out all right next up it's called what font the extension that i use here what font all right so you need more white space between uh these elements so if i get up my dev tools here um maybe we'll see if i can make an adjustment real quick there we go i put margin top 2m on this element and that's spreading things out a lot better because if you refresh it you'll see they're kind of just they're too crammed together it makes it hard to distinguish between your different uh projects occurring here now okay so i i like the colors um it's obviously heavily typographic there's no other you know graphics but the graphics that do occur are down here in these social links the beveled it's just it doesn't fit at all um you're going for a real minimalist look here but then you have bevels and you know glossiness it's just it doesn't match at all so your social links they use icons that are completely flat and i would probably just make them white yeah all right for this i'm gonna give this a rating of let's see what it looks like oh it looks like it's um not responsive it's just made for mobile all right think what i'll do is give this one a flat 7 or 7.2 or so something like that in that ball field all right next up thank you for those of you who are hellsnake uh for keeping me on track here all right profile.exe all right this reminds me of uh the the john frock aesthetic all right okay so i would definitely say this is i suffering from uh scale issues or visual hierarchy uh in terms of the type um and like this right here this little quote life is a dream and death is reality that's so like a little bit too small i think um so i probably make these two things larger and then this description a little bit smaller um i would also probably move these down away from this section a little bit what happens if i click here there's a theme now your contact form you're going to want to take these uh text field put them to the left align them you don't want to center this while everything's like aligned somewhere else so get these matched up all right it's definitely a unique um yeah definitely unique i sort of portfolio that you have occurring here so for me i'm gonna give this one obviously in terms of creativity it's really up there um but i kind of have to stick just to the ui design fundamentals alone and with that said probably yeah like for instance another thing i didn't mention the profile.exe notice how it's kind of like over here or pushed off but then this one's indented not enough white space on the bottom compared to the top so small things like that are going to hurt your score um so i haven't said that i'm probably going to give this one like a 6.8 or so but it could be easily improved all right next up wait i don't understand oh this is a smashing clone well why is the logo there twice so i really don't want to review an existing design that somebody else did so i'm just going to skip this one i just because it's unnecessary because somebody else designed this and i think you probably maybe just used a uh use this as front end development experience perhaps but this is a ui design you know sort of thing so continuing on boy i'm feeling i i don't have much energy today although i feel fine i'm not sick my my i was just talking in the chat before this started and i my wife just got her test results back she's sick she has covered my two kids are sick so i'm i'm going to try to do as much as i can not to get sick pro tip for past like six seven years i've been i whenever i feel like a sore throat coming on i take a dropper of oregano oil it's a real smoke it comes like this it's real small it's extremely potent stuff it like burns your throat and just put it in um you know a little bit of water like two or three drops drink it i'm telling you it works it kills the viruses all right anyhow all right so we got some issues here because i obviously you know oh we got some the glass morphism occurring uh if we're on a mobile device like this um we could see that we have overlapping issues and contrast issues this comes up we can't see this type right here gotta really think about your contrast for sure outside of that there's also some issues with uh white space especially in this area it's kind of hard just to read uh everything's cluttered so you're overlapping things try to simplify this way more than like what it currently is um just because you can doesn't mean you should so that's just a little saying that you know you don't want to throw every technique that you learned uh or that you know um into your design simple is usually better so let's go ahead and just give this a rating i'm going to give this rating a probably a little bit lower of like a 4.3 yeah um definitely join to put put your email in at and we'll get you uh straighten out here at the beginning of next year all right somebody said i missed theirs last time i don't feel like i did but maybe i did i don't know clusterru is your multi-modal workspace to create hangout and chat for any purpose so the create account button that's it's pretty large i mean for mobile you want things to be large but at the same time i would probably move it down i you have this large card here this this black card but then you're only utilizing like a portion of it and it's not even centered it's like kind of up a little bit so the alignment is definitely off also it doesn't make sense to say clusterru and then have clusterru here in the header redundant right there so rethink uh your type in the way you approach this i would personally not even use a card here just use this background possibly um just because it's unnecessary in this context i do like uh this i like this area um in fact i probably leave the card here in this context i have heart alone stuck in my head i don't know what that means is that i a song i imagine that is a song thank you for the super chat t20s grind he's been there since the beginning i think or for a long time at least um yeah thank you very much for that um this section more white space between your elements the type here i probably push this down by like 1m or 2m depending on you know how your css is structured oh okay this is the one that i uh i actually featured in my video um two days ago about redesigning these cards because it had that contrast issue right here because this is gray like i said before two other times already in the stream grays on colored backgrounds don't work um you want to grab this in fact i'll show you real quickly if i just show right here we'll grab this card we're going to change the background color we're going to grab the background color it's sitting on and then we're going to move it up or you can move it down but i think in this context it would be best to move it up we can add tone which we could tone it which means add gray so we can come over here to the grays and maybe something around here would work now if all three were changed it would look a lot better in terms of the colors that are present yeah you just want to have more white space above these areas like for instance this we'll just do margin top maybe just one m unit that's a lot better now it has room to breathe all right we'll do a rating for this one being the worst ten being the best there's some good things about it but then some things that aren't that great so it's a little bit inconsistent i would say in terms of quality oh uh a guitar and a snake solo yeah this the snake is they are downstairs in the basement and i'm way upstairs in an office bedroom so that won't be happening um i'm going to give this a rating of i think this would be pretty fair um a 6.9 or 6.8 right around there yeah i did i did do a you know actually i'll show you uh if i go to my twitter [Music] uh and i go to my profile follow me by the way if you haven't yet um i did a little thread see here's that design so if i click this i showed the original this is the desktop version and then at the bottom this is what i came up with as a kind of like a design refactor all right awesome let us continue on let us uh close other tabs and let's keep that one open front end web developer folio mobile uh let's see all right is this all there is it looks like this is all there is for the design all right so you know what i would like i would like you to remove this bar um this darker bar and that way it won't feel kind of boxy uh you'll open it up and you'll be able to see more of this interesting sort of uh it works well uh this little flowy curvy wavy graphic um and i i think that would be a much better approach it's just like the open-ended approach it's like the same uh the same parallel as like how older school homes that were built into 50s and stuff they were all boxy like there's a room here room there and room there but the modern way is having an open home like i love that type of flow um and so this is what i would say like try to get rid of boxes as much as possible outside of that i would probably reduce reduce the leading or the line height of this just a little bit and maybe increase the size of front end developer i would make this much not maybe 50 larger than what it is so front end would be on the line and then developer would be on its own line beneath it um and it would you'd be able to take up a little bit more space here and kind of just make it a little bit more bold all right i'm going to give this a rating though for what it is it's just a flat out seven yeah all right next up jip it's jip oh i've never seen before jip actually i is the third person who's contributed to did i like i did i designed everything in figma and sometimes adobe xd early on i don't use xd anymore um we'll get into that later um but he did he took those designs and he did the html css for it and did a good job all right i gave him a testimonial too all right so we got a cat here very interesting you know what i would do though i probably take this this see you already have this color here um and then you have it here again i might just take if you're gonna have this sort of thing um i would take this color and just grab this color here and just make this maybe slightly lighter or darker um that way it's not demanding so much attention uh and also there's just a big amount of white space right here so i think that would help just to make it less contrast overall i would also probably get rid of the high contrast border right here either get rid of it or reduce i the opacity big time so that it's barely noticeable typically when you have a headline or like a title and then like a date and then a description you want to design those three differently from each other i noticed that the date and this here are designed exactly the same it's not a huge issue but i think sometimes it's nicer to kind of separate them out and there's multiple ways of doing that um you know what i think it just came up with a new video topic i have to write these down every single time i do um because video topics that are things that haven't covered yet are few and far between after like 950 videos so um i'm gonna i'm gonna put this down um styling type that's not gonna be the title but it's just something for me to remember i could say typographic visual hierarchy i could say that i don't i don't think i've ever actually done a video on that it's one of those things you hear me say all the time lately all right all right so i'm gonna give this a rating for what it is um if probably a i'm sorry i have to be honest with you i'm gonna give it a rating of 2.5 i'm just joking with you man i'm gonna honestly i'm gonna give it a rating of 6.8 his heart probably dropped i like screwing with people though all right next up i think you could easily with some adjustments um bump that up quite a bit all right h m clone i'm not doing clones because you didn't design it you only cloned it bro i wonder if jip is in that is is jip here right now is he watching this all right flamboyant jackson all righty that's a very interesting place to put social links i feel like i feel like it's out of place there i don't know um i would offset this more you can see at certain areas it is offset a little bit like right here i like this offset because it's not like aligned up with the text but right here it's almost line the same i would i would position this differently so it's like maybe in the middle like it was on the larger viewport um you want some cookie gary i mean yeah i guess i i'll have a cookie i'm not sure how you're going to give me a cookie but uh unless this is your website and you're you're storing cookies without my consent or yup i don't know how it's pronounced i'm just a dumb american person so i just i'm just going to pronounce it as i see it all right um these right here you're going to want to increase the size you have all this room and we want to see what these things look like now a side note it's understandable like if you're new you don't have many projects you want to put what you have a calculator most people are never going to want you to make a calculator for them so potential clients that's not going to do too much for him um maybe an employer or whatever can see hey this person knows how to make a calculator so it does have some benefit in that way but try to get real world projects as much as possible all right so seems like this has a great aesthetic with the type i think um but this area feels a little bit uninspired it feels like it's two separate web designs so i would try to make this a little bit more interesting as opposed to uh or make it more consistent with this level of design because i think this is like a higher quality design compared to what's happening here all right so oh also you're gonna run into issues uh with when you're when somebody's on mobile and you have things like uh importance type like the the title of it and the description is relying on a hover they're not gonna be able to see that because right now as far as i'm aware phones don't detect when your finger's hovering over something so yeah you'll want to fix that i i'll go ahead and give this a rating um again it's going to be like uh 6.7 but this alone like if i were to look like to rate this part you know this could be like a 7.8 but i have to factor in this other stuff down here oh it is yip okay alrighty uh do i play minecraft no i do not all right my my kids my daughters used to but they don't play that anymore they're just like tick tock fanatics now my my nine-year-old daughter like all she does is just these weird dances and stuff she's just constantly dancing with these weird tick-tock dances all right next up [Music] all right so we do have some issues here um how long have we been going 41 minutes okay i would like to have less leading so less line height bring those a little bit closer together just a tad bit um and then we need uh we have an issue with a lack of vertical white space between this little section and this section and i would say this section as well um outside like this the top portion from right here is pretty good but like i said yeah you wanna and also like so for instance i'm gonna improve this big time so if i get over here we have padding applied at 10 pixels i would use not absolutely i wouldn't use pixels um so if i do like maybe three point or three m zero that's better but i think also your icon should be larger because they're a little bit small in relation to the size of the text and also more white space here now this is one of those things one of those no-no's in my opinion when it comes to alignment if you have a title like titles like this that have icons next to them it's best just to left-align them because it looks strange when you center that so i would left line everything here i it would it would work much better or if you don't want to do that get rid of the icons or take the icons and put them on top and center those and then that way everything's kind of falling into alignment a little bit better all right so i'm going to give this one a rating of let's refresh it to get back to the original notice all that lack of white space it kind of clutters things up this one's going to be a flat out 6.5 i thought you weren't doing redesigns i mean i'm not really doing redesigns i'm just i'm just reviewing it for the most part i'm making small changes just to illustrate points anyhow cardo skill a cartographer's portfolio about data visualization what is a cartographer i never even heard of that all right so you can see this is like a blog format um okay so one thing i kind of don't like is how we have this type really close to this and this um if you want to keep this area i would just move this little sub headline to the center vertically take these two things and put them outside starting here and here and of course give it good white space i do like the type though with the uh the two these two fonts they seem to work pretty decently with each other um mainly typographic it's not that bad so i'm going to give this one a rating of just like a 7.5 yeah i think that's that's fair off topic what are your tips for barely experienced ui ux designers with somewhat good skills for looking for agencies and teams to join um barely experienced well get more experience i you know if i were an employer yeah here's the thing i've never worked for uh somebody else like i never worked as an employee i did remotely one time for a few months back in like 2006 but that's it so i can only speak just based on my assumptions but if i'm trying to find somebody who's good i i want to see what they're capable of doing and and ideally they have real projects so do whatever you can as possible to get real projects and so even if that means you're not making money hardly any money at all off it if if it's still a real project that's going to be live on the web it's it's a it's a good thing and it's worth it in my opinion uh to do that because you want to build up a portfolio all right here is a design i made for dribble i'll be honest i kind of like the light version better the the dark version isn't bad but this is actually pretty good um you are you know like you said somewhat good but yeah they're pretty solid from from what i see for the most part i don't notice any significant issues i mean i like the uh it's obviously vibrant but there's good good fundamentals all around um i don't see anything wrong yeah it's quite solid i mean there's a lot of green occurring here but you know that's that's okay um this is a cool kind of like a fade effect mixed in with a gradient on top it looks like or something like that uh yeah i like it a lot i'm going to give this one a pretty solid rating we're going to give this one a 8.5 i think that'll be our highest today so far maybe even close to a nine i don't know all right next up another figma file i open these up on the other monitor just to be just because people like to troll me sometimes so i i got to be safe about that all right so we got some issues here with the login form where do i start so the first thing it seems like you're mixing up like a this is a oh this is like when somebody's entered data i mean you could still replicate that uh in figma with uh interactive components and stuff um but i would say yeah there's a number of issues here um first of all when you have like a username or like a text field never just rely on just an underline some people studies have shown i mistake that for like line separators so they don't even know where to touch or tap or whatever all right so you want to have you're going to use a border make a border all the way around the rectangle additionally i this right here this whole kind of like glass effect that you're doing there's not enough contrast so i would make this darker if possible like if you're going to use the sort of aesthetic and i think you would have to because whatever's behind it i could tell it's just really busy so you definitely want to check that out um looking at this ui over here so i think i there's there's a bunch of issues with color i think you're mixing things way up like you have gradients and inner shadows uh it seems like and everything is glass you're overusing these effects way too much so you need to simplify as much as possible so for rating on this i'm going to give it a yeah probably somewhere like a four all right go to enter your email and become my student all right at the beginning of 2022. all right um where am i at how long have we been doing this for 15 minutes i'm gonna do a few more and then we will i'll wrap this up so you'll want to center these or just enlarge them all the way you know whatever you don't want this white space here this should be centered as well because all this stuff is centered apparently um okay well that's all it is so um also the the the hovers you'll you'll want to show this stuff by default because hovers you know they don't work on mobile so um definitely take that into account for what this is unfortunately it's going to have to be a lower score just because there's a number of issues here so i'm going to give this one probably just a flat out i don't know like probably got 4.9 or so all right we're going to do one more so who is it all right so i'd like to have some sort of call to action here of some sort that could be a button or scroll indicator icon so you're going to want to this is pretty decent um you're going to want to do that and i could see actually so i the design wise i actually like this this is pretty cool contact me that works so yeah it's typographically it's a pretty solid design so yeah i'm going to give this one a 7 point seven i think that's pretty solid all right all right unfortunately that is all for today i i know everybody gets so upset because i don't i don't have time to to review their design just try to be there in idle in my discord server and then i make sure you assign yourself the string ping roll and then when i go to do the next one next week you will see that i i have you'll see the uh the the news notification in news you'll get pinged so i i sent this about an hour before we started and people will go to negative space and hurry up and submit and that way they could be early enough to make sure that you get your review so definitely um you know if you really want me to review your design definitely do that i idle in this server because sometimes i don't know when i'm going to stream it's not like a weekly like like an every week day i just kind of do it randomly really so you have to you have to just idle on the server and participate of course that helps out i will see you all all right dude you have to be put in a timeout i don't even put my kids in timeouts but he had to be put in a timeout because it's just too much spam all right everybody just go to it's going to be releasing officially here at january 22nd uh i mean january 4th of uh 2022 rather uh enter your email to get notified and yeah i will see you all very soon goodbye
Channel: DesignCourse
Views: 6,030
Rating: 4.889401 out of 5
Keywords: live design review, ui ux, ui ux stream, live, gary simon, designcourse, negative space, mobile ui design, mobile design, mobile app designs
Id: K7KIpLxN7ms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 20sec (3260 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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