Ree Drummond's Top 10 Casserole Recipe Videos | The Pioneer Woman | Food Network

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[Music] I'm on my last recipe of make aead meals for my family and this one is for breakfast it's called a sleeping in omelette and it's named that for a reason basically you whip this up stash it in the fridge overnight and then the next morning you pop it in the oven and you've got a hot delicious breakfast without even lifting a finger now the basis of the sleeping in omelette is bread I'm using chabata this recipe was one that my mom and her friends used to make when I was growing up and they actually used onion rolls that is really delicious too basically you can use whatever bread you have french bread I've even used Bagels before and that is delicious now for this casserole you've got to have cheese I've got a hunk of sharp cheddar and I'll just grade it up I'll just sprinkle it over the bread now the ingredient I absolutely love in this casserole is cream cheese I'm just tearing off big chunks it always results in deliciousness now if that weren't decent enough I've got some butter cut into bits and I'll just dot the top it is so yummy now this is basically a french toast casserole or a strata which means you need an egg mixture to hold it all together I've got 10 eggs that I beat up and now I'll move forward with the mixture so I'm going to whisk a couple of cups of milk into the 10 beaten eggs toss in 2 tablespoons of dehydrated onions half a teaspoon of dried mustard a dash of cayenne pepper the same amount of salt some pepper a teaspoon of chopped chives for even more flavor and whisk it all together now I'm just going to get all this egg mixture poured on and then I'll cover it and pop it in the fridge overnight but let me show you what happens to the sleeping in omelette tomorrow okay it goes into a 325 degree oven for about 45 minutes then the foil comes off the oven goes up to 350 and the casserole gets another 10 to 15 minutes then the sleeping in omelet is done and ready to be heaped on to plates for a hungry Ranch crew or a hungry City crew and that's what I call a great breakfast I think that's my plate I'm making a homy casserole I just fried a bunch of bacon and took it out to drain and I'm going to start cooking some onions and those help make that casserole extra tasty all right while the onions start cooking I'm going to dice up a couple of red bell peppers and while they cook I'll chop up the bacon the onions and peppers look glorious so I'll grab the homon I drained it and rinsed it really well and it just goes right in and then I have some half and half now I'm making two casseres now I'll go in with some hot sauce and I'll just stir this around and let this slowly we start to heat up cheddar and Monterey Jack it's going to go right into the pan the bacon is all chopped and it goes in a tiny bit of salt and pepper I'm going to pour this mixture into two iron skillets I smeared the Skillets with butter then I'll spread the mixture into the skillet now I'll get the rest of the cheese just give it a little sprinkle and then I just have some plain bread crumbs and I'll sprinkle those over just to give the whole thing a little bit of crunch I'm going to put the Skillets into a 375° oven just for about 20 minutes or so until the tops are golden these Hony casseroles are going to be so yummy oh this is a great dish a butternut squash pasta casserole it is so hearty and delicious so to keep things easy I'm adding a bag of butternut squash from the freezer you can totally use fresh instead and then in addition to the squash I'm going to add a quart of chicken broth low sodium and I'm cranking the heat cuz I want this to cook until the butternut squash is totally tender this is a very fall friendly recipe but since you can buy butternut squash in the freezer section of the grocery store year round you can totally make this whenever you want whenever you want salt and pepper okay so the butternut squash is going to cook for 5 minutes until it's soft watch the magic happen I'm going to turn this into a squashy liquid squash which is kind of strange it doesn't sound all that good but trust me liquid Y and you can puree it as much or as little as you want to you can make it a totally smooth puree or it can be sort of a chunky puree I like things with some texture all right just about done I see some chunks of Butternut in there but I'm going to leave them because I think it'll make the casserole more interesting okay so this is so cool because I'm actually going to pull this casserole together in the casserole pan so I already cooked some penet and watch this this is basically the liquid for the casserole but it's just it's kind of like a butternut squash mac and cheese you know it's going to be delicious trust me be great okay and then I've got a few things to add some roasted red pepper frozen peas wow and goat cheese it kind of combines with the butternut squash and oh my gosh the texture and the consistency of this casserole is amazing stirring it right in the casserole dish and this pasta was actually kind of cooked to not quite alente so the extra liquid in the casserole will keep the casserole from becoming dry when it bakes cuz the pasta is going to keep absorbing some of that liquid a oo so pretty so far now this is a really cool little ingredient to add I grated cauliflower so instead of using like a bread crumb or something I'm doing cauliflower and that makes it more veggie forward more healthy and then on top of the cauliflower just for a little extra flavor some salt and pepper I love this casserole and I love casseres that you can assemble right in the pan I don't have a whole bunch of different bowls that I'm mixing in all right now I've got a whole bunch of mozzarella since Paige was quick to point out that there wasn't enough cheese in this casserole and then parmesan of course on top of the mozzarella tons of different ingredients going on but they're all very simple and then parsley and I'll save a little bit to sprinkle on at the end I think this is going to be amazing what do you think I think so all right let's get this in the oven we're going to bake it at 375° for 40 to 45 minutes and I am so sorry that you have to wait that long oh actually you don't have to wait that long look look look look wow oh my gosh that looks incredible check it out you guys wow all that cheese wow it looks so good I think we need to serve it yes uhhuh I think we need to try it I think we need to enjoy it can I TWY yeah are you excited to try this page I just love go chees all right Alex come onom got got to get sliced cam or scoop cam oh dear oh my oh it's basically this is basically mac and cheese that took a trip around the world or something here Paige I'll let you try so excited okay one bite review trying to get all the good stuff one bite review it smells so good that really really good great news my mom and sister are coming over I am so excited and I thought that would give me the chance to make my mom's legendary Seafood casserole it is gloriously retro sinfully delicious and it is so easy to make I'm going to start with the seafood so I have a whole bunch of cooked shrimp that's chopped into little bits and I'm going to add some lump crab meat and a little bit of decadence here some Lobster meat right out of the claw look at this it's incredible honestly you can use any combination of seafood that you want this is the three that my mom always used for hers but really anything goes all right I've also got some veggies to add so some chopped green bell pepper bunch of chopped celery and some sliced green onion and then I'll just stir this mixture of seafood and veggies until it's all mixed together oh this casserole how much do I love it let me count the ways it is incredible and it reminds me of my childhood my mom made this whenever she and my dad had friends over or some kind of dinner party it's one of those casseroles that works for any kind of elegant dinner or a brunch all righty I got all of this mixed together so now I'm going to add some other scrumptious ingredients a bunch of mayonnaise you know this this recipe is from the' 70s when you see this amount of mayonnaise going in but this is basically the liquid of the casserole and it's also what makes the casserole so incredible and then a good spoonful of Dijon mustard or any sort of grainy mustard and then just a little touch of cherry this is optional in fact my mom's original recipe did not have cherry in it but I have found with kind of creamy casseroles like this just a little touch of cherry gives it the most incredible flavor and then of course bringing it into the current day dash of hot sauce I don't think the original recipe had hot sauce my mom might have had one teeny little bottle of one kind but I'm glad we're in the hot sauce era of modern history few dashes of wor to sure and then for seasoning I'm going to add some Old Bay Seasoning because it is a seafood casserole and old Bas seasoning was made for seafood and then salt and you want to add plenty of black pepper couple of good sprinkles all right now I've got to mix all this together I am so glad my mom and Betsy live close by now my mom lived in conne and Tennessee and even Texas for several years when the kids were growing up but about 3 years ago she and her husband Doug moved to aaso which is close to Tulsa so it's so nice to have them close by and then Betsy she lives in Seattle but she has been splitting her time between Pusa and Seattle and it is incredible having her here my favorite sister my only sister but she would would still be my favorite even if I had 20 sisters so now the casserole goes into the casserole dish now look how creamy this is but I would like to point out that there is no cheese in this casserole what is the world coming to what's gotten into me I don't even recognize myself and this is one of those things that actually gets better and better as it sits in the fridge so there's no reason can't assemble this in the morning when you're going to have it that evening and the flavors will just have even more of a chance to meld and Merry and become more miraculous so I'm going to cover it with plastic wrap and then I'm going to pop it in the fridge for an hour and then I'm going to top it off and put it in the oven to bake it and while I'm here I'm going to grab this beautiful Seafood casserole and get it ready for the oven okay got to roll up my sleeves for this one so I told you my mom used to make this in the 70s and this is a dead giveaway I'm going to top the whole thing with potato chips yea these are just regular straight up potato chips crushed they're not like finely crushed to a crumb they're still in big chunks and as you can see I am being very very generous the recipe says one bag of potato chips never mind that bags of potato chips now are probably three times the size as they were in the 70s but you know what I like to follow instructions it's the recipe's fault all right so I'm going to put this into a 350° oven and I'll bake it for about 30 minutes until it's nice and bubbly and next I'm going to make an appetizer that my mom and Betsy are going to love and Mom would you put the plates out I will and I am going to grab the casserole which I'm very excited about Mom I think you're going to recognize this oh what is it I haven't been told about the casserole we'll just see if Mom knows what it is oh no oh yes I know because of potato chips oh my goodness I may not have made that for the last decades 20 years I don't know tell me make sure you need to fact check me now you made that in the 70s oh yes I'm the youngest I missed it Seafood casserole here I'm going to put some salad on your ples here look at this bets look at that that's a Lobster Claw gorgeous oh Gorgeous I'll serve you oh sure thanks Mom Lobster it's all Seafood it's shrimp crab meat and lobster mixed with a creamy mixture I'll give you a little parsley on yours I'm just going for it I am too oh my gosh yeah oh M this is a special yeah this is a throwback you know how you know this is a recipe from the' 70s how because there's like a Lobster Claw and a potato chip in the same [Music] bite anytime I have a party or big family gathering corn casserole is always on the menu I learned how to make this from my mother-in-law and it is the most delicious side dish imaginable I start by husking several cobs of corn and what I'm going to do is just cut the end off so I have some port and then with a really sharp knife I just slic down the cob and cut off the kernels in the process I try to scrape along the cob because within this cob is this magical creamy milky liquid that really makes the finished dish wonderful all right I've got all the corn in a bowl and now for the fun part the butter of course now I'm going to add about two sticks of butter to this amount of corn but don't be alarmed for the amount of people we're feeding two sticks of butter really isn't that much I sound kind of defensive don't [Music] I the great thing about this casserole is that you can make it ahead of time and I love things you can make ahead of time you can do it early in the day and keep it in the fridge or you can do it right before and then it just bakes in the oven while the guests arrive now I've got a pint of [Music] cream I'll add almost the whole thing this is just a very old very classic recipe in this part of the country because fresh corn is abundant all right I've got plenty of salt and pepper and then I've got some pretty finely diced red bell peppers and some finely diced jalapenos and I thought the jalapenos would give it a nice spice and spicy and party go hand in hand I think now I've got two big buttered casserole dishes over here and I'll just evenly distribute make sure it's nice and stirred before you add it in now it does doesn't look like the corn has a lot of liquid but as it Cooks the butter will melt the corn will give off liquid the cream will mix with the butter and it just turns into this magical delicious substance it goes in about a 350° oven for 20 to 30 minutes until it's bubbly it's almost party time and no parties complete around here without fresh corn casserole I'm cooking two dinners tonight you heard me one here at the lodge and one down at my house lad and I wanted to have his brother Tim his wife Missy and the kids over for dinner tonight and it was all planned I'm going to make steaks and potatoes but then the kids kind of cooked up an alternate plan and decided that they wanted to all have dinner down at our house I thought it'd be fun so I'm going to whip up some baked ziti to take down to the kids for dinner and then I'll move forward with dinner for Tim and Missy all right I had some onions and garlic Browning in a pan and I just added a pound each of ground beef and Italian sausage and I'm just going to break this up as it Browns it already smells so good since I was planning steak and potatoes for Tim and Missy I didn't think it would be feasible for me to make that at both locations so I kind of looked in the fridge and Pantry to see what I had and this baked ziti just jumped right out at me honestly once I started thinking about it I thought I don't think Tim Missy lad and I have ever had dinner just the four of us we've always had the kids around so it's kind of a novel concept I hope we can find things to talk about okay the meat is totally browned I'll add a 28 o can of whole tomatoes juice and all and then a couple of regular cans of tomato sauce you can also do Jarred marinara sauce if you have that either one will work and then just to give it a little spice I know the six Drummond kids can handle it some crushed red pepper flakes and then about a teaspoon of Italian seasoning I love this baked ziti anytime I have to feed a bunch of people I whip it up then a little salt and pepper okay now I'll just let the meat sauce simmer for about 25 to 30 minutes to make sure it's really flavorful and while it simmers I'll whip up the cheese mixture for the baked C so the first cheese is ricotta just a tub the next is mozzarella I'll grate a pound and a half and add about two cups keeping the rest for later and I'll also grate half a cup of Parmesan and add it in with the other cheeses next it's two eggs two 2 tablespoons of minced parsley some salt and pepper and then I'll just stir it together a couple of times okay the cheese mixture is all combined now I'll get the pasta in to cook I'm using a pound of zii pasta you can do pine moli any short pasta is just fine just pour it in all right now I'll just let the pasta cook for about 10 minutes until it's done now the baked cidi elements are all ready so I'll start by assembling it now first I'm going to take about 3 cups of the sauce out of the pot and I'm taking it out just so it'll cool down a little bit all right stir it around I'll show you what I'm going to do with this here in a sec now the pasta is all cooked I rinsed it under cold water cuz I wanted it to stop cooking and I'm just going to pour it into the bowl with the delicious cheese mixture and then I'll stir this so the pasta gets coated in all that wonderful ricotta all that mozzarella okay now the sauce should be slightly cooled so I'll pour it right in with the pasta and the cheese now the purpose of this is just to give the cheese coated pasta a little bit of a coating of sauce without totally drowning it yet okay this looks great you don't want to totally mix it together you still want to have some big chunks of cheese in there now I'll start the layering process I'll add half of the pasta into this dish and then I'll spread it all into an even layer now I'll top the pasta with half of the sauce the sauce looks so good it's been bubbling away it's really dark and Rich looking you could just boil up some pasta top it with this that'd be a great dinner too okay now I'll just spread the sauce into an even layer now on top of the sauce I'll add a little more grated mozzarella and then I'll start the whole process [Music] again and this is going to be the perfect dinner for those six Drummond kids I'm just going to cover it with foil then I'll grab the s it out of the fridge and run all this down to my house are you reading your history yes I am wow what a beautiful sight that is okay I brought you dinner so I'm going to put you in charge okay the baked CD goes in 375° oven until it's bubbly so like 25 minutes or so okay okay have fun call me if anything wild happens okay okay I will bye Alex [Music] bye good okay guys pass your plates down and I'll serve you up there we go okay pass that down can you sech me up some salads get okay guys dig in do you guys like it yeah I was really hungry do you guys like having dinner without our parents yeah yeah we have full control broccoli rice casserole is a cherished Thanksgiving staple I started by sautéing some finely minced onion with a little bit of garlic in butter it's nice and soft so I'm going to move forward with making a scrumptious sauce I'm going to thicken it up with flour about A4 a cup and I let the flour cook just a little bit so I'm going to add half a teaspoon of of mustard powder and a/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper so I'll stir those in ooh that Cayenne kind of got a little whiff of it so now I've got three cups of whole milk I'm going to turn the heat up just a little bit and I'll stir the onion and flour mixture while I pour in the milk now I need to let this heat up and it's going to Bubble Up and thicken that'll take about 3 minutes amazing I'm going to make the sauce a little more creamy by adding some cream cheese I'm going to kind of break it up as I add it I'm going to add some grated Parmesan okay that is looking good so I'll grab some salt and pepper and I like to add quite a bit of pepper you really can't add too much pepper at least in my neck of the woods you can't and I've got some paprika and I'll just add about half a teaspoon so I'll mix that in so much flavor okay now the cheeses for broccoli rice casserole are very important you've got to start with good old processed cheese I cut it into cubes there is nothing creamier than this cheese when you add it to a sauce now I've got some freshly grated sharp cheddar and I'm G to add about a cup and a half and I'll save the rest to go over the casserole when it goes into the oven so you're probably wondering well what about the broccoli that goes in now I've got eight small heads make sure all that broccoli is coated in the cheesy goodness okay it's pretty thick but that's exactly what you want so I'm going to add some sliced pimentos pimentos are something I have in my pantry all the time time because there are so many casseres that I'll just kind of add a jar to this is really looking perfect so I'll turn off the heat and now it's time to assemble the casserole which is so much fun I've got some cooked long grain rice and I'm going to add half of this bowl to the casserole spread out the rice and then half of this luscious broccoli cheese sauce goes in and then the rest of the rice goes on the rest of the sauce and the rest of the grated sharp cheddar M now I'm going to put this into the oven at 350° for 30 minutes I'm going to be heading to church soon and I cannot wait because that means I'm going to get to eat this beautiful broccoli rice casserole at the potluck how good does this look I cannot recommend this enough I'll tell you something I made that casserole at last year's Church potluck I made it this year and I'll probably make it next year too there's one more thing I want to tell you about it it is absolutely gorgeous to serve up you dive in and at this point words fail me m looks so good obviously at a potluck there'd be a lot more food to go with it but I just wanted to show you its deliciousness the star of the show is a chicken tortilla casserole it's really hearty and just dripping with all the things my family loves I've just got some onions in the skillet with a little olive oil and I just threw them in to get them a little soft before I move forward I love this casserole it's really hearty it's actually a version of a casserole my friend Pastor Ryan used to make it was sort of a Mexican lasagna it's just full of deliciousness all right the onions are already getting nice and soft so I'll add in some garlic several cloves and I just minced it really fine and then I'll add some spices couple of teaspoons of chili powder a teaspoon of paprika beautiful color and a teaspoon of ground cumin which I love to put in so many of my TexMex recipes now I'll just stir it and I want those spices to really coat the onions I don't want the tomatoes to completely fall apart and that's why I wait until the onions have started to soften before I add them in now I'm just going to stir them around and let them cook for a couple of minutes now the Tomato mixture could not look any more delicious and it smells Divine I'm going to go ahead and get it out of the pan this adds such amazing flavor to the casserole I just love it now I'm going to crank the heat up on the stove drizzle in a little olive oil and I'll move on with the next step there are a lot of steps and a lot of ingredients to this casserole but nothing is complicated at all I've got some boneless skinless chicken breasts and I just cut them into bite-sized pieces and I'm going to season them with the same seasonings I use for the onion mixture this chicken could not look any more GL glorious I'm going to move forward and make a sauce out of this and all I need to do is add a little water and then I'll just stir the chicken around now the sauce just needs to Bubble Up and reduce a bit now to add to the chicken I've got some pinto beans and kidney beans I just drained them and rinsed them and they'll just make the filling of the casserole that much more hearty I'll just pour half of the jar of salsa verde all over the bottom of this casserole dish I'll start with a layer of six that'll overlap and cover the bottom of the pan just perfectly now I've just got some plain cooked rice just regular long grain white rice and I'm just putting it in a single layer on top of the tortillas nothing fancy about this now what makes it fancy is this delicious tomato mixture I made and I'll just sprinkle it over the rice this is such an easy recipe you can use frozen corn if that's what you got if you have a little extra time you can shave kernels off the corn and use fresh anything works all right now it's time for this delicious chicken and bean mixture it's been Cooling and it looks so good this is adding all the protein to the dish I'll just sprinkle it on and spread it out and I'll just pour on a nice layer M want to make sure it gets in the cracks and then I'll add the rest of the jar of salsa verde just kind of go in between o I love this mix and then half of the cheese goes on I love putting all the cheese toward the top because as it bakes in the oven it just drips down into the cracks and makes it so gooey all right and then a second layer of corn tortillas these sort of hold the whole casserole together it has a base and a [Music] top now I'll end with a good layer of the homemade enchilada sauce I'm not going to use all of this for this casserole but this sauce keeps in a jar in the fridge and then the rest of the cheese you have got to have a hearty appetite when you eat this dish all right the casserole is all assembled now I'm just going to cover it with foil and keep it in the fridge until I head home then tonight all I have to do is bake it at 375° for 20 minutes take the foil off and cook it for another 15 to 20 minutes then when it's hot and bubbly it's done I'll let it sit a while so it'll hold up together when I serve it then everyone gets a great big helping with some sour cream on the side and a sprig of cilantro the guys are having a big morning of working cattle over on Tim's ranch today and I'm making them a rib sticking ranch style lunch they are going to be hungry when they're finished to go with the ribs I'm making twice baked potato casserole it's pretty much everything that's wonderful about twice baked potatoes but in casserole form now of course twice baked potatoes in any form have to have bacon so I fried up a bunch and I just need to chop it up you know you can use store-bought bacon bits for twice baked potatoes but I think nothing is like bacon you fry yourself particularly when you're cooking for Cowboys they detect things like this they might run me out of town if they find out I used artificial bacon pieces okay I got the bacon all chopped I'll let that sit for a sec now I've got to add a lot of butter to this casserole because I baked a lot of potatoes so I've got four sticks of softened butter I want it to be really really soft then when the warm potato mixture goes in it melts really quickly okay and four and a whole container of sour cream everyone like sour cream with potatoes let's face it okay now for the potatoes I've got 16 big baking potatoes and I rubbed them in a little bit of vegetable oil and then baked them at 400 for about an hour they're nice and tender very hot so I'll just cut it in half oo nice and hot and I'll use a little towel so it won't be too hot in my hands and I like to use just a big tablespoon to slowly scrape the insides out okay that's the last potato scoop and I've got nice little Flex of potato skin all throughout so now I'll season all of this it's a lot of potato so it needs a good amount of salt and of course plenty of black pepper and then I also like to add some seasoned salt it just adds a few different flavors little bit of extra saltiness all right that looks great now I'll throw in all of this delicious bacon okay now the green onions go in I also grated a lot of cheese a couple of cups of cheddar jack and I'll sprinkle that over the top and then I definitely need some milk in here so that everything will mix together well so I'll just pour in a couple of cups of milk all right now I just need to break out my muscles I've got a potato masher and I'll just go right in and smush all this together this takes a little while there are a lot of ingredients in here the potatoes don't have to be completely smooth but I don't want there to be any huge chunks okay looks perfect get the extra off now I'm going to put all of this into a big foil container I think it'll all fit whenever I'm making twice baked potatoes for a crowd it can get a little much to refill the Skins after the mixture is done this is the perfect solution just put it into a big pan warm it up and it's ready to serve this looks amazing there is not a cowboy on the ranch or a kid on the ranch that won't go crazy for this okay now I'll just smooth out the surface doesn't have to be perfect this is a great dish to make if you're having a big party cuz you can actually make it the day ahead and pop it in the oven when you're ready I wasn't that organized I did it the same day okay now I'm going to sprinkle more cheese over the top the potato mixture has plenty inside but I like for the top to have a nice layer of melted cheese this is cheddar jack but you can use all cheddar all Jack or you could do pepper jack that's always delicious too okay now this just needs to go back into the oven for about 30 minutes until it's warmed through cheesy twice baked potato casserole here are the ribs do you guys work at an appetite I think everybody did to you want some potatoes what up and get the good stuff I'm making a tater tot casserole for tomorrow it is so wonderful it's an all-in-one main course it's got a great shortcut ingredient and it's make aead check check and check I'm going to assemble the casserole today and bake it tomorrow I'm just Browning some breakfast sausage with some finely diced onion I'm going to let the sausage cook all the way through and while does I'm going to grab that shortcut ingredient frozen tater tots so easy all I need to do is get them into a buttered baking dish this perfect layer of tater tots is going to get topped with the brown sausage and onions and it's fine that this is hot it's going to have a chance to cool down before I add the other ingredients once the casserole bakes those tater tots just turn into potatoes you would never know they were frozen okay that is all the sausage now I'll start working on the egg mixture this casserole has a lot of cheese so I'm going to grade up some cheddar and some montere Jack it's probably the cheese combination that I use the most in my kitchen okay that's enough cheddar I'll start grating the pepper jack love pepper jack cheese it's so creamy and I love the spice okay that's it for the cheese get it out of here I've got four eggs that I cracked into the pitcher and I'll add a cup of milk it's whole milk just to make the whole thing a little more rich and speaking of Rich a little bit of half and half just about half a cup or so now the sausage is really flavorful and plenty salty but I'm going to add just a little bit of seasoned salt about a/4 teaspoon and for some spice a little cayenne pepper really simple and then I'll whisk this together okay that is nice and mixed so I'll add some green and red bell pepper i seeded it and pulled out the membranes and then I diced them really fine okay the last thing to add to the egg mixture is half of this cheese the other half is going to go on top of the casserole I'll give it a quick stir and then this beautiful concoction gets poured over the sausage which is cool by now and look at all that chunky wonderfulness make sure it's all even and then the rest of this cheese goes on top this is a cheesy cheesy dish dish now I've just got to cover it with foil stash it in the fridge overnight and tomorrow when it comes to baking and serving well that's going to be a cinch I'll get the casserole into the oven at 350° for 25 minutes then I'll take the foil off and bake it for another 20 minutes then when it's hot and bubbling I'll get it out and onto the counter and everyone will have a lovely hearty helping oh boy check out all the tater tots and sausy oniony eggy cheesiness M [Music] fantastic
Channel: Food Network
Views: 19,840
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tater Tot Breakfast Casserole, Hominy Casserole, Butternut Squash Pasta Casserole, Seafood Casserole, Creamy Corn Casserole, Cheesy Baked Ziti, Best Broccoli Rice Casserole, Chicken Tortilla Casserole, Twice Baked Potato Casserole, casserole dishes, ree drummond, pioneer woman, the pioneer woman, pioneer woman casserole dishes, ree drummond casserole dishes, ree drummond casseroles, food network, food network casseroles, baked pasta recipes, breakfast casseroles
Id: IKifQdd5KRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 52sec (2512 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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