Our 10 Favorite Ina Garten Cake Recipes | Barefoot Contessa | Food Network

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[Music] I'm making vanilla cream cheese pound cake so I'm starting with 3/4 of a pound of butter next is the cream cheese I need 8 oz and 2 and 1/2 cups of sugar I'm just going to turn on the mixer and cream them together do it slowly to start until it gets combined and then you can do it faster I'm just going to get this all creamed together so it's light and fluffy really well combined then I'll turn the mixer to low add six eggs one at a time scraping down the bowl whenever necessary okay that's a lot of batter so I need one tablespoon of vanilla extract I'm going to turn it un load when I put it in so it mixes in and then because too much vanilla is never enough I'm going to put in vanilla bean so this is a dried vanilla bean I'm going to slice it down the middle and scrape the seeds out and that just goes right in I'm just going to scrape down the bowl just make sure it's all really well mixed and then I'm going to add the flour okay so on low speed I've got a combination of 3 cups of cake flour and 1 teaspoon of salt I'm just going to put it in really slowly now because there's so much in here all the flour didn't get mixed in so I'm going to do it by hand okay let me show you the pans I have regular loaf pans and I've brushed them with oil or you can spray them with baking spray and then sprinkle them with demera or turbinado sugar which is that rough raw sugar so I've got two pans I'm going to try and divide this batter evenly among the two pans I'm going to smooth out the top and then into the oven they bake at 325° for about an hour I'll test the Cakes by inserting a toothpick in the middle if it comes out clean they're done I'll let them cool in the pans for 30 minutes then take them out of the pans to cool completely on a baking rack and here they are wish you could smell the vanilla it's incredible it's got such a rich texture really fine and lots of vanilla when I was testing my fresh apple spice cake I wanted to be really sure that every ingredient earned its place in the recipe so I'm starting with raisins one cup of raisins and instead of regular raisins I'm using golden raisins I think they're a little sweeter and they're going to look great in the cake I'm adding half a cup of dark rum and I use dark rum instead of regular white rum because it's got sort of like a caramelly flavor and it'll be great with the apples I'm going to pour it over the raisins now what I'm going to do to make them all taste better I'm going to microwave them so the raisins plump up and The Rum gets into the raisins 60 seconds okay let's make the cake so the cake starts with one cup of sugar granulated sugar and one cup of dark brown sugar three eggs extra large eggs and instead of butter I'm using oil because it keeps it really moist 3/4 of a cup of vegetable oil you want some kind of flavorless oil for this okay 2 T teaspoons of vanilla of course I love vanilla and two teaspoons of freshly grated orange zest just think of all these oh raisins are ready just think how all these flavors are so delicious together with apple okay then turn this on and beat it for about 3 minutes until it's light and fluffy okay next the dry ingredients so I've got a bowl and a sifter I always like to do the dry ingredients in a sifter two and 1 half cups of allpurpose flour 2 taspo of baking powder 2 tspoons of cinnamon really good cinnamon okay half a teaspoon of ground nutmeg half a teaspoon of ground ginger next is cloves cloves are really strong so I'm just going to do an eighth of a teaspoon just a little bit and half a teaspoon of salt okay so that's the flour and the spices just going to sip them all together I'm just going to turn this to low and just very slowly add the dry ingredients to the wet [Music] ingredients now I'm just going to give it a big stir with a spatula just to make sure it's really well mixed from the bottom and the sides the smell of the raisins and the rum is fantastic so I'm just going to drain the raisins next I have some peans that I've toasted it's one cup of pecans chopped I just toasted them for about 5 to 10 minutes 350° just to crisp them up and bring out the flavor want everything to taste as good as it can possibly be and then one and2 PBS of Granny Smith apples that have been peeled CED and 1/4 inch diced so I'm just going to fold these together and this pan I've greased it I've put parchment paper in and then greased and flour the pan I want to make sure it comes out of the pan I'm just going to pour the whole batter in look how good this looks isn't that crazy I'm going to bake the cake at 350° for 35 minutes when the times up I'll take it out let it cool in the pan then I'll flip it out onto my hand carefully remove the parchment paper place it on a board and cut it in big squares I'll show you what I do so I'm going to take a piece of the cake put it on a big plate a little more dramatic some vanilla ice cream I actually took it out of the freezer put it into the fridge for about 30 minutes so it's nice and softened and a drizzle of caramel sauce on the cake and the plate very restaurant style but so easy to do and I would say that's a dessert that everybody is going to be very happy to try including me I may have to try it just to make sure it's good no that's my kind of dessert it's not easy to make an entire meal from local ingredients I think it's really important not only do you get much better ingredients because they're ripened on the vine but you support local businesses and that's important to do so I thought I'd really challenge myself and see if I could make an entire meal based on local ingredients so I've made the appetizer and now I'm making dessert it's a fresh peach cake and it uses local peaches and local eggs and I'll show you where they're from the eggs come from Amber Waves Farm which is run by two adorable Girls Katie Baldwin and Amanda Mero they met as Farm apprentices and started the farm a year ago and it's so cool because it's a nonprofit community supported agriculture and it's also an education project can you believe they have 54 Freer range egg laying H and one rooster that's a busy rooster and are growing more than a 100 varieties of fruit vegetables and flowers all on Just 2 Acres the peaches are from amans at Farmers Market which is run by my friend Eli zabar he works so hard to support the produce and the products of local farmers and [Music] Artisans this the peach is all ready to go and now I'm going to make the batter so I've already beaten qu of a pound of butter room temperature and a cup of sugar and now I'm just going to add the eggs and these eggs are from the local Farm aren't they just amazing look how gorgeous that beautiful egg is so I need two eggs always crack them into a bowl H look how gorgeous that is dark yellow wonder what this one is look at that you can tell when an egg is really fresh the yolk really stands up so I'm going to put it into the batter one at a time I'm going to let it mix in completely going get all the egg just make sure that's nicely mixed in next is cup of sour cream which is 8 oz it's the whole container just put it right in make sure it's nice and Rich and delicious turn it down a little bit one teaspoon of good vanilla yeah okay next the dry ingredients two cups of flour remember with baking it's really important to measure correctly there's no point in making something if it's not going to out right so just lighten the flour and then just carefully level it off with your finger perfect 1 teaspoon of baking [Music] powder 1 teaspoon of baking soda and just a half a teaspoon of salt just sift it all [Music] together I don't know there's nothing like the smell of warm peach cake in the house it makes everybody happy okay with a mixer on low just going to slowly add it to the batter on very low speed perfect okay that's the batter now I'm going to make layers of peaches cinnamon sugar and batter this is going to be good so first I need the cinnamon sugar half a cup of sugar and a teaspoon of cinnamon I love peaches and cinnamon are a great combination just stir them together smells so good so I've got a 9in pan that I've greased and flowed and it's just going to be layers I'll show you so I'm going to pour half the batter on the bottom of the pan it's a very thick batter which is good it'll look thin you'll be surprised how much this cake is going to rise cuz remember we put a teaspoon of baking powder and a teaspoon of baking soda in it okay next I'm going to do half the peaches and 2/3 of the cinnamon sugar so just line the peaches up right on top of the batter I mean how good does this look it's a really simple cake but it's got so much flavor okay and then 2/3 of the cinnamon sugar just right on top of the peaches and next the rest of the batter right on [Music] top and just spread this out with a knife just cover the peaches thin layer just want make sure they're all covered now I'm going to cover it with the last layer of peaches I'm going to do three rows of [Music] six okay perfect and then the rest of this in in sugar and then the last thing is I put some pecans on top about a half a cup just rough chop and just sprinkle them on the top oops gorgeous okay into the oven 350° for 45 to 55 minutes until a cake tester comes out clean this is going to be so delicious so I did it three course meal using Long Island ingredients from Land and Sea now I have to take a picture from my particle I know I have a reputation for starting every recipe with a pound of butter but this one's actually a lemon cake that's made with yogurt and vegetable oil so it's it's even good for you and it's delicious so I'm going to start with the dry ingredients 1 and 1/2 cups of flour 2 teaspoons of baking powder and a half teaspoon of salt just sip those together okay I need one cup of yogurt I use whole milk yogurt I think it is gives a good flavor okay one cup of sugar you can make it without butter but not without sugar okay three extra large eggs I always use room temperature eggs when I'm baking really makes the cakes lighter half a teaspoon of vanilla extract 2 teaspoons of lemon zest that's actually about the zest of one lemon just right into the bowl this s gives it all its flavor I actually think the zest has more flavor than the juice so whenever I make something with lemon I always put the zest in smells good already and then later I'm going to use the juice and make a syrup lemon syrup for it that's about two teaspoons okay I'm just going to whisk it all together okay I'm just going to take the dry ingredients whisk them in just going to toss them with my hand make sure they're well mixed and just slowly whis them [Music] in next thing I need is a half a cup of vegetable oil it's a flavorless [Music] oil just stir it in I've greased and floured a loaf pan just pour this right in that was pretty easy cake wasn't it so the lemon yogurt cake is out of the oven and while it cools I'm going to make a lemon syrup just pour over it make it even better so I need a/ thir of a cup of lemon juice I'm just going to heat it up with a thir of a cup of [Music] sugar I'm just going to let that come to a boil until it becomes just very clear okay this is perfect Sugar's dissolved and I'm just going to spoon it right over the cake and then what it does is it just soaks right into the cake keeps it really moist it has lots of great lemon flavor there are so many things I like about mocha chocolate ice box cake it's going to be hard to choose just three but let me see if I can do it the first one is that you make it the night before and it just sits in the refrigerator no cooking at all second one is that involves chocolate chip cookies that's always a good thing and the third thing is it involves mocha whipped cream M that's always good let's go make some this cake is based on that classic ice box cake that has like chocolate wafers and whipped cream I think we can do better than that so I'm going to start with heavy cream and make a mocha whipped cream and I'm going to layer it with chocolate chip cookies how good does that sound so I've got two cups of cold heavy cream and then I'm going to add masarone which is going to give it lots of body so I need 12 O of ponin it's kind of like an Italian cream cheese each of these is 8 oz going put them right in it's like rich and delicious and it's going to stabilize the whipped cream so one and a half of these is 12 oz that right in great okay and then you got to make it a little sweet right so we've got half a cup of sugar a/4 of a cup of Kalua which is coffee lur this makes it a really grown-up ice box cake next thing is cocoa powder it's unsweetened cocoa powder this isn't cocoa like the mix this is the real deal two tablespoons one this is really good cocoa powder two next is espresso powder I've already added coffee lur but I'm going to add espresso powder and just give it a little more flavor so this is an espresso grinds this is instant espresso powder one teaspoon and one teaspoon of vanilla so all those layers of flavor are going to be great vanilla coffee chocolate okay now this is the key you want to turn it on really slowly otherwise you're going to be wearing it just turn on very slowly get it started until it's all mixed and then I'm going to whip it like whipped cream I actually got the idea of this recipe from a friend who's a caterer I said what's the easiest dessert that you make for your customers that they love and he said ice box cake and I thought okay I tried it I thought it was okay but I didn't think it was great I thought I think I can make that even better okay then just turn it up a little bit slowly until it's whipped cream it's kind of become a classic be for contesta recipe and I love it because you make it one day you put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours or even over night and you just serve it the next day no cooking so easy okay it's done wa you see what this looks like it's so good how how decent does that look okay so I've got the mocha whipped cream that's all ready I'm going to clear the decks a little bit so I can work here I'm the messiest cook you know okay so this is how you assemble the whole thing so I've got got a spring form pan it's 8 in and it has to be really high like 2 and 1 half to 3 in high because you want this to be tall and you want it a spring form so you can eventually take the sides off without having to take the cake out okay first layer chocolate chip cookies and just put them right in the bottom and actually you want to break them to fill in the little spaces they're all going to get smooshed with the cream so it doesn't matter that they've been broken you just want to sort of fill the bottom of the paint I'm using my friend Kathleen King's cookies they're called Tates cookies they're called Tates because her father was a potato Farmer they used to call him Tate okay that's one layer done next mocha whipped cream I'm probably going to do about five layers so I'm going to do a layer of mocha whipped cream right on top and then I use an offset spatula and just smooth it out and you want to go right to the edge of the pan okay so this that's one layer and now I'm going to put more cookies on top just want to make sure the cookies are all all in one layer each time you don't want them piled up on top of each other best part of this recipe is that there are all those little bits of cookies left over so the Cook gets some okay another layer of mocha whipped cream you can really use any kind of chocolate chip cookies but you want something that's like really thin and crisp so it absorbs the liquid from the cream and that way it kind of pulls together it's kind of like tiasu you know with the Italian lady fingers and the rum muscar pone and it becomes something that you can actually cut okay more cookies my favorite expression more cookies you know what I always say you can be miserable before you eat a cookie and you can be miserable afterwards but you can never be miserable while you're eaing a cookie okay more whipped cream I'm just going to fill this whole thing up actually sometimes I just bring the whole cake to the table and then everybody help themselves there's something so like childlike and decadent about it I catered a big party once and I put a whole cake on each table and everybody served a family style it was fun okay more cookies more whipped cream when I'm doing a dinner party I'm always looking for things that I can make ahead so I don't have to cook everything the same day and this is perfect for that you can make it in the morning and leave it in the fridge but even better you can put it in the fridge overnight okay one more layer of cookies one more layer of cream oh too bad they're cookies left over what are we going to do with them can't imagine fill in the little spaces and then one final layer of mocha whipped cream right on top this is really it's so great because you can really taste everything in it the coffee the chocolate the KOA the muscone and just spread it all out if you think you can't bake this isn't really baking so though it's a perfect dessert for somebody who thinks they can't bake you can't really mess it up actually I did mess it up one time I forgot to put the CA in I had to go out and buy more cookies and more cream and start all over again but you can't mess it up okay this is going to go into the fridge now and it's going to sit overnight it's going to be so good but happily I have one that's already done let me show you this one's all set it's been in there overnight and wa do you see it when it comes out so this is why I have a spring form pan I want to get it out from the sides of a small knife just run it around the edge of the pan okay this looks like it's set beautifully mocha whipped cream and cookies now how did I think of that oh whoa trying not to get your fingers in it first okay there we go loose and just take the spring form pan off outside this is why you could never get it out of the pan otherwise okay just like that and I usually kind of smooth the top CU getting out of the pan you make a little bit of a mess isn't this just amazing all the cookies and cream I kind of smooth the outside a little bit just to give it a nice finish and the edge okay now cake plate I like it very flat cake plate just shows the cake best and just leave it on the base otherwise you'll never get it off put it right on top and then a little decoration I always do some kind of chocolate if you do hard chocolate like dark chocolate it's really hard to shave it in curls but if you use milk chocolate it's easier so just like that just put curls of chocolate on the top so everybody knows it's chocolate like you wouldn't know it was chocolate just right on the the top it's always just nice to have a little decoration if you only have Bitter Sweet Chocolate you can put it in the microwave for about 15 seconds to soften it and then you can make nice curls how's that does that look good now does that look like somebody's birthday cake i' say that's really special so I'm going to show you when you cut a piece out of it what it looks like and I'm not doing this cuz I want to taste it or maybe I am oh it's just so good okay now I need a plate and a fork just going to take this out oh it's coming out look at that how outrageous is that I might have to try it it's so good the cookies and the mus pone you can really taste that little bit of Kala this is so good and that's a cake that could make grown men weep I need 2 and 1/4 sticks of butter I need 3 cups of sugar and while they're creaming I'm going to get the rest of the ingredients [Music] together [Music] okay the butter and sugar really well creamed they're light and fluffy gets really a light yellow color just going to scrape down the bowl to make sure it's not sticking to the bottom okay and then with a mixer on low I'm going to add the eggs one at a time just make sure they get really well Incorporated it's going to make a huge cake but everybody's going to get some to take home next the zest of one lemon it's a white cake but this little bit of lemon really gives it lots of flavor 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of good [Applause] vanilla and 1 cup of sour cream this one keeps it really moist it's an 8 oz container this already smells good okay now for the dry ingredients first thing I need is three cups of flour any allpurpose flour I use unbleached flour whatever you have corn starch thir of a cup this basically approximates cake flour makes it nice and light teaspoon of baking soda and a teaspoon of salt just sip that all together okay and very low speed I'm just going to add the dry ingredients to the wet ones and mix it just until it's Blended so this is a half sheet pan it's 12 by8 and about 1 and a/4 in deep you can get them in any cookware stores just pour the batter in and you won't believe the decorations I found for them nice and smooth into the oven 25 to 30 minutes 350° and it's going to be a knockout cake so I'm going to do a chocolate icing for my white cake first thing I need is 24 oz of semisweet chocolate chips already smells good 1 and 1/2 cups of heavy cream and just let the chocolate melt over double boiler simmering water I don't want it to get too hot cuz otherwise the chocolate will separate not pretty I use chocolate chips but if you want to use bars of chocolate that's fine too just sem me sweet chocolate actually the more you stir it the shinier it gets makes a really nice frosting Okay so off the heat I'm going to add 2 tablespoons of corn syrup actually keeps the frosting spreadable 1 and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla I'm actually going to take it off the double boiler so it cools down pretty fast cuz I'm going to have to let it cool a little bit before I add the butter to make the buttercream oh that's a lot of chocolate but it's a lot of cake too half a stick of room temperature butter I'm just going to beat this together until it's light and fluffy and it's nice [Music] buttercream okay that should do it nice and thick H it's gorgeous okay now I'm just going to spread it on the cake okay just spread it out evenly perfect always have to make sure the iing is good I will I taste this first really OHA so tonight we're having a birthday celebration and of course you have to have a birthday cake everybody loves car cake for birthday cake but I thought I'm going to really turn up the volume instead of just plain cream cheese frosting I'm going to add mosc Pony to it and in the carrot cake itself I'm putting in crystallized ginger to give it great heat it's going to be really fabulous carot cake okay so I have a pound of carrots now the batter I need 2 cups of sugar 1 and 1/3 cups of vegetable oil three eggs I use extra large eggs for everything and room temperature eggs are really important so they mix into the batter well that goes in in and 1 teaspoon of pure vanilla extract okay I'm just going to mix this for 2 minutes until the batter is light yellow in color and quite thick okay now the dry ingredients so it's just 2 cups of flour 2 tasps of ground cinnamon 2 tasps of baking soda and 1 and 1/2 teaspoon of kosher salt and then they just get sifted together just to be sure there aren't any lumps okay now I'm going to put the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients just turn this on low and just very slowly mix them in if you put them in too fast the flour can get all clumped together nobody wants Clump flour in their cake this actually smells good already the cinnamon and vanilla two of my favorite flavors okay okay now for the good stuff so I'm going to mix together the pound of carrots that I grated carrot cakes really easy to make and I love it cup of chopped walnuts cup of raisins if you love raisins you can add [Music] more and then 1/4 of a cup of crystallized ginger it's also in the frosting but it's nice if it's in the cake too crystallized ginger is really hot and sweet at the same time and I just thought with carrots and raisins and walnuts I thought it would be just great in it I think Jane's going to love this cake okay that should be about 1/4 of a cup if you like it hotter you can always add more then I'm just going to add about a tablespoon of flour and that's just going to keep it from sinking to the bottom of the cake you don't want all the carrots and raisins in the bottom you want them sort of suspended in the cake batter okay all mixed together now it's time to put it into the batter just clean the beater off there's a lot of batter on the beater and just to make sure it's really well mixed I always scrape the bottom of the bowl okay now I'm going to add all these ingredients it's like more carrots than there is batter which is why it's such a good carrot cake and just fold it in with the spatula until it's really well mixed oh my goodness does this look good okay I've greased and flour 2 9 in pans and I actually lined them also with parchment paper cuz as I've often said there's no point in making a cake if you can't get it out of the pan I'm just going to pour this into the two pans you want to divide the batter evenly so the cakes cook exactly the same amount of time it's all one cake at the end but I want to be able to frost the middle so it looks like there's a little more in this one so I'm just going to transfer it if you want to be exact you can always use a little scale okay into the oven 400° for 10 minutes then I'm going to lower the temperature to 350 and bake them for 30 to 35 minutes until the tooth bit comes out clean the cakes have cooled and I've made the frosting let me show you how I make it first 12 O of room temperature muscar Pony with 4 oz of room temperature cream cheese 2 cups of sifted confectioner sugar 2 tbsp of heavy cream half a teaspoon of pure vanilla extract and I just beat it for about a minute until it's light and fluffy then a thir of a cup of minced crystallized ginger not the kind in syrup the dry kind just like in the batter and a/4 of a teaspoon of kosher salt and just beat it for about 30 seconds this cake is a little different what I've done is instead of frosting the whole thing sometimes kind of makes a mess I'm going to frost the middle and the top and then you can really see the carrot cake through the whole thing and it certainly is easier because I want everybody to know that there's ginger in it I have a little extra crystallized ginger to just sprinkle on the Top If I have one go-to chocolate cake this is it it's chocolate ganache cake and it starts with/ qu of a pound of unsalted butter and it has to be at room temperature 1 cup of sugar this cake is amazing because you can make it in almost any size and it's completely foolproof I'm just going to cream these together until the butter is light and fluffy and the sugar is mixed in so first what I've done is I've buttered an 8 in round pan and it's got a nice high 2-in side and then question is how do you get a square piece of parch from paper into a round pan so take the piece of paper and do it in half and then fold it in half again fold it in half again just as many times as you can just like that and then you put the tip right where the middle of the pan is and cut off inside the pan like that and if it's too big you can just refold it and recut it and now what I want to do is butter the paper and the pan and flour the whole thing so I just used the paper the butter came out of easy as can be little bit of flour and just flour the whole pan the sides and everything just make sure you get the whole thing the butter and sugar is perfectly mixed it's kind of light and fluffy and the butter is pale yellow so now the next thing I want to add is four eggs just I'm going to do it on low speed and I add one egg at a time just until it's Incorporated the next ingredient in this cake is the secret ingredient chocolate syrup it's a whole 16 oz can I'm just going to pour it right in next is a tablespoon of vanilla it's a a lot of vanilla for an 8 in cake but it really makes it taste great okay and the last ingredient is flour going to turn it on low one cup of allpurpose flour and at this point I don't want to over mix it so I'm just going to put it in slowly if you dump it in you'll end up with lumps but if you put it in slowly with the mixer on low speed you'll end up with a delicious cake every time just until it's mixed in I love the smell of this okay I think this perfect perfectly mixed okay I want to make sure there no lumps no flour perfect just going to pour it right into the pan this cake isn't going to rise very much so don't worry about it filling the pan doesn't have any leavening in it I'm going to bake this cake 325° for about 40 to 45 minutes just until a cake tester comes out clean and in the meantime I've actually made not one but two cakes I bet you're wondering why I'm going to tell you in a second and I've made chocolate ganache to pour all over the cakes look how gorgeous it is it's so rich and wonderful let me tell you how I made it I poured a cup of heavy cream into a bowl set over a pan of simmering water I added a pound of semi sweet chocolate chips 2 teaspoons of instant coffee granules to bring out the flavor of the chocolate and stirred it occasionally while it melted together in fact the more you stir it the shinier it gets now you're going to find out the reason why I made two cakes ladyy ho who does social media with me we did a video recently for Instagram of how to do a chevron pattern on a chocolate cake you made it look very easy so I'm nervous it was so much fun so I'm turning the tables on Lighty and I'm going to teach her how to do the Chevron pattern so I combined 1 and 3/4 cups of confection sugar and about 3 tbspoon of water you want to adjust it a little bit just so you get a really thick pouring consistency okay so now you take a little knife and you use the back of the knife not the not The Cutting Edge the back and you slide it right across kind of lightly one more yay first thing I want to make for Antonia and Donna is a sour cream coffee cake it's a really moist sour cream cake with a strucel in the middle I'm going to start with 1 and 1/2 sticks of butter 1 and 1/2 cups of sugar and I'm going to cream that together until it's light and fluffy and then I'm going to start on the dry ingredients okay so the first ingredient is cake flour cake flour I found is a little lighter and fluffier so that's what I use 2 and 1 half cups of cake flour 2 teaspoons of baking powder makes it nice and fluffy half a teaspoon of baking soda half a teaspoon of salt sip that together I'm going to add three eggs some good vanilla really important in this 1 and 1/2 teaspoons and one and 1/4 cups of sour cream this is what makes it really moist one and got it all over the mixer too okay now I'm going to turn it on low lowest speed and just slowly add all the dry ingredients just with your hand and beat it just until they're really mixed now for the strel the good part so I'm going to just combine in a bowl 1/4 of a cup of light brown sugar half a cup of flour this is the crumbly part of the and the flavorful part 1 and 12 teaspoons of grand cinnamon qu teaspoon of salt and 3 tablespoons of butter which I'm going to just crumble into the strucel Clean Hands best tools sour cream I don't know how traditional walnuts are for a streusel cake but I'm going to add some cuz I think it turns up the flavor so about 3/4 of a cup of chopped walnuts you just buy them already chopped but if you don't like walnuts just leave them that it's still delicious and just crumble all of that together okay now I'm going to put the cake together but I've buttered and floured this what I'm going to do is put half the batter in the bottom I'm going to take 3/4 of the strucel and just spread it evenly on the top of the batter so this is going to be strus in the middle of this cake as well as on the top I'm going to take the rest of the batter put it on top just sort of place it on top and then I'll smooth it out later and then more Mo drussel on top and it's amazing how much this gets really moist and light so into the oven 350° for 50 to 60 minutes and we're going to have a really good [Music] cake so My Philosophy is too much is never enough so I'm going to add a maple drizzle to this to make it even better and it's really easy a half a cup of confectioner sugar and 2 tablespoons of maple syrup I really like good maple syrup not the stuff that says syrup like or syrup flavored or it's really maple [Music] syrup okay that's perfect even bit just want it to drizzle down the side a little bit this is actually not about being perfect it's about being being a little messy I thought I'd surprise Michael and Jim with a cake for their anniversary party so it's 1 and 3/4 a cup of flour going to sip all the dry ingredients together two cups of sugar I'm going to sip them right into the bowl mixing bowl and since the chocolate cake with chocolate buttercream it's got 3/4 of a cup of cocoa powder dark chocolate cocoa powder smells so good so chocolatey okay one teaspoon of baking powder 2 teaspoons of baking soda helps it rise one teaspoon of salt I'm just going to sift all these together so the method of this cake is to sift all the dry ingredients together in a cloud of chocolate and then I'm going to slowly mix the wet ingredients into it okay that's the dry ingredients just going to mix them on the mixer until they're combined okay now for the wet ingredients the first thing is a cup of Buttermilk I always shake it cuz it does settle make sure it's well mixed so I'm going to do it in a measuring cup that'll be easier to pour into the cake batter so I need one cup of Buttermilk half a cup of vegetable oil two eggs just beat the eggs a little bit right into the wet ingredients I use extra large eggs one teaspoon of good vanilla really important when you're doing chocolate okay I'm just going to combine these and then with a mixer on I'm just going to put it into the dry mixture and then I have secret ingredient or I should say Michael's Grandmother Had A secret ingredient this recipe calls for a cup of hot brewed coffee and I always think coffee is really important for chocolate it makes it taste really chocy and that's exactly what this does right into the mixture I've got two 8 in cake pans I lined them with parm paper butter and flour the pressure is on it has to be good CU Michael knows exactly what it is he actually served this cake to me once at dinner and I just begged him for the recipe I didn't have to beg very hard want make sure they're pretty equal size okay into the oven 350° for 35 to 40 minutes and then I'm going to cover it with the easiest most delicious buttercream you've ever seen so chop up 6 oz of really good semi sweet chocolate I'm just going to melt the chocolate in a bowl that I've set over simmering water in the meantime I'm going to start the rest of the buttercream so I need two sticks of butter half a pound at room temperature I'm just going to beat that on medium speed okay the next thing I need is one extra large egg yolk and a teaspoon of good vanilla EXT extract okay I think the chocolate's going to be ready by now let's see take this off the heat and just let the chocolate cool while I turn the cakes out just added to the butter and vanilla so I've got 2 teaspoons of hot water I'm just going to put in a tablespoon of instant coffee powder which is a very intense coffee just melt this together and pour it into the buttercream and I'm just going to whip it for a minute make sure it's really well Blended going turn it on low and add all this gorgeous chocolate the chocolate's actually cooled now a little bit you don't want to pour hot chocolate into butter otherwise the whole thing will melt really smell the chocolate and the coffee together little hint of vanilla and that's Michael's grandmother's chocolate buttercream icing a cake just go over it very gently start from the top and work your way down the [Music] sides okay so now I've got buttercream on all sides of the cake I'm just going to go up and down the sides and good news about an oldfashioned cake is it's supposed to be a little messy and then I'm just GNA smooth the top just sort of big swirls I can't wait for dessert
Channel: Food Network
Views: 284,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ina garten recipe, ina garten video, ina garten favorite recipes, vanilla cream cheese pound cake, apple’s fresh apple spice cake, fresh peach cake, lemon cake, 5 star mocha chocolate icebox cake, birthday sheet cake, celebration carrot cake, chocolate ganache cake, sour cream coffee cake, vanilla cream cake recipe, fresh apple spice cake recipe, fresh peach cake recipe, lemon cake recipe, cake recipe, chocolate cake recipe, sour cream coffee cake recipe, apple cake recipe
Id: x3GWITBHrwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 49sec (2869 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 28 2023
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