Reduce Frame Generation ghosting on Alan Wake 2. FSR 3 FG Mod for RTX GPUs unsupported by Nvidia

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I'm going to share with you a way to reduce a little bit some of the ghosting we see in motion and Alan Wake 2 when using this new frame generation mod and credit to this video goes to the user es skyro 1986 he tells me hey give this a try it reduces some of the ghosting and the thing is we might be able to find a similar setting in the config file for Onre engine games so if you know that let me know I'm going to be you know playing around with a config file and some of the games to see if I can find a way to reduce the ghosting because frame generation is absolutely amazing and there's always going to be some downsides I'm okay with it but if we can improve it a little bit that would be awesome so right now for example we can still see ghosting but I'm going to show you after I reverse the changes it it becomes just way worse and a lot more noticeable so right now even after the fix if I move the camera very fast you can see like you see this size on this corner of the screen you see this line here where you can see ghosting and it's really really bad and you can also see some faint ghosting surrounding the character but it is not terrible you see the face is like right here it's like this size okay but it's not terrible wait until you see when I turn this off it's horrendous okay so let me share with you what I'm talking about here this is what you have to change let me reduce the brightness here because this is too much for the camera so you have to change this um render of config file so you have to find this renderer config file so you just go to your um C uh Drive okay where the config files are and then you have to change this M B lens Distortion you have to change that to false B lens Distortion this one you have to change that change it to false and that's what I'm talking about here it improves the ghosting dramatically so what I'm going to do right now is I'm going to turn uh I'm going to pause the video and I'm going to turn it back to through and you will see the difference now take a look at the difference this is like a Monumental change if we can find this same for on real engine uh games the difference is going to be huge for a lot more game so take a look at this now now the ghosting is just horrendous okay we're talking about almost unusable look at this we have one two three ghost of of the character plus this line plus after the line we see more ghosting also look look you see the character after the line it's like Five Ghost this is really really it looks really broken really really broken this is atrocious and also to the other side of the character there's also ghosting so not only on the on the trailing Edge but also on the Leading Edge we see ghosting this is I mean ferociously broken okay so bad look at this thing this is like one of the worst ghosting I've ever seen look at this and it is all fixed this all these all most of it most of it okay we still see some ghosting but most of it is fixed by just changing this config file so as you can see here what I did was I just reverse the config file to the default default uh this B lens Distortion I changed that to True which is the default okay so turn that off change it to false and you'll see the difference is absolutely gigantic and as you can see here I'm using uh dlsi I hope you can see it it's very small but I'm recording a 4K so hopefully the camera can focus here uh dlss frame generation through you can see the rest of the settings here uh I'm not going to play the game so don't these are not my optimized settings or nothing anything like that I just installed the game to show you this to test this and to show you that so now the thing here is if you know if you know a way to something similar for on real engine and the and the reason on real engine is so important is because most of the games that we get are on real engine games for example I cannot wait to play black myth won okay and yeah it's going to have FSR 3 okay but this mod is still going to be relevant because if I can mitigate the ghosting and use dlss with frame generation from AMD I might be getting the Best of Both Worlds I get the best upscaling with dlss so it looks the best and then I get the frame generation so that's what I'm interested in I I much rather get dlss with frame generation even if it is not as good as native FSR 3 with frame generation just because the upscaling is better okay um so yeah I'm very very interested in that but I'm not going to play the game okay you see you know how I feel about Alan Wake so let's let's leave it there okay I just see just install it again to make this video share this maybe you do like the game you want to play it or you just want to test it out and yeah this is very very very very bad I mean this is like the worst ghosting I've ever seen okay so yeah that's Allan Wake for you um one of the best graphics of the year and all that so yeah I'm very excited I've been I've been testing this mod in in many many games I work pretty nice in Robocop work very well um I tested it in uh Spider-Man Miles Morales uh it's not working for some reason uh then I tested in Ratchet and Clank it was working then it start crashing crashing I have to figure out what's going on with that uh so yeah it is hit and miss uh but I have to figure out why it is why why is it uh Missing sometimes like for example in Dying Light 2 it didn't work at all somebody else told me that it was not working for him either so it would be cool if you tell me hey these are the games that I tested tell me the the list of games where you tested this mod and if you know why it's not working sometimes and if you know the solution so why is that it's not working sometimes for some of these uh games that support Nvidia frame generation that's what this mod is for okay uh games that support Nvidia frame generation if you have an RTX card that doesn't support frame generation from Nvidia you can use this mod and it basically replaces that frame generation from Nvidia it replaces that for the AMD frame generation and by the way this proes proves that AMD could easily allow you to use dlss and the frame generation from them they said no it is not possible because this or that that's not true mean the reason we know it's not true is because it is working right now okay so these companies just keep lying to just sell their products and it's it's wrong man it's wrong like if you can give me a better an AMD especially they are they want to to be like oh we are open source and we want the best for all Gamers and this and that why are you trying to lock the frame generation component of FSR 3 to people so to Nvidia users that they have to use FSR 3 if you want the frame generation that's that's not right why let me use dlss and let me use the frame generation from FSR 3 why not it is possible it is working right now so yeah there are both greedy big evil corporations okay let's not be fans here it's just about making money but I don't understand why they you know keep lying about this stuff when we know it is not through you know the optical flow accelerator and all of that thing is is is it's all a lie okay it's just yeah the technology might be there the hardware might be different it might not work the frame generation from Nvidia might not work as good on the 20 and the 30 series as it works on the 40 series because the optical flow accelerator is more advanced or more powerful I understand that but it should work okay I'm I'm sure it should work and they just don't want it to work so thanks to this mod middle finger to Nvidia we got it working and this is just a way to improve it in Alan Wake too let me know if you know ways to improve it for on real engine games or for other games let me know I'm all ears and let me know if you have any questions Link in the description of the video again to this uh mod and check back to the same link because this this user keeps updating it so maybe some of those games are crashing right now or they are not even working maybe with an update it will work okay so we need to keep the games updated and you know the GPU drivers well maybe mvidia is going to block that somehow but for now we can we can update the GPU drivers let just save the old ones I mean you don't need to save them you can always download them back from their from their website but yeah keep everything updated to to see if you can get more games working with this so let me know your thoughts and opinions and if you have any questions
Channel: Plasma TV for Gaming
Views: 4,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RyQ2ZrP68ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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