RedM FIX 5/14/2024 Signing In With Steam Error solution. ( Outage )

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hey there so a lot of people with the new Rockstar launcher update are having issues with redm anytime they open it the following messages appear this will pop up it will update and then it's going to open up Rockstar and ask you to sign in and sign in with steam but if you do this nothing will happen there's a quick and simple fix for that go to your search bar you want to type in percent Local app data percent this folder is going to open up you go down to rim down here you then go to application data and there's going to be assist FX config configuration settings you're going to open that with notepad and anywhere in the document just place that you want to save it close out close out and then when you close out both of these open back up Rim this one now go have to grab the stuff from my the monitor there we go but now you can go on R him and play your servers that's all thank you guys
Channel: Tony Dominguez
Views: 2,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -Exh7ZAOEb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 29sec (89 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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