10 Most Profitable Niches To Start An Online Business

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- Hey Everyone. So in today's video, I'm going to answer one of the most common questions that I get. Sarah, I want to start an online store business but I don't know which niche I should focus on. Help. And by the way, niche can also be pronounced as niche. Both pronunciations are absolutely fine. But yes. To help you with this question, I'm going to be showing you the top 10 most lucrative niches that you can get into this year. And not only that, I also going to be showing you real examples of top selling products in these niches. And, give you real examples of ways that you can start online business to make money in these niches as well. And I think that some of the ones on this list, especially the final one might surprise you. But onto that niche later.For now, here's the first big money-making niche for this year. Pets. This is great niche to make money online whether you want to open an online eCommerce business like a redbubble store or digital content business like a blog or a YouTube channel or an affiliate website. The pet niche, especially cats and dogs is super ridiculously hot right now and making tons of money. And you know that this is a super hot money-making niche because of this Facebook ad here for this mug. So this ad here has been running since January, 2020. And the only reason why Facebook ad is kept running for one whole year is there for this making money. So, we can be pretty certain that this ad is turning a profit. We see here's the thing about mugs. While they work great as upsells and with free traffic, if you're running paid ads like Facebook ads directly to the mugs themselves. It is extremely, extremely difficult to turn a profit with paid ads like Facebook ads. And, it's not because the mugs themselves are super expensive. For example, in Printful, a mug is one of the cheaper items starting at $8.95. But while the store will definitely be sourcing in mugs for a lower price than this. No matter what, shipping for mugs is not cheap. For example, on Printful, it costs $6.99 to ship a mug in the USA compared to just $3.99 to ship a t-shirt. And the reason for that is because mugs are heavy and they're bulky. A mug like this has to be shipped in a box. Whereas, if you compare it to something like a t-shirt instead. Well, a t-shirt can be folded to fit inside a small plastic bag. And it's somehow even after having a small margin, after their production cost, shipping costs and Facebook ad costs, they are still making a profit. Which means that we know that this mug has to be converting super, super well. And that they're getting really high conversions which keeps your advertising costs well below industry average. But you see, here's the thing. I'm really not surprised that they're seeing so much success. Because in life there are two things that always make me smile. The first thing, is any time that somebody takes the moment out of their very busy day to give my videos a like and to subscribe. Because seriously, every time you do it, it really helps my channel. So thank you so much for doing so. But the secret thing that always makes me smile is puppies. And in one week, I'm collecting my very own puppy Starbuck, a Swedish Vallhund which I will tell you now. I've been impulsively buying up anything and everything that features these dogs. Hoodies, t-shirts, mugs, and you know why, and that's because one of the most important things to keep in mind. If you want to start your own business, is the number one reason why anybody buys anything impulsively is because of emotion. And, post-it buying is triggered by strong, positive emotions. If a product makes you feel a strong positive emotion, that is what causes you to snap buy it. And what would cause a strong surge in positive emotions? Things you genuinely love. And there isn't much more in life that we genuinely love than our pets. So pets have always been a top money-making niche and will forever always be a top money-making niche. But especially right now. In 2020, due to COVID-19. People ended up adopting pets in record numbers due to stay at home instead of traveling. With me, obviously being an example of one of those people and with social distancing expecting to be well into 2021, interest in pets will continue to be strong. As people want a fury friend to keep them company at home. Which is why there shouldn't be a surprise if you come to Google trends. You'll see that cats are trending up and dogs are also trending up. Now, these trends are not as drastic as some of the other niches on this list. But that's because interest in dogs and cats has already been super strong pre COVID and so. Any bump in demand here is very significant. And of course, there are so many different ways that you can make money online when it comes to pets. If you have any eCommerce business, obviously you've got tons of options to sell pet related products. Take Etsy some of the top selling print on demand t-shirts are related to pets. Same on Ali Express. People are always buying stuff for the pets. Making it a top drop shipping niche. I have friend Adrian. Made over $700,000 drop shipping led light up dog callers. And with affiliate marketing, dog training is one of the most profitable niches on ClickBank. So there are lots of ways to make money this year with the help of our fairy friends. So yes, emotions are the most powerful way to get someone to buy something from you and hand you the money. But there is a another powerful driving force in life that gets us to do this. And that is need. And since COVID-19 is going to continue to influence what people can and can't do. Even into 2021 COVID is going to continue to shape people's needs considerably. And so this next super hot niche for 2021, gaming combines need together with emotion. Video games and gaming are experiencing exponential growth because people not only really love playing games and enjoy them. But they also solve a need created by COVID-19. Which is to have a way to have fun with friends without needing to meet them in person. And to see this exponential growth in action. Check out Google trends. Interest in this hobby is massively trending upwards. So how can you take advantage of this niche and make money? Well, There are tons of ways for all sorts of online businesses. If you're in the world of eCommerce. You've got lots of different items you can sell. For example, clever video game print on demand t-shirts sell great on redbubble. And obviously there are tons of accessories that you can sell right now. Quirky computer mice with interesting lights and features are selling really well for drop shippers. And mobile games like raid shadow legends have some of the highest paying affiliate programs out there with huge epcs. So, I'll tell you now. Starting a YouTube channel in the mobile gaming niche is super, super lucrative. Mobile game companies will also pay you huge amounts of money to directly sponsor videos too. So if the gaming niche interests you, consider starting a channel focused on mobile games rather than just creating an another Minecraft YouTube channel. So onto the next niche. And yep, we are back to seeing cute videos of dogs and cats again. Because do you know what niche is exploding right now? Personalization, people love having products personalized to themselves. Which is another reason why this market has sold so well. This mug isn't just in the pet niche. It's also a part of the personalization niche. Which is a big reason why the conversions were much higher than industry average for it too. But this isn't the only personalizable item doing well with Facebook ads. Tons are. This customizable Christmas ornament was a huge seller and went viral. An in this mug here where you can have a photo of your baby and your name on it. Is one of the top selling products on Etsy. And this blanket here, which you can submit a photo of your dog and it gets turned into a painted picture and print it onto the blanket did super well with Facebook ads too. Of course, I can also mention that a lot of people are looking at this blanket and they're thinking. Well, geez, Sarah. I would love to sell my own customizable dog blanket but I'm not an artist. How can I draw a picture? And get it printed onto a blanket for my customer? Well, my friend that is exactly what fiverr for. On Fiverr. You can get amazing photo of a pet drawn for $10. And then you can get a print on demand fleece blanket for 25 dollars. There's 35 dollars in total to make this blanket. And how much has pitt canva charging for their custom print on demand blankets? They're charging 70 dollars. So, you know, even if you aren't an artist you can still take advantage of the super hot personalization niche by working with freelances on places like Fiverr to create your personalized artwork for you. And by the way, print on demand businesses sound fun to you. And you would like even more training on how to set up your own one. You should be sure to download my free ebook. The six steps at six figure online was followed to make over $10,000 a month. And you'll finally download my free ebook in the video description below. But anyway, back to the video. And in life, if you want to scale and run your own successful business. There are two things that you need to keep in mind. The first one, is to do what we discussed before. And that is to stir up emotions in customers to get them to impulsively purchase your products. But the second thing that you want to keep in mind is that in life the people who get the richest are the innovators. And not the copiers. So rather than just go, hey, I'll copy this blanket. Why don't you instead consider our next niche which is the Manga niche. Look at how this is trending massively up now. If you don't know what Manga is, it's Japanese comic book art. I noticed that this trend was going way up when I came to redbubble to check out what the current top selling t-shirts were. And I'm struck by how much Manga and Japanese culture-inspired t-shirts there were. It's easily one of the most prevalent niches on here. And so in addition to thinking, man I really want these t-shirts for myself because I am a massive gig. I also thought, okay, I wonder if Google trends will reflect this. And it does. It is trending right up. So you know. Rather than just copying this blanket innervate and cross niche offer a customizable blanket in the Manga and anime style, which you can get on fiverr. Now you get to appeal to anime and Manga who also adore your pets. There is a double emotional whammy to make them go, man I love Manga and I love my pet. I must have this blanket. The more customize a product is to your customer's interests. The more they're willing to pay for it. So you can charge even higher prices. But while not all of you watching will be as geeky and nerdy as me and the into anime and manga. Changes are pretty significant amount of you appropriately interested in the investing niche. Since this is a channel dedicated to making money after all. I do know my audience and right now, interest in Bitcoin and the stock market is soaring. And frankly, it doesn't take a genius to figure out why this niche is so hot right now. There is tons of money to be made in it. I know because I've personally made a lot of money investing in this past year. When all of the investment markets crashed when COVID-19 hit, it made for an amazing opportunity if you bought stocks at the very bottom, like I did. You made a lot of money in the rebound and people have obviously this and being like, hey, maybe I should get in on that as well. So, how can you make money off of this niche outside of you know, actually investing yourself? Well, while clever products like this t-shirt will still sell. It's not really a niche that is easy to make money off of with eCommerce. Instead the best way to start an online content business and create content like blog posts or YouTube videos related to investing and take advantage of high profit affiliate programs for investment apps. Like Webull, an app that lets you buy stocks. For influencers who've registered with the Webull affiliate program. Each time someone registers for an account through their link, they get a random stock. And if somebody here selected Plan B, each time someone registers for a Webull account and deposits a hundred dollars. They get a random stock with between 30 to 1,400 dollars. It should come as no surprise then. That top investment YouTube is like Graham Steven and Meet Kevin link to Webull in every single one of the video descriptions. It's an amazing deal. Everyone who reaches us through one of their links gets four free stock. So it's a no brainer for the viewers to sign up through them. And since both them have chosen Plan B, they get a free random stock value between 30 to 1,400 dollars. Each time someone signs up, not a bad hustle. If I do say so myself and speaking of influences. The Tiktok niche has experienced a meteoric rise to say the least. When I was in scope, if you've asked my friends what they wanted to be, most of them would have said they wanted to be a TV star. But now if you polled a high school class, chances are they'd want to be a TikTok star. And actually, that might surprise you. But there are opportunities to make money in this niche for all sorts of different types of online businesses. In the eCommerce niche this year, for example, these moonlights went super viral for drop shippers because they became very trendy in TikTok videos. So selling products relating to TikTok trends can be very lucrative. And of course, any sort of content discussing how to go viral on TikTok. It's also going to be super popular. So if you happen to make a TikTok video that goes super viral. Be sure to also make a YouTube video about why your TikTok video went viral so that you can double dip on your success and make even more money. So then, the next niche on our list is an evergreen niche that has been popular and will always be popular. Birthdays. This is believe it or not one of the most popular niches to start a t-shirt business. And that's because there are tons of potential opportunities on here. See, take this t-shirt. Which the creator is selling and making money for free with using the merch by Amazon print on demand program. Well, as we can see by using the Amazon sales estimator app JungleScout. This is a very popular t-shirt. Parents love buying this t-shirt for the sons to wear at the birthday party. But you see, That's not the best part about this t-shirt. Nope. That's not the best part because you see, in addition to this t-shirt, the person who made that t-shirt also made this t-shirt and they made this t-shirt and they made this t-shirt and they made this t-shirt here. And so now the whole family can buy matching t-shirts to all wear together at the birthday party. And so, this is one of the best aspects of the birthday niche. Not only are all of these t-shirts insanely the popular but they also encourage upsells and cross-sells. If you're looking to start your own t-shirt line, researching high profit t-shirt designs like this one can help you come up with your own ideas too. I teach my techniques to do this inside my premium eCommerce training program, the econ clubhouse. If you're interested in seeing if my course is right for you, I'll have a link to it in the video description below. And actually this t-shirt design was also super successful for another reason. And that is that, it is a cross niche design which is when you combine two niches together and the other niche they combined it together with is this. The family niche. Yep. T-shirts aimed at specific family members such as mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles or grandparents are some of the most popular in the t-shirt space and have the highest sales. Such as this simple text-based print on-demand t-shirt here that made over 10,000 dollars on Etsy in the past eight months. Why? Well, because people are buying it for the Nana's. So, if you're interested in the t-shirt, definitely think about how to take advantage of the family niche. Alrighty. Now back to the next super popular niche for this year and this time both eCommerce businesses and digital content businesses like affiliate marketers can take advantage of it. Straight with, for those of you that don't know what streetwear clothing is. Here are some popular influencers on Instagram for it to show you what styles of clothing it includes. Streetwear is particular style of clothing that came about in the 1990s. It was first inspired by mixing New York hip hop fashion with California's surfscape culture with eventually Japanese street fashion, getting thrown into the mix too. Creating its own style. In Google trends, you can see that compared to the past five years there has been a massive upward trend for this clothing niche. So how can you make money with it? Well, obviously you can sell it in an online store. It's one of the most popular niches for AliExpress drop shippers. And it's also something that you can create yourself with print on-demand. So, for example, Printful here that you create what is called an all over print hoodie. Which unlike the standard hoodies which only lets you usually print a picture on the front and back. Will instead allow you to create a design which goes all over the hoodie. This is extremely trendy within the streetwear niche. and all over print hoodie sell for a premium price. And if you're on the affiliate space, there are lots of affiliate programs for streetwear clothing. So for example, the streetwear clothing store here has the affiliate program that pays up to 10% commission. So, if you had a streetwear fashion blog, you could link back to the different items featured in your outfits here so that people can go buy them while you also get a commission too. All right, the time has come. Niche number 10 on this list is whatever you are passionate about. Yes. The question I'm often asked is this, Sarah just tell me what's the best niche to start my business in it. Usually the answer I give is this. Pick a niche that you like. And here's why. Most people think that the way to success in business is to copy. They go how can I research someone else's successful business and copy it. But you know what? Chances are if you just try to copy someone else's business or product. Then your copy is probably going to be a poor imitation. Plus, think about it. If you go copy someone else's product or business, chances are their product or business already has a bunch of happy customers. And why would they then go switch to buying from that business and brand that they trust to your brand new business or brand that has no Goodwill. Instead successes as Elon Musk puts it. Is doing what Henry Ford did. Taking something that exists and innovating on it to make it even better. Which is why these days I only design products around niches that I'm interested in because it allows me to follow a very simple, yet effective formula. So let's say, for example, with the business that you were trying to create was you wanted to open a redbubble t-shirt store and you were trying to think of t-shirt designs that you could make and sell. Well, let's also say that you're interested in baking. So what you can do is you can come and do a search for baking t-shirts and then with all of these results rather than saying, okay, what designs can I copy? You instead scroll through these and you ask yourself, okay what t-shirt design would I, as someone who is extremely interested and passionate in baking liked to buy that no one else has made yet on redbubble. Because you yourself, the target market. It makes it much easier for you to identify gaps in the marketplace and find products that are missing that you can make and sell yourself. So when you're doing product research rather than looking at these and thinking how can I copy these top selling designs and sit scroll through these and look for t-shirts that don't exist. That you can make yourself, that you would want to buy and you see designs, they may inspire you. You may say this and go, yes, this vintage distress style. That's what I want as part of my new design. And that's absolutely fine. It's absolutely fine to get inspiration from other top selling designs. But, if you truly want to be successful in business. Instead of just looking to copy, use it inspiration to innovate. And so, even if the niches that you are personally interested in aren't as lucrative as the other niches on this list. You'll usually make more money by focusing on them anyway. Because you understand how to innovate and improve on the products that already exist in it. Since you yourself are the top customer and you therefore know exactly what new products your target customers would want, but don't have. So did my video help you? If it did, please hit subscribe and click the little notification button. So you don't miss out on any of my videos. And if you'd like to learn more about how I run my business you should be sure to watch my video, Five income sources that I create in my twenties that makes me over a thousand dollars a day. So go ahead, watch my next video. And I'll see you over there.
Channel: Wholesale Ted
Views: 196,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: niches, best niches, business niches, top niches online, niches to make money, profitable niches, product niches, niche, niche to start a business in, aliexpress niche, dropshipping niche, print on demand niche
Id: S_cpcDm60q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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