Mikes Redbar: Richard Dreyfuss FALLING off a COUCH on CLUB RANDOM!

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ton well never watch I love a movie where they have to pretend to be a family this one I watched a lot when I was a kid where I can't even remember what it was called and I had this like free VHS I got from a garage sale and it was about these two neighbors that had to be a family and pretend for this soda contest be America's best family cuz they were all poor yeah I watched that [ __ ] so many times great that's a great Trope I wish more families would get together to make a fake family but um that line stuck with me I said it on the show and maybe that's why we were gifted with this tape you know we started covering Club random probably uh we we probably the biggest Club random podcast out there right as far as coverage goes we had that big hit tape when the show first came out where Bill got on his knees and started grabbing Bella Thorne I mean it was Bill that's really introduced the new Bill Maher to the world and to us and ever since it's like you can't turn on an episode without finding more so again Richard dfus I never give a [ __ ] about Richard dfus I said that line but he was also in What About Bob right you know him from that I just want to make sure our Zoomer audience knows who he is so uh he appears here I almost ski this episode I'm so glad I didn't you're not going to believe what he does should we start it from the beginning [Music] I always like to start at the beginning it's been a long time he is do you remember the show we did together which one the funny you don't look 200 or yeah he's not looking good so he sits down next to Bill and he's plopped out grandpa style you know before we get into this what is his age Jules didn't we look this up what's Richard df's his age cuz some of you might go he's probably like 99 now right he could be he's 75 75 okay I thought Richard dfus would be older so he's only about six years older than Bill think about this Bill Maher is 70 right or 69 yeah Bill Mah is like 70 years old I'm not joking look him up let's get the age right cuz this matters 67 okay 67 but 75 could be like it's not so old nowadays that you're like a 99y old man right right it's not like being 88 like 75 now is still like respectable you could still be respectable and like sit up straight right so you go maybe he's when I first saw this I go maybe he's 90 because the way he is sitting is like a pooped out pops he's sitting like Grandpa after Grandpa's pretty much over okay he's sitting like Grandpa after Grandpa okay Grandpa's had two strokes he's got dementia now he's on all this medication he's just going to sit there like a complete fool that's usually what I tap out for grandparents too during their foolish years where they're acting like mors I uh refused to even participate with my grandma when she started getting all Goofy and my grandma I was terrified I didn't want to look at that [ __ ] grow up um so when the grandpa and grandma start getting goofy no I don't throw out a celebrity boxing match I get the [ __ ] out of there and I pretend I never knew them and uh that's what I figured was going on with dfish I go oh you know this poor old man maybe he's like you know how like when you're like how old is Richard Gear now and you're like he's 78 or some [ __ ] like that where you're like you couldn't you can't believe how old they are that's what I thought was going to happen but we looked up 75 ago okay he pretty young he doesn't really he doesn't have any diseases it's not like he got ALS but he's taking a seat like this and it looks really sloppy and really goofy but but at first I'm like maybe just s like thises the chairs are like really deep and there's no monitor so maybe he thought he was just sitting like how I feel like I'm sitting now but it's just looking like that he's just not fully aware because it's a new chair and there's no monitor but that ain't the case this is so crazy it needs to be on the news wait till you see this [ __ ] spectacle my doing your show 1987 yeah your show about the Constitution yeah have you seen it at all I saw it in 1987 I mean since then no have you yeah [ __ ] a lot what are you like Norman Desmond you're running it in your library every night I'm ready I'm ready for my close J but no I I'm it there's a whole story about that story well if people don't know what we're talking about so I'm going to tell them like uh in the 200th anniversary of the Constitution which of course was so they're sitting there they're talking they're chatting he's still sitting like that and again I'm going maybe again like you know I'm sitting like this it's fine but maybe if the camera angle was on the floor and I couldn't see how I was sh maybe it looks crazy one observation I did make Bill's chair has no pillow yes the guest chair does have a pillow so the guest chair actually has two pillows now why don't you go to the episode before this Jules let us know if we got pillows on the seat before this episode so as you see dryish has a a pillow behind his head huge 90s cushion it's uh it's reached cushion status it is so big and it also looks like cuz here's Bill's seat bottom and it's this peewee's Playhouse polka dotted turquoise in Black number and you can see that's right there but then you see uh-oh they've put another pillow on top of the couch cushion it appears now in the episode before it looks as if the pillow that is behind Richard dfus is on the seat so it looks like the pillow is there for the guests to do what they wish with perhaps interesting so it's this very deep very probably uncomfortable to sit in chair I wouldn't want to be seen sitting in a chair like this to begin with but then imagine putting a pillow here and a pillow there and now you're kind of just on two pillows leaning on a chair so it's a it's a whole different sit so you're very this was crazy enough we had to know more but then we get sidetracked we get sidetracked by some sick sick sick stuff um well you can go to n minut first yeah oh yeah yes yes yes there's going to be two things we got a weird sit going on okay it's weird enough for me to go I I just need to know more let's go to 9 minutes though because the sitting gets a little crazier no it was it was that the real deal was that people just ignored it right if the wife did not make a stink so interesting yes you're right the wife has a big role to play they call the mafia wives yeah you know and by the way the real story was that they did know it was part of the dating system okay it's Hollywood it's the 70s people are doing Quaaludes he's getting real close to the edge of the chair okay so he's come out of his seat here he's leaning forward and now he's sitting kind on the edge of that top pillow but that top pillow don't have much support under it it's starting to kind of slip off and he's kind of sitting there can everybody see that is a very dark his leg is oh no that's such a shame because look how dark that is I hope people could see that it looks so dark in my Monitor there you can't see what his legs are doing but they're getting goofy okay let's skip forward to where it's more visible here let's go to 1458 14 58 and you could always double check these time codes home you'll see we're not manipulating the video 67 I don't know McKenna's gold who the [ __ ] remembers what with the worst fil Valley of the doll Valley of the Dolls Valley of the Dolls was not the worst film because I was 11 when it came out and soon was masturbating to it and you responded to miss oara okay you should keep listening at this part of course say sim sim weird he's moving around he's moving back and forth it's not so bad yet but then Joe uh he brings up the Valley of the Dolls and um what's his name Bill Bill uh Bill makes his offhanded comment like oh yeah Valley of the dalls wasn't the worst movie in the world cuz I jacked off to it as a kid 11 when it came out and soon was masturbating to it and you respond resped to miss O'Hara Miss O'Hara Miss O'Hara that was the worst line in the worst film ever made and you said that yeah see now who's in Valley the dolls I had to be Patty Duke was the okay but Patty Duke a handsome actress that never like made my like adolescent masturbation list who else um who else could I have been B's going who was the hot chick that I would have been whacking off to when I was nine to this movie like who he was in the movie Richard driis asking who else could it have been in this movie that I was jacking to it to uh there must have been I know there was some oh yeah Jacqueline Bisset Jacqueline Bisset exactly yeah and yet and with an English accent which usually is such a boner killer so they're both Reminiscing on you know jacking off to this co uh ER of his from the film and uh then he starts kind of turtling out here I mean he he kind of starts doing the baby which is a move where you fall back on your big butt and do this and it's a really awkward like this is enough for me to go okay we got let's fix the pillows for this guy you know or I'm wondering does he have like some like Ms or something cuz now he's like this and he's stting to do this real jerky [ __ ] movements but then the conversation also starts getting really sexual should we continue from here yeah I think so listen to this there's just something about that accent that doesn't go and so she did and that was a big hot turn on who else there was somebody else who was like even Jacqueline B is classy and uh some there's there's a whole raft of women who never made it past Grade B so that doesn't matter to a masturbator we are not judging you actually actually it didn't matter to anybody I mean this shot already in itself is he's like holding himself up by only his tip yeah and um it it's unnatural it's a very strange shot sh right now this gets weirder judgment would be made based on that film what film was it what film were you in in that year okay so so I you were in but you were already in films I was plainly masturbating what do you think about when you masturbate uh isn't that the ultimate question here's here's where things get twisted so we're already all caught up in this laying weird sitting [ __ ] right we're screaming over his body position and Bill ask him asks him what do you masturbate to and I didn't think this was about to happen watch this what do you think about when you masturbate isn't that the ultimate question that could tell you what really a person is about what do you think about when you masturbate Richard dfus I never thought about my mother well I hope not I never thought that if I had thought of my mother I would be thinking incestuous thoughts that never occurred to me and yet incestuous thoughts was the engine that drove my masturbation what did you uh jack off CU they were just joking around how they jacked off to some dumb movie bill was and what did you jack off to thinking he was going to say oh it was uh syil Shepherd crawling out of the lake in Lagoon three something like that but he goes so I never wanted to [ __ ] my own mother but incestual thoughts are would drive my every waking move my Hunger my whole desire and appetite my sexual flavor was incest based i' never heard a fly I swear but my sister was all I wanted that is literally what is being said and what is compounded on how come this isn't like an art call anyone yes listen to this [ __ ] inous thoughts that never occurred to me and yet incestuous thoughts was the engine that drove my masturbation really yes incestuous with who who's who crossed that street first yeah um inquiring minds want to know yeah I mean you brought it up but like it's not your mother how many people could be I mean and your sister in the early years I thought about very little else not Grandma who am I thinking of in my early years who am I thinking of I'm asking in my early years I thought about very little else than incest listen to this who were you thinking of because you know inquiring minds want well he starts jacking off he is now laying down and jacking off and going inquiring men what were you thinking of because you know inquiring mind well I mean you do know that now we are not laughing at a man with like a disease I promise I don't think we looked it up he's clean I talked to his spoke with his doctor myself I did a blood blood panel on him say he has bipolar disorder bipolar disorder physical dis so this isn't like we're laughing at Michael Air this is not that this is you see he jumps out of his seat he could also stand and walk it's not like he's been laid there all right listen to this and he's getting really down by the way at this point okay yeah I mean if you guys could see is it too dark to see so dark he's like fully laying off the couch okay that porn today is like dominated almost by incest porn like if you go on PornHub like it's the same uh videos that we've been looking at for years it's some chick hopefully a hot one or though obviously Beauty he's like limboing I mean he's how low could he go with this body is fully off and he's just using his arms to hold him like he's holding his arms and now he is doing hip thrusts perfect for by the way and uh just holding himself and there's not one time where Bill goes hey do you need pull the pillow that pillow is slipping so Bill just pretends none of this sit stuff is happening that we've been looking at for years it's some chick hopefully a hot one although obviously beaut is in the eye um but there are many beautiful uh you know porn stars who in another era could have been movie stars if they didn't always take a bunch of jizz in the face which is like not something that the studio certainly not in Mr mayor's day uh looked kindly on although of course they did it in private anyway okay now his chest is now underneath the arms of the chair okay so that's how you know he's too low imagine my chest being underneath the arms of the chair it's a low it's a low go try it I have no more room and this is an open ler come on oh no no my shorts are thonging into me right now no looks comfy it really is nice this is why Ethan Klein loves doing the show just lay back let the pill Kick let the Lexa Pro por through your veins ah stupid idiots how much money did this earn me 8 million today nice idiots losers retards dumb asses should we get Burger King this is nice this is nice damn luxury like the Kleins so he slipping and again Bill's not saying a damn word well they did it and they did it for Mr Mayor but only in a private colle oh yeah I mean those guys those guys were worse or as bad as the ca beads oh yeah rting convulsing and it's like he got horny off go back like 5 seconds and watch the movement his top just did yeah look at this and he's doing the whole are you garbage face yes the matte uh what's his name big fatty Zander had a great video on the are you garbage fat guy it's one of those videos that showed like the scope of things it's like here's the size of the Earth here's the size of the sun here's the size of Neptune here's the SI and then it get bigger it's showing you alt staros and uh Mega stars and all this [ __ ] and then of course it ends and it's like 50 to 100 times bigger than the largest thing in the universe and it's a Matt H Foy from uh gar with his big fat mouth open if anyone here's the deal if you could get a pingpong ball in his mouth get that on video $11,000 cash find Matt Foley make him laugh pingpong ball it lands in his mouth uh $1,000 because you have many opportunities to do that you go see him on Kil Tony or something sit in the front row you can keep doing it too I'll give you a box of balls you ever had a fresh brand new box of pingpong balls like beer Pond right into his mouth and not his leave dryish alone but uh yeah H Foley is that legal you could do that to a comic cuz it's funny it's just a pingpong there's different laws like that would be ass salt if I did that to some like old lady but and the court Mark could be like he's a comic they'll be like your honor you're right this is you know F's lawyer will be like your honor you're right this is funny so it's allowed and the jury will be like he had his mouth open okay so that's what dfus is doing he's acting like Foley's dead and of course he's he's thrusting here we're going to watch this little movement watch his upper body here and those guys were worse or as bad as the cosb oh yeah and that what they got away with like in those days of the studios read Temple's book okay was there more from this clip here let's see skip forward yeah you could go to 2255 2255 okay see what happens here of the chinsky riots it was the cacs were basically given free reign to kill and murder anyone or in stuff getting back to my masturbation yeah here who else was in Valley who else was in Valley of the come on I can almost picture it like the guy not the guy not the guy I wasn't masturbating about the guys weirdo I was M you're you're [ __ ] your sister what are you the one I even ask about did you ever did you have a sister yes did you ever give her what we called a movie a movie movie actor kiss no sir he goes you're a weirdo you're [ __ ] your [ __ ] but he's kind of just kidding hoping the drist would be like I didn't [ __ ] my sister I'm saying I just liked incest sport but no dfus goes have you ever given your sister a movie star kiss listen to this one I even ask about this did you ever did you have a sister yes did you ever give her what we called a movie a movie actor kiss no oh God please I love my sister did she ever ask you no we didn't even like each other when we were kids we were always we were like two what of course not yes no you stopped that hostility under a white flag and you literally said you want to do a movie star kiss makes him hot that the brother and sister are also at each other's throats and then they're doing this in secrecy so he's done this of course not the hatred is the thrill of the bite does his mom know about this we're telling his mom we are telling your mom is it possible that he's just like so crazy and lost his mind and he's just saying [ __ ] and he's like [ __ ] with him cuz why would you say that I don't know let's hear some more flag and you literally said sick watch you want to do a movie star kiss we're not we're weirdo we're not weirdos like you we we were just were normal people who grew up in New Jersey and we didn't have memories I lived in Queens so it's the same thing yeah Queens I'll say I lived 20 blocks gay because of that uh away from uh Trump and his family and I was 20 blocks it's pretty close 15 streets away from uh what's his name uh who I played also what's his name Alexander security okay is there any more to this part did he talk about his sister I think he starts telling this really weird story about his sister where was that it was about where he he told his mom it was like some weird story about how if he ever got caught doing his incest he would deny it by saying no no Mom my sister that's not her that's a robot that replaced her like he already came up with all these excuses and he talks about the excuses he would use to his parents if ever gotten oh no I think he was talking about something else oh okay sounded like that part you were talking about but no he was talking about his kid oh but he was just like a robot has replaced my teenage daughter but in like a really weird way where he didn't quite get what he was talking about at that's why you can't talk about incest and then and then say all this weird [ __ ] it sounds like that's part of it go to 2043 this part funny 28 yeah 2843 2843 let's see what happens here is this the ad yes okay look so Bill slips into an ad here this is really nuts uh 28 for watch this ad that bill does and look at drus I mean he's fully asleep he's fully laying down right now kind of that is kind of I mean they over D Shing dick in somebody's mouth is is violent do you like True Crime Check out Mind of a monster a true crime podcast from ID about history's most notorious serial killers on this new season of Mind of a monster host and criminal psychologist Dr Michelle Ward tells the story of Jeffrey dmer and how he got away with cannibalism killing and necrofilia for more than 13 years past Seasons tell the story of serial killers like T so he'll read anything there's no tact do you want to learn more about Jeffrey dmer for five easy payments of some weird service you could see necro I mean it really caught me I was like tuning this out wait and you should go back like you don't do an ad for dmer you should go back like two more clicks before this cuz I got to see how he's laying right here yeah it was wild look the [ __ ] man let's just here there's something strange about this here tells the story of Jeffrey dmer and how he got away with cannibalism killing and necrofilia for more than 13 years past Seasons tell the story of serial killers like Ted Bundy and the Green River Killer LA's famous Hillside Strangler Ander killers and Ed keer Co-Ed Killer that's a lot of True Crime and it's all available to listen to now you sick [ __ ] listen in the mind of a monster Jeffrey D wherever you get your podcast stupid my ant okay okay okay uh that was just a little we thought that was just a goofy way to deliver that information with that music too he's whatever era he is trapped in kind of rules it's like a sick Vibe I'm So Into build nobody like imagine being able to go to Club random for a sick party with all these like 50-year-old actresses from the USA up all night days and [ __ ] okay what's the go to 4622 can't quite remember what this part is about but I think it might be good 4622 let's see what we got here coming up a aliens and they come and take your kid for 12 years when they took my daughter when they took my talking daughter who took the aliens when they took my daughter really yeah what do you think happens to kids when they're 12 years old they're kidnapped and taken to another planet and they're replaced by an Android and an Android who's a lot harder to deal with with a myth with a [ __ ] painful myth and when they do that they are the same person but they're not and don't let them fool you Dad that's not my sister that is not my sister yes it is no it isn't yes it is no it isn't and I'm telling you they are trained and the difference between boys and girls is real simple boys are so embarrassed by sexual problems that they treat one another only through the vocabulary of cartoons wabos hey look at them wabos hey that's vocabulary and girls are mechanical engineers and they they say they know exactly how wide and how thick and how this and how they they like it like such and such and they about they like the size of a dick dick I thought that but I didn't want to I didn't want to little girls are always talking about the girth of the dick ah when boys are little they're always like let me see those wos it's always a cartoon thing when the boys are young let me see those bazooms those bams when girls are young they want to know the girth they want to know the width the length the weight of the [ __ ] how old oh real young eight two I had a two-year-old grandson she was obsessed with circumference of the C that's nuts I've never heard it like that I don't think Bill's buying it either yeah Bill's in shock assume that you're always thinking about dicks okay so yeah and that's true that is absolutely but they're not thinking about dicks at that young age when the boys are watching rabbit cartoons well that depends on your point of view because I think they are talking about dicks really before 10 at night yeah I mean years old really if I was going to call it I would say yes I would you know what I'm sure 8-year-old girls have heard the song what ass [ __ ] and I'm sure that prompted a number of questions and uh if I had call I would say yeah oh if I had to call it I would say much younger than that yes one two three it's about the cth and the nuts I didn't remember that and the size of the say I don't know about that it seems like he's going to do something harmful to Children maybe the right we need to call the right is there a phone number for the right so I can report uh potential sex crimes all right what do we got next here spread and jump scare go to 4820 4820 now this is a spread and jump scare it's listed I think the spread is the jump scare 4820 okay yeah well okay let's see oh it's coming up here we go years old if I was G to call it I would say yes I would you know what I'm sure eight-year-old girls have heard the song wet ass [ __ ] and I'm sure that prompted a number of questions and uh you know and Mom what's a what asked [ __ ] and you know don't ask your father he doesn't know you know I mean I don't know but um yes I think I think today's kids are exposed to so much that you're probably right that they they by and what's on the phone the internet I mean they perforce must know like things that I was just clueless about that at that age you know and I mean I one thing I am okay well I didn't see the jump scare but uh I mean any moment of this could have been the jump wait it's I feel like still coming that's him that's him yes but I didn't see a jum gigantic spread okay here about that at that age you know so yes it cuts back to him and yes he has opened himself up he almost looks like the guy from Barry in jail with Barry a little bit there he's fat and he's fully spreading I mean that's can we see that when his legs are darkened like that in the monitor I fear you're not seeing the bulbous jolliness of his wide open legs is he wearing tights this almost looks like he has a sock and then he has like a compression tight he probably does under the whole thing that's disgusting that is sick all right what do we got next for rich Richard here let me you go to 566 okay here's yeah the finale here how low could he go let's go to 56 what is that 56 minutes okay 56 here we go look at this the finale so we oh he's going he's going ham here he's got his hand on the pillow the pillow is he's laughing up a storm he's laying back you're lucky they that they [ __ ] uh and that's oh my God I ended up in it but only because but why you oh my God look at the shot look at that shot is he on his death bed look at that have you ever seen this in a talk show and why would bills just too scared to say something cuz he's such a big actor I don't know let's see what happens next why do you think I mean like why was I picked yeah like some there's great actors really laying down one of them but why did they I mean they could have who who I mean everybody was well I think it was I was finally picked because real Steven of Steven oh that's so interesting did you see faan's no not yet no look at no I won't tell him you'll like it I mean it's not for everybody but it's so you know he's never made a movie like that where it says I mean you're still on good terms with him I hope yeah okay well then you'll like it you know and it and it certainly speaks the anti-Semitism especially in the second half lowering that's going on around today I mean you know he he they he got some of that real um punch in the nose CU you're a Jew stuff what really yeah SL you didn't know that no come on come on just a little bit this is like where you're trying to Edge those coins to fall off the side you know so you could win a bunch of tickets and you're going come on come on it's like magnetically held on by like a thread okay let's see we're all on the edge of our seats here Spielberg the director big Jew he's really and oh he finally kind of fell like look at this so he gets right to the edge and right almost as he falls completely off realizes that he must get back up watch this no and spelberg the director and big Jew coming I am in the F okay yeah so we almost missed it during the cut he slid completely off it happened while we were cut and now we're watching him get his get himself back up a little bit the director T here's where he slips I am in right there MGM Northfield Park Center Stage Ohio Saturday May ability to go L casino and Prior Lake Minnesota Saturday June 3rd the Met Philadelphia Sunday June 4th the Wind Creek EV in Bethlehem Pennsylvania and you have a book could I oh and you sign it so he was able to get right back up there I mean a man with some disease couldn't do that hop he shot back yeah he completely falls off and that was it right let's see does he do anything else weird right at the end no okay well he sat up good for him we must find out what's going on there loved it and yes uh turn him into his parents
Channel: 444 clips
Views: 33,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: redbar, mike david, scarsclub, jules david, taylor swift, kanye west, joe biden, donald trump, MLK, BLM, joe rogan, whitney cummings, bobby lee, santino, brendan schawb, chris delia, fools, radio, radioshow, swifties, cringe, notcringe, democrat, republican, jay z, drake, fool, drakesafool, ihatedrake, drakehate, hi, hello, funn, cute, girl, cute girls, television, late night, jimmy kimmel, TV, explosion, allegation, paul brothers, big mike, jake paul, logan paul, bill maher, steve-o, 444, mcdonalds, show
Id: 525tBv62l24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 28sec (2188 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 10 2024
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