Red Vs Blue Theory The TRUTH About Yellow Church

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are you going to kill me please really father I'm a dick Church in every series that runs long enough eventually there will be mysteries that the fandom want answered like in the Saw series we wondered if dr. Gordon was alive the entire time or with red versus blue for me why there's an entire chunk of the fandom that believes that project freelancer would destroy an entire state of its own country just to cover the death of one soldier when there are so many other intelligent ways of explaining that this mystery however is about a character we haven't seen since the end of season 5 of red vs. blue I speak of course of yellow church who's basically the dr. Ordon of red vs. blue you project freelancer was a military program designed to help stop the war between humans and aliens project freelancers director dr. Leonard Church created an AI based off of his own mind in the process his a I started having memories of his late wife Allison who died and this turned into a I fragment beta aka agent Texas essentially while project freelancer was experimenting with the alpha AI he figured he would use the idea that Tex gave him when she was spawned from alphas memories start fragmenting the Alpha by torturing him and this created more AI like Sigma Omega gamma and once a few of the freelancers found out about this they decided they were going to break in and save the Alpha in the process this caused project freelancer ship the mother of invention to crash on an ice planet called Sidewinder after this happened the director decided he was going to rebuild the ship into a base to cover up the crash and send the Alpha aka Church to another base and hide him from text and the other freelancers that went rogue he hid him in a place called Blood Gulch this is where I was talking about agent Florida faking his death so that he can be the alphas liaison captain flowers in my last video about time travel I it suggested that agent Wyoming had time travel Church back to the past to this time after the ship crash so that the director could have his AI back after hiding it so he could keep experimenting while no one knew because they thought that Church was dead in the present time in the past they didn't know where he was hidden so church now being teleported back in time to Sidewinder meets Gama in the hallway and Gama tells him that his friend caboose in the future is going to become something called the Great destroyer part of this great prophecy obviously at the moment the story about the Great destroyer supposed to be a story that game is trying to use to split Church now in the past Gary gives Church the opportunity to relive the events of seasons one through three an attempt to try to stop caboose from becoming the Great destroyer and killing everybody by mistake and it constantly fails and keeps creating a time loop clone of himself every time he goes back in time ultimately resulting in a whole bunch of time loop clones after enough failures in the loop all the church clones decide to convene behind one of the bases on Sidewinder moments before the explosion happens and sets off the loop again this is where we first see yellow church church discovers all the time loops hiding behind the base and he goes to talk to them and they start sharing their plans of what they did try to get out of the loop I tried to explain the situation to everybody and oddly is really the only person that understood it right away anyway by the time I finished answering questions the bomb went off like I said back in time right then I teleported back to Sidewinder and thought if I can shoot Wyoming before he shoots Tucker then I can fix everything but I shot Wyoming Ben Tucker shot me with the rocket launcher the bomb went off anyway and I got sent back in time and then I teleported back and just decided to kill everybody that I could see why did you do that seemed like fun I think I went a little nuts there for a while what did you do don't ask finally Church finds a way to get out of the time loop stands with the reds and blues and gets thrown into the future with them once Church is in the future with the reds and blues eventually the prophecy mentioned by Gary becomes real and the reds and blues get all caught up into it during season 3 season 4 season 5 and nearing the end of season fives prophecy story we see O'Malley has become front and center as an antagonist and has tried to take over one of the aliens involved in the prophecy so he could rule their entire religion and corrupt him from the inside while reds and blues are trying to stop him from doing this O'Malley jumps into cabooses head to hide Church in text follow him in there and inside Church sees an entire world of what caboose sees the world as and he runs into all cabooses versions of all the main characters running around as he's trying to explain the situation to mental caboose and the mental Reds and blues so he can find O'Malley inside there he sees a mental image of a new character that had showed up in the canyon Griff's sister had shown up in a crashed ship and she said she was here to replace their dead captain captain flowers what caboose is mental version of her is a bit more askew yep I'm sister church's twin brother I came here in a spaceship that came from the moon it crashed next to blue base and now I live with and the people from the tail section of the spaceship but that's like wrong in eight different ways yeah I know eventually church finds O'Malley inside caboose is head and he realizes text is having a conversation with O'Malley trying to make a deal Church kills both of them to push them out of cabooses head then he tries to kill himself to escape cabooses head in the process sister church's twin brother runs up to church and he goes to ask him a question we don't hear what the question is because as Church drops a grenade at his feet it blows him up and pushes himself out of cabooses mind this pushes sister church's twin brother out of cabooses head and he lands in Blood Gulch and when he looks down he sees a dead Wyoming while omega is trying to take over this alien body Wyoming's helping him every time he gets defeated by the reds and blues he brings them back to a certain point where he it wasn't defeated so we can try again Tucker remembers every iteration every time Wyoming is defeated and revert back to a safe spot eventually Tucker defeats Wyoming and there are a bunch of Wyoming clones just like a bunch of Church clones and as the reds and blues killed them all church's twin brother sees a dead Wyoming dead Wyoming's time distortion Union accidentally fizzes and then sends sister church's twin brother back in time into the time loop that church was stuck in basically saying yellow church this whole time has been cabooses mental image of Griff's sister eventually the show's tone gets a little more serious begging for a less cartoony truth this is what I think yellow church actually is I think Gary was using the time loop the church was stuck in to split Church and make another AI fragment and that resulted in yellow church but I think the AI fragment that was created jumped into cabooses head and basically rode caboose up to the future so basically by the point that Church jumped into cabooses head to stop O'Malley that's when he would run into yellow church the AI fragment and when he knocked him out he accidentally activated Wyoming's time distortion unit because he's an AI and that sent him back to the time loop and then when Church finally escaped the time loop and went to the future of the guys yellow church was probably taken with the Church clones back to the hallway by Wyoming from there his fate is unknown when we see all the church clones talking to Church about what they think happened in the background there's a church that doesn't have a body so he just looks ghostly I think that is the AI fragment and then one of the church clones says that he went crazy and eventually just killed everyone there I think that's the point where Church lost his mind and fragmented and in the version that went back and decided to explain everything to everybody and funny enough caboose was the only one who understood I think that's him trying to stop the other guy from killing everybody but the reason caboose understood and was the only one who really understood was because he had the fragment inside his head at the time because it's part of church and the reason he looks like Grif sister is because at one point in time Church had been in caboose has said before and he saw an alternate version of himself being a dick and I think O'Malley killed that version of Church so Church himself became cabooses mental image of Church he just goes in and out and then later on when the fragment jumps into cabooses head he had no idea who this fragment was because there's already another Church and then when sister showed up the canyon him being dumb he's just oh that's probably who it was turning the fragment into his mental version of sister like every AI fragment I think he has a specific aspect about him Sigma was creativity gammas deceit Omega is rage I think the yellow church is actually apathy basically not caring [ __ ] that's like wrong in eight different ways yeah I know tell me about it new Church is my best friend I would argue with that too but so essentially every AI that existed at that point would have been Alpha Beta Sigma Omega gamma ADA iota epsilon theta Delta and yellow church now yellow church doesn't really sound like you know an actual name he'd probably go by like if someone saw him they wouldn't call him that do you know your name yeah I'm sister church's twin brother welcome to the world yellow church probably has an actual AI designation I think yellow churches AI designation is zai I think this because at one point in season 10 we see Sigma is very interested in becoming fully human and so he's trying to figure out what AI he'd need to pick up to achieve the meta stage the stage and AI could be considered fully human and be self-aware and on the screen we see him putting a bunch of Greek letters together ai designation names and one of the designations he grabs his eye but we've never seen an AI named zai before and at the time when he built that symbol hit what he goes to call the meta symbol later epsilon is in that thing but epsilon never gets picked up by the meta nor is he alive when the Amedda symbol is created so it's possible that zai didn't exist either in the medicine what was created now in the meta symbol we see Sigma Omega epsilon iota gamma delta o and we see zai but when we see all the AI that are in the metal later on zyz not one of them and epsilon is not one of them instead ADA has been picked up and theta has been picked up not to mention beta Tech's got picked up and I say ADA an iota were both picked up while you can't see them both if you look at them closely you can see a little yellow and a little bit of blue and as we saw in other seasons there are times where they merged together to work together not to mention [Music] that is why I think yellow church would actually be called zai and on a keyboards I would probably be spelled like this which I'll get back to at another time that's all I can say until I get into the prophecy and answer this one question come on man is there's one of the aliens that built you yes who gave Gary the knowledge of the prophecy [Music] Hey [Music] you
Channel: Jake
Views: 10,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Red Vs Blue, Red Vs Blue theories Yellow Church, Yellow Church, Red VS Blue theories, Red Vs Blue time travel theories, Red Vs Blue AI names, RVB theories, the truth about yellow church, what is yellow Church, Who is yellow church, Red Vs Blue XI, Red Vs Blue missing AI theory, red vs blue time travel, red vs blue fan fiction, red vs blue season 3, red vs blue season 5, red vs blue restoration
Id: M90OHXx3QuM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2019
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