Red Light Camera Prevents $20,000 Lawsuit

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hey everybody today's video is sponsored by Anson belt company and Anson Bell company they sponsored a video last year and to this day I still wear their belts to go back and watch all my videos I have not worn another belt because they're that good they're micro adjustable so you can get them as tight as you need to get them so they keep your pants up and you don't wear out the belt strap like you used to on your old belts so you haven't a very very snug and perfect fit if you had a big meal now loosen a little bit you're good to go for the rest of the night now their popular package is three buckles and two straps or three straps and two buckles for $99 that's six different combinations you can put this with this you can put this with that this with that so you get six different belts for a hundred dollars that's really hard to come by anywhere else because this is a quality product and I'm not kidding you go back and watch any of my videos from the last year you're gonna see me wearing an ant's and belt and that should say something check out the link in the description and pick up one for yourself today what's up everybody rob for ready here and today I'm going to tell you about $13,000 in damage that I had to prove our customers did now one of the biggest headaches you have in an exotic car virtually any capacity where somebody is being charged a security deposit and damages something I didn't do that I didn't that's don't look at me it was like that and that's the main reason we started doing photos before and after that's the reason we have GPS in the cars but you know what people are fallible and occasionally you'll have a guy who doesn't take the right photos doesn't take good photos it's hard to prove something and this is one of those cases where my employee didn't take photos at the time of delivery lost his camera I don't remember what the circumstance was but we had a customer two customers let me everyone one second five guys down in South Beach rented five cars from us two of them came back damaged and I don't recall if the the worst thing that can happen in a car rental is the employee doesn't get the condition marked upon checking and when that happens like with the bullet holes it's very difficult to then say that was definitely you because now you're saying they either have a signed check and report where we miss the damage or they don't have a signed check are important they're like I didn't do it I didn't do it and I never signed to it and that's why we take the photos because at least if you say here the before photos here the after photos you can sort of prove it now again the details are a little hazy but I remember arguing with to customers who returned cars and ultimately they were both damaged the friend and it looked to me like one was running to the other one and we had an Aston Martin and a Bentley and the Aston Martin had front-end damage the Bentley had rear-end damage and they they were like that when we got it we didn't do it they were like that when we got it and we had to go back and forth with them for quite some time and we didn't have our ducks in a row as a rental company that we I didn't have the proof I needed to say boom there it is whether it was not having the before photos and not having the after photos I don't recall but the customers were both denying that that damage took place while they had the car so there's a problem and we've had to eat a lot of that early on in the company and that that's why all these policies came into play and then thank you great state of Florida a couple of weeks later we got our evidence wasn't an anonymous tip wasn't somebody saying I know they did it it was a red light camera down in South Beach and luckily three they were driving together in a group in South Beach and three of the cars went through the first one went through like a green light second one went through a yellow light third one went through a red light triggered the red light camera car for Bentley car five Aston Martin Bentley stops Aston Martin didn't so here you go you have a rear-end collision on camera from two guys that claim we didn't do it we didn't damage the cars and then magical video clip from a red light camera and that saved our ass on that one was actually thirteen thousand dollars worth of not too bad on the Bentley the Bentley was like $2,000 and it was 11,000 on the Aston Martin and it just it is what it is I mean when a hood gets damaged headlights get damaged stuff like that gets expensive and ultimately we almost had to eat that and when I say thirteen thousand dollars worth of damage it wasn't thirteen thousand in retail damage we work with prestige imports down there and we did everything as cheap as possible when I say as cheap as possible factory parts factory repairs but we had we had a discount on the labor rate so the labor wasn't outlandish we went to body shops that were good body shops but weren't 175 an hour so I know it is what it is there's a $13,000 worth of damage which almost came out of our pockets and when with that with the absence of proof it becomes very difficult it becomes a he-said she-said will put the charge through on the security deposit like we're allowed to but they'll go back to the credit card company and dispute it and that's just one of those things that you'll get and without proof unless maybe you're in Europe but that's a whole nother video without proof you're not allowed to charge a customer or you shouldn't be allowed to keep the funds unless you can prove and have the customer sign off that the the damage was their responsibility or took place under their watch now I'm gonna make a distinction about that because having damaged take place while it's out on your under your rental agreement it doesn't matter if it was a valet if it was your buddy if a tree falls on it it's on you and that's why we've always taken people's car insurance in that situation because I don't care if your buddy did it I don't care if you did it I don't care what the circumstance is you damage the car it's a car we have to repair it so you have to pay for it you can't make that on me and ultimately we got very lucky there and the red light tickets down in Florida saved our ass and saved us $13,000 which was rightfully due to us from the customers who damaged the car I don't know what the loss of use total was but maybe that if you want the sexy number maybe there was a couple of days loss of use for each car being in the shop so let's just say $20,000 in total claims against the customer so anyway I I found it entertaining I saw that video is like ooh that's a cool video I'm going to share that and they almost put one over on us but we we put these policies in place to protect the company and to protect the customer I don't want to charge a customer unless I can prove that they've done something and luckily here they were arguing they were arguing they were arguing I sent them an email with the video clip never heard from him again and I build them for the red light tickets too so thanks for watching catch you next time [Music]
Channel: superspeedersRob
Views: 184,353
Rating: 4.5997853 out of 5
Keywords: superspeedersrob, super speeders, rob ferretti, super cars, exotic cars, motor trend, corvette, cars, police, rental, fraud, scam, lawsuit, red light, camera, db9, bentley, story, car, gotham, aston martin, fix, repair, damages
Id: C3H7eWbYI00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 19 2018
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