THIS is why the Cheap Salvage Corvette Won't Start! Easy $100 Fix!

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hey guys what's going on I'm Sam crack and I'm on a mission maybe not today but in this video at some point I want to get the Corvettes started I'm ready to hear that thing running and I was given a tip online that might actually help us accomplish that now this is a very strange tip and personally I'm very skeptical that it will work but I'm gonna try it nonetheless I'm gonna meet up with turbo Mike got a little bit of suspension work few things to finish up the underside of the car and then we're gonna work on getting it started so let's meet up when we get to the Corvette itself so we have a lot of stuff going on today our goal is still to get the Corvettes started now what you see here is an ECU that should be programmed to the VIN of this Corvette that came and then what we're working on right now is finishing up everything underneath suspension wise which consists of down here you see the leaf spring turbo Mike is working on lowering this control and we actually bolted it back up we need to take it down really quick and then also the sway bar over here I'm gonna get it on the ground see we can't get this car started [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right so the leaf spring went in great all we're gonna do now is I throw this sway bar and should be relatively easy it got a brand new link here because this one snapped off in the accident let me show you exactly what's going on just in the case that we don't get this thing started you guys might have some insight so basically as you see now cars off the ground pretty much everything is hooked up except for again that air intake there and the MAF is not hooked up but there is something new happening which is in my opinion a good sign so I got my key in the hand here I've got light on here okay when I close the door it gives me the green light now listen so you do hear the relays clicking and you hear that I don't know if that's a fuel pump noise or what we got going on there but it's definitely better than before before we were getting pretty much nothing still a lot of these same messages now the reason why we're working on the suspension of one because it's got to get done so we can finish the car and number two somebody told me that the reason why my car is not starting is because the front end of it is jacked up now I really find that hard to believe but we're about to find out once we get that sway bar on it we'll be able to lower this on the ground it should sit pretty normally at this point and we're gonna see if that's what fixes our Corvette not starting [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right the moment of truth will lowering a Corvette on the ground make it start alright yeah check out the front just in case any fluid or anything spews out you don't want that to happen alright clutch pedal in three two one nothing thanks dude on the Corvette form for your theory of putting the car down on the ground and a note I did not tell him my car was off the ground he just said that his car was off the ground that's why his wouldn't start but a second he put it on the ground it started whatever here does the same thing but see this security thing goes away you just missed it it's in this corner here everybody's saying that that stays on for like ten minutes the first time you put a new ECM in and honestly I didn't pay attention to it the first couple times I started it and let it sit and shut it off but there's a relearn procedure so anyway does have a lot of gas Copart was running a special that week by a car from us get three-quarters of a tank I'm going to do a quick scan here just to see if there's anything obvious that might be holding up the car from starting intake air temp so that's the math crankshaft position since the sensor not learned clutch position not learned ooh clutch position see that's interesting because if it doesn't realize that clutch isn't in when you're trying to start it the car's not going to start well let's see what else here intake air sensor that's it so we're gonna go back we're gonna clear all these now that's an interesting thing VI the camshaft would adjust say the camshaft sensor position you can do a manual one apparently or you can use a Chevy um a chevy diagnostic scanner which this might do it I'm not sure the crank sensor would cause no stark not a-okay no it would it would crank and start but it runs funny that's what they say it runs like in a limo just don't start following what you just saw I went home and did a little bit of research I was pretty convinced that fact that the car didn't know the clutch was pushed in is why the car wasn't starting and using the Corvette form using my shop manual I figured out that the car needs whatever this relearn procedure was and I found out that the only way to do that was with a dealership diagnostic tool it's what Chevrolet or General Motors calls their tech to scan tool so I searched him online one year in the United States to buy runs around $1500 so I obviously would be advantageous be cheaper just to take you to the dealership and have them program and then there's a few Chinese cloning alternatives they're like 250 bucks but then you got to wait a week or two weeks to get them over from China and I thought that this was gonna be something that was gonna take a while luckily I found another solution let me show you exactly what it is there was a thread about this on the Corvette forum this is called the vcx Nano and all it is is an interface that replicates this tech to scan tool so you plug this part into your obd reader and then this end has a USB you plug that into the car so this thing cost me like 110 bucks since it came from Amazon it came in a few days I'll put a link in the description box below in the case any of you are having this same problem which I highly doubt however when it comes to these kind of aftermarket vehicle diagnostic scanners there is a little bit of legwork into getting them to work and one thing I want to recommend to you guys I've almost given this thing away two or three times and I don't think I'll ever give it away until it dies this is an old thick asus netbook do you guys remember these things they were all the rage when they came out cuz they were so small but they were terribly slow it still is terribly slow and it just doesn't work real well but the big key on these old computers it doesn't have to be a netbook but any old-school computer has a 32-bit processor and a lot of these software's were on really well on a 32-bit software now I'll work around if you have a modern computer like my Dell here is to run the software off a virtual machine I've always had a little bit more you doing that it's just much simpler to run on an old 32-bit computer so if you got one of those make sure you hold on to it in the case they ever got to do any strange vehicle work like this I don't think I could be more excited it's been like a week since we've been trying to start the Corvette and now that this thing finally came in the mail I'm pretty certain that this is what is going to do the trick all right so we're making some progress I've got everything kind of rigged up here I've got the old-school 32-bit computer running you can see the tech 2 software is running there and let's figure this out so if we look at F 6 module setup look at what it says right there just what we need those first two the clutch pedal position learn and the crankshaft position learns I'm somewhat sure that once we do this clutch pedal relearn the car will turn on as all of you guys likely know your clutch has to be pushed in to start a manual transmission car so let's do this ignition on engine off which I'm pretty sure is exactly what we got going on right now we'll just do this one more time to be sure now it's Taunus what fully depress and hold clutch pedal and hit enter to continue I just hit enter on the word learn while my foot was on the clutch and now it's only telling me that there's two codes so if there's only two codes we had three before all right here we go crankshaft position whoo intake air temperature sensor with the clutch pedal position should have been learned at this point so let's go back let's do that crankshaft learn because we don't want to mess anything up and then guys we might this car might be ready to turn on now but I'm not gonna chance it well we got this thing entirely hooked up let's figure it out all right I've read this a few times we got a v8 so we can't exceed 4,000 rpm we're gonna hit enter we're gonna enter again block drive wheel set parking brake the car is also in neutral of course here and then it says cycle ignition from off to on let's see whoa there goes whoa you know what I'm actually going to shut it off whoa let's hope that there's not a bunch of oil and stuff all over the floor but that was exciting man that was our problem and I just I just knocked the darn cable out I'm too excited to care about that let's check any oil spillage anywhere what do we got going on nothing clean floor that's what I like to see it's running it's running so I'm gonna real quick hook this up here because you could see it was idling all over the place it works it works all right intake is in this is strange something must plug in there we'll figure that out later got the math plugged in and let's get in let's take this old rickety computer that saved my car essentially in the keys and let's do that relearn real quick all right car happens to be idling really well even though the check engine light is on it's not hesitating or sputtering right around 600 rpm and we're gonna hopefully get that coolant up to temperature there you can see I've got some water boiling over I always put water in my cars before I go ahead and put the actual coolant in them one time I filled up in Mercedes with about $60 full of the Mercedes blue coolant and it all went on the ground and I lost it all so it's water for me to begin with once I know that everything's holding and there's no leaks in the system I'll of course completely dump that water and I'll put it to the Ducks cool GM stuff that this car requires I'm pretty sure this car is about full of water and the temperature gauge hasn't gone over the middle mark here about 220 degrees which I think is fairly normal for these cars so so far everything is going real awesome in a minute hopefully we'll be able to hook up that cable and do the crankshaft relearn procedure I did the crankshaft relearned if it didn't catch it on camera basically I put my foot all the way down the throttle it went to 4,000 rpm it cut off now the DTC's that's our diagnostic trouble codes we're gonna hit that one more time because our check engine light went away and we're gonna make sure that nothing's showing up at this point we got the map hooked up we did our clutch relearn and we did the other things so what does it say let's hit this one more time view all DTC's no diagnostic trouble codes we are good to go this car is running exactly like it should so we did it at the beginning of this video I said I wanted that car to run and even though it took a few days we got it to run it's a great feeling knowing that you're able to do it yourself with your own resources I always hate when someone tells you yeah you got to take it to the dealership for that the truth is you don't there's actually laws against that we'll talk about that another time so we consider that we spend about a hundred twenty-five dollars on the ECU which we're gonna need any way and used ECU runs about a hundred bucks so this program 425 again is still a great deal it spent another hundred and ten or so on the module itself we own the module and we can use it to work on our car at any time going forward and it still would be cheaper than taking it to the Corvette dealership to get a new ECU and get a program now guys if you enjoyed hearing that Corvette run definitely make sure you hit that like button also if you have any questions for me as always my contact information is in the description box below there's things a lot for watching and I will catch you very soon [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Samcrac
Views: 989,157
Rating: 4.8752151 out of 5
Keywords: Volkswagen, VW, Audi, Jetta, GTI, GLI, Fast, Car, Automotive, Race, Broken, Junk, Salvage, Rebuild, Rebuilder, Money, Spend, Spending, Cash, Ferrari, German, Auto, Mechanic, mechanical, Repair, Fix, Lamborghini, Build, Building, Drift, Drifting, BMW, Mercedes, Benz, Fiat, Ford, Vehicle, Rich, MK6, Turbo, Turbocharged, Nitrous, Junk Yard, Scrap, resell, dealer, deal, wheel, wheels, work, import, tesla, Dominos, Domino's, Pizza, DXP, Chevy, Chevrolet, Spark, Corvette, C6
Id: BxYW6lB1uNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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