How To Handle Traffic Tickets, Best Cop Moments - Part 9

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hey everybody rob Freddie here and a very common question I get is how I still have a driver's license it's a very personal question however it's a very valid question because not only myself but a lot of people in this world get traffic tickets lots of people get traffic tickets pretty much everyone gets traffic tickets my grandmother my mom it's almost in my opinion a tax in everyday life traffic tickets are fairly meaningless because all they're out there to do is really generate revenue a cop will never write a cop another traffic ticket they will never write the family of a cop another traffic ticket in just the way of the world so you did find yourself getting a traffic ticket now what do you do is a very common question that I get the best thing to do is you have to analyze it from either an emotional or financial s perspective if you're going to analyze it from an emotional perspective screw that cop screw the loss or I can't help you don't watch the rest of this video because it's not going to help you so if you do decide to take a financial direction and try to figure out what the best impact is for the rest of your life from this one very basic piece of paper then keep watching good you're still here so now you have your ticket now you're making a financial decision on how the best way in the long run not necessarily the short run to handle this ticket will be now yeah the first thing you have to do is you have to look at how this ticket may impact your license if you have a moving violation it will impact your license if you do not have a moving violation it's probably not going to impact your license so if you have a seatbelt ticket on can't take it anything like that pay be done with it it's the smartest thing to do you'll be out of it it's it's done and gone if it's a moving violation there's a good chance points may go on your license now you have to look into your the reciprocity laws with your specific license in the state it was written in if it was written in the state your license the tickets going to hit your license if it's a knot if it's a moving violation that was written out of state you should definitely check to see if there's reciprocity between the state it was written in and your license if there isn't the best way to do it is usually pay the ticket be done with it and you don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life now why is it important to avoid a moving violation on your license because it adds points and the more points you get the closer you get to suspension or revocation of your license and it also may infect future employment if you have speeding tickets or any other moving violations on your license and lastly it's going to affect your insurance and your insurance is very important because your insurance you pay for year in and year out you have to pay for insurance on your vehicles so it's very important that you make sure you take care of all tickets to the best of your ability so now you got your ticket you decide I'm gonna have to fight this - moving violation in the state that I'm in so the best thing to do is you have to do one of two things you can either if it's a very basic speeding ticket or it's your first violation you can usually go talk to the prosecutor you schedule a court date you plead not guilty you schedule a court date and you go speak to the prosecutor on your own if the prosecutor is not willing to give you a deal you're comfortable with then you ask for an adjournment and you hire a lawyer and you send the lawyer back to do it that is the best way to do what the lawyer will always get you the best and you have to look at the traffic lawyers a terrible existence that they that's they need some sort of purpose in life so if the best they can do is show up and speak to the prosecutor I get the same deal you got they don't really have a job so the a lawyer hiring a lawyer and spending the money on a lawyer will usually get you a better result than if you go handle it by yourself but if you have a basic speeding ticket and all you want is to get a non-moving violation it's very possible a prosecutor will just do that for you so now you've taken two steps you've gone to the court you've pled not guilty you've made a court date you've spoken to the prosecutor he's not willing to deal next step is to hire a lawyer let the lawyer go in it will negotiate your ticket as best you can and you minimize the impact of that ticket on your life that is how to handle your traffic tickets if you have any questions or comments post them below you get a whole bunch of free legal advice from everybody who comments on youtube because they're automatically lawyers when they post on the thread if you have any specific questions about a specific event you can email Rob at SuperSpeed Escom I'll do my best to give you some input the last question you may have in your head is hey how do I know which lawyer to hire there's a website that I discovered called Bernie says there may be other ones I'll put a link to Bernie says right here Bernie says is a website where you put your ticket up there anywhere in the country in the United States lawyers will then bid on your ticket effectively and you'll have three different lawyers saying I'm happy to handle your ticket it'll cost you 210 dollars I'll handle it 450 I'll handle it for 300 you can then look at the lawyer's resume you can choose which hour you want and move on from there so that's that's pretty much everything there's nothing more to cover on tickets we can get into this big long discussion as to traffic laws and everything like that I'll save that for another video thank you for watching comments questions below
Channel: superspeedersRob
Views: 457,303
Rating: 4.8399658 out of 5
Keywords: super speeders, rob ferretti, ticket, traffic ticket, how to, advice, handle, speeding, speeding ticket
Id: YsNILS3Ydq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 21sec (321 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 27 2014
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