Red Hulk Becomes Iron Hulk

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[Music] what's up my comic comrad today we're talking about the time the red hulk became iron hulk that's right he donned the iron patriot armor effectively becoming a hulk iron patriot or as he puts it iron hulk it all went down in avengers issue 684 and 685. now i will say it was fairly short-lived but a cool moment nonetheless it also happened during the kickoff of a mortal hulk but with that said let's dive right in [Music] all right so essentially avengers issue 684 is a lead-in and setup issue for the immortal hulk literally avengers 684 introduces the immortal hulk before his title series does for those of you who like dates the immortal hulk appeared in this avengers issue in march of 2018 and the immortal hulk title didn't launch until june of 2018. literally the first quarter of avengers issue 684 is setting up the immortal hulk telling us how it all started that day he was near that nuclear blast getting gamma radiation all over his person the issue goes on to tell us several instances of how the hulk can't die like how he didn't die from that gamma bomb also how he survived getting his head lopped off by captain america's shield and avengers ultron forever issue one then we see how he survived the leader's attack in incredible hulk issue 25 when the leader was thought to have cured banner from being the hulk entails to astonish issue 69. the issue continues to recap times over the years the hulk was thought to be killed all the way up to the most recent instance of banner's death in civil war 2 issue 3. this is the instance where banner gave hawkeye custom-built arrow tips that were gamma-enriched with vibranium telling him to aim for his brain and heart banner goes on to say he's done the math and biology this will kill me it will end me and the hulk in a way no healing factor can counteract a way that is impossible to come back from but of course he was wrong because the hulk still came back and when he did he was now dubbed the immortal hulk for obvious reasons now at this point you're probably like what is all this immortal hulk talk i thought this was about the red hulk becoming iron man and you're 100 correct i just had to tell you all that so that now you understand why the red hulk starts fighting the hulk in any case now with the hulk alive once again because remember immortal he starts going after the final pyramid which is in avengers auxiliary headquarters you see the grandmaster wants the paramoid to win its game and we learn in this issue avengers member voyager is actually the grandmaster's daughter she was secretly sent by him to infiltrate the avengers with her powers that can implant herself into people's memories making her seem like she was always there she became part of the avengers to get the pair more for him but she's having second thoughts deciding to turn against her father so she takes the paramoid and hides in the avengers auxiliary headquarters storage vault which is apparently incredibly hard to get into even phasing characters like enigma can't phase through but after the grand master sees his daughter go rogue challenger says ha try as she might voyager she did not go far grandmaster replies it seems not a poor stratagem on her part challenger that enrages the newly resurrected hulk saying go hulk let nothing stop you sending the hulk after the paramoid that's in avengers auxiliary headquarters challenger then says grandmaster where's your bravado do you really think your pitiful lethal legion can defeat the hulk grandmaster replies we shall see won't we as he sends what's left of the lethal legion to stop the hulk what's left of the lethal legion aka captain glory and mensicle start attacking the hulk but the hulk literally breaks captain glory's spine and then does something so bad tomenticle that grandmaster is holding his mouth as if he's about to throw up as he watches while challenger says yes grandmaster we shall see back at avengers auxiliary headquarters they get an alert saying the hulk is there and he's about to break in lightning then says is that the hulk the original i thought he was dead and tony says well he's not now now for those of you wondering what avengers are at auxiliary hq we have lightning general maverick aka the new red hulk dr tony ho aka the new iron patriot enigma cannonball and quicksilver tony then tells enigma you're the least vulnerable of us take point but stay phased okay don't get hurt she replies i'll be careful i promise general maverick aka the new red hulk then tells tony i want in on this fight she replies don't you dare general your hulk outs are unstable they're getting shorter and your heart's getting weaker you could die against him you will die the red hulk on his best day couldn't beat banner general mavic replies but together i think you and i got something better meanwhile the whole continues to break down the entrance to their headquarters while enigma starts saying destiny to maximum as strong as a diamond as strong as her at this point the hulk finally knocks down the door and just stares at enigma she then says i see you and now you see me then she punches the hulk across the face with everything she has the hulk literally just shrugs it off before reaching his hands out for her while enigma says i was made to defend this world against any threat and i do not even think even you were strong enough to and before she could finish her sentence hulk literally shatters all of her armor throwing her to the side like a rag doll at this point cannonball and quicksilver try to stop him but yet again hulk just smacked him to the side like nothing lightning then comes insane it's you and me i didn't want to do this hulk but i can't take any chances not with avengers lives so even if this kills you you're getting it all everything i have in one blast everything as he zaps the hulk but when he does the hulk is completely unfazed looking at lightning like what the hell is wrong with you and then as the issue ends we see someone come out saying oh yeah you're in trouble now you daggum son of a gun because here comes the iron hulk god bless america as we see the red hulk in custom iron patriot armor this brings us to the fight between iron hulk and the immortal hulk in avengers issue 685. at the beginning of the issue we see grandmaster's cosmic game room challenger says to him scoring against you at this stage feels almost dishonorable nonetheless victory is a victory yes and grandmaster replies daughter daughter i need you to re-enter the game you have the final paramoid the winning point is within my grasp daughter can you hear me she responds yes but i am not your puppet so for those of you wondering essentially it's the challenger versus the grandmaster they're both trying to get that final pyramid and whoever gets it wins hence the challenger using the hulk to get it from grandmaster's daughter meanwhile with most of the avengers knocked out at auxiliary headquarters tony ho radios out saying this is tony ho calling all quinjets all aim units all avengers we're doing what we can but we need help now we can't hold him off any longer the hulk is here and he can't be stopped as we see the hulk laying into iron hulk the hulk then punches iron hulk sending him flying across the room but iron hulk just looks up at him with a swollen eye saying is that all you got the hulk responds by punching him again but iron hulk is able to grab one of the hulk's fist and using his other hand shoots him with a repulsor blast saying my turn red hulk then punches the hulk so hard that it shatters his iron gauntlet on his arm but the hulk just looks at him with a pissed off face iron hulk is then about to blast the hulk again saying got your attention monster got your but the hulk then grabs his gauntlet crushing his hand causing red hulk to fall to his niece the hulk then grabs the red hulk's head while balling up his other fist while the red hulk just looks at him saying what what are you no not like this as the hulk drains every last bit of gamma energy and radiation from general maverick's body while proceeding to hold his body up by his head and just like that the iron hulk's reign is over and only really lasted about six pages but nonetheless it was a very interesting idea and something i would love to see more of in the future however i will say the carnage in this issue does not stop there as the whole continues to lay waste to the avengers for instance after this vision shows up saying release general maverick hulk while phasing through his body at which point the hulk does let go of general maverick but only to start fighting vision vision then says your rampage ends here well do i have your attention now quicksilver as quicksilver runs getting general maverick away from the hulk vision and the hulk then start fighting at first the vision is holding his own doing pretty good even getting in some nice shots on the hulk but when the vision faces his fingers through the hulk's head trying to scramble his brain hulk reaches his hand out and shatters the top of vision's head with his bare hand putting vision out for the count causing him to error message like a broken computer the issue then ends with the arrival of wonder man telling hulk bruce long time no c listen you got a moment because i'd really like to talk that's right this series is amazing if you're a big hulk fan it's literally just the hulk laying into the avengers one by one so much brutality and i for one i'm always down to see the hulk just tear people apart because that's what the character is all about right just raw brute strength obviously he's a way more complex character with the whole dr jekyll mr hyde thing but when he's pissed off he's all about smashing things that's literally his saying hulk smash with that said that's the time the red hulk became iron patriot as well as the beginnings of what led to becoming the immortal hulk but as always let us know your thoughts down in the comment section [Music] first up for the week of january 6 we have thor issue 11 trapped in a suburbian horror show thor faces down an old foe but something far worse than the midgard serpent is sinking its fangs into thor's world for donald blake now roams the ten realms with nothing but death on the brain now we have future state the next batman issue one gotham city has always been dangerous but now it's downright deadly following the tragedy of a day the mayor allowed the private law enforcement group known as the magistrate to take over policing so-called mass crime and that has given rise to a new dark knight and finally we have death metal issue seven this is it the epic conclusion to death metal that will no doubt change the dc universe forever and just like that my comic comrades that brings today's episode to a close but if you enjoyed today's video as always check out this one right here and if you like all of our content be sure to subscribe like and comment it always helps us out but i will see you guys next time when i talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 166,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hulk, Iron Hulk, Red Hulk, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Comics, Bruce Banner, Avengers, Vision, Wonder Woman, Iron Man, Iron Patriot, MCU, comics, comic books, geek, nerd, variant
Id: We2HgLVSOdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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