Alternate Versions of the X-Men

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[Music] what's up my comic conrades a lot has been changing for the X-Men over the past few years first in comics and now in live action as they're being slowly introduced into the MCU in fact a few months ago we dropped an episode where we talked about the X-Men characters we most want to see in the MCU which you can find right here but that got us thinking about all the different versions of the team to appear in comics over the years so today we're going to break down the alternate versions of the X-Men as with every other alternate version Episode we will not be able to mention every single alternate version but we will try to list the good amounts and or the best ones with that said let's get into it we always got to kick these all to diversions episodes off with the original main version all the other teams are based off of and of course the main original version of the 616 X-Men was created by Stanley and Jack Kirby in September of 1963 first appearing in the X-Men 1. the team originally consisted of Cyclops Jean Gray angel beast and Iceman formed by Charles Xavier obviously the roster has evolved and changed continuously ever since their creation giving us members like Wolverine Havoc storm Kitty Pride Rogue Gambit and the list goes on point is this is the X-Men Team all other versions are based off of so let's get into our first alternate version first off we have the ultimate X-Men from the Ultimate Universe Mark Millar launched this series back in 2001 based off of the success of the first X-Men movie it gave us longtime X-Men fans of blank slate not having to abide by the past Decades of continuity but also a jumping on point for new readers who wanted to start reading X-Men after watching the X-Men film plain and simple it was a fresh modern take on the X-men with a few big differences one of them being the fact that Magneto was essentially a full-blown terrorist literally leading the Brotherhood of anti-mutants campaign with Tara's bombings and political assassinations milar basically just took the Magneto we all knew and made him even darker pushing him further than ever at least up until that point all in all it's a modern fresh alternate take on the X-Men that's become a fan favorite moving on we have another dark alternate version of the X-Men and that is the Age of Apocalypse X-Men the Age of Apocalypse is a dark Twist of future timeline for the X-Men which gave us one of the most popular versions of the team ever in this continuity Legion killed his father Charles Xavier leading Magneto to become the leader of this reality's X-Men also it has to be said in this reality Magneto is married to Rogue there was two versions of the team in this reality you had the amazing and astonishing teams these were much darker versions as each character were way more violent all the characters even got a new look and this is considered to be one of the best X-Men crossovers of all time so I don't think I need to go any further speaking of one of the best X-Men stories of all time we have the Days of Future Past X-Men this is an iconic version of the team from the Days of Future Past Story by Chris Claremont this story and version of the team is like the OG dystopian future X-Men if you've seen the movie or read the comic you already know the concept but this version of the X-Men exist just in a nightmare reality where the X-Men and all mutants have been taken over by Sentinels legitimately Cyclops Angel Iceman Beast Banshee Nightcrawler all dead only a few mutants are left in this timeline like Wolverine storm and Colossus it's pretty nuts no matter how you slice it this is one of the best versions of the team moving along we have The Uncanny Avengers The Uncanny Avengers debuted in 2012 right after the Avengers vs X-Men story they basically consist of half normal Avengers and half mutants or X-Men hence uncanny Avengers but they're also known as The Avengers Unity Squad because of the unity of Marvel heroes and mutants like previously mentioned the team formed after Avengers vs X-Men as Captain America set out on a quest to make a sanctioned Avengers team that consisted of Avengers and X-Men AKA humans and mutants working together next up we have X-Force one of the most popular Renditions of the team this team has consisted of a bunch of different members over the years such as cable Cannonball Colossus Cyclops Deadpool Wolverine Magneto major X Forge and the list goes on the team was formed by the time traveling son of Cyclops cable who we made soldiers and called them X-Force they basically became a mutant Black Ops Team who didn't kill enemies of the X-Men but enemies to all mutant kind in short they're an offshoot of the excellent that are more aggressive in their approach another alternate version of the team is the New Mutants simply put the New Mutants are a team of young mutants that are in training at the Xavier school for gifted kids think of them as the Teen Titans or Young Justice of the X-Men next up we have a hilarious yet cute take on the X-Men and that would be the ex-babies that's right the ex-babies they're clones of the X-Men that are literally little baby-sized versions of the X-Men members we all love now you're like clones of the X-Men yes clones you see they were created by Mojo for entertainment purposes and are highly mischievous it's one of the most fun takes of the X-Men as again they're just little cute versions of them and they're really mischievous keeping this train moving we have the cancer verse X-Men the cancer versus an alternate reality where the concept of death Was Defeated meaning nothing ever dies but instead becomes corrupted as for the X-Men in this reality there are a horde or Army of grotesque zombie bio weapons that legitimately just stay inside large tumor looking eggs that are being grown within the bodies of bioorganic Warships what yeah that's the weirdest version of the X-Men I've ever heard the X-Men have also become vampires that's right there's an alternate reality version of the X-Men where Wolverine is the lord of the vampires which took place in what if issue 24. essentially what happens is Dracula is able to turn all the X-Men including a phoenix imbue gene into vampires but Wolverine now a vampire overthrows and kills Dracula to become the new Lord of vampires as the new Lord of the vampires he takes his vampire X-Men to terrorize New York City and of course there is an X-Men 2099 version of the team which takes place in the year 2099. this future version of the X-Men takes place on Earth 1928. instead of Professor X the team is founded by desert ghost and members of the team are Scout fire bloodhawk mean streak Metal Head junk pile and cerebra then of course we have to mention X-Men forever members of the team consists of Jean Gray Cyclops Nightcrawler Rogue Shadow Cat Sabretooth and Professor X Sabertooth is reformed in this continuity and is clearly taking the place of Wolverine who is dead in this reality the crazy part is though his powers and spirit live on in Kitty Pride was able to take them for her own through phasing gone wrong essentially it's Kitty pad with Wolverine's healing factor and Claws making her one of the coolest versions of the character we've ever seen next up we have X-Men Noir in this reality Xavier is a psychiatrist who runs the Xavier school for exceptionally Wayward youth in Westchester New York where he takes in juvenile delinquents but no matter what Universe Professor X is in he just cannot stop there he's got to train them to do something more so he takes these kids in and instead of reforming them he trains them in criminal talents he does this because he thinks psychopathy is the next state in human behavioral Evolution dude even went so far to write a paper about this which led to his expulsion from the American Psychological Association but he was later imprisoned on Rikers Island after the truth leaked out about his school and lastly we have X-Men 92 this is the common continuation of the fan love 90s X-Men animated series it's a series that didn't last nearly as long as I hoped but either way if you're a fan of the 90s animated series you definitely need to check out the X-Men 92 comic series but that wraps up our look at several alternate versions of the X-Men there's a bunch more we didn't mention so let us know what your favorite version of the X-Men is down in the comments and that's going to bring today's episode to a close but if you enjoyed this video be sure to check out this one right here and if you like all of our content like like subscribe and comment it helps the channel out but other than that I'll see you next time when I talk about all things comics
Channel: Variant Comics
Views: 85,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: X-Men teams, who are the x-men, different versions of the x-men, alternate X-men teams, wolverine, psyclops, jean grey, gambit, x-men, marvel comics, comics, comic books, dc comics, x-men variant comics, collectibles, x-men beast, x-men professor x
Id: fK_eMhMXjcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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