Recreational Gold Prospecting Changed Forever?.. Automatic Classifier!

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hi welcome back to the channel if you're new around here I'm yep well you know the more and more I get to go out and do some gold prospecting the more I enjoy it except for one thing [Music] yeah well do you know what that one thing is it's classifying [Music] I'm about anybody else out there I'm not a big fan of it although I know it is truly important in maximizing the efficiency of recovering gold nobody likes to do it so the more and more I thought about it like well maybe I can drag a friend with me get them to do it and I'm like I don't even want to do it why would they want to do it so turn to machinery let me show you this quick portable design I came up with but I think it's gonna be life-changing for gold prospecting there she is nothing crazy simple design I'll show you a little more detail as we get closer up nice part about this is all this can fold down and fit into my backpack so it doesn't require me to carry any additional items I think the total package would drive way somewhere around 15 or 20 pounds even including the small 12-volt battery I bring with me I was trying to go light weight on this so ice tried to stick to aluminum even though I wasn't able to TIG weld it or tack it together I just used some hardware drilled some holes bolted it together they do but fact that I wanted as light as possible for travel purposes I wanted to go with aluminum as you can see this is some basic construction here I'm no engineer or fabricator so pretty sure anybody out there pieces together basically I built the frame out of some aluminum angle iron and then I used aluminum studs that you can use in drywalling as the cross braces to hold the pan and the classifier in place and then I placed down some pipe insulation basically just to protect my backpack for travel purposes so this sharp aluminum edge wouldn't damage my backpack and this whole top plate here will remove off and you can see that leave you with your bucket your Springs because you're removable and then your lightweight PVC stand I went with PVC because it's pretty rigid so it'll be able to be able to hold a good amount of weight but it's also light enough that I can travel with it each one of these Springs or four-inch Springs compression springs they're capable of holding 24 pounds roughly each so I should have about a 96 pound capacity on this machine like I said that's the one huge thing I liked about it is I won't have to classify any more manually out of the field and it's also very portable a few of the ones out there that I've seen people use or try to make they're just outrageously huge or they're using a fancy $200 concrete pump to vibrate their table and I wanted something super cheap super efficient and most importantly lightweight so as you can see here I just have bolts coming through the top side and they come down and then I'm using a 5/8 inch dowel that I just drilled a hole into the bottom so I could slide that over the remainder of the bolt and that gives a nice tight fit for inside this string here so there won't be too much play you don't want too much play in there because it'll just wobble around and the spring won't actually be able to do its job so since we have good contact in there you can see the spring takes most the weight and does all the action for us versus the bolt just pivoting that's just a real simple little improvement that I made when I was building this that really helped out so you go ahead and get your buckets centered on this side as you can see it just barely fits in between there and the stands perfect type so the stands won't hit it there's some clearance there and then would you set your classifier down in there that lip will sit on this lip nice flush sitting there and it has room to turn move unrestrictedly as you can see from the bottom side here it closes that gap between the classifier of the bucket so all your classified materials go down into your bucket you don't lose any and on this side we just have a standard automotive fan that I picked up from the junkyard this particular one set me back 20 bucks which I don't know about your neighborhood but if you go during a holiday weekend they will have those 50% off so you can score one of these for about ten bucks and make sure you snag the clip with it that'll help out a lot for wiring but all this is plastic so it is extremely light and like I said the whole unit itself is very light and wonderful for travel purposes so let's see this puppy in action the reason why I said keep the clip the clip is nice to remove for travel purposes obviously and then you can also attach the other end of the clip that comes from the junkyard to a set of alligator clips so it's very easy to attach to my small 12-volt battery here this is just a 12-volt battery that comes with my fish finder and when I take a gold prospecting I'll remove it for my fish finder bag so it's basically about a six inch by two inch battery and I can just toss it in my backpack let's get this puppy turned on here I'm gonna take the clip that comes with the fan clip in there my negative hooks up here and get pasta hooked up here and we'll be ready to rumble butterfingers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one to show you an alternative that if you're worried about the safety with the fan being exposed here we have there the regular oil pan drain or a drain pan and it actually fits right over this fan so you cut out the bottom of it put in some mess or sunscreen toss this over your fan that'll keep any rocks debris or anything from getting down inside there possibly getting hit and shot back at you also another modification that I made for this guy is I just took my five gallon bucket I have here and I cut a nice hole in the lid to fit this 1 gallon bucket I have and I have the 1 gallon bucket pull just some fine sand because I don't have any uh vibrating tumble media but if you put this down inside this bucket and fire this puppy up it can also be used to vibrate tumble some rocks to polish them or vibrate temples and car parks to get those cleaned up let's say you finish prospecting for the day and you're ready to pack up I'm gonna show you how easy this thing is back up jeonse everything in my bucket [Music] five gallon bucket can be a tight fit I got one left in here just so it's hopefully a little bit easier to get these other guys [Music] [Music] [Music] what you get your five now bucket down in there you can put your BBC in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] make sure you have your strap on the foam here so doesn't cut into your strap [Music] you have a side pouch here you very battery in like I said I won't be bringing the whole fish binder with now just take the battery out of toss that guy in there ready to go [Music] as you can see I'm not a very big guy and this really isn't that heavy in this backpack so it's gonna take away that extra work of classifying and it's gonna classify for me I'm all about it if you're interested I'm gonna be doing some field test testing this bad boy out at the river doing some dry classifications and wet classifications go ahead and hit that red subscribe button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen make sure you don't miss out [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: YepWelp
Views: 29,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Yepwelp, Gold, Gold Prospecting, Gold Prospecting Colorado, Colorado, Gold Panning, Colorado Gold, Gold Mining, Finding Gold in Colorado, Automatic Classifier, Gold Mining Equipment Small Scale, Gold Mining Equipment for Beginners, Gold Prospecting Tools, DIY Gold Prospecting Equipment, Recreational Gold Prospecting Equipment, Homemade, DIY Tumbler, DIY Vibrating Tumbler, DIY Vibration Tumbler, DIY Virbating Tumbler
Id: PWfpYJm-ltI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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