Recreating The BLJ in Unity

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the backwards long jump It's arguably the most iconic video game glitch of all time and has been memed to the Sun and back but the question I have is can I recreate this Behavior along with some of Mario's other physics in unity a modern gaming engine using nothing but my atrocious coding skills let's find out the first thing we need is the plumber himself I could make my own 3D model of Mario but I tried doing that a few years ago and oh God kill it with fire so instead I'm just going to use the existing Mario 64 model I went ahead and created a rig for this model and started making the animations I would need and after a lot of long and tedious work I had animations for idle running jumping and most importantly the long jump all right it's Unity time in order to to make the backwards long jump we first need to implement some of Mario's basic movement to do this I took a capsule added a rigid body created a movement script did a lot of mashing on my keyboard and voila the bean can now jump at the Press of a button time to add some running Mario's running has two parts moving forward and turning making Mario move in the forward direction is really easy but the Turning is a bit more sophisticated for example if Mario runs forward but then you switch to holding left on the control stick Mario won't instantly turn left instead he'll slowly rotate towards that direction so I started with implementing the Turning behavior and now we can see that when we press different directions it takes time for the Bean to rotate after that adding the forward movement was a cakewalk and now we have both running and jumping before we go any further with the physics I think we can now replace the Bean with Mario and add his animations and I'll also make the camera follow Mario around there's one more basic feature that we need to add before long jumping and that's crouching once we have that we can make it so that if Mario jumps while crouching he'll do a long jump here's the initial result we can Crouch and long jump just fine but there are a few problems for example when Mario runs and crouches he keeps sliding forward and doesn't slow down additionally when Mario long jumps I can't actually control his movement in the air and lastly I was an idiot and forgot to make it so that you have to be running in order to do a long jump so let's fix these bugs to start we'll make it so that if Mario is crouching his velocity will slow down over time until he comes to a stop next we'll make it so that Mario can only start doing long jumps if he has enough forwards velocity and finally We'll add control over Mario when he's long jumping now that we've added the basic physics and ironed out the bugs in the code we can finally implement the backwards long jump Behavior the reason why the blj works in Super Mario 64 is because whenever Mario long jumps his speed is multiplied by 1.5 in order to make it so that Mario couldn't go too fast when long jumping repeatedly the developers put a limit on the maximum speed Mario can have however when Mario is moving backwards his speed is negative and the developers never put a limit on the minimum speed Mario can have this means that if Mario repeatedly long jumps backwards very fast his negative speed will be multiplied by 1.5 several times until his negative speed spirals out of control so with this in mind I added a 1.5 time speed multiplier when Mario long jumps and made sure to limit Mario's speed if he's moving forward and Now ladies and gentlemen I give you the unity blj just for fun I decided to add a speed display while normal long jumps only give Mario a max speed of about 11 the blj can bring Mario to over a 100 times that speed now sit back and enjoy a Showcase of the unity blj in action [Music] n [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jon 8
Views: 34,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HNdrj5oiAZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 26sec (326 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2024
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