Recreating Non-Super Mario Maker Items in Super Mario Maker Part 2

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Wow I didn't expect that video to get as popular as it did I figured that it would get at least two or three thousand views but not five hundred thousand I'm not bragging I'm not showing off I don't have a massive ego all I want to say is thank you I didn't expect my channel to get that popular I didn't expect it to get as popular as it did as well as this video I didn't expect it to get that over to but if I want to be honest I hate this video with a passion the audio was terrible in Uncas instant when it comes to volume it was really really brag --is-- I'd say because I talked about likes and dislikes which is pretty terrible of me and worst of all the enemy spike I know I know I even said in the comments that spike originated in Super Mario Brothers 3 thank you guys for telling me and now I know so as an apology letter here is recreating items that we wanted Super Mario maker part 2 with better audio less bragging and more research oh the balloon kuma sadly this is the only Goomba that has appeared in only one level in only one game and that is new super mario brothers you it appeared in the level skyward stock which is sadly a bonus level so that means this Goomba is pretty obscure to find so let's give it some love by recreating it in Super Mario maker it's actually surprisingly very easy to make all you need to do this place the track on the very bottom all the way up to the top then place a Goomba first and then above it a done' block make sure they both go up now don't place it all the way up to the top because you need to place a sideways track above it and some ground that's unbreakable because well it's a truck and has enemies on it so they're gonna go back down so this is the best way to make them stay up and there you go that's your working balloon Goomba you [Music] ah yes fences fences have been around in both 2d and 3d games first appearing in Super Mario World and making its first 3d appearance in Super Mario Sunshine luigi 6 101 a Reddit user who's the main reason why I started the series to begin with made his own climbing fence but while playing around with the tracks I think I found a better way to make fences it's actually pretty simple start by placing your tracks first from left to right the reason why is accussed place different than vines next place your vine and measure how long you want it to be from top to bottom once you're done measuring place the vine to the side copy the track and make it as tall as the vine once you're done copy the vine over to the tracks once you're done with that take a semi-solid platform and place it on the top left next drag the bottom right end from the left all the way to the right and down and the top right down till it touches the vines and tracks and there you go that's how you make your working fence one of the main reasons why this is a quote unquote working fence is that you can now place koopa troopas on it and they will climb on it now that is awesome pogies our cactus like enemies that first appeared in Super Mario Brothers 2 but I would say that's technically a prototype mainly because they got their yellow appearance in Super Mario World and kept that appearance ever since in other Mario games and they never change it to green again I don't know why these enemies never mean an appearance in Super Mario maker I mean they change in size meaning it'll be perfect for creativity study people could change the size of the pokey however they want another addition to creativity in Super Mario maker but alas never happened but I figure I did find an amazing solution for it it's really simple make a one block deep hole then place cloud blocks over it or semi-solid pop horns or mushroom platforms then get yourself a spiny and place it inside the cloud blocks and then place some more on top and there you go that's how you make your own pokey now one the reason why you spiny is because you can't kill them normally like a Goomba just like a real pokey they're prickly just like a real pokey and you can either kill it with fireballs or with Yoshi's just like real pokies we did it ladies and gentlemen we don't need to ask for pokies again we already got our own I honestly don't know whether or not to put this enemy on the list mainly because well it's already a thing that you can do in Super Mario maker but it was still in a previous Mario game which is new super mario what is used so I guess it counts anyways the enemy I'm talking about is this like a 2 that throws these shells that turn into Piranha Plants they're also called dirt and ice according to the super mario vici this could already be achieved thanks to the in-game functions of Super Mario maker to make your own quote-unquote Gert and I just place a like a 2 and a piranha plant that's it no bill launchers no pipes no other things that you need to add that's it it's a Girton die in Super Mario maker and I think this gets the award for the dumbest recreation ever on recreating items that we wanted Super Mario maker because it's an end game function that you can already do now this has to be one of my favorite creations the manga question block first appeared in Super Mario Brothers 3 but then made a comeback in Super Mario 3d World however in Mario 3d World let me just fast-forward the gameplay a bit you can see that they act a bit different so today we'll be making a mega question block that acts like a normal question block it's really simple but it takes a while first get yourself a buzzy Biel and shake it til it turns into a shellman that's actually what it's called next get yourself a question block and place one on the bottom and one on the right the one on the right is where we'll place the items and enemies but the one on the bottom is gonna have a different purpose next get a trampoline and shake its out sideways and place it inside the bottom one and on the right one under it would be a hard block you'll see why in a minute next get yourself some cloud blocks and then place two of them on the right question block after that use the sideways challenge that made earlier and then place them on the right of the cob locks what I'm doing here is I'm gonna be covering everything up and making it a full 4 by 4 block make sure you don't cover the shell next get yourself a sideways or normal one link platform and place it inside of the cloud box in the sideways trampolines and there you go that is how you make your jumbo or mega question block now when I start present play and I hit the question block as you can see it's gonna activate the shell and then it's gonna hit our normal question block now I'm gonna place a powerup in there and boom it works we got our mega question block I actually created this idea using Super Mario maker for under to the 30s as you saw there I placed a sideways trampoline I also place a crushed and walk when I was waiting it on the 3ds version and love that I know I ended up doing something cool that I didn't expect to happen here's what happened [Music] now keep in mind I placed that question walk right there randomly I didn't expect it to bounce off of it that is awesome and there you guys go there is eight other non Super Mario maker items recreated in Super Mario maker I guess you could consider this as a Christmas gift because you guys have been wanting this video for a while now and the first one oh my gosh now at the beginning of the video it said I had five hundred thousand but right now it's at six hundred thousand this video has been blowing up and no I'm not bragging or anything I'm just shocked at how many people that will actually watch the video so what are your favorite items that I recreated in both Part one and Part two tell me in the comments if you have any other cringy videos and intended news that you want me to talk about 7 comments as well via the hashtag hashtag dino to gaming maybe they enjoy this video hit the like one Amy if you're new the subscribe button Anneliese thank you guys so much watching and I'll see you in the next video bye [Music]
Channel: Daniel T. Gaming
Views: 548,754
Rating: 4.7546301 out of 5
Keywords: recreating non super mario maker items, daniel t gaming super mario maker, daniel t gaming, super mario maker, daniel, gaming, tips, tricks, nintendo, create, edit, super mario remaker, super mario maker reddit, mario maker reddit, how, to, tutorial, reddit, mario
Id: BAknx5WaorI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 24 2016
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