Recreating My Ugliest Outfits from High School

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- Hey guys, it's Sierra. Welcome back to my channel and today, I am going to be dressing like I did in high school. So I dress like a lot of other people on my channel, I do a lot of style swaps where I try someone else's style, but now it's time to roast my own style. I started YouTube when I was nineteen, I'm now 23, so you guys missed out on a lot of the more questionable fashion choices from my teenage years. So let's just relive them and cringe together now (laughs). Make sure that you are subscribed to my channel I make new videos every Tuesday and Friday, all about fashion and body positivity. I would love to have you here, we are on the road to one million subscribers, I would be so happy if we hit it by the end of the year, that is like my ultimate goal. So if you wanna be part of that, do me a favor, click that little button, and you can turn notifications on too, sometimes they actually work. So I went through my old hard drive that spanned from when I was in seventh grade through my senior year of high school, and pulled some outfits that I thought would be fun to recreate, that also kind of represented like different periods of my life in high school, different kind of like, style phases that I went through, and I found this photo that was actually taken the day before I started high school, the day before my freshman year. I remember this day so clearly, I was getting my nails done with my mom and my friend Claire, we were talking about like what high school was actually gonna be like, and I was wearing this white button-up tank top and a lacy Abercrombie like cami underneath, a blueish purple like vest sweater-type thing, really thick chunky woven brown belt, and cuffed low-rise denim shorts, and this shark tooth necklace that the boy that I liked in eighth grade gave to me in the summer. (laughs) I wore this exact outfit a lot, like this was in my rotation and I always wore it with Ugg boots, Uggs with shorts was kind of my thing in high school, like no one else wore it, it wasn't really like a trend, like I could totally pretend it was just a California thing like every one did it, but no, like that was just a me thing that I thought looked cute, and all my friends made fun of me for it. I seriously rocked the Uggs with shorts look at least a few times a week from like eighth grade through junior year of high school. So even though I'm not wearing shoes in this photo because I was getting my nails done, I always wore brown, low Ugg boots with this outfit, and just Ugg boots with shorts all the time in general. So I'm gonna do this, day one, let's see it. My friend Hayley is over today, Hayley what do you think? - Oh, it takes me back. - Hayley actually knew me in high school. I texted her about, that I was gonna be filming today while we're hanging out, she literally called the Ugg's with shorts, and then we're meeting up with our friend Kenzie who also knew me in high school, and she said the same freaking thing. - It's like your actual signature thing. (laughs) - See, the Ugg's with shorts thing ended at the end of my Sophomore year which is when I went to Charter School, and I think it's been like a nice incline on my style game since then, but this is probably a low point. I'm already sweating because I'm wearing Ugg's, I'm glad I'm at least in shorts though, 'cause it's giving me a little bit of room to breathe. So the shark tooth necklace for me, once I put this on, I felt like I had transported back to 2010 when I actually wore this look. So I've got the necklace, I've got the little Abercrombie lacy cami underneath, nice open purple vest, and then the thick woven belt, and low-waisted, tight-fitting short shorts. So, let's go, let's go take on the world today, I am ready, I am rockin' the shorts with Ugg's. Before we go, definitely gonna need some deodorant on my thighs because these shorts are way too short. Also, I didn't know about any hacks for chub-rub back then, you just dealt with it. You just wore short shorts and you're thighs got chaffed and you didn't talk about it, and you pretended it didn't exist, and now we have solutions. And also, back then I wouldn't even tell anyone I got chub-rub, now I'm literally telling the Internet (laughs) - This is my hack - Yeah just wear jorts (laughs). So we just got down over to the beach in the timeshare where we're hanging out today, and my friend Kenzie is here and her husband TJ, and they were both my really good friends in high school so we'll see what their reaction is to this very cute outfit. What do you think of this blast from the past? (laughs) - Oh my god. Short shorts with the Ugg boots was literally like your - It was iconic, right? Like it wasn't a thing it was just a me thing. - The necklace, stop - The shark tooth necklace? Do you remember who gave this to me? - No. - (bleep) (laughs) This was before my first day of freshman year, it was, it was a look. - Dude, what? - I know. This belt is so thick it didn't go through the loop, I had to just like rest it on top of my hips. - With the Ugg boots, it's literally summer, it's like 80 degrees - I'm so sweaty. Oh my mom's here, I should get her reaction too. What do you think of my outfit? What do you think I'm filming? - Middle school Sierra? - High school. - Oh high school Sierra. - Okay, we are now over by the beach, I am here with my friend Kenzie, and my friend Hayley and my mom, and Kenzie's husband TJ and Harlen who's sleeping right there and is so freaking cute. She's so big now. All right so here's the thing with this outfit, honestly I'm still a fan of the Ugg's with shorts look, I'm not gonna lie, I know everyone hates on it, but I'm a fan, I'm enjoying it. Kenzie's snapchatting me (laughs). - Outfit goals. - (laughs) - Fashion icon. - Fashion icon, oh my gosh I'm an influencer, I do fashion can't you tell? No, but seriously the Ugg's with shorts, I stand by it, I know it's ridiculous, but I'm a fan, my feet? Toasty warm, maybe not the best in August 'cause I'm a little sweaty, but come like September, October, maybe I wanna let the thighs free, maybe I wanna wear some shorts, but maybe I don't want my feet to be cold. (laughs) The rest of the outfit, I will, I will roast because it is not great, the shark tooth necklace is just, I think it's the cherry on top, and the fact that it was literally from my middle school boyfriend is hysterical. The little like, lacy Abercrombie cami sticking out underneath was like the look that everyone did back then, and then the vest is just so Mid-Western mom. I honestly don't mind the low-rise shorts as much as I thought, like I thought I was gonna be really annoyed, I thought the chub-rub was gonna bother me because they're so short and so like, stretchy tight, but they're not that bad, like the look? Maybe not my best fashion masterpiece, maybe not the best ensemble but I actually feel pretty cute in it, I'm not gonna lie, except the vest, the vest could go. Okay after we hung out at the pool, I like changed out of my outfit, went in my swimsuit and then just threw this on after, but I kept the Ugg's. I brought other shoes and I chose to wear the Ugg's with these shorts. Different shorts then the one's from the video, these are actually like a mid-rise, so a lot more comfortable for me, but still I made the choice to keep the Ugg's with shorts, and you know what, I know that no one likes it, I know that everyone thinks it's super dumb, and yes, it is August and I was a little bit sweaty wearing them during the day. But, wearing them in the evening has been wonderful. I feel summery in my little shorts, but I'm nice and cozy and warm from my Ugg's (giggles). Also I love that I'm still wearing this shark tooth necklace but also like a "Jaws" shirt. That was completely unintentional but very ironic, I'm here for it. I will say I stand by that that outfit was pretty bad, but the one element that honestly is going back in my wardrobe from this video is Ugg's with shorts, so get ready for it. So yeah, I've grown up a bit in the photo for day two. Can you tell I was going through my rebellious phase? I'm wearing a gray slouchy tee with a dream catcher on it, and thank goodness the low-rise fad had ended at this point. Anyone else who was born in like the mid-90s like me, I'm sure that we can all just commiserate together in how awful low-rise everything was. Thank goodness for high-rise. So these ones are distressed high-rise jeans from American Eagle, and the bottom part of my hair was permanently dyed blue which I had done with box dye in Skylar's mom's bathroom. And I'm wearing a backwards trucker hat, which even though you can't see the front of the hat, it was from Hume Lake, I remember this hat so clearly. Shout-out to all my fellow California church kids who also went to Hume Lake. This was senior year of high school, I had thrown my friend Cory's 18th birthday party at my parents' house, and yes that is Skylar next to me. So Sky's gonna recreate her outfit too and we're gonna go to my parents' house and see if we can recreate this picture. It is day two and I am ready to go. Oh my gosh, does this outfit bring me back. First of all let's start with the hair. So we have these like deep blue hair extensions which I wish I would've boughten more of, I only bought one set. So I put them on like the bottom half of my hair, which is where my blue hair was, like the top was regular, the bottom was blue, but my actual blue hair when I had it covered the entire like bottom half of my hair, so it was a lot more blue then this but hopefully it still gets the vision across. Then we have the backwards hat, which I actually ordered from the Hume Lake website. I was committed to recreating this look. This isn't the exact Hume hat that I had, but it's pretty similar it had like a compass on it. Dream catcher T-shirt, so similar to the one that I had. Literally like gray, it was kind of that loose fit. I guess the one I had was a little bit more boxy, but I'm just gonna kind of like scrunch it up to give that same look. The mid-rise distressed jeggings, this was kind of my everyday jean look when I was in my senior year of high school, like I was done with low-rise but I hadn't quite gotten to like the super high-rise jeans that I like now, and I loved distressed jeans. Now I'm not a big fan of them, but back then I was all about the distressing. And we actually couldn't really see my shoes in the photo, we just saw that top little bit and it looked like I was wearing some sort of brown shoe. So, I'm gonna assume they were Ugg's, because I literally wore Ugg's like every day in high school, even in the summer, even in the spring. I'm bringing back Ugg's in general. Ugg's with shorts, Ugg's with jeans, Ugg's with leggings, I'm all about the Ugg (laughs). So I'm actually having a lot of fun with this look, I think I would consider dyeing the bottom part of my hair blue again like this is actually kind of fun. Skylar is gonna be here for work soon and she's gonna be wearing her outfit, and then me, Skylar, and Carly, are all gonna go over to my parents house and actually try to recreate that photo. We've got the red cups and everything. We ordered these on Amazon and they're like mini red cups but it'll get the point across. And actually my cousin Carter whose been in few of my videos, lives in my parents basement now, like in the area where we had that party. It's just gonna be so fun to be back in these outfits, back in that basement, so let's go see if Skylar's here yet. Hey (laughs) - Hey A blast from the past - Oh my gosh. The converse. - I got 'em. My dirty, dirty white converse. They're back, - Oh my (laughs) - With vengeance, just like your Ugg's. - Look it, look at this. Okay the only thing I messed up on is your hair was actually like a dark pink. - It was like a maroon, dusty rose pink - Yeah. Not like hot pink (laughs). - But you know what, I love that. We'll figure it out. - See your outfit actually looks cute on you. - I mean, it's fine. Definitely better than the Cheetah girls video, - (laughs) - But I think it's because I picked it out so it still worked for my proportion - That's true. - But also like, it's a lot. I look like I'm ready to go do some like, interpretive theater. - Looking at us next to each other (laughs) - It is so much. - Do you remember that night? - Yes. - Did we think we looked really hot? - For sure. - (laughs) - A hundred percent, like we're-- - We put on this outfits, and we were like - and we're like this is it. This is our final form - This is, this is for the party tonight, like my Ugg's and my dream catcher shirt and my blue hair and my backwards hat are gonna make all the boys go wild. - I love it. - But you know what, I feel the same way about the proportions, like I still wear like you know tight-fitting jeggings with like a looser fitting shirt, and I mean like I said, oh I haven't told you yet, I'm bringing back the Ugg's. - (laughs) - Not just Ugg's with jeans like this, like I wore Ugg's with shorts yesterday and I actually loved it. - I was telling Sierra the other day, that she was one of the cooler people in theater, and so I feel like people would like emulate her trends, like if Sierra started wearing like black V-necks, everyone would start wearing black V-necks, No one did Ugg's. - No one, no one did Ugg's with shorts. - Or just Ugg's at all - At all. They're here to stay. - Oh boy. Let's go, let's go to my parents' house. (whooping) All right we are in my cousin Carter's humble abode in the basement where all the shenanigans used to happen in high school. This was like where we like, I had my 16th birthday party like down here, like we would have sleepovers with all the theater kids at the end of a show like down here. Carly's here to take the photos, Skylar's here all dressed up, and we're gonna try to recreate it. So where this chair is, there used to be like a wine rack, and I know the wine rack was showing, the wine rack is not here anymore. So I'm on the left side, I'm closest to the wine rack. - Yeah. - You are on the other side. - Where are our cups? - I think I left them right there. I have my head tilted away from you, and mouth open and holding the cup. Okay - Yeah. - And your knee is popped, but mine are straight. - [Carly] The other one's popped. - This one? - Yeah. (upbeat music) - [Carly] That's good. - Is my blue hair showing enough? (upbeat music) Oh that's good. - Oh that's good. - High-freaking-five. (whooping) - We did it! - High-five. (upbeat music) - It feels so weird to be dressed like this, I think the blue hair is the weirdest part for me, because that to me was like, it was right after my break-up with my high school boyfriend. It was like single Sierra summer phase. I had my blue hair for like six months. - Yeah. - And that was a wild six months of my life (laughs). - That was a wild six months. - This would've been in November, 'cause it was Cory's birthday, so that would've been like less than a month before I met Steven. - That's crazy. - And I, did I have my blue hair when I--? No, I had dyed it back when I met Steven. - So I guess the some lesson here is if you have blue hair, and you wanna dye it back to your normal color, you'll meet your husband. - (laughs) - Like immediately. - Wait but that means if I wanna go back to blue hair I'm gonna go through a wild girl phase again? (laughs) - I don't know. - This was fun, this was a blast from the past, especially recreating the photo and then being here, in my parents' basement with the backwards hat, and the blue hair and the freakin' Ugg's with the ripped jeans, I'm living. Also my parents are doing construction behind me. So outfit number three, this photo was from the summer going into my Sophomore year of high school. Honestly most of this outfit looks pretty normal. I've got a little white sweater with some blue stripes, little low-rise light-wash denim shorts. Except for the dang Fedora, like why? Teenage Sierra, why? It is so-- It is so bad (laughs). Like I actually remember, I remember this day, I remember getting dressed for the day, picking out this outfit, grabbing the black Fedora and being like, yes Sierra, like you look so cute, like this is a look, like the boy you have a crush on, he's gonna just like fall to his knees because he's gonna fall in love with you because of your freakin' Fedora. Girl, bye. Day three baby, let's do it. I'm ready to go, I look like Jason Mraz (laughs). I am so torn about this outfit because there's really only three things going on here and two of them suck and one of them I really like. So it's like a suck sandwich. Fedora, awful. Sweater, love. Shorts, also awful (laughs). So here's the thing, like the Fedora, definitely wouldn't wear this today, but it's not like the worst, like it's just a black little Fedora. I look a little silly. I wouldn't say it's my style. You know what, back then I don't even think it was my style, I think I was just like trying to be different. Like I think I bought that Fedora and maybe only wore it like two or three days, like that day that I wore it I was like, tryna like break out of my bubble and like try different things, and like Fedora's were maybe gonna be my new thing. And then then I wore it that day and I was like, mm, nah. But I remember feeling really cute when I left my house in this Fedora. But currently, I wouldn't say I'm feeling it. It does make my hair look really cute though. I like the way my hair looks when I curl it and I wear a hat, but I don't necessarily like the Fedora. This sweater is so cute and so comfy, it's lightweight, it's soft, it's pretty flattering, I really like this sweater. I'll totally keep this, totally re-wear this. High school Sierra, good choice, good choice on this sweater. And then the shorts are just, nope, not a fan. They're low-rise and they're so short, there's actually a very small amount of fabric in these shorts, and they're like that stretchy material, so they're not actually tight, I actually got these a size up and they are a little bit loose, but that doesn't stop the fact that they are like clinging to me because this material is just that like stretchy, clingy material. And then they're low-rise and they're already short and they just ride up, I've literally been wearing them for maybe five minutes, and I've already been doing this dance just non-stop. Also, yesterday I was going through an old box of my like middle school and high school stuff at my parents' house just to see if I had like any fun little gems to incorporate in this video. I found like a lot of old like essays and assignments, nothing really fun except, I found my old GameBoy SP. And it has still, my Pokemon Yellow game in it, and I tried to play it last night, but it's on red power, now it's saying green power last night it said red power. I wasn't gonna play it because it said it didn't have any power left and I don't have a charger for this, but I did order one on Amazon after I found it. But now it says green power, wait can I play? Can I play? Okay, my old game is not saved. It just gives me new game options, so that's a little bit sad, I was hoping I'd still have my old squad. Welcome to the world of Pokemon. (laughs) People call me the Pokemon Professor. This world is inhabited by creatures called Pokemon. Yes it is, me and my Fedora are gonna catch some 'mons, I'm so excited. Okay I know what I'm doing today. I had a whole to-do list of things I had to do, I'm just gonna play this. What should my name be? Let's make it Schultzzie. What if this Fedora's good luck? Because last night, hear me out, last night, tried to play my Pokemon game, red power, no Fedora. Then I put on the Fedora, and magically green power. Coincidence? I think not. Okay, so it is now a bit later in the day, Skylar and Carly are here in the background on their lunch break, I still have my SP in hand, we still have green power, the Fedora's magic powers are still working, but I am a little bit worried about this dying and then me having not saved, and then my charger from Amazon isn't here yet. So I think I'm gonna save and put it down, and actually do the work that I have to do on my to-do list. And then when my charger gets here, I will take this with me on my trip to Europe next week, and I'm gonna play this on the plane the entire time. I'm so excited. But as I clearly have forgotten, this day is not about my Pokemon SP, it is supposed to be about this outfit, and my stance on the shorts is the same, like they just really, really suck, they've been riding up all day, I feel like they give me the worst camel toe, not a fan, Skylar and Carly, what do you guys think of the outfit? - I told you, I think you look really cute. - Really? - Like I'm not a fan of the Fedora, but I feel like the sweater would actually be really cute for fall, and I feel like the shorts like, I understand that they're low-rise so they're not your fave, but with a longer T-shirt, you can't tell that they're low-rise. - Carly what do you think? Carly's like a fashion icon, everything she wears is so cute. Fedora, yes or no? (laughs) - Skylar chose this photo so she can't even blame me, it's not even my fault, you did this Skylar. This was like right before our rebellious phase, this was senior year, but before the red cup photo from day two. We were so cute, like so cheesy and a little bit cringe, but so cute. So I am wearing crop yoga pants, and hot pink flip-flops with an Ariel tank top form Hot Topic and a matching plastic crown. Yes I wore a plastic crown to Disneyland. And Skylar's in a pink V-neck, black crop yoga pants, silver flip-flops and silver sparkly Mickey ears. This was at the time where Skylar and I were both in an independent study program senior year, so we would always get our work done like at the beginning of the week, and then literally at least once a week, we would go to Disneyland because we didn't have anything else we had to do, we did all our school work. It was a time to be alive. Man, do I miss those days (laughs), except maybe not because high school was kinda rough. Also, we had bought these matching princess backpacks, Skylar's wearing hers in the photo. We got them at Target for like eight dollars and we would literally have all the princesses at Disneyland sign them and then wear them, the matching signed backpacks, every single time we went to Disneyland. Who's ready for Disney? (whooping) (laughing) I wasn't sure how this was going to work, like this one I didn't know if we were gonna put it on and be like "Oh no, I can't believe we have to wear this at Disney all day". I love this. - I mean, I wouldn't go so far as to say I love this, like it's a lot of very bright bold, I mean my backpack, I don't know how to make it light up. - I love-- It lights up! - It lights up! - But also it's like ripped 'cause this is the actual backpack that we used back then. - It's the actual backpack, let's get a close up of those signatures, hold on. We've got Donald Duck, Pluto, Mickey, is that Cruella de Vil. So this isn't like our matching backpacks, but I actually did buy this around the same time also from Toys'R'Us, this was just in my garage. I don't have my actual light up matching signed backpack, but this is from the same era, and it matches my shirt, So. - So, the one thing we're missing is we ordered you an Ariel crown and we can't find it. - So we're gonna go to PartyCity on our way to Disneyland and buy myself a blue tiara (laughs). Now there's one part about this outfit that I can't get over, and I think we're on the same page about this, so tell me if I'm wrong, but it's-- - The shoes. - The flip-flops, right? - How did we do it? - We would like open Disney up and close it down in like the cheapest, plastic flip-flops. - First of all, they're ugly. - (laughs) Agreed. - Like I'm just gonna say it. Like your shirt, fun. - Yeah. Like that's like a fun day. These, when are they cute? - Never. And they're just so uncomfortable, like there's no arch support. In what world? Like I think we need to bring extra shoes. - Oh for sure. - Otherwise, we're just gonna be miserable. - Especially pregnant, like I just, there's no way. - And we both are rocking our Fabletics leggings, because I am now a Fabletics ambassador. So we are ready to hit Disneyland. But first, we gotta get a tiara. - Let's do it. - We found some crowns but none of them are quite right. This one has like this kind of, what would you even call this? - Tinsel? - Tinsel! Yeah this like tinsel thing on it and it's a little too big, the one I was wearing in the photo was like just kind of a little hair clip thing. Like it was kind of like this, but it was like two or three times the size. Like it was a little comb, and I had just like brushed it back, it wasn't a full crown. We need like something in between these two. Like this is the first evolution, this is the third, we need the middle and we need it to be blue. We found it, this is like the perfect little second step, it is silver instead of blue but you know, we'll take what we can get, and there's also five of them so, if I break one I have backups. We're in our happy place. High school us loves Disney, current us loves Disney, I'm sure future us will love Disney. Let's do it. (upbeat music) And look, we made it to the castle. I think we were right in front of that Y, in the Your. 'Cause look, right by your foot you can see the Y, so I think you're like edge of your foot would be close to that Y, and then I'm on the outer side, leg closest to the camera is popped. Can we do it? - Yes. - Let's do it. - Are we gonna change into flip-flops for it or? - Oh yeah I forgot we have to do that. Yes, of course, we brought the flip-flops for a reason. (upbeat music) I'd say honestly guys, I prefer the Fedora over the tiara for how it makes my hair look. Like my curls looked cute coming out of the Fedora. - I'm surprised, I feel like you would love the princess thing. - I do, I love that it's a tiara, but I just don't like the way it like puffs my hair, like I feel like I have a Snookie poof. (laughs) - Maybe you should steal Carly's scrunchie and do like a half-up and then put it in the half-up. - Let's try that, hold on. I feel so pampered. Are you gonna make me into a princess Fairy Godmother? - No, no my dear, I'm so sorry. - You're right, you're making me into a queen. Okay, I think you were right Skylar, this is the move, you left all my little curls in the front, but now I have less of a bump-it, and more of just like a little half-up pony, so I like this better. (upbeat music) Oh why do I do this to myself? It's the last day, whatever, let's do it. I am going to recreate this zebra pink and black dress that I wore to my friend Maddy's Bat mitzvah in eighth grade. So this wasn't actually in high school, like I said eighth grade, but when I was going through the old photos and I saw this dress, I could not resist. I have no idea where I'm gonna wear this hot look this week, but we're doing it. You are way too good at your job. (laughs) The fact that you tracked down a zebra top, pink tie, and then like chiffon bottom dress in my current size is insane. - I appreciate it. - Like I kind of hate that you're so good at it, because then I have to wear this. Like low-key it would've been better if you were like you know what Sierra, I just couldn't track it down, like we're just not gonna be able to do this outfit for this video. - People always comment and are like "Why does Skylar think everything's cute?" 'Cause, but like I think she looks cute, I think its objectively flattering. - I can never trust your opinion again after this. Next time you tell me I look cute, and I actually think I look cute, I'm just gonna think of this and feel like I look like this. I kind of look, like the top half kind of looks like a gymnast, like I'm wearing like some sort of like sports bra with a leotard that's just like flattening me, but then it's also like, hello. I thought this was a homecoming dress at first when we were looking at the photos, it's not homecoming this was in middle school. This was for my friend Maddy's Bat mitzvah. Which to this day is still the coolest party I've ever been to. Here's the thing, I thought it would be fun to wear this like to a bar or something to sing karaoke, but we don't have time to do that tonight 'cause I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow and I still need to like pack and stuff. So I think, I'm just gonna wear this around the office all day today, like sit at my desk, do my work, and then like we'll go run some errands, go to Starbucks and so the public can see this beautiful dress. - I'm excited. - (laughs) Final touches real quick, we've got this little silver heart necklace and bright pink sunglasses. I remember me and my friends buying these, like our matching sunglasses at the mall and being like "Oh yeah, we'll wear these with our dresses", our dresses were all from Windsor, and like oh yeah we're gonna look so cool. Like we're gonna looks so cool rolling up to the Bat mitzvah in these glasses. Also I'm pretty sure the little silver heart necklace that I have was a necklace that my mom bought me when I got my period. Did anyone else's parents' do that? I remember my mom was like "I'll get you a necklace so you have a memento when you remember you became a woman, you're becoming an adult, you got your period" I was 12. Did your mom do that? - No, my mom definitely did not get me a period present. ♪ Hey now, hey now, ♪ ♪ This is what dreams are made of ♪ ♪ Oh whoa ♪ Getting in the car in this dress you know what it made me think of? - What? - I remember me and my friends driving to the Bat mitzvah in my friend Hannah's mom's car, and playing - I was gonna say, you were old enough to drive? Definitely not, no we were like 12. And "I Got a Feelin'" by the Black Eyed Peas came on and we were like this is our song for tonight. You know like, tonight's the night, live it up. - It's gonna be a good night - And there's even one part in the song where they say mazel tov, and so we were like "Yeah, perfect for the Bat Mitzvah". I know I can't play that song in the video 'cause of copyright, but I wanna play it just for me. - Just for us. - So you know what? Editor Rachael, could you just play some generic copyright-free music as I jam out to "I Got a Feelin'" by the Black Eyed Peas? - Please. (upbeat electronic music) - I have a weird job. Like the fact that on my schedule today, it literally said put on middle school dress. People are looking at me. It's been very windy today, so I've been holding my skirt down a lot. It makes me feel like Marilyn Monroe, but if she was like an awkward middle schooler going to a dance. Like it's not like a sexy holding down my skirt, it's like a oh no, I hope no one sees my underpants. It's been a weird day, but you know what I've actually been enjoying wearing this because like I wear a lot of ugly things on my channel, right like I wear a lot of really, really questionable fashion items, but they're all because of someone else's fashion choices. Like you know its an item from Fashion Nova, or a weird outfit someone else put together. I am wearing this because 12 year old me thought it was a great look. So I have no one to blame but myself. All right guys, thank you so much for watching. Let me know down in the comments what your most questionable high school fashion choices were. I'm sure I'm gonna look back at the way I dress now in my 20s in like 10 years and be like, why did I wear that, like that is not cute. But you know what, that's the way fashion is. It's always changing, you're always figuring out what your actual style is and what actually makes you feel confident. And at the time as much as I side-eye my fashion choices from high school now, back then I really liked them, and they made me feel really good. So rock whatever makes you feel confident, even if it's a Fedora with Ugg's and low-rise shorts, it's all about how the clothes make you feel. So, I hope you guys enjoyed this video, please subscribe join the family. Be confident, love your body, and I will see you next time, bye. (upbeat music)
Channel: Sierra Schultzzie
Views: 647,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recreating, recreated, roasting my outfits, roasting my instagram, roasting my own, ugly outfits, my ugly outfits, high school, high school outfits, style swap, for a week, dressing like, dressing like i did in high school, sierra schultzzie curvy, sierra schultzzie, curvy, sierra schultzie, Sierra Schultzze, Reviews, fashion
Id: junYBrdw9rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 42sec (1842 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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