We Were Treated Like Absolute Garbage at Beautycon (with live footage)

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hello everyone welcome back to the vlog Channel I am getting my makeup done in the process we just got started just started on the browse for beautycon it is beautycon today I'm very excited Skylar is filming she's coming with me and Stephanie's doing our makeup Skylar and I did our own hair Skylar is finally got her makeup done first so horse is all good now she's doing her hair I did my hair and then now Stephanie's doing my makeup then we're gonna get the dress and ready and go to beauty con are you wearing the rainbow headband to beautycon oh is that like your lot Stephanie got this for us to where will we get our makeup done because we're beautiful unicorns actually it's functional like examining oh yeah it's a look maybe I should just go like this like Stephanie maybe don't do any more makeup or maybe do you like rainbow glitter unicorns realm and like in my pajamas but like with heels maybe love it that's a load I honestly feel like people at beautycon would like accept it yeah I feel like sweats and heels are a thing okay we are on the last few steps of the eye makeup well the whole makeup right yeah like all we need is setting spray and your mascara and lips this is definitely the boldest eye I have ever had I don't Stephanie I was like my dress is blue it's beautycon so like if there's a time that you're gonna do something like crazy and creative on me like this is it just go nuts and you you did it like we did that thing we were just talking about how Skylar should pose now that she's pregnant like and then how should you stand yeah cuz like you could go with like the one-handed like belly touch so I demonstrate yeah sure here okay so when you're posing for a photo I still have to figure out like do it pop the leg oh I like popping the inner leg yeah like that no no the other one yeah cuz that like like that yeah like outside hand yeah like I think that's good for in conversation like do I like do you like a so rough I like I feel like it's too much to hold like this yeah and I feel like even this looks like just like it kind of looks like yeah I was gonna say it kind of looks like you're like subtly picking a front wedgie I like the subtle rub yeah but I think you need to smile when you do it because if you're like frowning then it looks like you have diarrhea oh yeah I told Skyler because I'm like I don't know I feel comfortable but I feel like it's really cute oh you feel like I'm gonna show up and everyone's gonna look like crazy I think the outfit is super super cute but now add the Gucci bag now it's like beautycon this is like hi nice to meet you okay so this is the final makeup look I am obsessed like I feel so freakin bomb right now and it's so different than what I usually do so thank you Stephanie you're amazing Skyler is getting her lashes finished up and I'm about to put on my dress which if you guys saw the last vlog or if you saw the main Channel video that I think it's gonna go around like right before this vlog cuz I want the main channel video to be like a surprise with what I'm wearing so this is my dress it's hard to see when it's not on but it's like an off-white kind of velvety mock neck like ruched dress I'm obsessed with it it's amazing I never would be able to like wear a dress like that on my own like it's only because of the stylist these are the shoes these I did buy these were about $60 and they're actually super super comfortable I usually hate heels so when I tried these on and they were so comfortable and like also cute and funky I was like alright I'm gonna buy these ones but the dress a little out of my budget okay here is okay pause real quick I'm literally editing this at what I am in my hotel room but I just wanted to let you guys know I'm gonna be doing a whole main channel video on like this look and my experience with a personal stylist and I don't want that to get buried in like the crop that was beautycon this year so like just make sure to look out for that main channel video I'm really excited about it a big thank you to the amazing stylist Dana the clothing therapist who put this outfit together for me because it is beautiful and made me feel so confident despite everything that happens later in the vlog so Thank You Dana and make sure you guys look out for that video later this week my fall look I love this so much oh my gosh so obviously the blue off-white dress we have this like glittery kind of silver chain I have these like teardrop earrings that are like blue and red and then obviously the blue eyeshadow I have this little blue crossbody bag and then the shoes are the ones that I showed you guys which are fun cuz they actually match the earrings like perfectly the only dilemma with this is like how do I stop the chub-rub cuz I can't wear tights because of the shoes they're open-toe but I think one of wear Spanx because if I'm rocking a bodycon dress like I want to rock my stomach the way it is you know like oh like sometimes I'll wear Spanx sometimes I won't it just kind of depends on how I feel and for this I just want to be like fully authentically me and we're off my stomach on the red carpet the way it is so I didn't want to wear Spanx so I ended up going just like a pair of biker shorts which I think are blending it pretty well I don't really think you can see any outlines so I'm ready to go Skyler is just getting the last few touches of her makeup and then we'll be heading to beautycon okay Skyler so we've been at the beautycon VIP area for a little while we are like full glam we did the outfit and we're still kind of betrayed I'm actually really really I so he just had like a very similar experience if you watched here at beautycon video last year she talks about they have like this photo booth area it's like a war talent and three people come in front of us and then I was like okay I'll let it happen yeah and then we got up to the front and maybe it was like whoa I'm sorry we have to sneak talent now and like looks like a looked at Sierra like up and down in Terra I was like I am talent and she was like oh but it's only specific talent and then she was like you can try to come back later but I swear if we come back at you they're not gonna and if they it's gonna be like last year if I do wait it out and they get my photos they're not going to like oh summer they're gonna like maybe take a look great and so I thought I really thought that she was gonna be different and like no sheets is unique on both know maybe a little shade to pity I have never seen you be treated like that like pink line or clamor Connor any never never it's just it I'm kidding it's annoyances literally what happened promised hand foot and you know what it's like the same thing with the floating photo area and everything Wow I'm glad that you were here too and I think it's just I I don't think it's beautycon in particular I think it's the beauty industry I think it's time we found this little backdrop over here we're ready to fight come on take them I feel like I've just come to expect at them but it's your first time I'm not no it's not it's not let me also movement like two of our friends who are like normal okay girl yeah it was like before no like they said the same thing to them - yeah and they have like what 2 million subscribers yeah our friends over web and so it's not about like what you do or who you are it's about what you look like well in your honesty yeah if I could be a little fun in front of us if I had cut in front of people and said there are all self-important Isis like I'm telling you they would have and don't think we don't even care about the photos it's just the principle so nosing good like this like never I mean it would be nice to get like be role yeah so I like a picture of the two of us yeah well he's probably aren't going to get one now that's I guess the beauty industry for you [Music] it's funny how you can go into an event feeling like you did everything to make yourself feel confident and feel worthy feel good getting here and then just have these attitudes of the people around you totally change how you feel about yourself yeah here just don't make me grow my in the photo up area like not even like I was just taking pictures of Sierra not a photographer no some random lady was like okay ladies thank you and like didn't work there just didn't didn't want us to you take any more time taking photos because she wanted to take a photo which is the appropriate way needs to be like hey do you mind if I take a photo nice we waited in a lie yeah in we took maybe 30 seconds okay ladies thank you I'm disappointed disappointed worried so we are waiting lines there is a big line this way and we're getting scream done only search badges can be here and everyone who sits [Music] do you see now why I didn't I mean but like do I need do you think I should you have to do it I think this is my last I get shot down they keep saying yeah they can take they're going to shut it down and people don't behave yeah unless I was invited not sure to like to do something really fun where I got like half my bands because it the best part about this is the meeting bands but I didn't have a meet-and-greet so it's just like walking around maybe we should have I don't like that idea that has been for sure outsmarted I agree high-five to that let's go first we gotta wait in this line and I feel like my makeups like melting like I know it looks fine but literally look another billion right could not do trick start feeling why am I in reality so we were waiting in that red carpet line and my manager our well not my manager but like one of the colleagues of my manager who's here I told us that they just put food out and that she would wait in line so we could come out and get food food it was out for 110 we just came over here and it's all done and I'm super pregnant and serious and meals and I just there's no nope it's what three o'clock no do twenty three twenty then put it out at I think 205 and the line was ridiculous okay here's the thing I don't want to act like I'm complaining about their domain food because that's kind of like a privileged thing but they invited us here we're not paid to be here and all tonight I do this mine like the talent area is that you think involved it's a safety thing they're like provide food I know everyone says everyone is I stopped her first of all we literally didn't even wait in the line and I tried something but not someone seated in for okay so first of all not me so utter tip even thought about that we weren't able to get our wristband so check-in was like an issue so we came in like through the entrance they wouldn't let us in to the area to get or wristband but then we didn't have wristbands to get in also the people in the booths some of them have been really lovely but some movement so someone asked us they were like what's a prerequisite you get into the talent area and it wasn't like oh look what's your channel what do you do it was like are you you don't look like you're important and I have decided that I don't know if it's just the beauty industry or just this event but if you if you don't have the look and have ego and about attitude people walk all over you and I refuse to compromise my morals to be taken seriously because I think there are plenty of events where I can go and meet creators and meet fans because that's why I come it's like me other people and also part of it like it's not a numbers game but we have met people who like asked for Sierra's Instagram and like we'll ask her to follow them and they have less subscribers or followers I mean but one like nothing to do yeah like they as soon as they look at your Instagram and my Instagram then they're just like oh and completely ignore Skylar it's just well and then apparently at the check and we weren't there but our two friends were with earlier said that there were girls like walking to the front of the line I mean like they have 200k I need to get in and they're like everyone's waiting in the same line and I just I don't want to be someone with a big ego I would so much rather be kind and not be taken seriously and I guess that's the sacrifice I made because I'm not like here we are it's too we haven't eaten we're about to feel like we have to go just stick it out in that red carpet line like I kind of invest like I do now just for the footage and like to see how everyone treats us like now are they gonna want to like interview or they get it like what's it what's and then we should go to Taco Bell yes what we had g-girl crap and let's go try me a couple bands and a lot to eat all of the vegan yeah I you know what I'm so glad that you came because in last year I honestly like I look back at my video and I was like was I being dramatic like was I being too like like what's the word temperamental like was I too sensitive about literally telling Sarah I'm like you're seeing this right and she's like yeah yeah it's I just I don't know I'm tempted to not say things about you be gone because they invited me here it just is beautycon cancel is it I think so I'm canceling it I'm not coming yeah I want like I'm going to do we're going to join Beauty yeah I've always had a much better experience there this year yes at the time and it was coming and there are a bunch of other ones we got you there like creator Elaine conferences that are amazing they haven't done playlist live but like I've heard good things about it I feel like we should just put in some money and make my own me hungry to meet my fans because like the creator only events are great because it's like well organized and everyone's nice but then I don't get to meet viewers comment down below where you are in the United States because I'd be interested yeah go but are a lot of human LA are people in like Arizona lady or where are you if we wanted to come meet you yeah and we wanted to do it our way and have nice people and it's like seems like they're having a great time enough you know even at Elaine's garage sale was amazing right I thought it was wonderful if we can find like a body-positive company that like would let you do that in a store that would be so awesome I think that's the theme I think that's it all right I'll get back in line of our crumbling Tommy's goodbye beauty club so all the food is gone I know know there was like no nothing it was up to what like 15 minutes [Music] that one biggest waste of my time ever [Music] I literally walk down I think they took two pictures of me I talked to one reporter [Music] how long debate is galen hour and a half yeah I feel like confidence all-time low and I'm in like the most beautiful dress that means feel amazing they've got more expensive than your wedding gown Surrey yep you know literally it just goes to show you it's not about what you're wearing it's not about like how much it cost it's not even about how much time you put into it it's about how you feel and how the people around you encourage you because like this morning and the hotel room I felt so good I know now I just feel I don't know [ __ ] I was texting Stephen and he's like just remember like you don't need this to validate you and I don't like I don't even want to like get any more free problems like I kind of just wanted totally empty Utley so we just went to get in our over and then we walked and then they said that we had to get in a golf cart so we're waiting in a golf cart I literally sat down before the drivers even here I told Sierra is literally feel like I'm gonna pass out like I'm pregnant and I haven't eaten in 10 hours I would say literally all they had were pretzels and not even like that was because someone went and like grabbed me press oh really yeah shame I went and grabbed me pretzels oh and like that was so low okay [Laughter] huh those people laughing at us I'm so sorry I'm literally pregnant and I feel like I'm gonna pass out I haven't eaten in like 10 hours and I haven't sat down I'm so sick I'm so sorry like I feel like it's my fault it's not your it's just people are shitty the irony of me wearing a shirt that says good vibes only after that endeavor oh my gosh oh my I I don't know what to say last year I had a bad experience at beautycon and I chalked it up to maybe a few bad people like I had some good conversations like the event as a whole was fine last year this year I will never go back to beautycon and I know that I as like an influencer who was invited there I'm not supposed to speak out like this and I'm supposed to just like shut up but I'm not going to so I'm sorry like I'm sorry beautycon actually I'm not sorry I don't think you should be sorry I think we were treated like trash I'm so glad that you I mean I'm sorry that you had to be there with me but I'm glad that you were there with me because I feel like I especially with my imposter syndrome and the kind of person who when bad things happen I try to see the good in it and I try to be like it was probably me like even last year I was like oh I probably wasn't dressed the right way like my makeup didn't look good enough like maybe I wasn't bold enough but I feel like having you with me is a good reminder of like you know what no like this is not a me problem yeah oh my gosh that was so crazy first was the check-in yeah so first we got there it was super confusing which first of all before we even got there started to interrupt you we I have to preface it with we were so hyped oh my god like this morning you said it you felt like it was Christmas morning I lit her I said I felt more glamorous so they gin at my wedding yike literally like Stephanie did such a great job on her makeup we were like playing hyped up music we both felt like so confident so good I would say I mean II felt like the most confident that I've ever felt my life and that's amazing like literally I felt like my hair looks good my makeup lips got I liked my outfit but like I wasn't wearing Spanx like I felt comfortable like I had my best friend like it was we were in such a good headspace and we had the the right colored wristbands like we were invited yeah we got like a nice hotel which they didn't like pay for my hotel or anything like I paid for my travel I you know like posted about it on Instagram we show up first of all it's like a loading dock entrance yeah and there are no signs anywhere so the security guys like oh talent enters through here or to our driver so he drops us off there and it's like a back door that's open with like one metal detector but we had gotten there pretty early the event started at noon but talent could get there at 10:30 yeah we got there at like 10:50 so I was thinking okay it's there's probably just not a lot of like like staff here because it's early we get in and we keep asking everyone like where do we get talent badges like where do we check it and no one knows no not another security not the people who are like letting people into the talent area like no one knows and so finally we're like can we speak to someone who's here because you won't let us into the area where we think we're going to get the badges and we don't want to go out on the main floor without badges so we give this we see this beautycon employee and we're like hey we got dropped off at the wrong spot we don't know where we're supposed to go can you escort us to check-in and she's like what are your names we give her names she's like give me your IDs and I'll go get your badges which looking back on it I'm glad it worked out but that was a bad decision on my part well she was gone for over 20 minutes like we are texting Sierra's management being like someone just took her IDs and lied literally and then it might so my manager wasn't there but like his colleague was so she was like our point of contact there and she was like hey like they just drop you off in the wrong spot just like go outside and come back in and really but we don't have her IDs now so we couldn't get in so we had no choice but way eventually which actually was kind of a blessing because she told us her other client had to wait like an hour and a half to get in the top line was so backed up Brett Minh britman greteman Rock posted on his Instagram story now apparently the metal detectors were broken I'm sorry I'm late for my meeting great they're trying to fix this thing right here it's broken and I can't get him so that was weird but we had a fine time we're walking around we met up with a few of our creator friends then we go over to the photo area which is where I had the whole issue last year where they basically let a bunch of people cut was finding my turn they're like who even are you took two or three photos of me and then never posted them on the photo website like they posted everyone else's but not mine because I don't look like an influencer so this year Skylar and I were like we're gonna do it like we're gonna go over there like I got my wristband I have my girl with me who will be like no like you're she's talent like Jenna did it up so we wait our turn few people cut in front of us but I'm like that's fine yeah good we get to the front the lady it's like oh I'm sorry this is for talent only and or she didn't even say I'm sorry she said this is talent only and like looked us up and down and then here goes oh I am talent and like kind of shows her wristband and the lady like looks her up and dad like slowly yeah like makeup hair like my body and then it's like this is first select Talent and we're like okay well will it be open up to other talent at some point today like we'd love to get like a picture together do like a headshot and she was like maybe you could come back in two to three hours to 30 hour and maybe and when we didn't go back cuz I felt so weird ya know why would you you never want to look at those pictures but what negative Association I think what my biggest gripe with beautycon and the beauty industry is they act like it's all about inclusivity because they have people of different like body types and gender identities and like they try to be so diverse but at the end of the day if you don't have their look you will not be treated like a real person yeah and that's not real inclusivity like it's not who how is that including anyone it's sure you can be here yeah but we're not gonna include you I I was already feeling really down and like I walked into today feeling so confident and like Skyler and I were both feeling kind of the same way so we're like okay and also we were so hungry so it said on our like email it was like there will be catering and drinks and everything for in the talent area yeah and there was open alcohol yeah but no food at all and apparently they brought out food at around 2 o'clock we went in at 2:15 and it was on yeah being like literally we we were told that like the pink carpet red carpet photo line was like stacking up to be like an hour and a half long and it was like 1:45 and so we're like okay we esepcially drop everything and we like can't wait around I get to the front and they like write my name down or whatever the press people take like two photos of me like look me up and down again at like my body and a what but I know it wasn't my outfit this time so I was wearing a freaking off white dress and it looked bomb and the outfit was amazing and it was put together by this amazing stylist Dana out of the clothing therapist shout-out to her for being like the one good part of my beautycon experience yeah but so it was me it was because I'm fat and like I'm not like a tall Instagram baddie looking girl like that truly I do think that's what it was about and that's really sad and the beautycon employee came up for me like hi do you want to do any passer like are you good I was like I'd love to do some press so she like walks up to like the press area of like the like reporters and just like kind of looks at them and like grabs one and like does a quick little interview with me and then like all innocent like that were interviewing other people they were just like standing there like looking at my outfit and then like another girl behind me like her like the beautycon person was with her and like literally grabbed her hand like pulled her grab the reporters hand pulled her and like put them together and like that's I guess how you get an interview is having someone like physically pull a reporter to you yeah and like because no one was doing that I just kind of stood there for like a minute and a half and like honestly one of the most embarrassing like imposters and trimming moments of my life and then I just looked at Skylar and I was like I'm gonna just go yeah it was awful like we literally waited an hour and a half in a hallway where they kept saying like oh there's a beautycon employee the only other like one that we saw the whole day that's like screaming everyone telling them to like backup otherwise the fire marshal was gonna like cancel it and like not do the pink carpet anymore which I don't really get like if you're like what are you a jerk like production we've worked tact we've worked events like I get it but there is a way first of all they shouldn't have invited so many people that they couldn't handle it second of all there's a nice way to say like hey guys we need you to back up yeah it was like like and we had we waited in an hour and a half long line at this point serious and crazy high heels I'm pregnant and like in little few with had no food like please just don't yell this like just say like hey guys can we back up a little bit yeah I don't need to come in guns blazing like screaming at us with the police officer being like do you need it back up like literally so crazy like Oh at one point we saw a security guard we're trying to find the bad back jack and I was like hi excuse me I and he's like don't talk to me I don't know anything I'm just here to escort town and I was like okay you're like first of all I am talent can you get you at like just so rude and then all the people like escorting Talent we're all so so rude they did move out of the way like so rough and tumble when we're literally like we're in the talent area like I think that like I've gone to so many conventions like I went to drag con at the exact same venue and had a great time like as an attendee yeah like as talent like this is my first time ever being any sort of talent or like in the talent area it wasn't rough it was so bad and they're all so many things still that we didn't even mention yeah it was so bad um beautycon I am sorry no I'm not again I'm not sorry um I'm sorry your event was terrible for the people that you invited and we are the people that are bringing ticket sales you know what people treated me like they treated me like the little bug that was crawling on my leg in the car yesterday they were like all right well uh be nice be kind be kind um no laws when you're drinking the clothes I should get a white cloth that's what I need they might have went down at the bar but I know they can call and get you something it's come here deserve something I had a vodka soda one when we were in the lounge and that was it but you deserve something I know love's when you drink in club baby all right bye guys [Music]
Channel: Sierra & Stephen IRL
Views: 1,708,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sierra schultzzie, sierra schultzie, sierra and stephen, sierra schultzie vlog, sierra and stephen irl, married young, vlog, couple, married, marriage, couple vlogs, husband, wife, beautycon la, beautycon, sierra schultzzie beautycon, beauty community, undercover, undercover at beautycon, live footage, live, beauty gurus
Id: 0nKNBHtbUrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 7sec (1867 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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