Recreating Chrissy Teigen's Stuffed Chicken Breast From Taste | Reverse Engineering | Bon Appétit

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hey it's dan director of reverse engineering and i'm here for a secret conversation about chris morocco once again we are going to put chris's super taster abilities to the test this is chrissy teigen's prosciutto wrapped stuffed chicken we're challenging chris to replicate this exact dish with every ingredient in just one day he'll be able to taste it touch it smell it but at no point will he be allowed to see this dish because he only has one day we're gonna give him three lifelines but using them will dock points off his final score at the end of the day we'll come back to see his final creation and i'll be the judge [Music] okay i smell like saucy beefy but like nothing's like super like leaping out whoa what are you i was so primed for this to be beef but there's just no way not with like that skin okay hold on hold on you just calm the hell down dan so there is this sort of like entire outside layer that now seems like a piece of prosciutto i think which is why the skin you know what i believe to be the skin of the chicken wasn't tasting like anything other than just like the deepest most richly you know kind of burnished skin imaginable the way it's shredding apart is sort of freaking me out a little bit but i think we'll go with it i think that's just the amount of cook that's on it and then we seem to have an opening and sort of the top of the breast where perhaps this was stuffed so you get that like milky quality that you get normally from ricotta but then there's something like intensified about it god i hope it's like parmesan today lemon oregano garlic parm ricotta it's like a stuffed chicken breast with like cheesy stuff in it i'm not going to say this in a bad way okay so like this is not a statement full of judgment it tastes like something that you would get at the olive garden and it's actually really delightful you know and if you had free salad and bread sticks with it that could be quite a nice little night a thought is forming about what this is ah there's just a lot of tomatoes on this plate i mean it's like it's jammy and it's concentrated as if roasted and there's sort of like indeterminate sort of spice kind of happening seems to be like a sprig of oregano i'm gonna assume it's oregano fresh oregano not marjoram who amongst us like does not constantly get confused between marjoram and oregano just raise your hands come on no one's raising their hands i don't know about this one guys got a real bad feeling about this [Music] all right boneless skinless chicken breast prosciutto also maybe try an option just with paris ham ricotta parm fresh oregano garlic lemons there was a moment where i thought like it could be mascarpone olive oil tomatoes okay not feeling wildly confident it seems very italian italian but like kind of italian-american i don't know i who's like a really i don't know like drawing a blank i bet it's going to be glaringly obvious at the end of it all but it's just not right now [Music] what's that your guest judge canceled today and now i'm your guest judge are you serious that's like wrong though that's like that's like what is that like ah okay all right so we're gonna do this thing [Music] oh jesus okay i successfully put the oven on let's start by making the ricotta ricotta is a very creamy kind of fresh cheese but it's never going to be like perfectly smooth mascarpone is a little bit more that cream cheese it's like it's fattier it's richer i don't know it doesn't feel as right to me like ricotta it tastes like the distilled essence of a glass of milk like in there assuming it's garlic and it's not like onion but i'm pretty sure let's do a little bit of parmesan it's going to give us the kind of intensity we're looking for in here should we um grow some zest in there and a little juice i just felt like there was a little bit of brightness in there it's get some salt and pepper oregano is intense a little goes a long way yeah yeah i could be wrong it tastes good let's cook a little like scrap of each meat see what we like flavor-wise so i've got prosciutto you know a leg of ham that's just salted and aged and then i have a um you know more of like a boiled or steamed ham kind of given more of like a wet cure and my money is on the prosciutto but you know that's why you play the game yeah so like look at like how the boiled ham it still stays pretty pliable it's not bad but there's a lot of sugar in this i mean this feels like so readily identifiable it's like a kind of crispy prosciutto i think i gotta go prosciutto next big question are we trying to make a hole and then like get the filling down in there which seems like incredibly difficult or are we butterflying the chicken breast open and then kind of laying some of the filling in there from what i remember it's like it didn't simply start coming out of the side of the chicken breast we seem to have an opening where perhaps this was stuffed so maybe we need to tunnel i start with the knife and then i use the chopstick to kind of like open it up i mean think of like the poor prep cook at the olive garden who's gotta do like 50 of these every night you know summer do by any chance have a ziploc i feel like at the olive garden they've probably got like some like machine that like auto fills them and it like and i'm now going to insert our ricotta cheese filling this is actually weirdly satisfying have you used this method for anything else you mean like what are we talking about here dan [Music] there's like actually quite a bit of filling in there yeah so i've got projuto this feels like something to me it doesn't feel wrong i'm gonna try to brown and then flip it tomatoes are in oregano's in and then it's gonna go into the oven and i have a feeling i mean it could take a good 20 minutes or so oh boy we got a little spooge that's fine i guess i just never really stopped to think about what this dish actually looks like something like that i don't know it seems really wrong looking at it right now i'll tell you that much i i can imagine in the scoring later dan's going to be like oh you missed like 20 ingredients because there's like a pinch of this there and a pinch of that over there in terms of ingredients i would give myself a 78 appearance uh i would maybe say 80. i don't know there was something about like the liquid yeah maybe it's like slightly bigger than what i tasted but shape wise yeah taste i think it wants to be a little bit cheesier like meaning like even more parmesan taste i'd maybe give myself an 80 again technique i feel maybe best about i would maybe do an 85 just because you know a prosciutto wrapped filled chicken breast i mean no big deal right i mean i think that's where we're at so that puts me um at a b minus or an 81 thinking back i was just so utterly confused by that big lump of protein and kind of what was happening with it what are you i'm really looking forward to the second tasting today so the plan is don't get distracted we're gonna go in deconstruct it and get out i feel like i was short tomatoes on mine my inclination is to say that there is not an actual distinct sauce happening here nobody's like snuck some vermouth in there in a totally sneaky and not at all fair way yeah so it feels like there is a hole so i feel like piping was the way to go oh i can't tell if it like split open because it's cooked yeah i think i think it was piped in there [Music] i still feel like ricotta plus parm is the closest mirror to what i i feel is there i don't know if there were another cheese i'm not sure what it would be hold on is it bacon it's so thin though i don't know we're gonna need to get like a bacon option if we have it or like at least get some prosciutto in there all right i've sort of gone as far as i can with this dan has informed me slash reminded me that i have the option of exercising a lifeline here for three points he will tell me uh like an ingredient that i'm missing hopefully kind of starting with order of importance you know what i mean like you're not just gonna give me some like right okay all right i would like to exercise a lifeline give me an ingredient please dan cream cheese not ricotta bag danny i cannot believe you i said olive garden did i not in the tuna tostada like when summer handed me the soy sauce like a little piece of me died really on that fish there is soy like right there in the trailer you know doing with andy listening to black sabbath you know what i mean like this not a big deal not a big deal summer do you have any very thinly sliced bacon in there what do you know i was reading pieces of crispy prosciutto but a bacon this thin yeah it could be that sure wow it was like cut with a laser you know i don't think it's only cream cheese there's a curdiness to what's inside the chicken so like i don't know i'm still maybe i'll go for a mix another half cup ricotta and then i'm gonna do my parm it's just building up the richness so a little salt and pepper gotta get some garlic in there yes with the bacon yes i still feel like piping is the way to go but dan will be the judge i also want to try laying out the prosciutto on some plastic wrap just to kind of like really like adhere it tomatoes are in oregano's in i feel like it looks pretty good [Music] so this is like version two of the sultan boca situation i feel like i kind of succeeded i don't know i've never felt less clear about like what you would call this or who did it ingredients like with the bacon being in there now and the cream cheese like what was i at before so maybe i'll bump myself to an 82 on ingredients on taste i feel pretty good taste i would probably i would give this 85 technique i feel like the correct techniques are represented here so i might go like 88 appearance wasn't really apparent so yeah 82. so that puts me at an 84 average a solid b um so i went from b minus to b at least in my own mind and i think dan is going to be the final judge of that a little bit terrified um so yeah we'll we'll see how that goes [Music] it's a very anemic clap dan very anemic we should probably start with a hello hi chris how are you doing i'm i'm doing okay i'm doing all right yeah how about you we spent the day together i got to watch you make this thing before my eyes yeah and it feels like cheating that you get to judge me now i just want you to know that regardless of what happens next at least we know you got cream cheese right who do you think made this dish what do you think you have in front of you honestly i have no idea i would have called this some version of assault in boca but does that name even resonate for a lot of folks well i have a name for you that does resonate with a lot of folks are you ready okay do i do am i doing the reveal you're doing the reveal chris may i present to you a dish from the esteemed chef chrissy teigen's prosciutto wrapped stuffed chicken what this is a dish of chrissy's that picked up a lot of traction on the internet it was in the center of the plate the whole time surrounded by a ring of tomatoes i tried to get you there so many times dude you you could have given me a map and a compass and i would like be just like flailing around like lost in the woods still let's get into the filling shall we you went for a mixture of cream cheese ricotta and parmesan is that right yes and we gave you the cream cheese for a three-point penalty ricotta no parmesan no stop you were looking for a little tanginess there that was coming from goat cheese and the cream cheese goat cheese goat cheese i don't know it was not a pronounced goaty flavor at all no goaty flavor no none i'm telling you it is somewhat goody it's it's really not goatee moving forward you had some herbs in there on your first pass you put oregano in there and then you took it out i took it out correct on the first pass it should have been in there alone with some time oh well you know what's really funny dan there was a little bit of the first mixture that i added the second mixture to so technically there was oregano in there so we're good oh yeah so you want me to count that i'm flailing here man go ahead you did get the bacon although she doesn't actually mix in the bacon with her filling she sort of sprinkles it in after and we'll get to that in just a second why she she butterflies it we'll get to that what chrissy does she takes a meat mallet and pounds it all that filling gets spread onto the chicken it all gets rolled up like a little rolled it's rolled it's rolled let's take a look at a cross section see if you like sort of achieve the same results with your piping situation lost a lot of filling on this one as the chicken tightened up as it cooked how's chrissy's looking so he has like a little bit more filling that stayed in there very solid that's a nice looking roll i can get a little goat get a little goat i was off what are you gonna do all right chris are you ready for your scores i'm ready let's start with ingredients there were some misses um definitely a couple couple cheese stumbles perhaps um dairy time although i think i will generously call ingredients in 80. that seems generous and very nice of you i am not in the same city as you right now so i can actually taste this the ingredients that you had would probably get you most of the way i'm gonna throw a number out there 83 yeah i would i would have said 80. that goat cheese that's that's that's kind of a big miss in this one speaking of big misses technique chris i will never forget watching you shove a chopstick into a piece of chicken to make a cavity so then it just made sense this might hurt a little bit i'm going to give you a 69. tough but fair you're right it does hurt a little bit it hurts a lot but we're going to balance it out with appearance individually your piece of chicken look great and your tomatoes look great and you look great i'm gonna give you an 87 on appearance okay that seems generous i also i can't have you hate me for the next five episodes of this we have to shoot that averages out to an 80 you use the lifeline takes you to a 77 and because i like you i'm gonna give you a three-point bonus for the time that i enjoyed with you today and take you back to an 80 for b-minus i can't put you in that in that sea territory it just would not be right i better go out and get a meat mallet because i don't even have one a little more sense than the whole chopstick thing we can just not talk about that again we're gonna we're gonna roll it back in slow motion of you jamming that chopstick into the chicken hole yeah i think we learned you can't bring a paring knife and a chopstick to a meat mallet fight but yeah i think chrissy teigen definitely um definitely beat me on this one [Music] still see dan yeah cause when i see dance well this well i mean you know well anyway like you dan you're great
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 535,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blind cooking, blindfold cooking challenge, blindfood cooking, bon appetit, chris, chris bon appetit, chris makes, chris makes stuffed chicken, chris makes stuffed chicken breast, chris morocco, chris morocco chrissy teigen, chris reverse engineering, chris stuffed chicken breast, chris test kitchen, chrissy teigen, chrissy teigen stuffed chicken, chrissy teigen stuffed chicken breast, cooking challenge, food, reverse engineering, stuffed chicken breast, taste testing
Id: xlBJ8_75x2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 48sec (1188 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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