Recreating a BROOKHAVEN house in Bloxburg!

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today we're going to be recreating this Brookhaven house looks like we've got a garage over here our front door entrance is all the way to the right here is the living room next to it are stairs our kitchen is right beside the living room as well oh we got a little storage unit or something over here yeah it has a lawnmower and a watering can I'm not sure what this is some people say that if you have premium you can like turn this into a pool let's see how do I change that here it is house pool whoa cool this is how we get to our garage we go upstairs oh is this a master bedroom yeah with an ensuite and a huge shower wait there's something else over here as well I nearly missed this room oh there's a wardrobe and a safe price if you open the safe you can get some money boom make it make it rain Make It Rain what's over here two beds this is cute is this a kid's room no way this is a kid's room you literally have access to a Jacuzzi over here what you have your mini office over here a little library and the fancy fancy jacuzzi I'm gonna lose so much money constantly buying these and moving on from this room this must be the bathroom right I already have a couple of screenshots of exterior boy somebody told me that it would be smart if I used another account to walk around the house as I build it in bloxburg that's what we did I got an undercover account we're going to start off by creating the garage area I'm going to keep it a couple of blocks away from the pavement the garage is going to be five blocks wide and for the garage door I'm gonna use this roller one you can see in the photo that the brick is like a mixture of like brown and red you can see right here there's this bump and then another bump I think we're gonna do this one with basic shape so what I'm gonna do over here is I'm going to create kind of bump like this and then we're going to grab this Cube and put it right here wow this is going to make the recreation look so similar we're not just basting everything off of photos anymore I think I'm gonna make this wall be six blocks wide we need to try to put a window and see if it's gonna be okay I'm gonna grab this large Clear Window and make it shorter and then I'm going to copy it and put another one underneath it and I'm gonna do the same over here here's the porch we gotta plant a wall light our mailbox is also here cool our porch looks like it's made out of wood planks our door is see-through and we have this white bump over here I think we can make this with basic shapes and well there's also a window right above the door the most similar door we have in Brookhaven is this French door it's just I gotta rotate it this way because the doorknob isn't this way now we're gonna grab another Cube we're gonna bring it up here place it on this side as well I also grabbed another white Cube and now I'm using the transform tool to bring it down here to make it look more similar for the window above the door I think I'm going to use this horizontal one it just about fits I don't know if this person is talking to me a lot of people keep approaching me while I'm recording this I'm just gonna lock my door no no no don't come in I can ban her but I don't want to be mean let's put the doorbell right here the mailbox kind of looks like this one the plant kind of reminds me of this humble one next to the front door is this fence it looks very similar to the modern panel fence I nearly missed this but there's a gate right here this one is way more obvious because it's got the door handles and I'm putting this floor I'm not going to recolor it because it looks like this in Brookhaven and then we have like a patch of green grass right here see what I mean it also bumps up a little bit I actually think that we did really good for the first floor and now we can do the second floor I don't even know the rest of the dimensions I'm just trying to do the front of it our balcony like starts right above our porch you can see it right here I can see that there's one two three four of these on this wall one two three four what happened to our wall we can see we got his balcony door and some more windows here also the wall just changes color listen the balcony door looks a lot like this one but how are we gonna place the windows up top we can't so instead what we gotta do is use the clear sliding door because now we got space up here I guess for the window I'm gonna use this thin horizontal one and I'm just gonna place it a couple of times I feel like that resembles it this is the fence we have on our balcony kind of looks like this Farm fence from bloxburg up here on the second floor we have this little bump I'm not sure what it is but underneath it are LED lights we can try to make the same thing using this large Square beam as long as we like place it in a good way it should work out should I widen it I'm kind of tempted to I think I did a good job placing it what we need now is this LED light and we're literally just gonna place it here I also have to place it right here I almost missed this but it's also underneath our balcony I think I'll just place it like this on the fence I'm still not done with the exterior but I gotta do the interior real quick I'm trying to figure out how big this kitchen is we need to make sure our bloxburg kitchen is big enough to have this fridge this dishwasher a sink and maybe another counter over here so the fridge goes like here this is our dishwasher and then we have a sink right here and another counter and then over on this side we have another counter a stove and then another counter here's our other counter our stove and another counter all right so now I'm just trying to do the backyard and I noticed that the backyard that this goes one block backwards but then the top floor goes like two blocks forwards I'm trying to do it in Blacksburg as well but I am getting a bit confused I think it looks like this this gray floor wraps all around of the house we gotta grab it over here as well I'll grab this Classic bowl and I'd say it starts from here maybe ends at this point and now I can put the grass around it we can continue this fence and finally close off the whole place we've got our sliding door here and it's raised up with a step so we're just gonna raise our one as well by a little bit and grab this Cube to create a similar step is that a doorbell on your backyard door people can ring your belt from here as well as a darker gray and there's also this window that's the random gray wall we're gonna use this window here I just gotta make it a little thinner and now I'm gonna grab it again and I'm gonna put it over here was this the secret room I can't remember I think that's f for the windows I think this roof shape is called the pyramid roof and there's two of them I'm gonna have it bump over here there we go and now we just need to make it tall because look at it you can barely see it and over on this side we're gonna have a bump out here and now we gotta do the little shed I don't think it needs to be anything too big how am I gonna do this wait that's literally it that's perfect we need to give it the same pyramid roof that we have for our house so just grab it and place it we also need to grab the same door right there oh and there's also there's these landscape lights right here this is the most similar landscape light that we have now let's go inside there's this shelving all around the shed is that a light it's barely working there's also what is that a doorbell oh that's a light switch sorry I did not realize good thing I pressed it the walls inside were also brick the light looked like the Sleek ceiling light and I'm gonna use the oak shelf and put it all around now we need that yellow watering can I'll just put it like here and here's our lawnmower cool I feel like the shed in Brookhaven does have more space it seems like it's a two by two and the one we made in bloxburg is like a two by one but it's because I don't have much room over here to make a two by two we also got the grill Master over here as you can see I'm warming up a burger because I'm hungry it looks a lot like this Pro Chef Barbecue Grill place it right over here it's kind of rotated like this the one in Brookhaven is very wide one in bloxburg is not as wide but it's okay I'd say that's pretty much the exterior and now we can actually focus on the interior let's keep it simple and start off with our garage this garage is very very simple we don't even have a car here hello anyways it looks like we got a washer and a dryer here it's not good that I don't play Brookhaven because I see all these buttons and I'm not sure what they are here's our washer and dryer combo let's see how are the ceiling lights it looks like there's only one ceiling light here I guess I'll also just put one the door looks just like our front door do they change at any point I feel like they don't half of the walls are brick and the other half are just gray they'll do the exact same thing this is the Brookhaven garage and here's the garage in bloxburg moving on from the garage to our right are the stairs we got a vacuum over here but I don't think we have one in bloxburg so maybe I'll just put something else that's like blue oh we got a light like this in blocks right we have this little carpet as well next to our sliding doors and end table with a bonsai tree I'll just grab this one there's like a plant right on top of it and then there's a carpet right here looks a lot like this since we don't have a vacuum in bloxburg what is the next best thing literally a broom it's basically the manual version of a vacuum now we're gonna do the stairs the stairs look like these ones and I saw that there was a wall like this well I mean the wall is a little bit weird I think what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put one wall and then a basic triangular shape to create this so one wall I guess we're going to use this horizontal wedge we're gonna make it very tall as tall as the wall basically and now very wide and I think now all I gotta do is rotate it I think I just need to make it like taller oh that looks fancy it's so similar moving on from this area we're gonna go to the living room we have a fireplace this empty painting some wood logs there's not too many fireplaces that look similar I think I'm gonna use this round metal fire pit and then I'm gonna grab a basic shape make it about this tall so it looks like the wood is on the basic shape what about this tall thingy coming all the way down to this what if I use a slanted ceiling lamp and I bring it all the way down is that gonna give a similar Vibe kind of it looks so stupid I mean how else am I supposed to make this other than basic shapes a while ago when I recreated this other broken Haven house I had to create like logs right and I couldn't find them in bloxburg but everybody says that they exist where are they this person called toast with the nails says that it's called firewood rack let's search fire wood oh it's this oh but it doesn't look like the thing in Brookhaven I'm just gonna use it anyways we have our couch this table behind it with a flower and a book our huge TV two speakers our sofa was over here kind of in this direction this sofa doesn't have any pillows but this one does bolster pillow do your magic vanish the pillow that looks so similar I don't really know what to do about the TV stand I'm grabbing this quadratic console table and I'm just gonna place two of them like this and that's gonna be our TV stand the TV looks like this Accu slim what about those mini speakers oh here they are okay wait one speaker here and then there's another one over here I think that's like a console like literally like an Xbox or something but I'm gonna use a TV remote because it's got that same red LED light do you see what I mean it's got that red light there's no coffee table here I don't know how I feel about that but there is this tape I'm going to use this Simplicity console table because they look pretty much the same we have this round vase and of course there's a singular book it's not an option for us we don't have singular books so I'm just going to use this okay I'm actually kind of scared this is creeping me out he's t-posing and he's got a mask you know what let's be best friends come in oh is that money oh we're definitely best friends now come in besties you kind of scared me but it's fine can I have the money I'm gonna piggyback on you oh oh he's piggybacking on me now you're stuck with me forever okay I'm gonna drop you oh um he's just looking at me I'm scared are you mad cause your money's gone did you just steal my money I thought we were besties this is the Brookhaven living room and here's the bloxburg living room now we're gonna move on to the kitchen I've already placed the counters and the appliances but we do need to place the stools I'm just gonna use the Simplicity stool because it looks really similar here is the Brookhaven kitchen and here's our bloxburg kitchen I think we're actually done with the first floor and now we can move on upstairs we have a wall up until this point with the stairs and then it's our hallway and I think the hallway ends right there and then this one continues so we're gonna place the door here and then we have another door like right there I don't know if that's the right dimensions for the bathroom we're going to start off with the master bedroom we've got our bed a nightstand the empty picture oh this light a little dresser with a plant on it we have that double bed it feels like our bed is too big okay I guess we'll nudge it just to make it work over here we have our dresser and I also had this lamp right over here it had a small plant on top of the dresser here's our Brookhaven bedroom and here's the bedroom in bloxburg now we're gonna move on to our wardrobe slash safe area the safe looks like it's in the wall interesting and then our wardrobe looks like this I'm gonna put a wall right here here's the basic opening just make it taller and now you're just gonna grab these clothing racks and put them here since the safe is in the wall I'm gonna grab this basic opening again we don't really have a safe in bloxburg not that I know of I'm gonna grab this mini fridge and there's the safe I mean it looks kind of like it it's totally a safe I promise here's what the Wardrobe safe room looks like in Brookhaven and here it is in bloxburg and we're still not done with the master bedroom we have to go over here to our ensuite we have a sink a carpet window and this plant so a sink a carpet a mirror and then this floor plant and then behind this wall we have our two outlets towel hangers this shelf that has a toothbrush and a hairbrush bathtub and a mirror and a carpet do I let a Shelf with a toothbrush with a hair brush two towel hangers a bathtub a mirror above it and another carpet and now it's time for the custom shower we're gonna use this basic Cube I'm gonna grab another bring it all the way up here is the other wall we're gonna use a semi-transparent cube bring it all the way up there we go I'll grab the sleeve shower set and I'll just put it on the shape here's the bathroom in Brookhaven and this is the one in bloxburg now we're gonna move on over to the other bathroom I'm gonna do this one really quickly I'm just copy pasting some of the stuff from the ensuite that we just made here's the bathroom in Brookhaven and here's the one in bloxburg and now we have the kids room or parents room I still don't know what kind of room this is for this room we're going to start off with the office we got a desk of course the computer a stool oh we got this lamp and we got a light switch and a little bookcase with a couch the desk reminds me of this direct office desk and then I'm going to grab the stool from downstairs put it here they got a really nice computer it looks like this one here is the lamps that they have and it looked like the wall bumps out like this yeah you can see it right here there's a light switch on this bump now I'm just gonna use this rustic coffee table just to create that mini bookcase thing that we have see what I mean two books over here another two books here now back to Brookhaven we have this massive carpet in the middle two beds right here a nightstand with a book on it a little tree plant there's no tree plant on this side though this person doesn't like trees want no it doesn't fit they're too big I'll just grab the modern single bed and I'll mesh them together like this so they fit this is the best solution now I don't really like it very much because they start to clip and act weird but it's the only way that we can make this work all right so I made the beds I feel like this plant looks pretty similar to the one in Brookhaven that is our Center carpet this is the kid's room in Brookhaven this is our room in bloxburg we're finally on the balcony and that's like the last thing left to do I'm just gonna pick this trendy round dining table and then we're gonna put this umbrella up top four black chairs surrounding this table and now it's time for me to buy another jacuzzi oh I need to put money does every single Brookhaven House have a Jacuzzi because I'm gonna be buying a lot of them and it's gonna hurt here is the jacuzzi wait why are there ladders here oh who are you oh why is everybody trying to break into my house I'm gonna vacuum your ladder hi oh my God no no that was not okay that was so cringy oh there's a carpet here maybe I'm not gonna use another account to recreate Brookhaven maybe it's not a good idea don't leave your Brookhaven account unattended you don't know what's gonna happen this is our balcony in Brookhaven this is our balcony in Blacksburg I think we're done I think we did everything yeah we did all the rooms the total house value is 122 000 and here are the surroundings of the house I think I did a pretty good job of creating this despite having another account to catch as many details as we could in the end we still couldn't do like a one-on-one Recreation because some dimensions are just off was not the same like the one in Brookhaven and also so when it comes to the bedrooms I always know that they're not going to be identical because the bloxburg beds are always larger than the ones in Brookhaven here's our Recreation and here's the house in Brookhaven I think the only thing is the roof like you can see the one in bloxburg but you can't really see the one in Brookhaven that is really such a small detail but everything else seems pretty good that's all for today don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications love you guys so much bye
Channel: insomnia
Views: 1,007,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: insomnia, insomnia bloxburg, insomnia roblox, bloxburg, roblox, welcome to bloxburg, bloxburg build, bloxburg house, bloxburg house build, bloxburg starter house, kid friendly, playthrough, pg, roleplay, roblox roleplay, family friendly, roblox family friendly, roblox pg, bloxbrug, bloxburg aesthetic house, recreating brookhaven house in bloxburg, bloxburg modern house, bloxburg recreation
Id: w_xuk-9TFqY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2023
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