Record PRO VOCALS *at home - [Logic Pro X]

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what's up guys this is Wendy nun with bigger creations and today I'm going to show you how to record your vocals like a pro like I said today I'm going to break down exactly how to record my vocals and show you some tips and tricks along the way to make sure that you can get the best recording possible there are a few things that you need to start with you obviously need to have a microphone an audio interface to connect your microphone to your computer and then of course a computer with your dog choice whether it's GarageBand Logic Pro FL studio Ableton whatever it is you use to record you're gonna need those things if you're interested in knowing what kind of gear I specifically use I'm gonna put links in the description to all the gear that I have but I'll also mention them briefly in this video now in this video I'm gonna be using my rode nt1-a microphone but you don't need to have this microphone basically any microphone that you're using you just want to make sure that you have the proper connection to your computer in this case I'm using the focusrite scarlett 2i4 to plug in my microphone to my computer so basically my microphone goes from an XLR cable to my interface and my interface connects via USB to one of the most common questions that I get is how loud do you record your audio from your microphone so I'm just gonna show you the exact setting that I have here on my knob and you'll notice it's not very high so here's what happens if you put your input knob too high then your recording is not gonna have enough Headroom for you to work with and do some compression and some EQ if you put your input too low then you're basically raising your noise level so when you try to add compression and EQ and all these things you're going to hear a lot more background noise basically the happy medium for me is about a quarter of the way and this also varies on how loud you're actually singing into the mic and how close you are to mic which we'll talk about in a sec [Music] so now that you have a basic understanding of your input levels when it's time to record let's add some vocals to the speak that I made now let's talk about my distance between the microphone and my mouth basically this pop filter acts as a good guideline to make sure that you're not too close and it also helps shield some of the you know P's and F's and SS now every microphone has a different sweet spot I would recommend recording from different areas of your microphone until you're fully familiar with your microphone and find the sweet spot for me personally I found that with this microphone it's right about here so I probably have about three inches away from the pop filter and then the pop filter is about four inches away from the microphone so that's my sweet spot for this microphone but again that varies by your voice and the sound that you're looking for it so with that in mind I've got my input level turned about a quarter of the way and I'm about six seven inches away from the actual microphone to AM menu still in my head then I'll never forget what you said when I'm doubting on your it again and again you head up a strong Yoda great is your phone forget them hey does they go hey cuz they just wanna be in y'all place okay so now I basically recorded the vocals I've got all the recording in there I haven't edited them at all the only thing that I've done is basically put them on to my own vocal chain my vocal chain includes a combination of stock plugins and third-party plugins but if you're interested in a stock version that gets you sounding really really similar to this I'll put a link to it in the description there's a download for the preset as well as a video on how to use it but basically I set up my vocal chain on my track and then I record with the vocal chain in my headphones the reason I like to do that is just because it gives me a better idea of how my performance should sound like when I have my vocal chain already on there it helps me perform a little bit better to cater to the recording rather than just what I think sounds good this video is sponsored by Skillshare skill sure is an online learning community with thousands of courses to choose from audio engineering music production art woodworking filmmaking photography pretty much anything that you're looking for chances are there's a course on Skillshare about it this is the perfect resource to learn new things and it's super affordable at less than $10 a month lately I've been enjoying this course by amber Shafer she's a director writer and actress and she talks about how to make your DIY videos funny and it's just cool I don't plan on taking any DIY videos but it's great I love learning new things and I love seeing how other people approach creative things Skillshare I highly recommend it it's a great way to learn new skills and the first thousand people to use the link in the description will get there first up what are you doing out there sounds like Chewbacca is outside the first thousand people don't use the link in the description we'll get the first two months of Skillshare premium for free so now that I've got my recordings you'll notice here I've got the different versions of the ones I recorded so here I'm just gonna start chopping up what I want and what I don't want and then once I've got the takes that I want then I'll go ahead and pitch correct them and then I'll do some fine-tuning so let's take a look here 2:00 a.m. and you're still in my head then I'll never forget what you said when I'm doubting my ear rate again and again there's just a couple things to fix here or so Jo am in you're still in my head then I'll never forget what you said when I'm doubting I hear it again [Music] again and again again and again so this is just so that you kind of get an idea Joey and you're still in my head then I'll never forget what you said when I'm doubting I hear it again and again when you split the note only one of them retains the values that you set up so just be aware of that when you split them all so if you want a full-blown tutorial on how to pitch correct your vocals I've got a separate video on that and I'll just put the link in the description you're the greatest yotaphone forget them haters they go hey get them haters they go hey cuz so here's what we've got so far Joey and you're still in my head then I'll never forget what you said when I'm doubting on your it again and again keep your head up be strong you're the greatest YouTube um forget them haters they go hey cuz they just wanna be in your place so now I'm just gonna add a few other layers and vocals in here um one of them is gonna be kind of a backup vocal chain okay so basically I've just added some backup vocals and harmonies um same process and now this is what the vocals sound like [Music] Julien you're still in my head then I'll never forget what you said when I'm doubting I hear it again and again keep your head up be strong your greatest Yoda bone forget them haters they cold hey cuz they just wanna be in y'all thing okay so that's pretty much it guys once you've got the recording in there it's just a matter of fine-tuning it and then like I said if you want a vocal change that's gonna work for you every single time then I'm gonna put a link to it in the description it's all stock plugins and there's a video on how to use it there's also a video breaking down how I do this vocal chain that includes some third-party plugins to make its own just right so there you have it guys that is how you record vocals it's really straightforward as long as you make sure your input levels are correct then you are ready to go so hopefully this video was helpful if it was don't forget that that thumbs up make sure you subscribe so you don't miss future videos and as always if you ever have any questions or want to see more content check me out on Instagram keep making beats Julian man you're still in my head I'll never forget what you said when I'm doubting I hear it again and again keep your head up be strong your greatest Yoda bone forget them haters they called hey cuz they just wanna be y'all clay keep your head up be strong your grade is your turbo forget them haters they cold hey cuz they just wanna be in your place [Music]
Channel: Valentina Bilancieri
Views: 90,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: r&b, music producer, female producer, vocals, Logic Pro x, home studio, studio behind the scenes, studio bts, vocals production, beat making, beatmaking, Valentina, bilancieri, Valentina bilancieri, keep making beats, keep makin beats, mixing, mastering, music production, audio production, hip hop, trap, latina, reggaeton, spanglish music
Id: TezgdDbuP3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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