Recoil starter spring winding and install

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hey tubers me again yeah so I'm looking around on YouTube last night for something totally unrelated and you know how YouTube just takes and sends you stuff you know pertaining to like your interest in whatever so anyways a lot of videos out there on the how-tos of putting in a rope for a recoil starter on whatever chainsaw mower blower I'm not really going to get into that part of it so let's just say that you're going to go out there and you're going to attempt to replace that that rope and you start taking stuff apart and the next thing you know is like you've got a spring that's totally unwind and you're like crap that's usually when you go and you call the guy and see they do I need my starter rebuilt and you know the springs out of it it's like you know what it's not really that big of a deal it's a little bit unnerving it's a little bit scary and probably a little bit dangerous so I wouldn't even attempt this without wearing safety glasses and it's up to you it's your it's your own comfort level to see if that's this is something that you that you want to tackle so but basically like I said you know there's a lot of guys out there that have videos on how to but usually it's like it's this one part when it gets to be this stage you're like a crop what do I do you want to make it end up being like this because once you get back to this stage then take and putting it down inside and everything and running the rope like I said there's tons of videos up there guys will show you how to do it so you know me I'm anal and I never give up so I remember the first time I did this like I said that's there were some mistakes made and whatever that's where you gain your experience so anyway it's no real time no editing going to take them wine this bad chicken up and then we're going to take and put it inside of this recoil this one here just wanted to show you a couple of things but once we get it get it all back in here that's where the spring is going to go so it looks like that one that one right there we want ours to look just like that get it got it good okay there we go we're going to wind up that spring let's show you how to retain it so we can stick it in there clear all your junk off I do it on a table just because they have the have a nice work table and you need a pair of these you're going to need these bad chickens to hold that spring once you get it all all wound up okay and then keep in mind because that hole that we've got to get that spring once this all wound up it's got to fit right inside this space so that you want to make sure if anything that you go smaller than this circumference there I guess is what you say you want to go smaller than that is better than having it too short otherwise you have to take and stick it back on these little nails which they can zoom in for a second these little nails that are holding the spring doing it have to start all over again like and that's not going to be any any fun at all you can see how we're right here you get that little spring in between those two nails that's going to keep it from that's going to hold the center while I'm winding up the outsides so I'm going to zoom out oh wow I'm gonna going to zoom out again and then let's see if we can't line this up real-time no editing let's get it all set up okay here we go guys keep your hand on the top of this thing pretty much the whole time and the more tension you get on it that little voice in your head is going to tie it like you know this is a little bit scary so I'm just getting it started hold it in hold it and hopefully you can see all this because I can't look I just use that same old crappy old cell phone camera I'm pushing it around and then you have to reach out to reach your arm over and then grab your work again so you see how it's going so far so good not too bad now when I got it like this see it's way too big to fit in there so you got to get it a lot smaller pull it out push it around keep your hand on it pull it out push it around just keep going like this I've still got my handy-dandy locking pliers right over there yeah you definitely want to go a little bit smaller than the hole that this has got to fit into you can see what it looks like now trying to keep it from jumping out right there we've got to get it a lot smaller see just by pulling that in if this thing does pop off I'm still going to post it say because like you know it that's real life that's what really happens sometimes hopefully there's no blood I'm getting close to it it actually gets easier to take and hold it down the smaller it gets my crazy neighbor okay almost there it's pretty tight taking hold that you know it is you need to go just a squidge more on the outside pull that out give it one more wind holding it open it hold the net oh you see that almost comes out got my handy-dandy players get in there put that down you need to make that a little bit bigger maybe a little bit tighter feel like I'm losing some of my spring here still fighting it got to be small it's got to be small that's what I'm looking for right there nothing quite like the pressure of doing this no editing there we go okay it's still going to have like a little bit of pressure double-check it for let it go a little bit of pressure on the inside of there but you can see it's kind of messed up a little bit but we're going to fix that once we get it inside the housing so I see how much smaller it is right there now we need to get that bad chicken go in there I'm gonna lie but there's a hole right there a slot right there and then the deep one is the one that we want to go into put that in there like that give it a twist now you're in the same position as you were before there's like you got to take and hold that spring down there until it releases that energy and it goes out to the sides remember we want to take them purpose of this video is to get it to look like this so we got it in there let's see I'm just going to hold down on it I'm going to release that pressure I'm still kind of holding it and you can hear it you can hear that sucker unwind in there go okay we're getting close here's the one that we just loaded up here's the one that now we want this one to look like that telling you like you've got all that heart that all the hard work is done don't let it get away from you right now so just use a screwdriver we're looking a little mangled holding that spring down hold it let me get a little pair of pliers got these little pliers right here and I'm just going to go and straighten this out what I'm looking for is like I want that piece to set right next to where it goes and gets reinstalled that's a little off by a squidge that's sitting right next to that shop right there when I go and I put it on and wind it up it's going to grab it piece of cake so as a matter of fact here is that housing just see that shaft we want that to go right on there and then when we start winding that up we want that piece to catch so we good like this just a hair got to have enough room to open up to grab it that little piece right there that's got to grab into there so here we go you can kind of see where it wants to go right here look right there see that where it starts and put this in here and just start turning around and you'll actually hear it pop if you don't you keep hearing this series of clicks because the Springs not catching it's not it's not quite in there hear it clicking it's not perfect it's actually I think I mean to fun with too close to it you could put this out just a hair hang on to that spring guys all right take two so we get that bad chicken in there that's got it yep it just went down no if you heard that click so alright we're in there as a there's a special shoulder bolt that's got to go in here special shoulder bolt that's got to go in here to hold this thing as well as this spring the spring provides the resistance to make those poles come out so that goes in there like that make sure that the springs right here you can see them that little piece right here you'll get it to focus those springs are on the outside of those poles because they're spring loaded like that put this cover back on making sure it's about a little movement that works like that put that 10 millimeter bolt back in and now you back to where you can watch somebody else's video on how to take and put that robe in and basically lets you take shoulder bolt should hold it that's it guys just be careful when you're doing this stuff that Springs got a lot of energy in it catch it in the next video Oh
Channel: ulitepilot aka Zombie Dave
Views: 442,490
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2017
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