Easily Fix Your Pull Start Recoil Spring for Small Engine

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if your small engine start a spring looks about like that then keep watching this video I'll show you how to get it back in the housing coming up right now hey everybody broody here from take a bath productions with another video showing you how to fix various things today we're going to be working with this starter spring that goes to a chainsaw this will actually work on lawn mowers or anything with a pull start on there it's got this kind of a spring in there and I'll show you how to wind it back up and put it back in its little housing ok so without further adue likes to dive right in alright so here we have our spring and I've got a board this is just an old butcher block with a screw in it and the first thing you're going to want to do is Miss the direction that your spring goes in the housing as you can see it goes in this way right here so that means it's gonna have to wrap around the screw okay the same way like that and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take the end of this the other end of the spring and I'm gonna catch it in between these fingers on the drill shock so you have it sticking out a little bit so that you have this space here and it's gonna it's gonna catch in there between the fingers just like that okay okay it might make it easier at this point before you wind this thing up and you're having to fumble around trying to hold this heavy drill and the spring and the tension and all that is to wrap this wire tie I've actually got two wire ties here together because with this mine they weren't long enough so put that in there first that way you're not fumbling around with it trying to to get that on there so just wind it up at the drill don't wind it up all the way tight because you may not be able to get it in your unit just make it small enough so that you're pretty sure it's gonna fit in the housing it'll make it easier that's probably small enough right right there so go ahead and go ahead and tighten the wire ties down carefully pull your drill out okay let it do its unwinding there we go now carefully pull this there we go now hopefully that's small enough to go in the housing uh-huh that's better alright usually there's a notch here and that notch is going to catch right in here so if this spring got wrapped too tightly around the center you might have to take some pliers and slowly Bend that out so that it's not so tight that this won't fit up in there but just yet there it goes that's it it's in put the screw in it like I said this requires a little bit of patience you might have to try this more than once so just don't give up after the first or second try if it keeps coming up hard on you it's a pain in the neck that's what this is there we go it's working usually these get about six wraps so let's see there's where the string comes through right here so I'm going to wrap it six times one two three and there's six there it is there we go working like a champ alright guys that's how you do that if you enjoyed this video click on that thumbs up and subscribe to my channel I come out with videos like this as often as I can thanks for watching
Channel: Take a Bath Productions
Views: 381,497
Rating: 4.7827163 out of 5
Keywords: fix recoil spring, fix recoil spring small engine, starter spring briggs and stratton, starter spring replacement, starter spring rewind tool, recoil spring replacement, recoil spring rewind, recoil spring mechanism, recoil spring repair, small engine starter rope, small engine recoil start, small engine recoil spring, pull start recoil spring, pull starter repair, pull start repair, pull starter cord replacement, pull starter stuck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 20 2018
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