Reckless Love - Easter Production

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when I was searching your love is little bit far be the way to get to me you are though is for me to you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you may the skies with promises of your grace [Music] I know it's true [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all of you you never change [Applause] [Music] wow that was an amazing way to kick off our Easter Sunday celebration welcome everyone to life central church my name's Leon my name's Andy and happy Easter everybody yeah fantastic peace that brilliant it's so good to welcome so many of you that are here we had a lot of people here at the first service as well if this is the first time you've been to this building let me just help you with a bit of housekeeping if you need the toilet there through those double doors on the right or those double doors at the back and on the left if you have babies or small children and they get a little bit unsettled there's a parent baby over room over on my left and your right you can head through there you won't miss anything cuz the production is screen if you do have children with you I do need to ask you to keep them with you on those seats okay don't let them rot wander around the reason for that is that it's dark at various points through the production we don't any one tripping over and people are coming in at various points and moments in us in the production as well yeah welcome to reckless love and we're gonna explain the theme in a moment but today's very special Sunday we're celebrating and not only Easter Sunday and the resurrection of Jesus but also today we launched life central Church in Raleigh Regis so we're now one Church in three locations which is fantastic and a year ago last Easter we launched Hagley and so we're one year old in life central ugly as well lots and lots to celebrate and on your seat you'll have had a reckless little flyer you're really welcome to join us on any Sunday if you don't normally join us and particularly we want to encourage you to come back on the 15th of April which is two weeks today we've got a brand new teaching series starting called seasons which is all about the seasons of life we go through and how God can speak to us in each and every different season it's going to be a great series we'd love you to come back if you would like to join us for the aim and at the end of the service I just need to let you know we're not going to be serving refreshments but to curb your disappointments we are gonna give you a small chocolate Easter egg on your way out don't get too excited those very small great so our theme is all about love and Andy you and I shared a mutual experience this week I think what I'm going with this bit wasn't recklessly shared an anniversary this year both of our wedding anniversaries don't worry we have separate wives I'm gonna move on it was our eighth anniversary a mani just Leon's like hundreds wedding anniversary oh and you know we're gonna be doing a lot of songs this morning and a one of the most common themes in songs throughout history has been the theme of love it has but then the thing is when it comes to understanding love the problem is in the English language we only have one word for love so I say I love chocolate and I love my football team and I love my wife but obviously they're kind of different dimensions to that obviously the top of that list is my football team not my wife okay I'm so when it comes to understand God's love it's difficult because we've only got one word but we're gonna own that up with you today yeah and to help us explore the theme of love and the theme of reckless love we thought about all the different songs that there are this many any kind sorry can I interrupt you there for a second a night because I think about this wrong I've been thinking about this general weekend listen to some songs but all you need to do a love song or you need four chords and that's it yeah yeah called one five chord six chord one did Diddy's it is what you need so any loss song can be written four chords can either go then yes I heard this gender weekend see if you recognize this one yet [Music] so you saying all of the songs walk for cause yeah and you're gonna prove it to it if you know the side shot if you know it join it so I'm a little bit of fun my life's brilliant now that was pure I saw angel of that I'm sure and I won't hesitate no more no another way if I call then I I'll go where [Music] as you [Music] [Applause] [Music] we every try [Music] saving names saving when no one is around you say baby [Music] Suz [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everybody that this is how you write songs it may be quite simple but now that is done it's [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] amazing can I just say yes you are in church okay let me just make that really clear guys what an amazing job just to introduce the whole theme of love well romantic love anyway yeah and who knew Shawn Griffiths cook at the high as well yeah mazing amazing you know Easter is a time where we remember the last few days of Jesus life here on earth and whether you believe it or not there is a whole load of stories put behind all of those stories there's a bigger story behind and it's a story of God's love a story of God's never end an overwhelming reckless love absolutely and reckless slow is the title of a song but you're going to be hearing at the end of our time together but you know what we're gonna do now is we're gonna take you on a little bit of a historical and musical journey and we're gonna head back and we're gonna for the next 30 minutes or so look over the last 300 years some songs that have been written to try and communicate this incredible story of love this overwhelming never-ending reckless love of God and some of the songs that you will be familiar to you some of them are old hymns some of them have kind of been given a bit of a newer treatment with some newer bits added in some the guys are going to invite you to stand and sing with us and others are you gonna just listen to but we hope you really enjoy this and come with us on this journey over the last 300 years to discover a little bit more about this amazing reckless love it's possibly the most famous hymn of all times it's possible most songs sung of all times it's called Amazing Grace what you might not know is that there's an interesting story behind the writings this hymn John Newton lived in the 18th century he didn't brought religious at all but as a young man being conscripted to the Navy he later on became actively involved in the slave trade transporting people in Chains across oceans then one night at sea during a huge storm he cried out to God for mercy after that his life began to change he left his old life and began a new life as a parish priest not only that but he became a spiritual mentor to a young MP called William Wilberforce who went on to take a leading role to the abolition of slavery when Newton wrote I once was lost but now have found he knew what he was talking about because he had experienced the overwhelming never-ending reckless love of God he called it Amazing Grace [Music] the sound net saved [Music] swoons long [Music] and was [Music] [Laughter] see shall we stand together and sing this great [Music] amazing great [Music] the son [Music] good Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bro [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh man [Music] so tears are like this Oh [Music] Aoife [Music] for hundreds of years now people have told the story of God's magnificent love for mankind expressed at Easter people have built great buildings churches like this one built magnificent structures statues stained-glass windows or trying to stress the glory and majesty of God within these buildings hymns have been song throughout the ages telling of the love of God one of the most famous hymns is crown him with many crowns originally this hymn had 12 verses the language is somewhat old-fashioned to us now but at the heart of this hymn is that is the glory of God and the depth and overwhelming never-ending reckless even love of God and our response to this love just has to be one of worship please if you're able to want to stand with us a sink [Music] the [Music] Oh cow [Music] all music [Music] me that it's [Music] yes [Music] Kings [Music] [Music] see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Jassi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] during the 20th century Wales was a trouble place but in 1904 it began to experience what can only be called as a revival during that year 100,000 people became followers of Jesus police had reported that crime levels had dropped drunkenness had dropped marriages were restored Hope had come into the community darkness had begun to lift people said it was as if Heaven had come to earth and during that time there was many hymns that were sung throughout the chapels in Wales and one of them described beautifully that overwhelming never-ending reckless love of God that was demonstrated by Jesus by what he did on the cross at that time that we call Easter It was as if God had come and said here is love vast as the ocean loving-kindness as the flood the singer starts again here is love they also love you [Music] his friends [Music] cease to say [Music] to the see [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] let me [Music] they [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] for [Music] loving God [Music] when [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] one of the most recognizable musical styles is gospel music traced back to the early 17th century to the American South were people who were held by chains would use music to put a voice to their hope for freedom and for justice these songs would often have a great deal of repetition and will be sung as call and answer songs sung a cappella but usually accompanied by lots of clapping of hands and stomping of feet probably the most famous gospel song was originally a hymn but when gospel got a hold of it it took off into the charts across the world and has been used in countless movies such as Sister Act it's hard this song is about a day it's about a day that changes everything it's about a day when the overwhelming the neverending the reckless love of God enters a person's life and they're changed forever and that day is a happy day [Music] happy [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] people don't really seem to understand brace it's like it doesn't make sense or like it's illogical through our brain and yet we are somewhat fascinated by grace Stanzi is an international grime artist and he actually grew up in the church and although we wouldn't necessarily endorse many of his songs we recognized the longing in them and his most famous song blinded by your grace is amazing stones he himself said this one of the things that I'm most impressed by in God is the grace that he has that no matter what we do there's always this okay it's fine I understand but that's not to say that I can go out and do something bad but it's knowing that somebody's got me in everything they're not going to judge me but instead understand my situation that's grace and what we see here in the east of story is grace in action it's the overwhelming never-ending reckless love of God and when we get it when we see it we are blinded by this easing grace [Music] I'm blinded by your brains I'm blinded by your grace by your grace I'm blinded by your [Music] broken although I'm not worthy you fix me I'm blinded by your grace you came a shame be broken although I not worthy you the vampire [Music] one sign for the door one time for the course one round of a pulse one time for mr. Schue away from the court I feel the dog one I stayed three dogs and they get the job done cuz I'm gonna beat you mom godson but I'm off now [Music] [Applause] [Music] city prayer is more than happy now away to another day I was so afraid till you came and say hey you came and the rain was hard [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now you fix me I'm blind by your grace you can say me we broke an although one the burly you fix me now my blind now your grace you came si me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well your your applause says what you thought about that and that was amazing wasn't it this musical journey over the last 300 years and all the way through that is this theme of love coming out you know right at the start of our time together and you know I talked about our wedding anniversary and he's right he's eight and on 29 years I've been married this year that's amazing we worked out that mean Alice and my wife had been together this summer for 36 years that's what happens when you date when you're four okay no it wasn't I wasn't i really wasn't that's wrong at every level um but you know as i was thinking about it this week and how do you tell the story of a loved that long okay and and i was thinking of maybe those highlight moments the the first connection that we ever had we met on a youth camp with in different churches and she was I was 15 and Alice was forward - and first man and apparently she used to like me I mean why wouldn't you I get that and I wasn't I didn't quite see it that way at the time although as we were coming out of the dining room and walking across the courtyard it started to rain and I took my coats off Harrington bomber jacket you remember those some of you I'm gonna clue what that was and I put my coat over her head to shield it from the rain it was better than that I put my coat thank you thing is it didn't kind of go to plan because I said hey how's that you can have this coat and I gave her the coat and I went off with another girl but but the following year I came back and we connected and the rest is history and I think how do you explain your story of love in the highlights is it that moment of your first connection the first kiss or or you know the proposal the wedding the first trial the first big argument we haven't had one of those yet but yeah we probably have we've read a lot actually but actually you can't really tell the story of human love that easily and then here's the thing even if you've got great human love going on and I'm really grateful for the love that we've got but that's so so limb even great human love will never really fix us which brings me on to one of my favorite bands Coldplay and in 2005 they released a song their most famous song called fix you Chris Martin the lead singer his partner at the time Bruins poultra her father had died and and he was trying to help her and and he said so what can I do to help you and she said just hold me your love will get me through and out of that whole thing he wrote this song fix you but as great as the song is and as well intentioned as the sentiment is can any human love really fix us because here's the sad thing because they broke up they split up a couple of years ago although they didn't split up they called it a conscious uncoupling apparently that's what happens now I don't want to judge them at all we've all many of us in this room or or those of you watching or listening you've been a part of a love that hasn't worked out where there's been an uncoupling where there's been a bit of a wreck maybe in that love because the reality is no human love can ever really fix us or the issues going on inside of us you see that's where we got to come and talk about a different kind of love not romantic human love but the love that God has for us expressed at Easter and you might slang on I don't believe in God and that's okay but billions of people on the planet believe in God two billion of them believe in a god that we call Jesus so before you dismiss it completely could you hold your mind open to maybe two billion or so people may not be wrong and maybe you can hold your mind open to the possibility that there might be a God we won't be wrong but so might you as well and if there is a God what kind of love does that God have one of the most famous stories in our all verses in the Bible is where it says this God so loved the world that he felt an emotional feeling no doesn't say that God so loved the world that he wrote a romantic song with four chords no it doesn't say that God so loved the world that he he wrapped or he wrote a poem or he painted a painting no God so loved the world the Bible says that he gave you see Lois ultimately not a feeling or an emotion but it's a action God loved us so much that he gave and he gave his best and he gave of himself this week we've all been saddened again by TV stories and about that hostage situation in France where that French policemen are no beltram sir swapped himself for a woman that was held hostage and in the process lost his life apparently that guy that police officer was a man of faith who believed in this God that we're talking about called Jesus but his brother said he gave his life for a stranger he must have known he had no chance if that doesn't make him a hero I don't know what does heroic though that was what God did was on an even greater level than that the Bible says it like this this is how God showed his love for us God sent His Son into the world so that we might live through him this is the kind of love we are talking about not that we once upon a time loved God but that he loved us and sent his son as a sacrifice to clear away our sins and the damage they've done to our relationship with God you see romantic loves strong as it is good as it is important though it is can never really fix us or the issues inside of us that requires a love of another kind that requires the love that we're calling today reckless love you know in that storms a song that the guys just did and by the way we don't endorse storms that we don't endorse his songs we don't endorse his language we don't endorse his lifestyle but we are big enough and secure enough to recognize the longing and in that song it's the incredible song and there's a great line Lord I've been broken although I'm not worthy you fixed me I'm blinded by your grace and we believe that to be true and just in the last few minutes I've got before we we do something else only I want to explain to you why the love of God is the only love that can truly fix us let me just give you four quick things to think about firstly it's a love that does what we can never do and I want to use the Coldplay lyrics for a moment from fiction the opening line says when you try your best but you don't succeed you'll never felt like that in life we try your best but you don't succeed and when comes to God we can think that we need to try our best and then God will receive us we need to try and do good things or be religious or at least not be bad but here's the thing the love of God is a love that does what we can never do which is to make us right with God Bible puts it this way God saved you by His grace when you believe and you can't take credit for it it's a gift from God secondly it's a love that meets our deepest needs and desires fix you says when you get what you want but not what you need what we need is we need unconditional love we need approval we need that acceptance we need purpose we need meaning we need security but what we do is we run around trying to chase all the things we want but not what we really need and we climb the ladder as high as we can and we recognize they're not leaning against the wrong building but the love of God is a love that can fix us because it gives us what we need not just what we want then the fourth thing is this I think the love of God is a love that's so strong because it covers all the dimensions of life past present and future again in fix you it says when you feel so tired that you just can't sleep what I love about God's love in my own life is is that it deals with things from my past but it also is present in my moment in my anxiety in my stress in my worry God's love is there but it also covers the future the fears for what might be tomorrow Horatio Spafford was a a hymn writer hundreds of years ago and tragically his family went on a boat from America to England and many of them many of his daughters were lost at sea the diet and as his then came and he went to England to be with the wife and the surviving daughter I think he lost about four daughters as he was passing the bit in the ocean where his daughters had died he God gave him this him and he wrote this hymn and the course says it is well with my soul that's the love of another kind in it to know that life's a mess right now but on the inside there's a love that meets my deepest needs and my deepest fears and finally the love of God is a love that will fix you because it's a love that wins it's a love that wins one of the great lyrics in the cold place on lights will guide you home you know as I get older I realize how short life is you know but life is short but eternity is incredibly long decisions we make now will affect the Eternity that we get to live it's a love that ultimately wins the love of God wins against all the enemies there is fear and hate pain injustice betrayal and sorrow and the resurrection of Christ is the proof that God will always get the final word on men it's a love that wins and ultimately it's a love that will guide us home to Eternity Lee Strobel is an American guy who was a lawyer he was trained in law and then he became a legal journalist but he was a committed atheist as an adult and he was in it he was married and and one day his wife came home on Sunday she be now and he didn't know where she was and she sat down at the dinner dining room table and she said I need to tell you something he said why she says I've been going to church these last few weeks and I've become a Christian and Lee Strobel said he was devastated because he was a committed atheist so he decided to go to the church to check it out and then he decided to go in to investigate and use his legal journalistic skills to dismantle Christianity and prove to his wife that she was wrong but as he looked at the facts as he looked at the evidence as he journeyed through and he discovered the reckless overwhelming love of God this is what he wrote in the end after I'd thoroughly investigated the matter I reached an unexpected conclusion it would actually take more faith to maintain my atheism than to become a follower of Jesus that's why I'm now celebrating my 30th Easter as a Christian not because of wishful thinking the fear of death or the need for a psychological crutch but because of the facts and see we want you to know guys on this Easter Sunday 2018 there is a love that can fix you it's not a romantic love it's the love of God demonstrates it in one person Jesus [Music] when you try your best but you don't succeed [Music] when you get watch him one but not watching me when you feel so tired that you can't sleep stuck in River and that system stream down your face when you lose something you can't replace when you love some my girls [Music] could it be [Music] [Music] to fix [Music] but if you let me try [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] I will to fix [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I what way we call this reckless love but what's this whole recta stuff about and I'm really aware this morning that there may be sort of me here in the room or those of you watching or listening and maybe right now you're you say hey I've got a love that's wrecking me maybe you've been through a broken relationship maybe you're going through that right now what is this reckless love that we're talking about we're in a moment you're gonna hear this song reckless lie was written by a guy called Corey Gasperi in America and he was asked why did you call it reckless when you come to think about God why would you use the word reckless and I want to read to you what he said because I can't say it any better than he can these are his words not mine he said this many of us for clarity on the phrase reckless love many have wondered why I'd use a negative word to describe God well I've taken some time to write out my thoughts and I hope it brings answers to your questions but more than that I hope it brings you in into encounter with the wildness of his love when I used the phrase the reckless love of God are not saying that God Himself is reckless I am however saying that the way he loves is in many ways quite so what I mean is this he is utterly unconcerned with the consequences of his actions with regards to his own safety comfort or well-being his love isn't crafty or slick it's not cunning or shrewd in fact it's quite childlike and my I even suggested seems sometimes downright ridiculous his love bankrupted heaven for you his love doesn't consider himself first it isn't selfish or self-serving he doesn't wonder what he'll gain or lose by putting himself out there he simply gives himself away on the off chance but one of us might look back at him and offer ourselves in return his love leaves the 99 to find the one every time his love isn't cautious it's a love that sent his own son to die a gruesome death on the cross there's no plan B with the love of God he gives his heart so completely so preposterous Li but if refused most will consider it irreparable broken yet he gives himself away again and again and again and again the recklessness of his love his most clearly seen in this make no mistake our sin pains his heart yet he opens up and allows us in every time his love saw you when you hated him when all logic said they'll reject me he said I don't care if it kills me I'm laying my love out for them then the right has said this to get personal his love saw me a broken-down kid with regret as deep as the ocean my innocence and youth poured out like water yet he saw fit to use me for his kingdom because he's just that kind I didn't earn it and I sure as heck don't deserve it but he's just that good all the overwhelming never-ending reckless love of God are you know today on Easter Sunday 2018 you could know this love too and you know if you're a Christian this morning then I want to encourage you today on Easter Sunday to thank God for the reckless love of God has touched your heart I became a Christian I first said yes to governor's believed a long time ago now I never want to get over what I felt like that I never want to get past that sense of God you love me so much you poured out your love for me so if you're a Christian thank God for it this morning but it may be that you're considering it we got lots of him in the church that aren't Christians are on a journey and we love that journey with us as long as you like maybe you're considering it maybe you could say a big yes to God today maybe today on Easter Sunday you could say a big yes you could say God I'm in maybe your consider even maybe you're not quite ready for a big yes maybe you're more curious than considering could you say a little yes to God today I get it not not the full thing but a little yes or maybe what we call here a healthy maybe to say hey I'm not ready to go fully in but I could I want to know more and maybe you could do that today so if you're a Christian can you thank God for this love today but if you're considering it or you're curious maybe you could say a big yes or maybe even a little yes to God today and I want to give you a moment to do that today so can we just bow our heads maybe for a moment all the way here right at the back and I can see you and but more importantly God can see you as well so while which is closing our eyes just for a moment I would love to pray for some of you today maybe some of you are ready to say a big yes to God or if you're not ready maybe you say but I want to say a small yes I'm not ready to go full in and I want to say a small yes or maybe just a healthy maybe and take a step towards him then I want to give you an opportunity to do that today so if there is anyone here I want you to respond in by just slip it up your hand very quickly I'll see and then you can pull it down and then I want to pray for you so is there anyone today and you want to say a big or a little yes to God on Easter Sunday just pop your hand on the proof thank you anybody thank you right in the back thank you the back thank you so much you just taking that step saying yes to God there anyone else before I pray thank you guys thank you so much father thank you for your incredible love for us and God as people have now taken steps towards you may be little steps or big steps middle yeses or big yeses god I pray but you would be already on your way to them you'll leave the ninety-nine in your head to them God may they know that you love them touch them with your love and with your grace I pray in Jesus name Amen I mean you know if you did pray that prayer we'd love to chat to you you can chat someone you came with or on the way out there's some literature there called why Easter on the connection point there with Louisa take one then it's free and we look at to come back as well but we're gonna invite you all to do one final thing on your seat thanks Sundy it was also one of these pieces of card with reckless love and a heart on it and a verse from the Bible God's love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who's been given to us what we want to do is a way of finishing our Easter Sunday service together our production together you want to invite all of you to respond if you want to do that so if you're a Christian just to say I want to thank God for this incredible love there's touched my life and all you need to do is just to during this song just to come whenever you feel you want to and just to pop it in this cage like this this was full of these at the first service it was so moving to see little ones running out there and older people coming out and just popping it in the cage just to identify with what God has done but maybe you're not yet a Christian but you're taking a step and you said I want to be touched by this incredible love of God I want to know that in my own life then we'd you to be part of this response as well so why don't we stand together and Gemma and the team are going to lead us in this song which is where we've been heading all morning this song called reckless love and then at any point if you want to respond to me part of this then you can do that please Don all 420 or so have you come at the same time because we'll have a train wreck then okay but if you could come when you're ready and just pop those things in that cage as we sing this incredible song together when you pick it up please join in with us and just wanna encourage you if you know this is true open up your hearts and your lives and let's celebrate who God is today so there it is so be great if you wanted to respond whenever you want to do that [Music] I spoke you singing [Music] you have been so-so you breathe joy you mean so-so [Music] Oh they Oh [Music] I don't [Music] you fo still yellow [Music] No [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bouncing you all climb up coming after me snow walls won't keep down ye won't tear down coming out [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's very powerful to me to see that image there so many lives that's what we're talking about they're touched you're wanting to be touched by this incredible love of God you know I hadn't thought it the first service and I feel to share it again now that maybe there are some of you here today and and for you your experience with God is past and you have had an experience with God you do believe in God but what you've done is you've almost kind of left him you pushed him aside you've allowed stuff to get so all-consuming for you and busy and and so you you know God exists but it's light you've parked him and here's the thing if you turn towards him he's already running to you Pazuzu storing the Bible of the book of the prodigal son where where the son leaves the house and the father yes really wants to chase him but car he just lets him go but he waits for him to return and I just felt God what do you say to some of you today if that's you and you've been away from God don't wait a moment longer come home and don't think that he's going to tell you off and say where have you been and how could you do this a clue that all you'll do is wrap his arms around you and love you because that's who he is we're gonna finish by it singing another song together and this is our final song as we sing this song we're gonna do a couple of things we're gonna take out offering as part of what we do every week this is what we do as a church is to give back to God if you're a guest this morning you we don't want your money okay we're so glad you're here so don't feel under any pressure but this is what we do every week as a way of giving back to God and then afterwards Andy's gonna come and close our time together on the way out there as you head out there you can bigger the chocolate you also if you've never been here before we have a gift bag we'd love to give you some you look out for the hostess out there who've got the gift bags they'd love to let you have that and also if you want to pick up one of those leaflets little book click on why Easter they're completely free take it with you and read it over the Easter weekend you know this song we sing this song a lot here at the church I want to encourage all of you that know it's and really use it to let your praise bring out this mornin this song tells the whole story with Easter in one song what happened on the cross what happened on the tomb and what's going to happen in the future and this has got to release something inside of us on Easter Sunday where we want to lift that voice and say all praise their name we're gonna do that this morning aren't we let's do it [Music] to Calvary where Jesus [Music] and died for me I see his hands he's my Savior that curse it [Music] it's body it's interesting they laid in joseph's to the agency the heavy stone beside [Music] now if you believe in this placing out [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] it's declare it on the first [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] lazy's Shelby is the night and I will gain space gods Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] incredible what an amazing way to celebrate Easter Sunday please join me in thanking the band and the singers and the dances our tech team have been phenomenal our host and team there's so many people that have worked so hard it's been a fantastic morning thank you so much for being with us we have gotta go over to Hagley now this afternoon we're performing this again if you do want to join this or you want to invite somebody then you can go on our website pick up a free ticket and come along this afternoon a hybrid high school in hugly you'd be really welcome as well to join us again in two weeks time for the launch of our seasons series you know this reckless love doesn't just stand on Easter Sunday it stands through every season in life that we go through we would love you to join us for that on your way out there as chocolate eggs please feel free to grab some kids grab a whole load fill your pockets just make sure there's loads for everybody have a fantastic rest of your Sunday and we'll see you again soon master
Channel: LifecentralChurchUK
Views: 700
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: lifecentralchurchuk, lifecentralchurch, halesowen, hagley, church, christianity, god, love, talks, relevant, gospel
Id: 9aMQbqUb2hQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 36sec (4956 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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