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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Oh Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello and welcome to life central church online wherever you are tuning in you are so welcome you know normally life central church is one Church in three locations inhales oh and hugly and rally but we are one Church in many locations many living rooms and bedrooms and kitchens all over the country and in fact all over the world you know if today is your first time ever tuning into a service online you're really welcome if you're part of us and used to be a part of life central then you know you're really welcome and if you're joining us from another church and around the country we know that lots of churches are tuning into our live stream we are so pleased that you can join us we are all one family and one church together and we're really pleased that you can join us via technology today you know I want to let you know that the service is gonna last around or both and our through that you'll hear and see some worship some song worship and a bunch of songs you'll hear a relevant talk from our lead pastor Leon Evans and you're going to be able to respond and engage if you're watching via our website you can look at our chart if you're watching on a desktop computer and then you can chart in there in the group chat there and you can request a prayer and our online pastors would love to pray for you they are there they're ready they're in their homes work and remotely ready to pray for you so if you hit that button it will open up a direct message to chart and you can pray with one of our online pastors just to let you know that we are a observing the government guidelines we've worked really hard a this week so what you're gonna see and what you're gonna see in this service is a mix of live and pre-recorded stuff we wanted to have as few people as possible in the room so it's very strange I'm on my own in our hell's our an auditorium right now when normally there's a lot of us gathering together but we've worked really hard to follow the government guidelines to keep everybody safe and to keep as many people at home as we possibly can you know our office during the week is still open but on a very very skeleton staff we know it's really really important to keep our food bank going and to keep support in our community so if you do want someone support you can click one of the tabs or you can call our church office during office hours in the weekend one of our team would love to get back to you and help you and support you in whatever way that we can following the government guidelines and please do keep as you as your shop and as you go out and get your essential shop and please do continue to donate to our food bank we want to continue to support people and support our community through the work of our food bank so please they keep doing their you know you can engage with us in lots and lots of different ways we want you to connect in and you know in the midst of this corona virus pandemic loads of churches around the world are having to grapple with large streams some like ourselves have been doing it for a little bit we launched in January doing last stream and we're used to it a little bit or the churches of have to set up and for some it's gone really well for others it's not gone so well have a look at this well welcome back to the last part of our online worship experience from Sylvia parish church the last section we call waiting and is a great thing to pause in the presence of God and what's the question Lord God what are you saying to us and then of course to wait for an answer I've just been pausing between these oh dear just caught fire oh my word I love his really calm response there I wouldn't be that you know hopefully I don't go on fire today and there's no no candles near me so hopefully that won't happen to me today and we're gonna go into a time of singing together and we've pre recorded a bunch of songs our band worked really hard earlier in the week and to get these songs pre recorders but you know this isn't about entertainment this is about engagements we want to encourage you to engage and lean into this as much as you possibly can you know there's a story where Jesus calls one of his disciples and he calls Levi and who was a tax collector now tax collectors in those times were considered traitors to the Jewish faith and the Jewish people and so when Levi sees Jesus coming and that might have conjured up all sorts of feelings of inadequacy of being unwelcome and unacceptable to Jesus but Jesus approaches and his tax tax collectors booth and invites them to come and follow him and Levi drops everything and follows Jesus and you know maybe you're tuning in for the first time and you feel like you are unacceptable to God maybe you feel like oh I could never engage with this God because of the things that I've done and the decisions that I've made about my life I want you to know that you are totally loved by Jesus and he invites you to take a step today to follow him and so all of us whether you call yourself a Christian or not you're invited into the presence of Jesus right now so maybe you want to stand up in your living room maybe you want to turn the volume up and sing along at the top of your voice maybe you want to sit on your sofa and hold your hands out and ask God to speak to you however is we don't want this to be entertainment we want this to be engagements and an encounter with the Living God because we believe that God can speak to you wherever you are watching this around the world God wants to meet with you today so let me pray for us and then we're gonna sing together god I thank you that although we're in many many different locations God that you are with us and God I pray that you would fill living rooms and kitchens and laptops with your presence right now god I pray as people stand in their living rooms as people sit on their sofas god I pray that you would fill us with that peace that passes all understanding God would it fill our hearts and minds got in the midst of chaos in the midst of so much that is unknown god I pray that you would come and meet with us today god we know we need a touch from you we know that we need you to move in our world and God we want to give you all the glory we want to say that you are amazing and that we love you so much so god I pray as we worship as we gather via our online platform god I pray that you become and that you would meet with us today we pray this in your mighty mighty name this fair song is called this is amazing grace [Music] [Applause] [Music] who breaks the time [Music] the whole [Music] this is amazing [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Music] who brings up a back into [Music] with to the like this Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] the key is [Applause] the king [Music] we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's a grace is a grace when the heart is under fire but the way where the rows of clothes are you when I look at the specimens me where I used to me and it's freaking me I know once there was another in the fire standing next to me it was another in the world holding back should I ever need of how I've been sent there is across the Bears bird never died for me there is another in the fire or what all my damn life Adam and Eve I'm longer a slave to sin anymore should have fall in the spaceman sweetie or our fates me and this [Music] to the fiends of this world [Music] I'll never be [Music] steady [Music] holy bad disease they don't nobody [Music] there isn't [Music] to see I can see this has entire [Music] I to me [Music] there's no opening there is no other people but the name that is Jesus he was as the Liz and be free to kill my main space between all these things at sea no I will never be [Music] standing you'll be [Music] [Applause] [Music] every battle [Music] darkus pursue [Applause] I [Music] shame [Music] that [Music] this season [Music] yes I can't let your every bad kiss me romance will be kill me choke a baby man kiss no it's where you'll be account account your to memory man cuz no it's where you'll be counting account you're the man you swing [Music] shakin left alone [Music] we are fallen far from home in these nightmares city of dust in the wilderness with no one to trust these chains and all these scars the darkness locks out the stars [Music] and I'm blinded I can't find the way [Music] I don't know if I'll see another day [Music] [Music] who can lift the veil break the chains who will shine a light that can take the pain [Music] you found me here led me to the Sun when we walk together we are better than one [Music] hey welcome everyone to life central church into our online service it is so great to be here with you in your room wherever you are right now whether you're from life central Church from any of our locations house Oh in Hagley or Rowley or whether you're tuning in from our church in Duras Albania or whether you are connecting to us from any other church anywhere or maybe you're watching us in your living room or wherever and you're not connected to a church but you're watching this service right now you are really welcome we want to not just talk to you but we want to interact with you as well and and as I'm speaking there is a whole bunch of online pastors in their rooms dotted around virtually connecting to this and they want to connect with you so you can offer you can write to them you can connect on your on your device there's lots of different ways to do that you can ask for prayer and someone will take you into like a little private chat room and pray with you and for you there's loads of things you can do to interact today you don't ask you a question have you ever been in a situation that you wish you could get out of maybe the situation was a little fiery a little spicy a little edgy a few years ago I was in South Africa I'd taken a team out there to do some relief work and the team went home and I stayed for a few days to do some training for some of the guys that were on the base there and two things happened within two days on the first day I borrowed one of the cars and I went towards the mall and as I was heading towards the mall I just pulled out and I didn't notice a car coming down the hill behind me it was going quite fast and it hit me on the side of the car not my car the borrowed car and as I pulled over to the side this other car pulled over to the side and out of the car got these four huge African men and I'd had all kinds of stories about what can happen in that part of the world and as these four angry African men were coming towards me I was beginning to say my prayers I was beginning to you know to write my last text to my wife for my family and I thought it was all over obviously it wasn't all over but it was a fiery difficult situation in the very next day and what happened is one of the local communities went into meltdown and there were riots and it was all locked down and we were locked down on bass and there were helicopters and there was gunshots and there was tires being set on fire and that whole situation felt literally like you're in a fire and it was this edgy situation that we didn't ask for and we were in it and here's the question that I have for you today when your faith is in the fire what do you find now some of you are going to be saying oh hang on a minute you're talking about faith in God and maybe you're watching you saying I don't have faith in God so this doesn't apply to me I don't have faith yes you do you might not have faith in God but faith is all about where we put our trust where we put our security where we put our sense of certainty and the reality is guys all across the planet whether it's a faith in God or not where you put your tongue is being shaken right now and there are many people who say I don't have faith in God but they have faith in something else or they put their hope and trust in something else and that's being shaken you know it's not that we've lost our sense of certainty we've lost our sense of the illusion of certainty there's so little to be certain about these days even the Bible says that fire is often seen to represent testing Peter writes in one of his letters in the New Testament that your faith will be tested in the fire as they test gold in the fire and gold is put in the fire to test it and it literally means that all the impurities will come away and then what is left is so much more valuable and so much more precious in the Old Testament the first part of the Bible Solomon writes in proverbs chapter 17 verse 3 in the same way the gold and silver are refined by fire the Lord purifies your heart by the tests and the trials of life there's a classic story again in the Old Testament in the Book of Daniel about three guys who find their faith in the fire they find themselves literally in the fire let me just give you a little bit of a background what happens here is that the people of God who live in Israel are taken out of Israel and placed into if you like isolation in another country there in Babylon that they're not where they want to be there where they're forced to be for a season and in that situation they're forced to think about their Valley and where they're going to compromise and how they can stand true to what they believe and then these three guys call Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they they know who they are and they they come before the king and the King says hey you can you need to bow down and worship me and they say well we're not gonna do that because because we're our hope and our faith is is in God and we're not gonna do that and what happens is that these three guys get placed into a furnace literally their faith and their life is placed into a furnace when your faith in the fire what do you find furnaces will reveal a lot about a person I think trials and tough situations reveal a lot about a person they reveal a lot about our mindsets I think there's a thing like Babylon mindsets you know you know that they're in there Babylon it's their second choice or their know oh then third choice or their no choice world the reality is guys their first choice world was to be back in Jerusalem to be back home where they could go out and do what they wanted to do and listen to the music they wanted to listen to and eat the food they wanted to eat and be with the people I wanted to be with that was their first choice world but here they were now in Babylon you know you and I are not in our first choice world right now we're because of the coronavirus we're in a situation where it feels like we've been almost extricated out of where we want to be and we put into a context of where we don't want to be but it reveals something around our mindsets you know you can have a captive mindset because I'm captive then I can't thrive in the way that God wants me to and that's just not true I want to talk into that later we can have a a victim mindset you know oh this is another bad thing that's happened to me you can have a fantasist mindset where you want to begin to imagine a life outside of your circumstances you can have an entitlement mindset God if I do this for you then you'll do that for me but there's another mindset you can have and it's the mindset of faith the God no matter what is going on I know who you are and I know that you don't change and when my faith is in the fire I'm gonna find some amazing stuff so when your faith is in the fire what do you find let's read a little bit of the story together it's Daniel 3 verse 9 2:23 Daniel 3 verse 19 to 23 and if you've got a Bible switch it on right now and you can follow Daniel 3:19 2:23 then Nebuchadnezzar was furious with Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and his attitude towards them changed he ordered the furnace to be heated seven times hotter than usual and commanded some of the strongest soldiers in the army to tie up Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and throw them into the blazing furnace so these men wearing their robes trousers turbines and other clothes were bound and thrown into the blazing furnace the Kings command was so urgent and the furnace so hot that the flames of the fire killed the soldiers who took up Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and these three men firmly tied fell into the blazing furnace now I know that today we're using this as a metaphor okay that we're going through something as a planet right now and as a nation where this whole coronavirus feels like we've been thrown into this fire this time of testing we're using it as a metaphor but you know the reality is if you look through history and you look around the world many people lit this is not just a metaphor this is literal if you look back through church history people like Polycarp one of the early church leaders he was a student of the Apostle John arrested by the Romans given a chance to deny Christ this is what he said for 86 years I have served him why then should I deny my king who has saved me as flames began to rise no hair burned so eventually they stabbed him his last recorded prayer was this I praise you for making me worthy to be received among the number of the martyrs this day in our so that I share in the cup of Christ for the resurrection of my soul Wow another guy or again in the second century he was a teacher who was killed for his faith and he said this they have burned our possessions but they cannot burn Jesus from our hearts that's amazing you know when you're facing the fire what do you find you know do we have a faith that when we're in the fire actually causes us to crumble or for our confidence to melt or for us to want to turn our back on our values Shadrach Meshach and Abednego had a different kind of faith when your face in the fire what do you find on it share three ideas with you this morning and I know this is so difficult and I'm trying to live this out in my own life right now you know as many of you who tuned in and watching our and whether you're a person of faith or whether you're a person who has no faith in God but you have faith in something else and maybe that feels like it's in the fire right now and maybe your sense of security and your job or or or in the health system or in your family or friendship construct and and you feel like all of that is in the fire when your faith is in the fire what do you find number one when your faith is in the fire you find it needs friends guys your faith needs friends wherever you any of you remember that film gladiator you know the one with Russell Crowe and this is amazing scene in that way him and some of the other gladiators are placed in the arena and they don't know what's going to come out of all the gates and that Russell Crowe Maximus you know he gathers them all together and he just says this whatever comes out of the gates we stick together and as the gates open and all these animals come out and and other warriors they just stick together and in that sense of being connected in the middle of that fire they stand yet you know your faith in these friends guys we need friends so much the problem is how do we do that separated does not have to mean isolated and even isolated does not have to mean isolation you know I want to say we've got to choose to connect in these days and you know God has given us an incredible gift of online technology and many of you how many of you on zoom' you know how many hundreds of us have been on hundreds of zoo calls and meetings in his last few weeks you know it's a great way to connect all and there are other applications out there as well not just zoo but you've got to choose to connect you've got a fine way to kill and we're hearing as a church amazing stories of some of our small groups that we call connect groups beginning to set up virtual connect groups and it's been a lot of fun as several of us myself included have struggled with the technology there's been lots of laughter lots of opt-out upside-down photographs lots of looking up each other's noses you know all of this kind of stuff but then when it's settled then we found some real connection as we've been able to to to connect with each other in this time of fire in this time of testing in fact just this past week we had our first connect group zoom and and the amazing thing was at my group is really busy the many of the guys are leaders of organizations and trying to get us in the same room he's always tough but all of a sudden everybody's free everybody's diary's free and we were all together on this on our laptops in different houses and you know what was so precious was we had a lot of laughs together and we checked in with each other but then as we went around and I was hosting and leading it came to me last and as one of the guys said so how are you guys doing and you know I'm a leader of a church and want to be strong and there for other people but this last week has been horrendous week for us for me and Allison and just a week ago we had the funeral of my mother and we're trying to get to grips with what that looks like now and trying to grieve and all of that and many of you know we have a son who's got very complex special needs and he's in residential care and on the day of our zoomkour with our connect group we were told that we might not be able to see him any longer or for this season of time and and right and then the very next day other son and his wife were wouldyou their first baby our first grandchild and we probably won't be out of visit them and in that moment of trying to you know I just shared my heart on this soon call and and it was so amazing just to feel so connected and and I got emotional which I never thought I would do looking at a screen but they ministered to me and they supported me and they prayed for me and they prayed for us as a family and in that moment as we finished and you know pressed you know stopped on the end of the call came away thinking my faith in the fire right now but I've got some friends and you know guys when you're facing the fire you will find that you need some friends so I'm gonna say to you wherever you are whatever you're doing even if you're on your own in your house you need to find a way to find some friends choose to connect join a connect group here at this church or in another church whatever they run small churches ask for prayer you know be vulnerable at this time here's a thought how about finding your three Shadrach Meshach and Abednego had each other as they went into the furnace maybe you've got connect groups but maybe you want to break it down a little bit it's just a thought and just an idea why don't you find a three is it are there three people in your word that you could say hey could we connect together maybe it's what's up maybe it's a phone call maybe it's you know some other other way a messenger group or or or on zoom' or whatever but find a way to connect when your faiths in the fire what do you find it needs friends secondly when your faith in the fire you find it goes to another level your faith will go to another level and not just another level up but it's another level of depth these three guys show us what real deep faith is all about and guys can I say to you if you are a follower of Jesus when everything else is stripped away when we are isolated our faith now and our relationship with Jesus is going to go to a new depth if we embrace it we will come out of this and as we come out of this season I believe that the church across the planet will come out with a deeper faith and a deeper sense of trust and a deeper resilience in who we are and in who our God is and these three guys model it for us you see a deep faith one that passes the tests of the fire one that's resilient that doesn't run away or crumble I think there are four things in this it is rooted in who God is these three guys say King we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter in other words they say we know where our faith is rooted we understand you're the king we respect you're the king we get your authority but we server greater authority we will we will do what you asked us to do but if you're asking to do something that's not in line with our greater authority we know where our authority really is these guys are respectful but they knew who they were in relation to who God is I think a deep faith realizes that faith is no exemption from the fire says in verse 17 if we are thrown into the blazing furnace in other words hey we know this might happen to us you know I hear a lot and read a lot of stuff out there about just because we're Christians there that coronavirus might not come near us or our family guys I have to say it might do there is no sense of exemption just because we're followers of Jesus that's really clear to me from the Bible it realizes that there's no exemption but then it remembers it remembers that God is not dead what do I mean by that listen to the next verse if we are thrown into the blazing furnace because we might be the God we serve is able to deliver us from it and he will deliver us from your Majesty's hand their faith is this if we're placed in the fire okay and of course they were if we're placing the fire our faith is so deep we know our God is not dead he is able to save us he is able to heal he is able to deliver he is able to protect several years ago I know you remember that film God is not dead it's a Christian film and it went into cinemas do you remember cinemas stop it a way into cinemas and I went to watch it one afternoon there was hardly anybody else in the cinema so I sat there watching it on my own watching this Christian movie and this lady's West Indian lady actually came in and she came in sat just a couple of rows in front of me and she had lots of shopping bags and and she was making quite a little bit of noise and I was trying to get little bit irritated because I'm human as well and I wanted to watch this film I love films as you made quite a lot of noise and then she got a big box of chicken out seriously chicken and rice and she was eating this chicken and rice by me then I was starting to to kind of giggle a little bit to myself but in this movie it's a movie about young people who have a faith in Jesus that would be challenged in the area of education and there's a bit at the end of the movie where where one after another these young people stood up and they declared their trust in God that God is not dead God is alive even when bad things are happening and as I watched the movie I actually was more engrossed with watching this lady who began to worship Jesus in the middle of the film in the middle of the cinema she began to lift their hands and say I just declare God is not dead I won't even try and do the accent she began to declare God is not dead and you know we when we're in the fire we need to remind us as God is not dead our God is able and right now whatever you're going through whatever challenge you or your family or your loved ones are going through our God is able and a deep faith realizes that there's no exemption but it remembers that God is not dead but here's the big one it rests ultimately in who God is no matter what God does or doesn't do these verses I'm going to read you now I believe are the most powerful verses of faith in the whole of the Bible some of them 17 and 18 listen to this if we throw it into the blazing furnace the God we serve is able to deliver us from it and he will deliver us from your Majesty's hand but even if he does not even if he does not we want you to know your Majesty that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold that you have set up wow that's the kind of faith I want I don't know what's happening with this whole coronavirus around the world or in our nation and my prayer is God would you take this virus away and would you would you would you move us through this season as quick as you can and I know how God is able to do that and I'm praying for that but even if he does not we're still gonna love God anyway because when you're facing the fire what do you find you find that your faith will go to a new level of depth one of the early church fathers john chrysostom he lived in the late fourth and early fifth century one day he was brought before the Emperor and commanded to renounce Christ the emperor threatened him saying if he would not renown Christ he would be banished from the country forever he would be separated from his father's land for the rest of his life John responded you cannot the whole world is my father's land you cannot banish me the Emperor then said then I will take away all of your property and treasures John replied you cannot for all my true treasures are in heaven the emperor then said I will send you to a place of absolute solitude where there is not one friend for you to talk to sound familiar John said you cannot but I have a friend that is closer than her brother to me he is my elder brother Jesus Christ who has promised to be with me always to the very end of the age in anger the Emperor then said I will then take your life John said you cannot for my life is forever hidden in Christ with God when you're facing the fire what do you find you find your faith goes to a new level of depth guys in this season whoever you are whether you have faith in God or not I want to say to you let's go deeper in our faith let's find God in the middle of this fire let's find God in a deeper way let's establish new rhythms in our life in our relationship while we're not going out while we're not doing all that other stuff while we're not crazy crazy busy busy let's find a new level of depth in who God is and if as you're watching this you don't have that assurance and you don't have that faith in Jesus you don't have that certainty when everything else is uncertain you can you can know that today you can know him today in the middle of your fire so when you're facing the fire what do you find when you find it these friends secondly you find that it goes to a new level of depth and thirdly when your faith in the fire you find that there's another in the fire there's another in the fire Daniel 3 24 27 then King Nebuchadnezzar leaked to his feet in amazement and asked his advisers weren't there three men that we tied up and threw into the fire they replied certainly your majesty he said look I see four men walking around in the fire unbound and unharmed and the fourth looks like a son of the gods Shadrach Meshach and Abednego came out of the fire they saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies nor was a hair of their heads singed their robes were not scorched and there was no smell of fire on them as the King looked in he saw that there was another in the fire guys I want you to know when you're facing the fire what you find is that there's another in the fire and his name is Jesus and we send that song earlier on you know there's another in the fire you know there's another in the waters and there's another in your home there's another in your situation there's another in your trial right now and even if you're the only one in your home you are not the only one because there's another in your home with you in that fire you know we live in a culture I think of furnace or fire avoidance you know especially in the Western world we have a sense of entitlement we're risk-averse our greatest value is comfort we want a pain-free trouble-free life where we get what we want whenever we want it here's a thought my god have a calendar with a date ring and a little note that says on that day meet Leon in the fire meet Leon in the fire meet you in the fire what if I didn't show up what if I bowed down for an easier life what if I miss the adventure of a lifetime what if I miss the chance for my faith to be tested and refined and go to another level when your faith in the fire what do you find guys you find that there's another in the fire and he is with you right now and right here so how do you respond to this today if you're not a believer in Jesus where is your certainty where's your hope listen I've been a follower of Jesus for a long time I'm finding this really difficult okay I'm finding it over at times there are days when I feel good there are days when I don't okay just cuz I have a faith doesn't mean I don't feel what you feel but I tell you what as much as this doesn't make sense to me right now without God it makes even less sense no sense at all and my faith are my certainty is rooted into the existence of God I know God is with me I know God is for me no matter what happens I know God will bring us through and our God is able and even if he does not ultimately my life and my eternity are secure with him and if you don't have that you can know that right now you can make that decision right now as you watch us online but if you are a believer and you do have a faith and like all of us your faith is in the fire right now what do you find you find your faith needs friends guys choose to connect find your free you find that your faith will go to another level go for it dig deep new rhythms time to read time to listen time to worship time to study and then you'll find your faith will find that there is another in the fire and his name is Jesus and he's with you right now I want you to listen to this Psalm this is written and performed by Chris Eaton was one of our church members and very well known song rights have been writing songs for decades now and from his home he wants to bring this song to you and I think this is so important because this is this is a comfort and a security and a confidence that hey when our faith is in God do you know what no matter what the fire no matter how hot the fire it will be all right [Music] empty streets and rental cars TV screens and shooting stars neon lights and dark cafes [Music] oops and tears and desperate prayers shattered dreams like broken glass in alleyways in times like these you'd still be mine even in the dark I will never be alone Aaron so 20 [Music] underneath this pale Street Lane and trust everything will be all right [Music] storefronts closed in churches sleep not everybody's dreams is sweet so where do all the lonely run but hidden scars the emptiness were all the same all nights like this it is waiting for the Sun and you said times like these used to be mine even in the darkest fear I won't ever be alone so [Music] Oh [Music] I never let you outside I know everything will be [Music] and I know in terms like these you'll still be fine even in the darkest night everything be alright [Music] um what we do with I never let you out st. everything will be alright [Music] everything would be guys it'd be my greatest pleasure just to pray for you as we close our service together and you know if you're not yet a follower of Jesus you can become that right here and right now and what you need to do is if you're online and you're engaging on that our online pastors just just say just as a little icon right there and you can put your hand up to respond to Jesus and to invite Jesus into your life right now and you can find that there is another in your fire and he's right with you guys if you already have a faith I want to pray for you and for your family right now so let's pray Jesus we want to thank you that when our faith is in the fire we can find so many great things in the testing of that experience we can find the friends and the connection that you've created for us we can find that our faith can go to a new level of depth and we can discover again we can find that we are not on our own there is another in the fire so Jesus whoever is watching or listening to this God may they know that you are with them that you will never leave them nor forsake them and may they know that there is another in their fire and lord I pray that through this season however long this season is may our faith go deeper and may we come out of it with a stronger more resilient faith ready to connect again with the wider world and to bring hope and light and just the sense of your presence wherever we are so Jesus we commit ourselves to you right now whatever is gonna happen in the days and the weeks and the months to come we know that however hot the fire goes there is another in the fire and his name is Jesus amen oh man why powerful word what a powerful song one amazing time that we have had together and you know if you want to connect in if you want to take your next step maybe you prayed that prayer and made the decision to become a Christian you can click if you're on our online platform you can click that button and you will be able to chat with one of our online plasters and they'll be able to talk you through and pray with you and as you make your first steps following Jesus you can click the next steps tab if you want to get involved if you want to help us with our response as much as we can with following the government guidelines or you can connect and join a connect group of eight or connector if one of our team would love to be in touch with you please do make sure you're following our social media we're pulling stuff out regularly we're putting daily devotions out we're trying to put some stuff out there to make you smile to make you think to make you engage with God as well so please do follow us on all of the relevant social media platforms on Instagram or Facebook and Twitter and if you've been watching on YouTube make sure you click to subscribe and we would love to get some feedback from you if you're watching from somewhere far away or you you watching and God spoken to you we would love to hear those stories because I'm on my own in our auditorium and it's great it'd be great to hear some of your feedback so if God has spoken to you please do send us a direct message on one of our social media platforms or get in touch with us let us know what God is saying to you because we really believe that there is another in the fire and his name is Jesus we hope you have a really good week please do stay with us we'll be back here in the same place 11:30 a.m. and 4 p.m. next Sunday please do join us we hope you have a fantastic week and we'll be praying for you take care everyone we'll see you soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hold [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: LifecentralChurchUK
Views: 1,136
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: vM8SIt2pg2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 0sec (5100 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 29 2020
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