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one thing I always look for it is the perfect dollar I can't say my dolloping skills are the best but some of the best food stars in the world pride themselves on the perfect dollop hi I'm Donnell and welcome to the channel I've been creating easy meals that make your life a little bit easier in the kitchen for over ten years now but this channel is all about a little slice of our family life and home cooking I'll be showing you how to get the most out of your kitchen to next level your dishes for maximum flavor so stick around hit that subscribe button and let's get cooking in my kitchen I tend to keep things quite simple chopping board knife and maybe a frying pan but sometimes I do bring a kitchen gadget into my world and lately I've been doing a lot of slow cooking so I have a slow cooker and I want to show you one of my favorite recipes which we've adapted for the slow cooker to make your life a little bit easier this is my slow cooker butter chicken that is incredibly easy to do with a lot of these slow cookers they do have a browning function but I still kind of rely on a frying pan to get the best browning that will really introduce a lot of flavor to these slow cooked dishes so we're gonna use it but I want to hack our slow cooker a little bit by browning off our onions and getting our spices full of flavor with a lot of heat on the frying pan before we get into the slow cooker so we have a little chopping to do I have some garlic I have some ginger and I have some onion and in terms of spices we're keeping it quite simple here I've got a combination of garam masala some cumin a little bit of cardamom and some coriander the great thing about this sort of recipe is that you can do a lot of adapting if you don't have these exact ingredients really I encourage you to use what you have and just kind of get a sense of what flavors you're using you probably won't go too far wrong if you don't follow it to the tea right we've got some shopping to do onion garlic and ginger [Music] so I got the garlic going in with your knees girl so I want to add in some ginger and the ginger here is gonna go a long way to making the flavor of this beautiful butter chicken really come alive so I want to grate this off really nice and finally with a microplane now a little tip that I've picked up in recent years with ginger is that everyone talks about peanut with a teaspoon and peeling it really nice and funny if this is a nice clean piece of ginger and you've given it a wash you can grate the skin in with the pulp and it'll still taste wonderful so don't bother peeling just get gravy and I would say it is worth using with these graders because rather than chopping it up when garlic and ginger is quite fibrous you're gonna get that stringiness in your dish by grating it off nice and finely like this you're getting the pulp of it and you're getting all that aromatic all in one bite which is exactly what we're after so ginger goes in and now we're gonna fry this off over at the pan so this is butter chicken so I think it is essential that we we add a little bit of butter I'm gonna add more to the pan but I'm just gonna take off a knob of butter okay a little bit of water straight in the pan and we're gonna let that fry off I always tend to add just a touch of oil and the reason being just because butter has a tendency to kind of burn it has a lower smoke point than oil so straight in with a little splash of oil all that butter goes in and we're gonna get our onions and our ginger and our garlic in there too and always at this early point in the cooking time especially with onions a good seasoning of sea salt and black pepper now I'm gonna leave these onions just to soften down and as they soften then we need to talk about spices because we have a little bit of a combination here and the idea alongside like the hacking moment of frying our onions first in a frying pan we're also gonna fry off our spices because a lot of these spices are they're basically sitting in your store cupboards and you want to bring them alive and to do that they need heat they need heat and a little bit of fat and the fat we have of the butter and the onions and all the good things that are happening in the pan this is gonna be like the flavor bomb explosion that brings the rest of this slow-cooked dish to life so our onions are now in a good place they softened down ever so slightly so I'm gonna grab up our spices I actually have just the dregs of the coriander going in here so I'm gonna pop that last bit in mmm that sort of lemony scented sweet spice that it gives then we're gonna add get these jars where I don't the teaspoon doesn't actually fit in so we're gonna eyeball it it's about a teaspoon or so of cardamon going in cumin is probably one of my favorite ingredients in here so a good sprinkle of that goes in and I suppose the one that you use the most of is the garam masala now normally when it comes to slow cooker dishes people just plonk all the ingredients in the slow cooker doing this is gonna bring the electricity of these ingredients alive so adding that bit of heat is gonna really make the difference here so pop in have a look and let's toast off these spices right the spices literally need only about a minute or so even less just to bring them alive and because they're kind of stuck at the bottom there's a trick to fix that I'm just gonna grab a little bit of water and we're kind of gonna deglaze the pan somewhat I know if it's up the official term but basically the water is gonna help us kind of make sure that we get all the spices into the onions okay so this is now looking good we scraped the majority of the spices off the bottom of that pan we're gonna turn off the heat we're gonna transfer this into the slow cooker so literally take them and just pop them straight into the slow cooker not the most pleasant promise you it's full of flavor right we've got every last little bit of it and I've told you many times how much flavor that's gonna give so do do bother with that little step it'll make a world of difference right other ingredients we have some chicken so I've got chicken thighs here and you can use skinless and bone in ones but for simplicity and ease of I'm just gonna use the bonus skin this type and it actually works really well with the bone in if you have bone in chicken die so feel free to use them anything that has the bone in slow cooks beautifully so use them if you have them and other ingredients coconut milk a little bit of tomato passata or tomato puree and in Ireland we do not call it tomato puree this is tomato passata and so we're gonna use that now I should mention I'm using coconut milk here rather than the traditional ingredient which is cream I've started enjoying this a little bit better knowing that I've kind of got it a sort of a lighter bolder chicken and also the fact that it has a sort of exotic flavor as well so you could use cream if you want but I feel like the coconut milk works really well in this recipe so that's it chicken posada coconut milk all I need is a tin-opener and then we're going to assemble this in the slow cooker and get it cooking oh and we nearly forgot a key ingredient I mean it is butter chicken you gotta add the butter so let's take the lid off this and I would suggest that if you're making this do it with the full fat coconut milk the light coconut milk doesn't give you a sort of as rich and creamy finish to it so if you'll notice when you take your lid off the coconut milk it's quite a solid mix and that's all the cream on top so we're gonna loosen that edge with a spoon and you'll notice that if you just kind of spoon that off which is thick and luscious and gorgeous underneath there is that sort of milk so we're gonna pour that straight in and basically the whole lock goes in but I just wanted to show you what I'm talking about right coconut milk in a little bit of the tomato passata and the beauty of this is that all the work has been done for you you've got kind of it's gone the extra mile then a tin of chopped tomatoes it's strained it's smooth and it looks really gorgeous so I do like this is a little cheese ingredient in the kitchen okay we're gonna give it a fairly generous knob of butter as well I like the idea of its melding together with the coconut milk and the tomato and all those gorgeous things this I know you're reaching in here to see something beautiful but it does not look beautiful it kinda have to wait until it cooks out I mean the thing with slow cooker wheels is that it doesn't exactly look pretty until the end where you can kind of garnish it and add it to rice or things like this so you kind of do have to have a little bit of faith and knowledge that essentially this will end up in something that's flavorful tender and gorgeous okay there are key ingredients and the last one of course is the chicken so it's not any more glamorous than this you're just going to place those chicken ties straight into the slow cook now before we finish up and before we put the lid on a last seasoning of some salt and pepper really important you season at this point it's your last moment to get it in there before this slow cook so a good generous pinch of black pepper will go a long way and get in there and give it a good stir off okay this is where it needs to be so what I would say is at this point if you did want to add in something to bulk they say I actually normally add potatoes in here so baby potatoes sliced in half pop them in and they'll cook it at a similar enough time as the chicken so that you exact left with chicken and potatoes all in one go yeah that's if you're gonna do this as a sort of one pot version that you can bring straight to the table I normally serve it with some quinoa some pearl barley or even some rice if you have some the beauty of these slow cookers is that you can cook them on high for about 4 hours or you can cook them on low for about 6 hours but with a lot of them they have a keep warm function which means that as soon as they're done cooking they stop with the heat and they allow them to keep warm and it's basically ready for as soon as you are ready to sit down for dinner so I'm gonna cook this on high for about 4 hours they have so many different functions you can steam you can do yogurt you can rice bread you can do pasta book to be honest I normally just make rice and I do dishes like this so it doesn't get too exciting four hours on the clock let's click start so our butter chicken has had the time to cook out its cooked low and slow for about four hours the liquids reduced a little bit and now we should be in a very very good place hello come in and have a look at this is exactly where we need to be and it's where I want to be so we're gonna serve this up I need a slightly smaller ladle the chicken at this point now I mean look at it it's beautifully tender it should almost be falling apart you can see some of that has actually fallen apart and it's almost shredding itself so at this point now we're gonna serve it up and what I want to prove to you is that this is your core recipe and then you can build on it so I have some stuff from the fridge that I've done a bit of meal prep on I actually heated up some properly placed I normally meal prep it's about 2 cups of water 1 cup of pearl barley and you boil it until the grains are nice and tender it kind of takes the place of rice if you don't have rice or you could use quinoa here we're gonna pop all our pearl barley straight in there leaving a little bit of space for the chicken on the side I have some creme fraiche which I'm just gonna dollop on top I want that little bit of richness of some coriander and I also have some chickpeas which I'm going to add essentially what you're getting left with is a meal that has loads of other components but this is your core element the butter chicken is what rings through and brings the flavour to this entire dish so we'll serve up that butter chicken you could do this easily with chicken thighs on the bone it would work beautifully there's no faff innovate with a knife and fork you could almost eat this with a spoon it's so tender we're gonna pop on some chickpeas on top and this is where you know like border chickens straight out of the party looks lovely but you know emphasizing the extra elements that you have just will change how your dish looks so a little bit of chickpeas on top nice little bit of texture and we're gonna add some of those little coriander leaves just in over the top and then I want a dollop of some creme fraiche I just think it kind of adds a nice coolness and a creaminess to the top of this border chicken so grab up a spoon and a dollop of creme fraiche goes a long way my mum always added creme fraiche to things and I always kind of think of her when I do it because it's that last little hit that just makes the difference if there is that little horrible liquid on the top you can just pour it off or you can do what I do which is just mix it through until you have a nice kind of smooth consistency and one thing like I've done quite a few cookbooks and TV shows and stuff like that and one thing I always look for is the perfect dollop this is like an acquired art and some of the best food stylist in the word I can't say my darling skills are the best but some of the best food stars in the world pride themselves on the perfect dollop and it does take a little bit of stirring and then you kind of like tease the cream and then you kind of do a little dollop I see if we can I don't know if that's the perfect dollop but it's a good try and there you go like a very simple dish using that beautiful butter chicken chickpeas pearl barley good things are happening right now and all that's left to do is talk in and try it this is the best moment of making all the food is getting to eat all the food so let's dive in and see what we're dealing with here that chicken should be yeah that's exactly what we're after literally just falling falling apart and I really love the sauce as well I just wanted to buy to the chicken first mmm I have to say normally when I cook in the slow cooker which I didn't do right now is I check the seasoning before I played it up but actually the flavor is fantastic here it could do with a tiny pinch of salt but with the creme fraiche there the chickpeas the coriander and all that Pro barley you have got a meal that is ready to rock and the beauty of it is all the work happens in the slow cooker if you don't have one of these you don't have to go ahead and buy one you can still make this recipe in like a Dutch oven or a casserole it is up to you and you could put it in the oven and slowly cook it away or pop it on the hob and let it cook away there so the recipe will work just as well so if you want all the details as always I'll leave them in the description box below please hit the subscribe button and ring the bell to get notifications as soon as these recipes arrive and that's it dinner is ready to serve so I'm off to tuck in and enjoy
Channel: Donal Skehan
Views: 67,952
Rating: 4.8895917 out of 5
Keywords: butter chicken (dish), butter chicken recipe, butter (ingredient), butter chicken, how to make butter chicken, butter chicken curry recipe, best butter chicken recipe, how to make butter chicken at home, homemade butter chicken, homemade butter chicken recipe, chicken recipes, slow cooker, slow cooker recipes, slow cooker chicken, donal skehan, donal skehan chicken, slow cooker meals, slow cookers, bon appetit, sortedfood
Id: LSra408dmVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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