ONE POT Chicken and Potato Casserole!

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hey guys welcome back to the kitchen today i have a winner winner chicken and potato dinner in the form of my braised spring chicken and potato casserole this is an absolutely gorgeous springtime kind of fresh flavored dinner that really comes to the table in no time at all we're gonna brown off chicken and bacon get them really sizzling and golden before braising them with some white wine some chicken stock and then adding some great spring veggies in the form of some rooster potatoes some spring onions some peas and some baby gem what brings it together is the zestiness of the lemon and the herby element of time it's a really simple recipe that makes the best of springtime flavors [Music] to start this off i'm going to get the heat on a nice casserole dish now i'm using one that has a lid and we're going to use the lid a little bit later but it is important that you have one that has a lid and while the heat comes up we're going to get in there with a little touch of oil just about a tablespoon or so and then to this we're going straight in with our bacon i just have some nice regular bacon here you're looking for the meatiness and the saltiness you get from it and you can see i'm adding it to the pan as it heats up and that will allow any of the fat to render out you'll get nice crispy bits of bacon so fry that off just until it starts sizzling [Music] i always love starting a casserole like this with bacon in the pan because it means that you're getting all those kind of crispy bits on the bottom it's infused it with a little bit of salty flavor and it's just the start of where the flavor comes from in this dish so this is good to go i'm going to take our bacon out of the pan at this point and now that that heats back on and we're going to add in both a little bit of oil and some butter there's always something quite lovely about frying chicken in butter i just think it just adds great flavor to it from the very very start so the butter and the oil go in melt that down and straight to the pan we're going to go in there with our chicken ties so pop them in get them nice and nuzzled in make sure your heat is up and we're going to get really crispy skin on our chicken before we turn it now once you have all the chicken in here a key moment is making sure you have enough of that butter in there it should be kind of lifting up on the side so that you get that bubbling action around the edge of the skin now while this cooks out we want to season it pretty generously with a good bit of salt and pepper now really i want you to season your chicken heavily at this point it's going to cook out and it needs to take on that flavor so salt and pepper more than you think as soon as the chicken has gone in you want to leave it to sit and take on that color the minute you start moving around chicken like this at this point in the cooking time it's just gonna stick so allow the fat to render out of the chicken skin and go really rich golden and crispy now it only needs like a couple of minutes to get that really rich golden brown color but please take your time with this you want to make sure that you've got that before you move on to this next step so i'm going to turn all our chicken thighs at this point you can see the gorgeous color is there don't be afraid of any of the bottom of the band going looking a bit kind of brown and a little bit kind of darker we're going to use all those gnarly brown bits to create great flavor in the braising liquid so once you've turned your chicken it's time to build even more flavor and that comes in the form of a little bit of lemon zest it's the zest of one lemon in here and this is you know for a springtime dish it's that little hit of freshness that goes really well alongside the chicken so let that sizzle and become aromatic and in amongst that we're going to add in a little touch of time spray so pop them in around they may sizzle they may spit but they're going to add great flavor and to this we now want to deglaze the base of this pan with a little bit of white wine pour that over get all that lovely smoke and steam in the kitchen and you've got great smells happening right now this is this is how you make sure people come to the dinner table so give that a little bit of a shuffle and a shake just to ensure any of the kind of bits that are stuck to the bottom loosen up and once that has happened we're going to go straight in there with plenty of chicken stock you want to add enough chicken stock to bring the liquid up to almost half way up the chicken with that all the way over we're going to add our bacon back to the pan so that's our bacon now it's time for those beautiful potatoes [Music] so just kind of nuzzle them in amongst the chicken and make sure that temperature comes up in the pan like it has here we're going to get the lid back on and now this is going to cook out just until the chicken is cooked through and the potatoes are nice and tender [Music] okay chicken has had its moment to cook out and just look at that beautiful steaming potatoes chicken that is nice and tender and you've got this gorgeous braising liquid now we're going to make use of all the flavor that's in the pan and bring it to life with plenty of spring greens for that i have some spring onions which i've topped and tailed we're just going to place this in and around the chicken i'm also going to add in some frozen peas if you had fresh by all means go for it and then lastly which feels a bit strange but it's really wonderful to add in some baby gem just halved these gorgeous little lettuces are gonna cook out in the steam you only want the steam to just take the bite out of them here and we're going to pop them just straight on the top give it a season with some salt and pepper and then lid goes straight back on and the steam and the heat that's in the pan is going to cook through those vegetables until they're just tender it only takes less than five minutes and you've got a dish that is ready to be served to the table [Music] literally after just a couple of minutes you can see those veggies have wilted down they've become nice and tender and now this is good to serve so grab up some of that chicken all those lovely peas i would go for about two pieces of chicken per person and then ensure they get plenty of potatoes a little bit of that baby gem action and lots of spring onions this is an absolute mid-week winner you can see it's got everything all in one dish that can be served straight to the table and it looks absolutely glorious so i'm gonna dive in and try some [Music] it's like a lighter version of a classic roast chicken dinner but then you have all these great extra elements of the peas that have braised down they've taken on a bit of the flavor and i want to try some of that braised baby gem too it's such a different way of cooking those little baby gem heads but they go sweet and tender and i love the texture of them in here as well and the great thing about adding the potatoes in there as well means that you get a really substantial meal and they've taken on all the flavor of what's in the pan as always you will get the full recipe details over on my website you can click the subscribe button and ring the bell for notifications and leave me a comment letting me know if you're trying this lovely chicken and potato dinner until then i'm off to eat the rest of this so i'll see you soon [Music] you
Channel: Donal Skehan
Views: 23,498
Rating: 4.9703484 out of 5
Keywords: chill cooking videos, cooking vlog, donal skehan, make ahead meals, donal skehan pasta, dinner prep, cook with me, in the kitchen with, bread, republic of ireland, homemade, happy pear, jamie oliver, step by step, donald skehan, lockdown cooking, chicken dinner, cooking, home cooking, family dinner, easy dinner, chicken casserole, potato casserole, bacon casserolie, spring recipe, chicken pie, easy pie, potato pie
Id: sD7pSeQvQnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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