RECIPE-LESS Cooking Challenge | Swiss Roll | Sorted Food

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(upbeat music) - [Mike] We are Sorted. A group of mates from London exploring the newest and best in the world of food, whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. (group laughs) We've got chefs, we've got normals, (beep) and a whole world of stuff for you to explore that everything we do starts with you. (upbeat music) - Hello, welcome to fridge cam, this is Jamie and I'm Ben. - The last time we did a recipe-less challenge, Mike failed miserably at choux pastry. Can I beat him at a Swiss roll? - Today two of our normals are going head to head to create a dish recipe-less. The recipe we have chosen for them is Swiss roll. - Yeah. - We have given them the weights and measures to the basic ingredients for the sponge, the filling is up to them. - [James] We're gonna give them 90 minutes and they're gonna serve whatever they have at the end of that. - Your time starts in three, two, one, go. (alarm rings) - Right! 90 minutes. - 90 minutes, right. - Okay, okay. - Now the interesting thing about a Swiss roll is, unlike Spaff, there is no fat. (Mike laughs) - [James] You're gonna use the egg white? - I'm following the recipe. - [James] You're not supposed to be following a recipe. - What recipe are you following? - Mango Swiss roll recipe cake that we made. - We told them this was the recipe they would be cooking today last night. They have both had the opportunity to swot up if they wanted to, but from now on in, it's recipe-less. - Right, okay. 'Cause I did not look at any of their Swiss roll recipes. - I'm gonna do something. I'm gonna do what I thought it said to do. - [Mike] Okay. - What are you doing? (Jamie laughs) - What are you up to? - If you watched the video, a whole egg gets cracked and then goes into the mixer. - Yeah. We definitely talk about a fatless cake. (Mike laughs) - [Ben] As in it's got no butter or oil, there is a little bit of egg yolk in it. - I'm picking up on the fact that separating my eggs is not what I want to be doing. - [Mike] No, I think you should go for that one. - And therefore I'm going to cohere my egg whites and my egg yolks together. Now, if memory serves me right, I wanna get as much air in here as possible with my sugar, and then I'm gonna carefully fold in some self raising flour. - Okay, so I know that it's equal sugar and flour in terms of white. And I think sugar goes in, and then you whisk that together with four whole eggs and you want it to grow in size by about three times. And you can draw a little figure of eight. Wow, look at that. And you can definitely add a figure of eight into that. Okay, that is done. - Oh there was something about being able to leave a mark in it of a number, I'm gonna do a number two. - Fold this in really slowly, because I don't think I wanna knock the air out of it. - I'm going to put flour, carefully fold that in. - Judgemental lean. - Yeah, piss off (laughs). Now that mixture goes in here. - An important thing that I remember reading is that once it's in the pan, you don't really want to touch it, so you don't wanna have a spatula anywhere near it realistically, because you're gonna be knocking out more air. (upbeat music) - [Ben] We are 15 minutes into the challenge, and you both have your sponges in the oven. - So what do you think you're filling it with? - Sorry, I'm just setting a timer. What type of roll is better than a Swiss roll? - Oh, I know. Cinnamon roll. - Cinnamon roll, good answer from James Currie. - Thank you. - A cinnamon roll? - What's better than a cinnamon roll? - A cinnamon Swiss roll. - A bacon roll, but we're not doing that, so. (Mike and Jamie laugh) I'm gonna recreate the best parts of a cinnamon roll, in a Swiss roll. - The cinnamon sugar. - Cinnamon sugar, a cinnamon butter, and creamcheese frosting. - And a kind of roll. And a roll. What are you going for? - What do we know about the Swiss? - They're very punctual. - Absolutely. Make good watches. - Yes. - They're also really good at banking. Who are the types of people who have bank accounts with Switzerland? (Jamie laughs) - Who are the types-- - Millionaires! Millionaires! - I'm making a millionaire's Swiss roll. - Oh man, nice. Nice. - I think. If there's any double cream, 'cause I need it quite a lot. (Jamie laughs) - So I'm making my cream cheese frosting. I've got cream cheese, sugar, butter, and vanilla extract in there. - [Ben] Why are you doing this? - [James] Jamie is having issues. He knows it already, he doesn't need me to tell him. - So usually when you have recipe, it gives you measurements. - [James] I'd love some bacon with those scrambled eggs. - I don't really know what I did wrong, maybe it was 'cause I melted the butter too much, and was cold and it's-- - So how much longer have you got in your timer? - [Ben] 'Cause Mike might have forgotten to set one. (laughs) What are you looking for? - Good. - It suggests no, isn't it? - So I wanna put that in and it needs to come out completely clean, but then also I want to touch it and it slightly bounce back. - For the outside of my Swiss roll, I would like to have cinnamon sugar, it's gonna give it a little crunch, little bit of flavor, little bit of kick from the cinnamon. To make my cinnamon sugar, I'm gonna take some sugar and put some cinnamon in it. This feels weird, but I'm going to put this on my-- (alarm rings) That is kind of souffle, so gonna leave that in there for a while longer. - This has a very sure cooking time, and therefore, if the over was open halfway through, - Yes. - That drastically changes the cooking time, so to bare that in mind and add a couple of minutes is a normal practice. (hip hop music) - Oh no! - Still not good? - I don't know! It does spring back, but then I don't know if I push my finger right through it it will just turn into water. (Jamie laughs) The last time I messed up the recipe thing was because I didn't think properly, so I need to go with what I know. This came out clean, it did spring back, I'm just gonna say that that's done, because if it dries out and cooks too much, it's gonna crack when I roll it. - One thing that's pretty key with Swiss roll is as soon as it comes out of the oven, and you're happy with it to commit while it's still really hot, 'cause you wanna trap in all the steam and the moisture of the sponge. - Are you sure that's a good idea? - Commit, commit, commit. - [Mike] Here we go. Over, it's on. - Nice. - [Mike] It's on. And here goes nothing. I really hope it's gone well. - [Ben] Now, if it's perfectly baked, it comes away from the baking paper without leaving any holes. - [Mike] I'm so nervous! - [Ben] Nicely done, Mike. (hip hop music) (Jamie laughs) - [Ben] Commit, commit, commit! I like that, Jay. - Oh, no! - Hang on, hang on. - Come on, come on. - Good decision, well remembered, Mike. - Come on, mate. - Good job. - As much as I don't want you to do this, 'cause I want to be victorious, I also kind of do want you to be able to do this. Good job, mate. Good job, good job, good job. - [Jamie] Well done, step one (laughs). - [Ben] Step one done. You both remember the important bits, which is damp tea towel, - Yeah. - Fingers crossed, not too wet, 'cause you don't want the sponge to go soggy, but slightly damp. You both remembered to score it, so that first roll is nice and tight, and you've both got your sugar in there. All you can do is wait for those to cool now. - [James] So can you fix it? - I'm going to say no, I'm gonna say that's gone. - [James] Are you gonna try with the butter again? - [Jamie] Yeah, but I'm not gonna melt it this time. - If this comes out the same, (Jamie laughs) best day ever. (rock music) - [Mike] Now you've just got a cube of butter inside a whisk. (Jamie laughs) - This is better. It's not split. - [Ben] Is it not split? - I'd rather grate my face off than watch you make another mascarpone cream. (Jamie laughs) Nobody will ever know, mate. Just put it in the Swiss roll. Just put it in. - Okay. - Right, one thing I do know is how to make ganache, which I think is just one to one chocolate and double cream, and then you heat the double cream up. - Yeah, he's doing a great job, great job. - This has boiled, it's going on here, I don't know whether it's correct measurements, I'm gonna hold some back, just in case. - Apple and cinnamon? Whilst Mike's been blabbering on about Switzerland and millionaires, I've changed my idea to become even more winning than it was in the first place. (Mike laughs) - [James] Jamie, where did the apple come from? - [Mike] Oh, you're doing an apple cinnamon. - [Jamie] Apple and cinnamon, mate. - [James] Lovely dice. Can I have some peel? - [Jamie] Yeah. (girl laughs) - They're two table spoons maybe. - [Ben] You have 33 minutes remaining. - [Mike] Okay, right, go get it, move on. Let this down. In the meantime, let's see if this is ganache. That's still a little bit lumpy, so I'm just gonna leave it in its residual heat, and then hopefully it will all have melted. Cream's going in. This doesn't fit, I should have really sift this beforehand. - The best bit about these videos is that sometimes you just know you're doing something wrong but you carry on with it anyway. Even when you don't think, they're doing it wrong, but two chefs rush around to watch them, that is when you know. (hosts laugh) - You couldn't be more correct. This has gone too far. - I though you were doing soft picks. - Yeah, so did I. That does not taste like a disaster and I'm happy with that, so I'm just gonna leave it. - [Jamie] Butts, butts, butts. - What's that for? To fry apples? - [Jamie] Yeah. - [Girl] Look at the size of the pan (laughs). - What are you doing? - What do you mean? - What's wrong with it? - What do you mean? (chuckles) - [Mike] Oh, wow! - Oh did you think that was too much butter? (girl laughs) (quirky music) - Whisky? - [Man] Go on! No, no is no! - Do you want a lighter? - This genius put apple, butter and cinnamon together and it's made something incredible. I've just realized what my problem is gonna be. - What? - This is gonna be too hot for my Swiss roll, so I'm gonna have to put it in the freezer until the last minute. That's gonna affect everything. (laughs) - Dulce de leche, pinch of salt. (quirky music) - [James] You nervous? - [Jamie] I'm nervous. - Yeah, you should be. - Helpful. (quirky music) (James laughs) - I feel like butter might be my downfall. Sugar, marcarpone, bit of cream. Once again, it's gone fantastically well. - [Ben] We're all done doing that. - [Jamie] Oh God. Done. - [Mike] Don't know how this is gonna handle itself. It's gonna spluge cream, but I'm hoping it's not gonna spluge too much cream. Right, here we go. (rock music) Yeah, very much aware if that happens. - [Ben] 10 minutes. - [James] That's not very long. (Jamie sighs) - [Jamie] Aren't you waiting to plaster those? - Cover up the cracks. It's like an unspoken rule in the room to ignore the cracks. (rock music) - [Ben] Oh James, we've got a roll on this side. It's rolling well. - [Mike] Maybe it's going to crack. - [Jamie] Oh don't worry about the cracks, mate. (laughs) - [Ben] Last seven minutes. (Mike sings) - [Mike] This is not runny enough. (beep) (Jamie laughs) - [Jamie] It's calling the freaking caterpillar. - [Mike] (laughs) Don't make me laugh! Come on, dribble! Just give me a freaking chance. (rock music) - [Ben] I think, Jay, you've saved that. - It's going in the freezer. (rock music) (Jamie laughs) - [Mike] It's well gearthy. (Jamie laughs) - Think, form the distance. Remember the steak. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Salt Bae. - [James] Do you want a lighter? (Jamie laughs) - [James] It's not really working, is it? (hosts laugh) - [Ben] You've got two minutes. Jamie is gonna tidy up his edges. - Didn't think of this, did I? - [Ben] 30 seconds. - Be brave. - Spaff, can you help? - Yeah. - I'm gonna need some real help, I don't know how to get it up. I can't lift it up! (Ben laughs) - [Ben] 15 seconds. - Yeah. - No, no, no! That's the wrong one, mate, come on. - Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, (alarm rings) end. (James claps) (Ben chuckles) - Ta-daz. - And relax. - I just can't, 'cause now I'm more nervous than I was back then. - You've ended up with two things that have rolled, and they are sponge and you have given personal fillings, so it still wins, yeah? - Very positive that wins, very positive. - Thank you, James. - So we taste them? - Yeah. - [James] Here we go. I don't think you need to worry about the cross section. It's not bad though, you've got a little bit of a swell. - Well, that's all right. You are so eggy today. - [Mike] Well, I think that's all right, mate. - [Ben] I like the flavors you've chosen. They're naturally gonna be a very similar color to the sponge, so it's difficult to see the spiral. - Cheers. - A nice note of cinnamon, but not the kind of cinnamon that catches you in the back of the throat, so it's all there. - It's nice. - And it's sweet and it's balanced, but it's not like (fist bumps) cinnamon, and you get the crunch of the apple. The sponge is pretty consistent, but I would say it's perhaps consistently heavy. When it came out of the oven it was really light. I think your tea towel was very wet as opposed to just damp, so like a sponge, it's absorbed the water from your tea towel, and like a wet sponge it's a bit heavier and denser than a dry sponge. - That's probably also the problem with the top, that it kind of stuck to the tea towel. I would've liked a little bit of alcohol in there. And I think you were considering it, and I think it would have helped, it's a little bit one dimensional. - We're picking at holes here, 'cause that was a very good apple and cinnamon Swiss roll, and it delivers on what you'd expect in those flavors. - If you thought Jamie's combination of spice and sweet was one dimensional, please be good. - [Jamie] Huttles, that does look good. - You see, with the slight difference with the caramel is giving you a difference in color. And then you've got chocolate as well. And the cream, so you can see the three different layers. - Cheers. - Cheers. - Cheers. - Cheers. - [Ben] That is very decadent. It is very sweet, but actually the bits of chocolate helps. - It's all the same texture, isn't it? I was hoping to get a bit of crunch-- - Quite a Swiss roll, though. - But in a Swiss roll it is. - Yeah. - It balances well, it's light, it is slightly lighter than this sponge. - It is definitely lighter, yeah. - It is a shame that you had to put chocolate all over it, because the roll was actually really good. It had no cracks, it's smooth. - It was, I think I'd already decided that that would be bad, so I already decided in my head to make ganache. I used the contingency when I actually probably didn't even need to. - 'Cause the chocolate adds something to that, 'cause of its richness bits. - And it's actually it's not much chocolate as well. Listen, guys. Mike, you've done well. Jamie. (Mike and Ben laugh) So me and Ben think Mike is the winner. (host clap) - I concur. - Jamie did an adequate job. - That's hard, they were both very good Swiss rolls. - I'm just glad I didn't make a moron of myself like last time, so this is a win for me. - We've done some checking up, and the splitting of the cream is a temperature situation. If you're adding warm butter into cream cheese or cream cheese frosting, then it's more likely to split, so you better off to have room temperature ingredients, even better than fridge cold, and don't whisk it, or over beat cream cheese. Beat it with a spatula, but don't whisk it. - Well done, well done. (hosts clap) - Thanks, guys. You chefs are a lot nicer at the table. - I think I need a chance to redeem myself. So please comment down below, let us know what should we be cooking recipe-less next? And it's gotta be savory. Surely something savory. - Clearly cooking without a recipe doesn't always go to plan, so a beautiful segway, what you need is tried and tested recipes that actually work. Which is why, if you become a club member of Sorted, you can get that in the form of inspiration, with our recipe books and weekly and midweek meals in the packs. (Jamie sings) Gotta be better than the last one. - You love maths problems, don't you? - I love a maths problem. - Okay. So here's a scenario for you. It's a five-minute walk from my house to the pub, but it's a 35-minute walk from the pub to my house. The difference is staggering. (Ben laughs) - If I know you well enough, probably Guinness. - Yeah. - [Mike] As we mentioned, we don't just make top quality YouTube videos. - Lol. We've built the Sorted Club, where we use the best things we've learned to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other food lovers. Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching and we'll see you in a few days. (upbeat music) (beep) - I want it about three times bigger than how it started. You know, I wanna get it really excited. It's a shower and a grower, which is important.
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 1,115,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sorted, sortedfood, recipe-less cooking challenge sorted, normal vs normal, sortedfood cooking challenge, Recipe-less Cooking Challenge Swiss Roll, swiss roll, sorted normals cooking challenge, recipe for swiss roll, swiss roll recipe, swiss roll (dish), sortedfood blind cooking, sortedfood smart kitchen guide, sortedfood swiss roll, sortedfood ben ebbrell, sortedfood battle, how to make swiss roll
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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