Recastin' Tau Stealth Suits & Orc Gretchin, featuring Tim [part 1/2 - Making Mold]

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all right Jesus Christ a hoer mes I time be flowing like the wind and at last this wretched hour beckons us to set sail on a thrilling Voyage once more I was my ey patch what happened to your hook I shut up [Laughter] [ __ ] alas Maes is futured plague beholding this script strong and thy coin yet seems still the bottomless cfers of the avaricious Corporation known by the treacherous title of Games Workshop be never satisfied it's actually Warhammer now what it's actually called Warhammer now they changed the name it's no longer Games Workshop it's just Warhammer decom well [ __ ] now I got to redo this damn it you could have be in that the whole time maybe oh God yeah I can't seem to pour it can you give me a hand hang on oh yeah there it is once more they raised the Jolly Roger on the Miniatures leaving the hardworking sailor high and dry struggling to lay their hands on th covered treasure a travesty indeed their very Souls be lined with GED and treachery so mayhaps it' be time to take part in a bit of retributive buccaneering if they Miniatures be priced Beyond an all sailor's wage then perhaps learning the ancient and Noble art of recasting becomes his sworn duty but Al ask me hotties on this moonlet night I be accompanied by me trusty mate Tim are all a trusty comrad from the Seas of old you may be familiar with this face if you have heard Tales of Tim and Milo a RFI and Duo Chen the Waters of gaming under the mighty Banner of retroactive Gamers but har me Hardies Embrace yourselves for tonight be the night Tim be set and sail on the innocal journey into the world of recasting of his very own with the Briny air thick with resourceful determination which had set sail on the ancient Voyage of rasten Basking in the Delight their min bring on a Seas of a budget tethered like a ship to its Moorings but alas I'd be thinking it be a jolly good time to have him join on our recaster journey or after all this be a golden chance to share my knowledge and I think it' be a relic and good time I a merry escapate to goof around and share a bit of me learned wisdom let the marum promotion [Laughter] begin oh God you knew I had to ruin the ending I have to many oh God I can't see [ __ ] hello everybody Welcome to uh this little joint episode oh well now there's glass everywhere why do I just picture like some Captain coming out on the ship to give a grand speech like what's the line first bait what am I supposed to say here uh sails yes that's right setting the sails booty are are they convince yet circumcision that's it wait [Laughter] no oh God imagine they make you walk the plank but but they tie your dick to let Mas oh ouch let him hang me harties [ __ ] Christ man a little to ham well we'll just move that from the set you just toss it in the garbage with the beads yeah [ __ ] it what I'm going to use them Christ do you think this guy ever washed his ass with the wrong hand we can move everything out of the way okay now that we've sufficiently destroyed [ __ ] God in Christ this looks delicious oh jeez Louise man's G to have to [ __ ] clean for hours nice and respectful man this is the energy now I can't wait to see after [ __ ] a few hours of drinking it's going to do it why you know how much you going to have to clean all right so now that we have that out of the way um we've got uh yeah we've got Tim in the house we're going to be doing a little bit of recasting uh I've been uh I've been meaning to get him into this whole journey uh for a while now because I think it might be kind of fun God walking on this floor it's going to be pain okay so this is the very first time Tim's going to be doing this and uh I'm going to be trying a slightly different approach so what are we recasting today well I've got your [Music] favorite it's crisis suits I mean this is the backbone of every TOA Empire but for him before we got the new [ __ ] additions sorry I'm swearing on your channel already before we had the new additions it was literally like I'd play him and it' be like okay what am I going to pick today Orcs necrons chaos Marines death guard and oh wait it's TOA here they come there's all the crisis suits on the field it was like 18 crisis suits with Shield drones all [Laughter] around yeah there Darby Shield drones Christ and then [ __ ] what is it the DW Warhammer Workshop now whatever the [ __ ] they call themselves went ahead and ruined it now we got beauty3 Shield drones per Squad and they can't share yeah that's right thank god well the only way I could deal with you was basically to be like oh you want to sit from the end I'll just sit from the end and too we won't go in the middle [ __ ] it just taking pun it's just the entire Army sitting beside one Boulder and just taking punch out one basically and then it was the [ __ ] at the end where you had your one drone and I'm just moving the Doomsday Aran and just oh God we had a battle where it was just one tiny little Marksman drone and then his [ __ ] doomsday Arc and my one Marksman drone goes I'll do it the emergency's going on oh Lord yeah your Dooms should have had the exposed exhaust pipes in my drone can go oh no just bomb it way in there oh God so I've got a choice so for sure I'm going to be doing stealth suits which uh I bought and I didn't realized I already already bought them um it's like by the time I'm going to I'm going to recast any of this [ __ ] I'm gonna have enough Parts official ones to uh just have a proper Army um so another thing that I wanted to see if I can recast if I have enough time is this which is the piranha I I have to either choose this or this if I don't have enough time these are special because they suck unless you drive them straight into uh your opponent's Army because they explode yes so the last game when I had these I literally like Tim would destroy one and I'm like well [ __ ] that's useless and I was like wait a minute it has ranged uh what is it the the explosion uh explodes on a five up exact exactly explodes in the five UPS I'm like I'll just drive this thing straight into his army [ __ ] him and then what are you going to be recasting today uh so I was originally under the impression I was only doing one so I figured I was going to do Gretchen and the reason because you can never have you can never have enough Gretch and the other reason is if they turn out crappily like if the mold doesn't take I can turn the rejects into pox walkers for the death card so I was like okay so even if they mess up then that's good uh and then the other ones is uh the death guard SL Immortals um I got them in another kit so that's why they're not in a box um but I figured okay well you can never have too many Tesla carbines or uh The Immortal flares so uh you know just some extra heavy duty Firepower that's what I'm doing perfect um is uh disgustingly resilience still a thing no no good no they got rid of that unfortunately thank you see what do mean thank you I'll sacrif I can I can sleep with the sacrifice of drones for you know for for your pox Walkers to not be so poxy anymore God damn those those suck oh you're dead well I mean they still have the ability though if they encircle a unit it just automatically kills them and they become pox Walkers really yep the [ __ ] as far as I know yeah but you know how long it takes to [ __ ] Circle an enemy oh yeah by the time you get there with the towel it's just going to be like just just one pox Walker am I a circle I circled I do it so we're going to take a look at setting up the mold you guys have seen me do this already okay now oh looks like uh yours and mine both comeon uh both comeon a two sprw that's that's what I was telling you that's why I was like it's a literally the exact same thing they just snap it in half so the first step is you have to look at your uh spru because we're going to be we're going to be recasting these and we have to pay attention to uh the way bubbles accumulate in my recasting experiments I try to recast the whole sprew simply because all the numbers are still on the thing and I do like the process of assembling so I I get a lot of comments on uh from I guess other recasters so like why are you recasting the sprew it's such a waste of plastic it's like yes you don't need to recast the sprew but I like the process of assembling and I'm too stupid to memorize which parts go where I like to see a number and it says wait where are the numbers what the [ __ ] there's no numbers on this yeah mine doesn't have it either my numbers are on this there goes my argument well my numbers are on that but yeah but yeah and for this one oh you know what I guess maybe there's no like yeah there's no load out it's just one same unit okay it that's why they do that like with the gretes and stuff they're all interchangeable so they don't have a thing okay and some of them are even fully assembled oh I don't even have to do anything with them oh yeah it's like so what the [ __ ] are you paying money for here assemble this oh it's already assembled I we'll charge you anyways yeah okay the key thing to note is we're not using these in any legal tournaments we're doing it for hobby exactly we're not doing like I don't go around for uh playing tournaments just not my jam I like painting and assembling and then playing with this guy that's literally the extent of my uh uh I like playing with you too friends um so yeah this again I like the process of recasting because it's just an interesting process and uh if I'm recasting something might as well recast something I can also play with yep um so plus any everything I learned with recasting is just useful knowledge for when we do like uh vinyl figures for retroactive Gamers speaking of which go to retroactive Gamers Channel I'll leave a link in the description this guy is not all not usually around this channel as you've seen the uh in the past videos but um I'm a ghost yeah he haunts me in my dreams oh um they're wet dreams you'll be walking my plank tonight um so yeah go to Retro Gamers because uh what we're going to do is uh have the recasting part where we create the Mt on this channel and will upload the part where we demolded and P the Plastics see how how it turns out um [ __ ] everything's going to be a pox Walker after we're done with it uh and yeah that's going to be on our red TR 2 Gamers channel so drop a sub there and then expect the video to be released um on that channel okay so um here's what we're going to do [ __ ] things falling off of them yeah 20 bucks man what yeah the [ __ ] Party City welcome welcome to capitalism all right I have done a lot lot of experiments off camera before I even started the channel and if there's something that I had realized if there's something I'd realize is the best way to recast that causes the least amount of bubbles is vertically Okay the reason being is because if you do it horizontally all that surface area underneath it's literally going to be like [ __ ] used bird shot on it like it it's going to look terrible and then if you flip it and you recast it it'll look like everything [ __ ] has acne oh good so recasting it vertically is uh produces the least amount of defects because all the bubbles have a more or less clear path up and what's important is that when we Mount these for recasting we have to figure out which direction we're going to mount them uh and usually what I try to do is I try to look at these paths the natural vents on these sprew um already provide an air passage but of course this is um injection molding yeah um so injection molding doesn't have all the ways all the pathways for the air to escape so what I would do is I place additional vents like for example if you look at let's say this part right here yeah this is just going to be [ __ ] destroyed because the air Bobble is going to get stuck in it right right away yeah um now I could take advantage of the natural vents that are already here but we definitely need to place additional vents like right here right we have to predict where the bubbles might get stuck and place an air vent there now the way I used to place air vents in my previous videos is by using a hot glue gun and just kind of like dab uh dabbing the had glue gun just gently on the tip and then dragging like a a glue line uh like a string up to the edge now it works but it tends to produce in the model like a little blob and then if you don't if you don't remember where those blobs are and don't trim them they look like again it's like like my gun has a tumor um so what I figured I'm going to try this time around is I'm going to use toothpicks I'm going to Clippers right and I'm going to use toothpicks to create little um additional air vents uh for all the places where the air pocket might occur I'm going to trim the tips cuz I think the tips might be a little bit too thin um and then that's basically the first step is to place all the additional air vents where those air vents are needed okay um after that we're going to mount it like this yeah right and we have to pay attention how we mount it so that it's not upside down I made the mistake of saying oh yeah air vents go like this and then I [ __ ] hot glue it like this which means all the air vents once you P the plastic they go down yeah so that sucks uh which means if we're mounting it like this air vents go down so you have to like Place air vent like this um this the initial position I guess in my case this one would make sense to do it this way because we have natural passages for some of the air to escape here and then in your oh God these Orcs y oh you're so [ __ ] it's it's fine it'll be a good experiment um but you just have to look and predict yeah like that place that's where the air is going to is going to get stuck uh I don't think anybody can see that on that camera that one yeah that [Laughter] one um so in my case I need to place vents right here on this dude right here here I'm going to to place here uh that's why probably going to use all the toothpicks after that we're going to mount these sprew vertically now what I would like to do is is um I would like to see if I can mount them like this where side side side by side I've never tried this but I'm thinking it would help to consolidate the sprew together it would help to keep it in one place okay um and then it's like one one mold one kit yep uh but it's still like two half so if one of them doesn't come out right you can try to recast it okay right uh now likely what's going to happen is that when we create the mold the first time there's going to be certain places where we didn't predict the bubble might end up so we will take a knife we will adjust the mold add additional vents afterwards and then we make a second pour and then usually that comes out a lot better okay um and I reckon like the more you do it the more you can easily predict where the where the air bubbles or air pockets are going to end up forming so that is the concept now I've spent a couple of hours last night cutting the cutting these up I would usually use foam board but foam board I had accidents with foam board I accident I've I it literally at some point the the entire foam board just went and then all the silicone poured on the table jeez that was a fun experiment that was a fun day um fun clean up yeah learn uh well the funny thing is the cleanup is like it's just like peeling a for skin just peeling of four skin how many four skins have you peeled GM how many dicks you got Wolfenstein taught me much oh God uh so that's uh yeah the cleanup was it's it's more the material it [ __ ] suck I've lost a lot of a lot of silicone then um so that's why this time we're going to be using this wooden blocks um I didn't have enough time to give them frames but I think if we just use hot glue it should be more than sturdy enough okay this is not wooden [ __ ] thank you yeah it's made of wood all right so uh there's a number of sets so T is Tim and then m is mim um m is mim so I uh everything is uh cut to size to your units now ideally and I didn't have enough time to do this I wanted to 3D print a little barrier between them and it would act as like a rigid wall but you alas time time was short uh so we're going to see how this works out and uh if it works out then that's going to be awesome and then you know it's just like one single kit to recast a whole new set of sniper drones or uh these stealth suits cool uh these are going to be used as bases okay uh old old Pisa s there we go laminate floor that's right and then uh we're going to just be mindful of the holes you don't want this yeah hey I thought I had a cast it's it's half a it's it's a now it's an ass so the first thing I guess we'll need this stuff I thought there really was a secret to it but oh beats having uh scissors that are sold in plastic containers and then you and then you buy those scissors specifically so you can open plastic containers it's like having the emergency can opener in a can that you need to open you want to I I'm good no you good just watching I [ __ ] up my thumb so it's painful to try to you grip things properly the [ __ ] did you do oh great did it involve the candy aisle again no no it didn't involve the candy aisle I just I just ripped a hang nail too far and so it uh oh really [ __ ] hurt now it's like you do that it really [ __ ] hurts God damn glue in it yes yes you probably don't want to heat it without glue right probably not we'll see you on my mother why is the table getting lower it's [ __ ] melting the table all right all righty let's play the CL the game who's going to blow the circuit there we go should I do this and that was life expectancy of 10 Tim's not dumb enough to stick his finger in it ow ow well you know it's a it's theal tools [ __ ] everything heats up pretty quick that's that's pretty reminiscent of all the that's why I said maybe you want to put it in first that's pretty reminiscent of all the dewal tools everything heats up their drills their hammers first things first we decide on the orientation so you get to decide on yours uh usually like this okay so you want to keep uh you want to take advantage of most of the air vents are already there in my case I'm going to have to place some vents over here over here so you know they've got uh guns sticking up so they're definitely not going to get recast very well um this one anything that doesn't have an air passage upwards so you'll definitely need a vent right there right there little theit tip so like in there you mean oh yeah yeah so this Loop is where you're going to end up having an air Bobble cuz it can't go up and then down right yeah so it's going to get stuck there and then you like part of that whip is not going to get cast now it's just a beaten stick night stick he's resisting arrest we're not whipping our Gretchen up into the frenzy we're just beating them into the pulp all right so yeah I suppose now we should start setting up the vents so so thing you do with needle and [Laughter] thread this [ __ ] has been saying that the entire week oh god what the [ __ ] happened here it's like we're going to place a thing here I do it I think it was just like to trap air bubbles if there actually I think that's a I think it's one of the places where the plastic was deposit it you know there's something actually that we can use just realize might make it a little bit more comfortable usually this is used for soldering for soldering um uh circuit boards but you can I reckon you can like stick it between your piece here to keep it in place yes smart the perfect fit it's almost like you've done this before so am I going to need one for example in here like in that little this yes preferably I mean technically there is a passage there but I would put one nonetheless I'm a big kid now I do it can I get Another Toothpick please Daddy here we are trying to uh promote the retroactive Gamers Channel and then you're like oh so I think you do with needle threat everybody's like who's that annoying [ __ ] that's what I was going to say it's a good thing I'm only on for one because at the end of it they're going to be like I don't want to [ __ ] watch that guy get rid of him okay now in this particular case I've I've glued in the tip just because it doesn't actually touch the the model then we got to avoid thees right just because there's already like a waste piece over here so I'll just place it uh place it this way but if it was touching the direct model I wouldn't be gluing this tip just this one I want to make sure there's a snug connection like uh let's see like for example I think right here that's going to be a a big bitching bitching moment so what I can do just kind of measure out measure out how much I'm going to need somewhere around here and then keep in mind this is kind of the first time I'm using toothpick as vent so I'm I'm figuring this out as much as you are I've done there of done vents with just glue but yeah I don't think we want our units to have tumors it's not a tumor technically don't have to do this but I can just snip a little bit more of these toothpicks and uh reuse them I recycle my toothpicks can you imagine being like at a buddy's house and like you have a hefty meal and it hands out toothpicks I'm like H what are these flavored toothpicks oh I know I just reused them these look pre moistened premoistened towlettes thank you well I'm working with like the tiniest little [ __ ] piece jab my goddamn hand with it if you can I just stick the whole toothpick and let it let it dry and then snip it there you go I [ __ ] did it uh right so you want to uh you want to get a channel going to maybe the largest brw cuz this is where most of the plastic will be flowing yes but the a so where's the air going to get stuck here or here yeah so you want to get a vent going like this okay I don't know if you really need one in the middle well you have to like look at it and predict where the air Bobble could go right air goes up water goes down you know now you're going to Brown Town train professional he says as he gets [ __ ] hot glue all over the goddamn Place train professional [Laughter] okay so in my case I need one more here likely here as well weapon here Peter have you been up here in the bedroom I've been doing that nasty thing again no on me makes it look like the model's been sitting in like John's basement for [ __ ] 5 years it's like oh yeah look at that model I got to assemble just like these adeptus mechanicus over here green reaper coming after you H I'm not ready yet that's right you're not you haven't finished assembling this [ __ ] sits you down makes you assemble them now paint them that's what Purgatory [ __ ] looks like it's like all of your unfinished models everything that you haven't assembled they un painted it's just all neatly laid out in front and then you sitting in front of pearly gets you're not getting in until you finish these cus the three-headed dog just looking at [Music] you I'm working I'm working just taking a break relax I'm out of yell [ __ ] dumps a dumb truck of yellow down you sh your pants I remember I remember that was my worst day possible worst Thanksgiving ever you said it's time for me to learn what the meaning of brown town I'm glad your parents died in that oh God alred Al has one bad day your parents are dead and I'm laughing nice I like how yours looks so nice and beautiful mine just looks like orc pitchforks on there [ __ ] I'm not using I'm trying not to use any hot glue on the model itself because of course that's going to end up uh looking like yeah everywhere that you have hot glue on the model you're can to end up with a a blotch of plastic once you recast it so if you look at mine I basically try to what I do is I I clip I clip the tip of the toothpick so that I give it a little bit more surface area and then I just kind of press it try to press it against the um against the model so there's a snug connection and then I only hot glue the base of it uh so you can see like there's only hot glue at the base where that that connects to the scw itself got it well that would have been nice to know at the start before I started hot gluing all my [ __ ] Miniatures I'm like well this is going to ruin them let's do it what the [ __ ] did that that go don't worry about it do we need safety goggles fire in the hole oh God I heard it over there fire the missile oh that was disappointing did you want it to fly in my face maybe I like that you're not flinching at it you're like so think you doing need thread [ __ ] where else do you figure I need that is definitely going to catch a bubble so this is like precisely where you just want the tip touching it yeah uh like you want just a little bit just to give it more surface okay and then you kind of glue it like that the tricky part to make sure is that once you finish Glu it it doesn't have like a gap in it cuz that's useless you have like a very detailed model that has very like tiny intricate little Claws and knives and stuff so you have a little bit more I think I think so I'm [ __ ] is what you're saying you're the one who went with Orcs man here I am here I got [ __ ] tows got blank PL uh plane panels and just just machinery and and and metal this is just beautiful oh man I think I'm going to have to stick one in my uh my guy's ass as well sorry little uh stealth suit Papa why oh what is this there goes another one another one bites the dust it's okay my little Tower Warrior am I going to be a big Str boy Papa I cannot wait any longer Papa oh God you know there's I know of three absolutely legendary animators on uh YouTube so we got meat Canyon um or yeah yeah Y and then not meet crayon meet Canyon yes had this discussion uh meat Canyon uh I've got Felix Krave yeah uh Felix colgrave I'll I'll show you one of his animations but he's got really smooth and really like trippy trippy animations um and then the last one I I can't remember the name but I I think one of his animations was pranking time it was a kid with who uh uh took like a canister of shaving cream and then prank his dad when he was sleeping with a feather and and can uh canister of whip whipped cream uh shaving cream uh but the the animation quality in those between those three animators is absolutely phenomenal and like if those three people ever come together this is going to be pandemonium it oh it doesn't help that all three of them has have some some very [ __ ] up imaginations which is to their credit um it's like it's the sort of stuff people talk about when they drop acid it's the sort of stuff that gets buried in the therapist blocker it's the sort of sub that makes a therapist seek therapy so if there's something I've learned with this is that prep time is where you eliminate the most issues if you like skimp out of prep time or try to rush it you end up paying later on so it's better it's better to prep and right first I guarantee you I'm still going to do it wrong for my first time it's okay my child you're under my guidance I will spank you like that you don't spank me we'll see about that Spanky boy Spanky boy your thought here stalker get out of here stalker stalker yes can't wait for stalker 2 to come out uh yes but I can't wait for stalker 2 to come out stalker is a really interesting game but it feels very desolate um uh well if you compare let's say like an equivalent I remember um in class way way like in high school grade I think maybe 10 or 11 um people were talking about like comparing Fallout 3 and stalker um and these were like the two post-apocalyptic games uh that that people had to choose between and had no choice they had a gun to their head and they were like if you do not choose well you know how it is [ __ ] game well you know how it is like oh which one's your favorite oh you got to pick one take me on home to Wayne Manor what never alone in Wind man how is it the Batman tends to creep in into everything we do Milo sitting here with precision and me looking like I just came in out of like grade one art class yeah I did it doesn't help that uh the contrast of a bright background and the dark sprew sometimes makes my head [Music] go what you what are you looking at close far near sided far sided how about both you can do both right yeah that's right so if you ever look at a pickup fence and then the pattern of the pickup fans makes your eye goes I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm looking at it's close it's far it's close it's far I can see a pattern it's a face it's a [ __ ] okay let's try that again don't melt the table hold there for a sec that'll do for this one do you figure which way do you figure it should go uh yeah probably the other way cuz there's like two two two vents here one here there oh I know I'm now going to recast orgs God damn like I said even if it [ __ ] up I can use them for pox Walkers so it's like all right yeah whatever he's missing an arm great does uh join the [ __ ] club do does official like Games Workshop actually sell the let's say pox Walkers that look like other units no I don't think so you'd have to go to like uh Forge World for stuff like that probably but you wouldn't be able to play Forge 4K with it right you might I mean they have nothing as far as I know there's nothing against uh kit bashing them mhm alred kabus my soup's too hot I was going to say OE OE AO we Master when your soup is ready come get it tonight I don't want to a fighting bad guys oh God no [ __ ] [ __ ] well at least that brings me some Delight I'm not the only one who [ __ ] up sucker does it look like we're just butchering these with like [ __ ] pitchforks and everything diale dim diale now it's stuck in your head not quite diale that's right not quite I don't think TOA Empire so resilient why they suck at close combat for the greater good take the beads brother and run brother brother I have fallen take my beads stand back I going to overcharge stand up back I'm going to [ __ ] myself Christ's sake the next day when we after we had Korean par I was like God why really it's pure amount of beef lot of [ __ ] meat I think it may have been like at least five years since I've been to a Korean barbecue you got two over there oh yes yes yes oh [ __ ] already on the second one God damn well again you are probably being more precise than I am and I'm just kind of like this looks like it might be a good place for one going through Alfred's cabinet yep look how nice mine is [ __ ] miss your fancy pants over there you know not enough [ __ ] up once I want a good one for once what do you mean for once you had many a good one really yeah I mean I wouldn't consider them to be necessarily good okay but this is coming from you the perfectionist it's like it must be perfect well I mean there's no point in doing recasting if you're going to just get like a shitty flawed you know piece I might as well just do 3D printing at that point that's the whole reason why I'm not doing 3D printing it's cuz like 3D printing relies on somebody else to accurately recreate a model yeah uh a lot of people a lot of 3D models they don't recreate it they just make like their own iteration or their own version mhm so um it's it's like if you want to get something that's super accurate to the original you got a recast and if the recast comes out like [ __ ] there's no point UPA there will be no w for today okay there weird Hank I'll tell you H I'll tell you [ __ ] propane now I sell propane and propane accessories accessories yeah with Mr Strickland over here and he said I'm being promoted to manager I'll tell you what he said I'm being [Music] go economy does have right now Yi Bobby won't be eating [Music] today I'm on imployed I got let go now and my pension won't work till 65 Peggy better get her [ __ ] together cuz I ain't going back to working 9 to five just just for comparison purposes hang on hang on you got yours with all this beauty then my [ __ ] he just kind of hey oh that looks about right there's certain flat pieces that are supposed to meet another flat piece like this cannon basically two halves so if I have the toothpick on the inside of it that's going to create a bump and I'm not going to be able to close it he just going to have a cannon that's like oh yeah it's like it's like the Canon is already split in by the seams it look like it's going to explode I'm not overcharging what are you talking about that happened with the overcharge it was beautiful and laugh so hard if you do all this [ __ ] work and there's still TN of holes in your it be like oh buddy [Music] buddy sorry ow Jesus Christ we knew it was going to happen at one point I'm going to put on some safety goggles nearly got be civilis oh uh same thing so this foot and this foot and then that ear over there as well same thing here so notice you're kind of connecting them to the parts that don't need air vents right the part the need air events are the ones that that are terrible to get [ __ ] up which are the the actual licks right make them Stumpy it's the whole point of becoming a pox Walker another reason why uh recasting might be a good uh good option to consider is that if you do a lot of say like modifications but you don't want to screw up the what the $ 6070 miniature oh let's just you know drill some holes in that one you know push some wires and connect LEDs or just [ __ ] it up in all sorts of ways yeah I don't want to do that to the official ones I paid too much Goddamn money for them so the recast ones however [ __ ] man I can you can do all sorts of stuff like I I can paint it and I can make a short when it literally just catches on fire do you want to set the actual mini on fire for that shot no no although someone did hook up a a dreadnut I don't know if you saw that one a dreadnut with a [ __ ] lighter they made it into a melti multi melta and they [ __ ] just lit the thing on fire and blow torched other models and I was like wow I think in one of the comments that somebody had said like okay how soon is that getting banned from a tournament someone some it's all fun and games till someone melts a $300 model yeah I still have a Riptide on the shop that he's recasting who knows if this comes out good I think the riptide comes in three separate sprws so if this actually comes out well I'm going to attempt to make a recast of the of the uh Riptide has one big mold mhm and uh see how that turns out we've got to get out of here go get to the chopper I suppose Games Workshop changes their name cuz they're like we do all these other games but everybody just [ __ ] knows this because of Warhammer guess we'll just call ourselves Warhammer no I think it was um they if I remember correctly they merged with their other uh entity that they had the um shop games Forge World oh oh that was a separate entity yeah oh I mean they they owned both so they were just I guess either that or they bought it out and they were just like yep we're going to Rebrand ourselves we found a legal loophole we're paying too much taxes let's join forces it was actually interesting cuz I found out online you can uh invest in Games Workshop and they pay dividends really I didn't do it because is to buy 100 shares was something like I think $9,000 or something like that but when you look at the payout it was like oh it pays out uh I think it was like $100 every three months so that's a free free Battle Force every half year all these suckers having to pay for it no man I'm invested in it I'd imagine most of the shareholders basically are the Games Workshop clientele talk about truly being invested in your game you know I actually Wonder maybe having like a little plate with cold water and then sponge and then you just like tap it afterward yeah see I definitely think given how long it's taken us to do this I don't think we'll be getting to part two cuz I'm looking at that like well there goes the rest of the day the bigger ones right so we just do the small ones yeah we do the small ones cuz I'm I'm looking at the timing going okay we're almost at the 2hour Mark oh we are at a 2 and 1/ half hour mark and uh we still haven't even put in the molds so I shouldn't tell you about the elevators what the elevators the elevators at my uh my place the uh there was one guy who got on he was really drunk and he got off and I could just hear him walking down the [ __ ] Hol he's like God I can't wait to take a [ __ ] I like cool thank you for letting me know this you have made my evening God can't wa take a [ __ ] thank you for providing content for retroactive Gamers you shall be remembered forever you shall be in great have you ever watched a Batman animated film I think it was um I think it was one hush Batman hush I have it I own it I haven't lached it yet okay I guess I may may want to not not reveal not reveal this spoiler that you just planning on spoiling for me appreciate that yeah unlike some other people [ __ ] YouTube shorts Netflix yeah tell them on that oh well we didn't talk on this channel so I guess I can say it but Netflix has a nasty habit of recommending you things that you think that it would you it thinks you would like and uh so unfortunately it did that too well so on the homepage you always have the recommend Ed at the very top for what the top picks are and a short description and so they had one piece on there I was watching one piece and they stopped right before they get to impel down and this is a spoiler so if anyone doesn't want to hear this you can just skip about 45 seconds uh and so they stopped it at impel down and all of a sudden I'm like okay great uh load the Netflix homepage pops up movie pops up and it says after the the death of this person at impel down I'm like what like big spoiler right there and it's one of the main characters and I was so pissed off I'm like why would you do that why would you put that right in the top description yeah that sucks that's so dumb and so I uh was talking to somebody else I know and I was like oh yeah so I just got something spoiled and like what said well I know this character dies and uh they said yeah but you don't know how I'm like yeah I do it just kind of exactly said they died in this area in this place I'm like oh great like what the [ __ ] I'm like yeah welcome to Netflix think it's maybe some angry intern who's just pissed at weebs so now that we've done [Music] this this is going to be the the important part so do you want to do one mold and see how that turns out it'll take less time I know it'll take less time yeah probably okay so the most important part is that when we pour uh when when the mold is done there has to be a little Reservoir like a little pool mhm that is going to be uh acting as like a reserve for liquid plastic so when we squeeze it and push all the bubbles out the liquid plastic from the reservoir is going to sink into it and fill up the gaps so the vents have to be pointing up mhm and the reservoir has to be above the vents which means we need to make sure that we do it like this and then we create like a little base underneath and that's going to be acting as a reservoir once we demold it I find it very interesting the way you say Reservoir what you say reservoir reservoir reservoir reservoir yes okay so you do it upside down first upside down and then there's going to be uh the a base underneath it now I use Legos or make like fake Legos um the the Legos um to create the basis I couldn't get the whole thing out mhm oh you got enough okay I was like I can't get the whole [ __ ] bin out I don't want to break your damn thing so when I was talking about uh you know stepping on Legos I didn't mean liter literally stepping on [ __ ] Lego sing to the B yeah really we're going to need oh yeah you can see that they already got cheesy sustance on them cheesy beans yes Mark my warts uh Lego not a good material to make a dildo out of what's my Christmas present this year Tim I thought I'd give you a helping handy I used to use Lego to built out the actual mold box yep my God that sucked I think I remember seeing one of those things yeah like it literally looks like this it's just like [ __ ] leaky everywhere yep seeping through yeah it looks like the the [ __ ] mold has pus coming out of it oh was perfect for death guard true nle so I guess this is kind of going to be what what'll end up happening the day that we decide to do the trivia going to have the table like this could also use the stable for uh for an actual Warhammer game well yes that was that happened before it was in this table though this is a little bit smaller oh man capitalism consumerism Marxism two [ __ ] grown ass men playing with Legos to do this with my niece and nephew so I mean it's not well I mean that's that's wholesome we're making a [ __ ] YouTube video here [ __ ] you're wholesome I do it I need four more of these pieces and I'm good you can alternate like this oh well there goes the Lego we're going to step on that later even [ __ ] Christ that's how I'm feeling about this find the needle in the Hy stack there Milo oh there we go I do it so now the way have this this will act as a pool we need to fasten it to the board with hot glue yes yes that's fine again these are like cheap cheap uh Lego specifically bought for this purpose hope hope I'm not [ __ ] it up I can't see [ __ ] I can't see [ __ ] all right so now we got to make sure vents are down vents have to be down and then we have to find a way to position it find the orientation where the two halves don't really interfere with one another like that you just put them yes bit Gap in the middle and then we just fasten it by the bottom to the Legos okay I'm going to do one at a time then yeah yeah yeah I don't want to [ __ ] that up how about that generic sports team eh I swear if this easy not going to okay I'm going to shut up for a moment you have the right angle rulers somewhere right yeah okay well my arms AR that long hang on I'll stop what I'm doing do it grab both of them this is going to be useful keep it straight up yes you H gluing it no no I'm not H glowing the uh the ruler okay but I I was a little worried though I'm like what are we hot gluing everything to the table here going be finding [ __ ] plastic diamonds for the next 3 months here where the [ __ ] you are please otherwise his foot's going to be glumpy my foot's missing for some reason every uh third unit in that division always comes up with a missing foot what the [ __ ] happening at training camp it's a grenade Training Day heavy ordinance training zo is the one dumbest that pulls the PIN for jokes it's always one okay no the vents are going the right way the vents are going down into the base yes I'm like looking I'm like did I [ __ ] it up no okay we're good Jesus stay how do you use a right angle ruler and I get a right angle cuz I didn't use the right angle ruler that explains it yep that's think it's a bit late there you go is that right enough for you okay oh God mine's going oh yo man how can you get a right angle ruler that the right angle shut up yeah all righty perfect so next step would be to build a box around it um as a matter of fact technically before we go on through with that it might be a good idea for us to apply mold release because if there's one thing we want to do is make sure that the mold doesn't the silicone doesn't get stuck to the uh or bond with the plastic yes God help us I saw that in in there I was really scared I'm like well there goes my [ __ ] models after this yeah you you you've seen the I saw the the horror field [ __ ] wrong with you cool all right so with that said with that done that is we can now build the Box so the Box comes in four parts mhm and it is basically set up what do we have here set two so the the general idea with these is that you you put them in kind of like an alternating pattern if you want to be able to adjust the dimensions mhm so it's it's kind of like this oh right now this configuration allows us to adjust the arrangement um and the length and the width of them uh however we want but this is kind of already a pretty tight spot so I'll suppose we're going to need to worry about it too much usually these types of uh these types of connectors would have like a flap yeah on either side so you clamp them together like this didn't get a chance to make the flaps but that's why the hot glue is here might want to steal the thicker ones cuz I kind of over glued my base and you under yeah yeah go for it that's right they're there like okay yeah that's fine that's fine that's absolutely hungy Dory all right so that looks like a pretty good Dimension um so I want to give I don't want to make the walls too thick so the outer walls give them just a bit of a gap um I don't want to make them too thin okay so I'm going to I'm going to need to look deep within the soul okay Wood's a little warped uh that might be just on this side I'm looking it's like yeah it's one of those cases where the uh the table saw doesn't have the guides so I had to use a a piece of metal and some clamps to make a makeshift guide so we are gluing the corners just the corners yes so we're not gluing it to the table just yet still Gucci it's hard to [ __ ] see in there it lean in yeah I just byy microphone [ __ ] concentration I've had to do all day yes it's it's part stress and part therapeutic okay there we go so now that's my box she Rises ear in the morning shave his belly with a rusty razor shave his belly with a rusty razor shave his belly Rusty razor okay now what do we got here smooth on smooth off so what we need to do first is get a little bit of this Jack on universal mold release a doesn't come with a little nozzle well yeah it's like a little yeah like the [Music] WD40 that ends the episode it's retroactive gamer Edition okay so all right MOS the fresh maker so we need to make sure that the silicone doesn't bond to any of this stuff so very light okay and that kind of covers the in between I'mma let you do this one know in my hands I'm just going to [ __ ] go be like whoops no no no no no no no no I don't want to be responsible for [ __ ] up your piece I don't give a [ __ ] it's 20 bucks no 20 bucks really yeah what am I I paid [ __ ] like 40 or 60 for mine [ __ ] what are you like suck dick in that store or something no it's 401 games oh maybe because it's Orcs yeah well they're also cheap like pointwise this is for you thanks there's a mask if you want but I'm good I got I got my own all right this doesn't look professional though so so this should be good this should prevent the silicone from bonding with plastic even though technically you could recast the plastic pieces at least one once maybe twice because they already kind of come with like natural oils already from handling um but yeah so now put the box back on box doesn't end up fitting on damn it what happened okay Center it Gucci yeah that's looking good good yep and then B this to the base [ __ ] gluing this goddamn microphone I got to say I think this is the most sturdy uh mold box I've made to date on his dick bigger known as dick all right so that's Glu in the shite out of this one yeah just make sure that uh you make it so that you can still pull it off afterwards oh yeah all you don't need the mold box right or the mold inside all right now we can turn out the turn off the thingies yes perfect so you can tell how much more secure mine was when I used the second thing of glue I really wanted to make sure he was suckered in there yeah you know if you stay overnight we can do another one tomorrow yeah [ __ ] out I got other [ __ ] I got this weekend big fat one all right now then um how many Orcs are there 11 11 so that means that there has to be 11 bases in total right okay so to create the bases to get the bases done mhm um we could go with a two-part two-part mold or we could basically say we recast the bases in a way where place it like this mhm when you fill it up with plastic it fills in the whole thing but it's a solid base so there's no I don't give a [ __ ] at the at the bottom yeah okay so that should be fine in that case we actually do need a base uh yeah base big enough I get I get you one second just got to pull them out they actually came in a cute little thing this time instead of the plastic bag nice that works yes okay so or the Lego um no no no no no no uh we need uh maybe the something like this there's a darker one yeah so there's a darker one yeah so we can both kind of place ours on the same same piece because this this has a shiny surface so that's going to stick pretty well and then we basically do something like this uh there we go wait is this yeah this is fine because there's a there's a piece of [ __ ] there that we need now recasting bases I haven't gotten a hang of the full process yet so they're a little they're a little lify okay but you can always just like get what like acrylic bases off of a oh yeah or just 3D print one yeah exactly uh now I got a transparent base in here as well and I got this stuff so that's going to be important to keep it together we need to build a little flat box around these actually there is a plastic container where I have some small little 3D printed 3D printed boxes not right there behind you oh that's right beautiful yep okay so what we have here are like you're probably going to use long ones yep and then uh this actually makes me think that we may have put away the hot glue guns a little bit too prematurely what a great wall beautiful that's what I was thinking but I was looking I'm like where the [ __ ] is it uh I mean I don't have to use a short one know it's just what the [ __ ] is with this uh I'm just trying to find something that's not like yeah so so what you want to do to fasten this is you can use these ones for the longer okay like this and then this goes like that yeah instead of this another tall one yes okay just didn't want to be a hog of the space there we go and then this one there we go and then you can just adjust it like this oh perfect look at that thanks Daddy welcome Jimmy don't you don't call me that on the microphone all right where's oh goodness where's the uh the clips the other Clips here okay so now we need to fasten these things to the board underneath quite snuggly so we can take take off and then start attaching huh so I just do it like this yeah you go big old blob and then let it run down worst part is I've got the uh two trickier uh or one trickier base cuz it's got the the Drone mhm and it needs to be correctly correctly set [ __ ] I me that basee anyways God it sounded like Jim Ley [ __ ] whenever you're doing recasting uh even if you're like pouring plastic to finally make the cast it's usually a good idea to also have a some sort of a secondary mold that you can say oh you know I got extra plastic I guess I'll just get a couple more bases or couple more like orc boys or something something minor I tend to not use 3D printed mold boxes though because hot glue tends to to not yeah not Jive very well with the uh with the 3D printer pla plastic which just so happens to melt at high temperatures as well look like Pillsbury Doughboy knotted all over your thing what you do Blow Pop of Smurf okay all right so I suppose the last last part so maybe I'll just wait until you're done go for it go for it I'm good watch your [ __ ] hand there okay you got it everything aligned or realigned after I [ __ ] it up yeah yeah good it's all good me with no measuring tap or throwing the measuring tape [Laughter] Precision oh God all right so that is it that is it we can now 4 hours in we can find finally starts yes all right okay I still have it yes I no I'm just looking at it like I really want to see you walk into the [ __ ] Pizza Nova with that just [ __ ] don't don't don't challenge me bro don't don't me with a good time Bill n the Science Guy Bill the science guy Bill clean up rules [Laughter] the gluey guy uh what the oh that's okay that's just the manual I thought like did I forget a part well time to take out everything do it again ti ti ti we are going to be using a little something something here called Des bestas don't breathe it in there we go so far we haven't done anything against what Games Workshop or Warhammer decom has disapproved but now this is about to change it's like oh no they're just gluing the things in there they can do what they want wait what's that silicone no why is it yellow oh look oh heat man yeah H heat man all right Skeletor welcome to Castle shr graay skull cool so we're going to be using mold Max 14 EnV now mold Max 14 EnV usually cures in 4 hours so I believe they have they have sent it but I have to find it first sent it yes they've sent uh special type of uh oh yeah there we go there it is it's a it's a mixing mixing attachment that I bought specifically for what does it look like a drill I think it's yes looks like a [ __ ] potato masher it might as well be now we'll take you over to the camera with the cement mixer if we were to do a small one and a large one then God we look so sad if we were to do a small one and a large one then it would just to prepare a large quantity right away but if we're doing only the small one unless we want the rest of the night only to be casting for 10 hours perfect okay so in that case we will need containers to mix this in there are containers in the other room that's fine hold on a sec it weren't for the fact that there's a million [ __ ] things in this [Laughter] corner damn it [Laughter] I'm oh God I still can't believe this thing was 20 [ __ ] dollars yeah that's nuts you you've successfully done it Milo you've successfully managed to turn your basement into the homeone basement broken glass ornaments everything all right so why is it so Prett moist cuz that's the one that I waved you with you [Laughter] just you're welcome oh the other one on the ground now you're lucky I could have went the other way I would have put some of the [ __ ] little sparkly diamonds in there he put it on and just went a so what we're going to need to do is measure out some amount now I usually do it by I the only thing we need to worry about is proportions of silicone to the activator so okay so the instructions for this is 10 100 to 10 or 10: one by weight which is what I use cuz it's an even number um and then usually I I I I pour M I look at how much I'm still missing and then I just eyeball how much more I need okay um and then there's a scale that we can use to measure out the actual dimensions needed uh we technically only need one uh sour cream container uh or SL mixing container we're professional folks here now this actually kind of makes me think that uh since we're not mixing a huge amount like I expected we would a drug measurement scale um that's on the week wait a minute it is a weekend we're not going to be using these I guess because I expected us to uh to mix a much larger volume uh so there are ice cream sticks also behind there uh there's a big big fat ones yes yes yes yes that is exactly what we need and um cool did I give you a mixer a mixing thing the hand mixer yeah yes so we're not going to need to use them just going put it away maybe next time you wi maybe in the next life okay and then we need to open this up okay and then for safety sake I'm going to keep it closed it's opening I just don't want it to go yeah so I'm just like maybe I should do another side too while I'm at it just to okay don't close the other side [Laughter] just it's a never ending circle of Health yeah really circle of mild inconveniences craw out through the Fallout baby nice Okay cool so looks strangely like another substance I know mayonnaise mayonnaise a lot of people in here tonight paper towels those things yeah I don't see the paper towels okay this paper towels in that room then I'm pretty sure I prepped it it's don't know where to [ __ ] put it that's fine that's fine go get oh there they are I'm just kidding boy are we going to need paper towels for this I'm just going to pre- segment a few so we can just easily grab them I'm going to do them by wait by weight yes now at some point I think if I do the smart thing and I record how much I've used total yeah here and then see how much I have used to fill it up all the way to the top I can do that and know how much exactly okay so you will need to keep record in that case uh let's figure out the volume first 16.6 13.8 all right you got it yep cool so what we're going to do 16 that's right now for the weight I'm only counting this weight not the uh not the other piece so we're going to start white liquid [ __ ] white liquid [ __ ] white liquid [ __ ] pour all right we're going to clear slash tear white liquid sh all right let's start [Music] with well this stuff is notoriously sticky to clothes basically looks like uh Elmer's glue it kind of does glue's yellow I don't know why Elmer's glue is white what's Elmer doing what's the secret sauce of his very sticky icky remains of [Laughter] Casper all right so we are at 440 yeah we're at 440 right now I'm going to stop here we're going [Music] to leave it so 440.10 the other [ __ ] that's right so that's the activator so it's just about 44 I like to go a little bit less cuz I always I always go slightly more and then you're going to get like a little bit of silicone left and no [ __ ] activator so it's okay to go a little bit less for a second I got scared why was yeah it was like 100 and something that's yeah that's good yeah that's good enough okay so you don't need to record this cuz that's fine umop so we're going to wrap that up and now we start mixing [Music] mixxx mix it up now this is where we're going to lose Milo uh pass me uh safety goggles so that I don't get Splash in my face okay uh in the meantime we have information what's the uh what's the pot life of this let's just take a look there should be a some numbers a table oh pot life 40 minutes okay so we got 40 minutes before this this starts getting real sticky so we got to keep mixing for 40 minutes no no no you don't need to keep mixing I mean you have like to mix pour it make sure that everything settles out make sure you don't have any cracks or leaks because in 40 minutes is too light exactly see this is actually it's a little sketchy because I like working with mold Max 29 envy and mold Max 29 Envy comes with white Sil but yellow activator so that you know when it's fully mixed yes yes this stuff is a little sketchy you have to like thoroughly judge your gut so so why did we get this one this time Round 4 hours cure time versus 6 hour cure time I see which again I figure we' be using activator which would have like cut the time down yeah the activator is really interesting cuz it shortens the time in proportion to how much you add so if you wanted to you could like add it and then you get like 2 minutes pot life [ __ ] 30 minutes cure time so get and go go go you start pouring it it just solidifies into this giant [ __ ] snot just start pouring it all of a sudden it just forms into a hand and goes that's it it's done the biggest F you in in home modules [ __ ] [Music] hilarious nope not having it it's not having it today that's so [ __ ] funny that's like straight out of the [ __ ] luny tun you even have you didn't even have a drink yet already [ __ ] off the rails me guys if you need any more reason to subscribe to Retro Gamers it's [ __ ] this pretty much this 24/7 okay now when pouring it's usually a good idea to pour it from one end and then let it seep into the rest pushing out all the bubbles oh yeah cuz if you pour it over top directly it's just going to go yes God I used to I used to do that early on and didn't really result in too many defects but it wasn't optimal yeah did you stir well before using the activator uh yes I shook shook the bottle okay I think so watch you shake it and then it gets the color [ __ ] oh no you got the two-minute pot time and then yours cures for the next two weeks all right here we go now there is usually not usually but you could do an extra step of degassing this which is by using a vacuum a vacuum pump um but that is not I found it not to be really critical when I'm using a vertical vertical mold yeah so okay so that should be it and then we can start with a pour I guess I'm going from this side since I already started pouring here oo and a Prett your camera's picking up a lot of wonderful things it's just picking up the container that's okay don't worry I got nice just [ __ ] drops it into okay just to hold it for now because I know as soon as I let go it's going to go I sleepy now okay so that looks about half okay so you're going to need to do another 4 or 40 cool all right so yeah it looks about half looks like it's about halfway there yeah so I'd say maybe around does that look like half to you it looks a bit a little bit more that's a little over half just a little over half okay maybe you want to go to 300 so we can can kind of test it in a very simple way yes testing the height of it so this is 13 almost 14 so if we go like this and then go back out six okay so you're looking at a little less than half so it's 14 total yeah if this is six then more than it would be more than half yeah you have a little than less than halfway up is what I'm saying so you need at least probably maybe 500 yeah okay cool technically I can still use this this container that should be fine it has been 40 minutes so that should be okay all right so about 530 maybe 520 it doesn't have to reach all the way to the top but we do need a bit of spacing from yeah cuz you're going to need to peel it open later and not have it affect your mold right away that's right open wide okay there you go we're at almost 300 now oh there's 300 yeah You' be surprised how heavy this stuff is well I'm not surprised looks like Elmer's clue deceptively heavy for for its looks okay so look at that Reservoir reserver Reservoir Reserve War okay I think 500 is the like top how much I can do cuz we don't have enough container for yeah no exactly 500 is the full container yes no well no that's good so 55 or less 50.9 that's is good yeah yeah careful easy steady watch it steady easy the old silicone in the B was like no more I can't taken you good your hand what does this remind you of your hand getting tired there buddy yes I'm not even going to [ __ ] lie I got the wankers crap hold on I need the introduction of the left-handed stranger oh God this is not the channel for that go go visit retroactive Gamers just scraping the the bottom to make sure that don't left too much access I see you like to incorporate a Twist in I got it work working that base there it's kind of hard to tell with white on white yes no it look like it was mixed cuz usually if it wasn't there'd be a thin layer of like liquid on top yeah clear liquid all righty that's perfect then that's perfect yep mhm that's done yep okay stop no all right perfect so let's start oh God this is going to be a disaster isn't it yes I'm just going to use the stick as a guide droop down my children junky chunky don't you know it's a chunky this is mesmerizing and terrifying at the same time and altoe utterly disgusting looking yeah stay stay on Master way that's right all I could see is from the corner just the the goo stting okay still filling up on the other side okay all right so this is the case where we probably went a bit too much okay but we do that's why we prepared the other one the um the yeah exactly the bases which this actually looks just perfect yeah so you can fill yours up that's right I'm just going to make sure so I probably want to go under then because my bases might require a little more uh uh yeah yeah I think your your your box is a little bit larger okay so and you're yeah yeah okay and you did write down the second volume use right okay cool so 5501 I am going to grab this carefully okay can I crawl that for a sec thank you very much all right so I'm just going to pour this in this one's fairly simpler so I don't think we have to worry about um going from the corner yep not a whole lot of detail here nope okay [ __ ] base that's actually perfect this is like ideal um cool yeah you don't want this filling up all the that'll just be a waste yeah cuz in the end you're just going to have the smallest little tiny things in the huge pile of uh silicone mhm huge pile of these nuts okay this man be a goblin what Goblin D nuts the worst part is that is when you start seeing white outside of the mold like what where how where are you there's a hole there's a hole there's a hole in [ __ ] model it's when you have the thing on standby the hot glue gun to be like the the problem is that the hot glue gun doesn't doesn't seal as fast it doesn't cool down as fast so you you just blast it and then you see get bulged up and pushed up you haven't had your [ __ ] pushed in that's when you take one of these so you could put the hot glue and you go yeah sticking on I use a paper towels actually oh nice use it as a scaffolding scaffolding yes reinforcement rebar hopefully uh hopefully everything stays we'll know once we come back if everything stayed oh boy now we have Lego and jewels and silicone glass come join us on our next session where we recast our day just part of the merchandise that's on the only fan oh God there's a company somewhere in Toronto that makes mold of your [ __ ] then they make chocolate [ __ ] now I kind of want to find this so I can be like here's your Christmas present that eat my ass oh God I it it makes it makes me wonder how the [ __ ] do they clean the mold yeah to make it sanitary to eat yeah exactly like if if the mold comes in contact with your butthole and then chocolate has to come into contact with the mold so somewhere in between they have to scrub scrub scrub rinse rinse rinse STI the [ __ ] out of it yeah exactly but it's like is there really any amount of scrubbing and rinsing that will 100% remove all the [ __ ] from there okay this is used now the cool thing is that once the silicone um cures you can peel it off and just uh continue reusing the container so that's good just going to quickly inspect the Box make sure there's a little leak over there oh god oh no okay this this just leaked from here that's fine okay you're okay yes that should be good and yeah okay this this so far looks pretty decent pretty decent these nuts [ __ ] dude it looks like a strioer exploded in here no it looks like you stole one of those boxes that had a glitter bomb in it just [ __ ] sh everywhere there's a second set of goggles for you probably put the mic a little bit further away it's one time I'm going to permit you do this oh thank you nice okay all right sorry alienating our viewership okay I know I know I'm not going to that chill the [ __ ] out Jesus Christ give me a heart attack yeah I need this if you want you can put it on on your side on your end it might be easier if you do yeah maybe my right hand which is not my dominant hand so this is going to be fun for spillage you think [Music] of when you're alone oh well you know what helps is if it's [ __ ] on yes that will help quite tremendously okay put that [ __ ] back it was on for a split second I guess we l got for too long what the [ __ ] is the battery dead or something well that would just be okay hold it I was trying to send a message of like woo and then because the gloves it was like I was like oh okay where we zeroing out here my first R I've learned it from watching you like calculating the [ __ ] did he just say he's got like his own professional high-end recasting lab in his I've just been playing you like a fool this whole time you stupid [ __ ] you know the interesting thing is that if you have a lot of molds am Mass from previous experiments you can actually reuse them cuz you know silicone bonds to silicone it also bonds to Glass don't ask me how I know yeah well no I'm pretty sure you told me that you put it on the bed of glass and then it didn't go over well I wanted to make a silicone mold of this glass piece and then I took it out and the glass piece became the silicone mold I'm like well that was that was a nice thing to have had for a little while yes I swear if it comes out colored no cuz I shook it when you uh before you activated the second time oh okay uh make sure you don't touch the stick cuz it's going to mess around with your reading it's your product that I'm willing to waste for this it's a sacrifice I'm willing to some of you may die but that's a sacrifice that I'm willing to make nothing just reminded me of a a video uh of someone's bread maker when they opened up the bread maker the [ __ ] dough inside looks like a shaking ass oh God jiggle jiggle [ __ ] I pray for your box you don't Bode confidence well Hey listen I like super glued the [ __ ] out of this hopefully I hope that all my ridiculous overg gluing has given me nothing but goodness this is really not the time for that Jesus Murphy jiggle jiggle jigle 586 64 oh right but that's not taking in consideration the activator though uh yes but I'm not uh sure that makes sense and we also need a little bit extra for the uh the basis there's no way I can fill this whole thing up yeah so it's probably going to take like a couple of more or yeah just besides this one more [ __ ] up mhm like slow down but hurry up God can you go any slower faster can you hurry the [ __ ] down can you hurry the [ __ ] down give me the9 gr that I need to make it 400 just scrape it from the buck perfect nice exactly 400 oh oh oh you 400.03 while Tim is busy mixing his batch be sure to go to steam and check out R tag rise our very own video game it's a project that's been an ongoing process it's a platformer Arya has actually offered to uh to make some more levels for that oh nice yeah I think he wants to participate oh hey which would would be perfect cuz like it's a all hands on deck exactly it's a rage platform where it needs like a variety of levels and I think having more people who can make levels Tim um would be I've been busy [ __ ] wants all my time um yeah just having like outside opinions on what kind of levels you can make hey the final por nice nerve-wracking I hope this isn't distracting what I did not do this to you when you were doing I didn't show you funny videos and smell your [ __ ] okay is that high no you want it all the way to the top yeah it it doesn't have to be all the way to the top that's fine okay uh thing uh yes okay do you want to do that then cuz I don't want to be leaning over it's right here nice yeah you not going to need as much as I did cuz I have this one elevated piece cool like oh no sorry the quarter has just a little bit off [ __ ] you come on don't do this to me don't do this to me come on on it's it's I think he got enough you just got to distribute it a little bit you're good that is perfectly fine just like picks up a little bit from the mold and puts it in here don't me with a good time oh yeah that's good it's good you got it you like scrape off the rest of it is absolutely perfect he [ __ ] shakes his hand like a mad man I'm Jones man I'm Jones if anything like 40 minutes for this to start getting so viscous it's not going to leak and after that you can always just pour like an additional very thin layer on top and you'll be good again silicone bonds to silicone cool all right um 5 hours yeah well there went a extra recording of something oh that's fine no scoring for me woo what do you mean I course we're going to play scoring as soon as we get I don't know what you're talking about no scoring for me oh God okay so this is going to be it for part one and uh when it comes to demolding that's going to be part two head on over to the rro gamers YouTube channel that's right I was going to say website uh YouTube channel and uh you know drop a sub and then when the video comes out you'll know yeah when you know you'll know that's right you'll see us over there you can watch all our other content too we got lots that's right and uh we'll see you guys in the next one byebye byebye you can't say R signing off no it's not the right channel till then we'll see you later all right Co gaming oh shut up [Music] sakes [Music] oh
Channel: Rebel Workshop
Views: 1,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: V2DQmtAFTv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 40sec (6040 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 03 2023
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