How To Earn 1 Million Tokens In Rec Room 2023 Hack | For Beginners

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what is going everybody you kidding me here and welcome back to another rec room tutorial and in this video I'll be showing you guys a little hack to earn one million tokens in rec room VR most of you experience rec room players will know this by now but this is just a little tutorial for you guys that have just started rack room and are a rec room beginner so yeah let's get straight into it so the first step here is you just want to open up your watch you can be in literally any room and uh yeah you would just like to select play on your what's tab then go into rec room originals and there's all these different games you guys can choose from you earn prizes rewards and tokens from most of these games obviously not like ones like the rec center and park because they just record Originals they're not actually like quests or anything that you're doing and you don't achieve any rewards unfortunately with all these games like paintball dodgeball requests Crescendo stuff like that you can earn heaps of rewards and tokens but the easiest choice for me has to be pedal ball because it goes very quick and as a little hack that I'll show you guys in a second after you open up paddle ball on your watch you'll just like to join a public room or you can join a private room and invite one of your friends and once you are in this room you can even invite one of your friends or just wait for another player here we go somebody is joined now let's play so you just want to select start on the scoreboard here and then in six seconds it will take you into the pedal ball room so now the game's on you can either play with the player and just hit it into their thing and try and win but I feel like it's easier if you just hit it into your own thing like see I just scored a point then even if you lose though you can still earn tokens so if you just let him win or you just hit the ball into your own thing it gets the game over and done with very quickly like if you just keep hitting it into your own thing or you get your friend to just stay silver into his thing they win but you still earn rewards and prizes and even tokens as well so there we go you need to get five points for the game to be over and then when you teleport back let's see what we got so see here already we have we can choose 25 tokens easily so that's just one way how to get some tokens so I'll just select this um you can join rec room plus and double it or you can skip getting rec room plus and just get it here and another activity completed you get another reward if it's the first game of the day so here we go I just got 25 tokens then and uh what else should I choose I'm gonna choose the ranger hat because that's more expensive so I just got two gifts or items if you want to call that for the first game of the day so you can just keep continuing this and I'm pretty sure you get up to five to ten prizes but if you want to play again just hit the start button and let's go again this time I'm gonna try to win to show you guys that you can still earn prizes if you win oh he's just chucking into his own thing see he already knows that he he knows how it works he knows how to do it oh I'm completely missed that what oh you can also grab it by the way if he hits it too fast for you and you need to oh I just went into his own thing and look we got another prize usually we get uh like films tokens shirts or clothing items or you can also get a food item so let's just choose that I I have enough food but we're gonna choose this oh and the boxes look a lot nicer now they look they look very different but um yeah we'll play one more game and then yeah this is just an example of how you can get some tokens for a beginner also you can actually go into the room without a without the game starting so and you can do practice warm-up rounds on this thing there's targets there as well so let's try and win this last one let's let's see if we can do it that's one point for you kidney well you put his racket on the top I'll I'll try and grab it what's this what's this but I'll try and grab it see I grabbed it and you can just throw it into their thing there we go and we won see I'll show you guys now we'll get one final prize for this video and we got some more tokens that's absolutely amazing see two films and tokens I'm gonna choose no I'm not gonna choose a film I'm gonna choose a token so just select that you can obviously join rec room Plus or um you can skip it and just get 10. here is our 10 tokens so you and a total of 35 tokens easily today within 5 minutes and obviously if you'd like more items and prizes and tokens then keep continuing to play the game I think the maximum limit is 10 games a day I'm pretty sure but after those 10 games then you can just go and play other things like dodgeball uh recreal stuff like that so yeah that is just one hack that will hopefully in the future get you one million tokens in rec room VR I really hope they'll help you guys out with this tutorial video but if you enjoyed please like And subscribe leave feedback in the comment section below but yeah thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one goodbye foreign
Channel: YaKidMe
Views: 237,825
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0Kx0I69yRr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 39sec (279 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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