Rebuttal to Gun Drama Johnny and Yankee Marshal

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[Music] hi we're not on the range today we're at one of our training facilities so you may have to bear with a great deal of noise in the background but hopefully none of it will be gunfire and fair warning all I'm going to do today is talk now recently I've gotten a lot of questions and commentary and this seems like a good time to deal with some of them one of those questions is about why I don't do ballistics gel testing and there's been some creative ways to ask it and some creative adjectives used to describe me while asking it well that notwithstanding the answer is good science is verifiable falsifiable and repeatable so in the world of firearms related video presentations when you see 10 people doing the exact same ballistics gel test that's not necessarily derivative it's good science but since there's about a hundred people doing ballistics gel test I don't think it's constructive to make that number 101 also in my opinion good science does not necessarily mean doing the exact same test but doing different tests hence some of the things we do besides that wouldn't it be boring if we all did the exact same thing which brings me to the topic I really want to talk about and that somebody who calls himself the Yankee marshal recently he did a presentation where he mentioned to me Owen sidenote for those of you who have an IQ that's down there around room temperature in an igloo his presentation was not intended to insult me it was just for humor but to get back on task it did get him a lot of criticism about all he does is lecture and political commentary and laudanum fuel rants as where I do things like testing and demonstration that's actually a good thing that he does that because it would be boring if we all did the same thing and I have no desire to do lecture or deal with the political aspects of firearms ownership things that he embraces and he's really good at not only that he can inject humor into things if I tried to do a political commentary presentation and put some humor into it it might look something like this hi most people who own firearms use them in a very safe and ethical manner but there is a very small number of people who use firearms unsafely unethically sometimes with obvious evil intent and when that happens you always see the cry for background checks as if we don't already have them and licensure and restriction and so on well recently there was something in the news about someone who drove a car onto a little league baseball field killing one of the adults that was there and when I was done asking was it an assault car it got me to thinking about restrictions on cars we have people driving them everywhere completely indiscriminately I think cars should be required to have a serial number just like guns have except that wouldn't be called a serial number and I say cars generically I mean of all Motor Vehicles and you'd probably call it a vehicle identification number or something like that and then there should be a governmental agency whose job it is to keep track of all those identification numbers so that you could look up that number and see who owns that and then the reciprocal look up a name and see what cars they offer not only that we have people driving without any kind of restraint or without any kind of training there should be some kind of mandatory education or if not training at least some kind of government regulated testing process where people would have to show a level of competency before they're allowed to drive a car and that same Motor Vehicles Department could issue licenses to drive if you did that tragedies like that little league ball field thing could be prevented and things like drunk driving would be a thing of the past if someone drove drunk you just revoke their license to drive if we had such a system our streets would be safer our police would be more efficient it would be what there is nevermind and see now see if I did that it would just be stupid if Yankee marshal were to do something like that and you may already have it would get the point across and it would be funny not only that if I were to do that it requires me to talk for several straight minutes if he were to do it he's perfectly okay with doing fade in it's so he only has to string a couple sentences together at any one time and for you the viewer you would get a better product because he's better at it than I am he's better at political commentary and he's better at humor now speaking of humor there's another person I want to discuss and that's someone from an organization called 180 second ideas no not hundred and eight a second 180 second ideas and he calls himself gun drama Johnny and he deals with what he considers to be the lighter side and the humorous side of firearms related video presentations and he's mentioned me a couple of times and some people have asked me for my response to that well my only response to that would be I find his content rot with humor some of my colleagues do not agree with me he has a tendency to do these cutaways to pop-culture references which some of my colleagues find tedious in fact one of them wants to address Johnny directly about that Sheila white John you old stick-in-the-mud I've been listening to that horseshit of yours for months and you can take that crap and blow it out your ass and for good measure sit on this John now if I were going to offer Johnny any constructive criticism it would be that because I'm a cosmopolitan sophisticate I make very highbrow choices in terms of firearms related fashion and he might want to re-evaluate his wardrobe also the ongoing thing about which one might fit my hand better has caused some bickering among a couple of my colleagues even though of course I do not have any favorites so as always don't try this at home if you do you may end up with when launching a single-handed hate campaign against you and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Paul Harrell
Views: 348,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paul harrell, gun gossip, gun drama johnny, yankee marshal, funny
Id: ydXxb_Zsu3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 05 2018
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