Rebuilding our Childhood Gaming PCs

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hey how's it going guys jack and Maddie with the toaster Rose and today we have a little story for you imagine it's 2012. Matt and I are in eighth grade we're just some young YouTube scrubs trying to make it and we're ready to build our first gaming PCs and what we're going to be doing today is rebuying all those parts on eBay and putting them together just to you know make things a little bit interesting and see exactly how well these PCS perform and take a trip down memory lane to see well what was it like when we were gaming back in 2012 making multiple YouTube channels failing multiple YouTube channels and ultimately getting here with toasty bros before I do that let's hear a word from today's sponsor today's video is brought to you by gbg mall the Online Marketplace to gain access to some really awesome discounted game keys and more specifically Windows 10 licenses with Windows 10 it is so easy just to go onto the website using the link in the description down below and then go to the Windows 10 click buy it now add code tb20 then go to the checkout put in your payment info and then boom you will get within a few seconds or a few minutes in activation code that you will go into Windows 10 put in the activation code and it is fully legit it will work out of the box and you will have a fully activated Windows 10 license we use gbg mall for all the PCS we built here at the toasty Bros and so should you so definitely check the link in the description down below and use code tb20 to save money on checkouts so back in 2012 Matt and I didn't know a ton about gaming PCs were probably like a lot of the people that are watching this video where we just wanted to get into it and we didn't want to spend a whole lot of money so we didn't really know about optimization we didn't know about deal hunting so you're probably going to find these builds to be pretty funny pretty hilarious but that's part of the fun here isn't it and we tried our best to find exactly the same parts that we had and I think we got pretty accurate there might be some differences in wattages of power supplies or stuff like that but for the most part these are what our original builds were back in the day and we're going to show you exactly what we got we haven't really opened a lot of this so we don't know exactly what everything is or if we got all the right stuff but firstly I think I ordered an am3 cooler separate and hopefully sells the OEM thermal paste it does kind of dirty but it'll probably work but this is one that would have came with like I think a 65 watt Max TDP which I don't know if I ordered like the CP motherboard comp or I can't remember what I ordered at this point you know maybe we'll find out here in a second so for the motherboard we have a 960 gme51 and I think this is a full-size case too I didn't really know the difference back then I might have somewhat knew but yeah pretty decent board it's not OEM but it's also not like a super overclockable board or anything for the CPU we have the FX 6300 so back in the day this was supposed to be a six core six thread but really this was a three core six thread but it was very weak individual cores so yeah they kind of got in a lot of trouble for that now this is kind of another unknown it might be perfect but we had this rip Jaws Ram now this is eight gigs of DDR3 I definitely had two sticks I remember wanting dual Channel back then you'll notice too my case is not quite the right color but I did have a red case originally I could only get orange yeah weird color scheme going on because I was so proud of this card for whatever reason but this is a MSI Radeon hd7 770 and yeah it's a mouthful it's a one gig card I think you could have gotten into 512 as well but we have DVI we have HDMI display ports I think some of these did come with VGA but yeah pretty decent looking card I remember the exact box too I still have the boxes somewhere but it does actually require a external pcie so it's definitely you know an okay card it's probably pretty bad now this card probably is worse like a GT 1030 but I'm excited to try it out so this is actually a Western Digital one terabyte blue drive and it's funny because out of everything here this is like the one thing that they still make and they're the exact same like you could buy one from 12 years ago and it'll still look like this um these ones I do believe are used I don't know if this has usually they have a date on them somewhere 2013. oh wow pretty close back so we're both hard drive scrubs I mean ssds were expensive back then if you wanted a 128 gig you're looking at a over a dollar per gigabyte and that just didn't seem worth it to us back then now for the power supply we could not find the exact one that I definitely had so this is a Raid Max rx730s says however I definitely did not have some fanciness of this this is a semi-modular power supply I did not have 730 Watts I think I maybe was pushing 430 if that back then we really didn't care it was like if I powered the building it looked cool blue fan then it was good to go this one might even be like 80 plus and I know for a fact the one I had was not 80 plus nothing this is a Raid Max Viper and I think the exact one was like the Viper GX something something they do make a newer version of this but I did not have the newer version I had the very OG one that has a nice little baby Dent there I used to love this case so I thought it was super cool so you used to have this that opened and closed which you know in all honesty looks cool but like back then you had to use stuff in the front it's kind of ugly when you think about it like you know nowadays you just have your ports cleanly up top or on the side or wherever but I'm pretty sure this one has ladies but I remember there's a fan right here on the acrylic so I don't know if that has I know for sure that they light up I just don't remember what color the orange one be but I had red and blue which you can kind of see the scheme going I know we had the red and the blue and everything but yeah it wasn't a bad case at all it was definitely a little bit more budget at the time but I thought it was the coolest case ever so I'm excited to build it all right so it's my turn and the base of my system was Intel so I had the i7 2600 which back in the day that was pretty crazy I remember it was like Black Friday and I remember going to my parents being like hey I want this i7 with motherboard and everything and wow this is the narrowest motherboard I've ever seen so the one board I had I believe was the z77 extreme Pro 3. this is just the Pro 3 which is like the narrowest board I've ever seen um so it's built like Pathfinder the one that I bought right here came with the CPU it's the E3 1240 V2 which I think is pretty much like an i7 2600 unlocked so you got that going for you but I did have a k processor and I did do a little bit of overclocking we'll talk about how I cooled it but uh yeah i7 2600k to make sure I actually got the K yep i7 200k look at this it's well packaged and everything that's nice so yeah this processor awesome four cores eight threads four chords and eight threads was really crazy back then the i7 was the top of the line back in 2012 2013. I think I remember buying this when third in fourth gen were already our third gen was already out and this was on sale so you could pick these up at a good price so really really cool there speaking of cool hyper 212 Evo this is the original ugly hyper 212. this was really like the only cooler anyone ever recommended back in the day the hyper 212 wasn't the prettiest is honestly a pain in the ass to actually install but it kept everything cool and it was like 30 bucks just how like it is nowadays but it's more up to date and has like a black design and stuff like that so still very cool there in terms of storage Jackson had my hard drive it's the same thing you know wdb we actually ordered the same RAM and the same storage from the same seller because we kind of just had the same thing g-skill was really cool Ram uh Western Digital was like the main hard drive company that you went with so we had that going there my Ram is somewhere over here you already saw it though it's the same g-school Ram so you could do that in terms of the graphics card this is where things get a little crazy this is very nostalgic because this is the exact model right here the Radeon 6850 now I remember I had like a 5670 when I first started out with an old Athlon CPU and eventually it all got upgraded to this and the i7 2600 and that's when we really were making YouTube videos and stuff one gig card once again six pin power I think these cards are very similar like the 7770 and this card are very similar but the real benefit I had was the i7 2600 it definitely had a step up over the FX processors back in the day intel was really on top back then there really wasn't an AMD like there is now it was really just intel was the main thing to go with an AMD was the budget offering yeah it's kind of flip-flop nowadays actually Intel's more affordable right now kind of weird but yeah 6850 easily was able to play Minecraft uh killing the floor and all those games no problem 60fps and then to power the build we actually have a Corsair power supply it was not a great Corsair power supply but I remember getting this when I got the i7 and it's a cx-500 the cables aren't pretty there's actually probably gonna be some b-roll on screen of the video that's on the toasty brochana where I showed you guys how to Cable manage with this case and this power supply you can see all the crazy cables and stuff definitely not the best guy in the world don't follow that guide but it is out there and yeah 500 watts was definitely plenty for the PC build I remember I did like have my computer shut down on me once when I was trying to overclock with this CPU because I think this thing drew a lot of power but who knows what I was even doing I probably broke something now this is the case this case is the half 912 from Cooler Master I don't know why I chose this case I really have no idea because I remember after a while I really wasn't a fan of it but you know what it is what it is this one came all the way from Canada it is a big case and I did a lot of things with this case um towards the end I painted orange because that was toasty Bros themed colors it was a really bad spray paint job and I think that was on the toaster Rose Channel as well there's probably a video of that this wait there's a power supply in this I didn't ask for a power supply it's actually got a power supply I remember this case was really expensive on eBay I think we paid almost like 200 after shipping was really ridiculous like falling apart but it is falling apart but oh man the half hi this is high air flow is what half stands for and sure I mean compared to nowadays I wouldn't really think it's the highest of air flow but it's got that going for it at least what power supply came with maybe it's better than the one that I bought for myself I don't remember it's probably not it's probably something really jumping but let's find out it's a Cooler Master power supply oh and I forgot look at that I can't even see the power swipe from this side all right so it's a wow an X2 extreme 275. honestly never seen it before but I bet it's a pretty decent power let's assume 725 Watts I think if I'm right there but that's not too bad this kind of came out of shipping but yeah we're about to take this apart and get it this came with the DVD freaking oh my God it did dry you know what 200 is such a bargain yeah that's my build again it wasn't like crazy coordinated or anything either I mean I got a brown motherboard with red RAM and uh 2600 at that point we really didn't care about looks all that much it's just getting the best performance we could to play our games so what we're gonna go ahead and do is build both of these PCS come back and show you all the finished product foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so uh we have an update on this project that we kind of expected would happen yeah things have changed so we knew that one of our computers would be bad it would have some type of bad part in it and we were correct the one that we built for me ended up working pretty well but this one sadly the board was kind of going in and out we could get it worked sometimes sometimes we couldn't anytime we put it in the case it just instantly didn't work but we tried different risers we tried different Riser patterns we tried you know lifting it a little bit out of the case and it just it was so hit or miss that we just decided to send the board back we got a different board but it's still the same you know board-esque that was there before it's different color and everything a little bit different size we got the same cooler and then we also swapped to the power supply because we were like hey while we're in there we should probably change up the power spikes the other fan was just going bad very quickly so we'll probably have will try to fix that in the back but for now we know we got a good power supply and a good new motherboard and it posted so now we can actually play some games from our childhood and have a good time on these PCS all right guys so we are starting off with a classic game that Matt and I spent a lot of hours in got to the max level this is killing floor one and as you can see I like grade everything out I don't know why well I'm basically like high settings which I'm gonna be real game details on higher I do not remember being able to play on like you know decent settings in this game but I mean actually it looks pretty good we're getting like 80 uh to 100 FPS we're playing on one of our OG favorite Maps this is office the sensitivity is so freaking High yeah that's how you play you know you don't scope it you just run and shoot easy this was a journey you really had to run up here dude I'm like struggling back you can just you know boom boom boom just like that easy peasy yeah performance as you can tell was very similar I mean really can't complain too much even at 1080p nowadays we're still getting 100 FPS um and uh yeah this is just a look at a different map and killing floor and yeah easy head shots no problem all right guys this is CS this is CS go and right now we are on like medium 1080p settings now this is a game that I feel like back then like I feel like I could play this on higher settings but they actually still update this game it's still one of the number one play games out there so I guess why wouldn't they but because of that sometimes these games are actually still kind of hard to run because they're actually like still adding textures and stuff like that and other just garbledy goop garbledygoop the best way I can put it getting anywhere between 100 to like 80 FPS so wasn't High refresh rate but back in the day all we were really using was 1080p 60hz monitors and in my case I think for the longest time I was using like a 1600 by 900 monitor before 1080p so yeah it is what it is no [Music] no oh yeah it's definitely fun to you know kind of live The Nostalgia hey although I will say you know Nostalgia is really in the game it's not really the computer like I mean I look at the computer case I'm like oh yeah that's dope but I don't feel like I had like a super memorable place or anything like when we got it in the mail since it Go yep that's an old case but I wasn't just like oh man that was such a good like if I had something like the cosmos something like really yeah something that was like like a statement piece back then then I probably would have felt more that way but just a budget case all right guys we're playing Team Fortress 2 which was definitely a very much played game by us and I'm running my pc at a medium settings right now um this game was a little bit easier to run than CS go and I don't feel like they've really updated like the the textures and the menus as much so I think this game kind of remains somewhat easier to run but yeah I mean so far looking pretty good we're getting 140 FPS see like I never counted my FPS back then so I really never even knew what I was getting yeah they're teams like empty isn't it ah TF2 oh leave me alone manic surprising amount of ram too because I feel like you know we used to preach that like four was enough back in this era TF2 is all we know ah yes [Music] oh no I didn't come by turrets but yeah TF2 runs great and overall obviously these games are cool you know we played them we're younger and there are some of these games are still relevant obviously see if it's going TF2 is a game you can definitely still play but uh yeah this PC has held up I don't think it'd be absolutely amazing for uh higher end games but you know what kind of cool to see what our old PCS can do let's wrap this video real quick all right guys so we just got done benchmarking our childhood PCS and I think they Reign and performed about how we remember them so and we had a lot of fun doing this so let us know in the comment section down below if you guys ever want to see anything else similar to this and let us know as well what your first gaming PC you could remember was or what kind of games you all played it was really cool and kind of a fun little experiment just to see exactly what we could find for replicating our PCS and again we got really close not exact but it is pretty cool to see these old cases that we used to use years ago so as always we hope you guys enjoyed today's video if you did check out our other two YouTube channels and also our toasty Bros and in Africa to like comment and subscribe and we'll see you guys in the next one goodbye so both of these gaming PCs right here will actually be for sale a PC Bros so if you want to buy our OG gaming PCs of course they will be a lot cheaper because you know we know they're not really worth what they used to be but make sure you check them out at pcros no they're gonna be very expensive they're Priceless this is me this is Jackson we're gonna name them that on the website and you have to buy us it's like a Wayfair situation we're gonna have multiple of them too like a big run it's gonna be amazing PC Bros odd Tech he's good toast for two to save two percent see how later it comes out
Channel: Toasty Bros
Views: 115,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Toastybros, gaming pc, first gaming pc, budget gaming pc, gaming pc from 2014, our first gaming pc build, best budget gaming pc, pc build 2022
Id: -2Emvs6IykE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 02 2022
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