Rebuilding All 32 NFL Teams in ONE Video

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today we rebuild all 32 nfl teams in one video and if i don't want at least three super bowls i have to give away a lot of money but so this video isn't like seven hours long each rebuild is gonna be a mini four minute speed rebuild and i guess we can just go in alphabetical order which means we start with the bears this video 100 is going to end up as the longest video ever uploaded to the channel so it would mean a lot to me if you guys could drop a quick thumbs up on the video if you haven't see if you can get to like 10 000 likes and make sure you're subscribed trying to hit a million by the end of the year will meet a ton and yell first team the bears very simple guys obviously this isn't going to be super realistic just meant to be fun but as always the mini speed rebuilds all unedited so it's really four minutes of me trading for different pieces for different players for each of your favorite teams but like can i really win three super bowls the good thing is like i have to end up rebuilding like the chiefs and bucks so like they should be at least a good shot to make it to the super bowl i think i should be able to squeeze out three at least and that brings me to my next point if i don't win three super bowls throughout today's video the forfeit is once again a copy of madden 22 to one of you guys that are subscribed in the comment section below clearly you can just comment whatever you want to even comment like what's your favorite flavor pickle now just pick somebody at random and give you a copy of madden 22. hopefully don't have to do that but i can't make any guarantees bro because we all know madden simulation sucks with that said boys can we make it one for one with the bears can we win a super bowl to start things off timer's going man timers go and i don't even really know who the bears need so they need a right guard so let's do that for starters actually first of all four minutes i'm gonna stress out so much in today's video we don't need any dalton nick foles there's got to be some team out there that has green interest hopefully one of these guys there's got to be one team if there's not one team that's so unfortunate all right texas what you got for offensive lineman we need a right guard who you have marcus cannon like he's got to be better than who i have so let's give marcus cannon and also what's another like they have an old player i can get dude i'm finessing as much as i can i can throw in draft i'm gonna do everything possible bro like desmond king are you hard to get bro there's mickey i'm just i'm just throwing things out there i'm just i'm just looking here like so we we're already a minute in but can we get like three players for one i'm have to like use so many different strategies today third round pick at okay so like i i just need to get rid of these picks regardless so andy dalton two-thirds and we already have three players like i really don't know if like i think marcus cannon will obviously start now we need a right tackle apparently all right so i didn't know that we saw nick foles that we can for sure trade away we'll have to get a backup quarterback i think i'm gonna allow myself two free agents to also sign at the end of the four minutes that's gonna be part of the rebuild i i hopefully not pick the same free agents over and over again i probably will end up trading for a lot of the same players but there's like 32 teams bro there's only a certain amount of players i can trade for i just waited 30 seconds bro that that that should not have done that okay why do my titans won't make fools that's weird right tackle all right i'm just gonna go and sort by right tackle and see like somebody that stands out and then at that point see if that team is interested in them like somebody brian blaga oh 100 let's get brian new starting right tack what knew that was gonna get through that we do do need a middle linebacker they say and i guess we can start just trying to trade away draft picks because like i don't need to really worry about like finding players that i can use in deals right now because i need to use the draft picks eventually i don't need them to be wasted in today's video fred warner just signed a massive contract the day i'm recording this or he resigned the contract or extension i don't know i'm trying to get players here dante hightower could be a good shout as well for middle linebacker who even half there don't want to waste too much time we have i mean he's just playing back all right i mean i guess that both played they run a 3-4 roquan smith and dante hightower is actually a pretty sick combo now running back we probably we have so many running backs what the heck tariq cohen they don't want tree killing do they want damien williams we don't need him for anything it was accepted straight up okay so we still have draft picks to use so like the first player i just thought about this top of my head like i know that we don't need a wide receiver but like it's all about getting okay he's on the titans now i forgot i don't know though is he going to be easy to get on the titans you know he's under the same contract so we're doing a second round draft pick for julio jones that's obviously i'm wearing his jersey backwards dude i didn't even mention that like you guys like that actually that trades decline we're gonna pause the timer really quick because i need to talk about my balls i would like to give a massive shout out to for sponsoring today's video the global brand for men's grooming and hygiene god dang too dudes i love these shirts you guys know i love manscape because they offer the best tools and solutions for the big three odor zones your body but balls mainscape just launched their lawnmower 4.0 waterproof electric trimmer and now you can get the ultimate manscape experience when you purchase their new performance package 4.0 bundle just look how beautiful this box is i already took out the lawnmower 4.0 look at it how 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deodorant you know let's actually put a little bit of this crop preserver on my hand you know go ahead moisten up the hands no dudes i'm not gonna show you putting this on my balls right now the crop preserver is a quick absorbing clear dry moisturizer lotion for all-day protection and then for that midday refresher you got to be sure to pack your crop reviver bald toner spray with cooling aloe vera and anti-inflammatory properties that's gonna put a little bit on my hand right now a couple little squirts once again gonna rub that bad boy in but guys trust me your balls will thank you and manscaped is just so much more than a ball trimmer company the new performance package 4.0 bundle now includes their new weed whacker nose and ear trimmer this thing right here is an absolute game changer don't sleep on cleaning up those nose hairs and avoid painful alternatives like plucking and waxing trust me pulling out nose hairs is more painful than nicking your balls when you opt in for the 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bears 45 seconds ago who's a superstar player i can look to get i mean harrison smith i mean i would take you is he a second from next year good enough to get harrison not quite i we got 30 seconds let's at least get one more deal to be accepted let's get oh vaughn miller welcome to the squad actually he wasn't but i mean we have 20 seconds like i know this is overpaying bro but like i had 19 seconds like what do you want me to do i can't create time 15 seconds can we get one more trade to be accepted really just do whatever jj watts a good one 10 seconds to go jj fifth second and fourth that's probably not gonna be enough is it it's it's not enough we have four seconds thorner running back really quickly cohen submitted through and it was declined but i still think we did good in four minutes yeah some of the trades were random but i still think they made the team better but i got offense now we're in 81 overall i mean justin fields really all depends i'm actually gonna give him superstar ability before i end up simming the season because i think he needs at least superstar i think that's a little underrate in justin fields the new running back new wide receiver offensive line is pretty stacked there's a new right guard actually i need to go ahead and generate best lineup that should actually increase the overall little bit actually didn't why is marcus pina not playing oh he's injured god dang it i forgot to turn injuries off pre-existing injuries that is so that's a stinker we'll fix that moving forward but this still the offense is sick i'll actually sign a right guard to make up for that but defense is loaded now dude so to make up for it we're gonna actually sign david de castro out of free agency to play right guard and we'll allow ourselves one more free agent we'll actually see if there's a middle linebacker because i noticed it also considered dante hightower as an opt-out so like he was injured for the whole entire year so to make up for that since dante's not gonna play i'll make sure i fix that for the second team we rebuilt today but we're gonna sign avery williamson even though he's a lower overall that's just my mistake and for all these we're just going to simulate directly to the super bowl and also too the rosters you see in today's video i think were last updated at the end of june i would have got the most up-to-date rosters but as always the madden community file tab is not loading always kicks me out we didn't make it to the super bowl it is old you've got to be kidding me we actually did i normally spend 15 minutes plus getting teams ready and speed rebuilds and don't even get close to this in my first four minute speed rebuild today we make it against the browns now the browns always are opium simulations they're probably going to win this but if we actually go one for one what a perfect start this won't happen often this will not happen often in today's video might be the only super bowl we make it to in today's video with that said don't be a stinker we actually went one for one my dudes oh my god you've got to be kidding me desmond king was the super bowl mvp that is awesome bro that is awesome on the team number two cincinnati bengals i literally have no shot here but we're gonna give this our highest rate of players in 89 i need to like spend every moment i have concentrating here like i don't even know who we have we can trade away from the get go like what do what do we need right tackle we have no tight end oh this team is not gonna be easy to rebuild oh god i'm already stressing out this team is so thin everywhere dude okay maybe eli apple maybe trade you away maybe darius phil's one of these guys somebody okay anybody had green interest in one of these two fellas everything's yellow green i saw the color green and that is the pittsburgh steelers who are you gonna give me you're gonna give me i mean at this point like do i just don't even go for need or just pick the best team possible like cameron hayward can i get cameron hayward for eli apple decline but i think we have potential it's been a minute already bros just waste our draft picks get them out of here get the draft picks out of here do a fourth of next year two cameron hayward decline that's just so unfortunate this one should be accepted it is have ourselves our first freaking player now go back to the other corner that i'm going to trade awakes we have i mean that that we'll be fine we'll be fine there we need we need uh definitely to focus on other positions now is there going to be any green interest for him is it the same teams wait steelers okay who else can we get from this dealers in dang juju like do i try to get juju or do i go let's go for a two for one because we don't have a tight end a good title we don't have a good defensive tackle so let's just go maybe we could add joe i'm just curious i'm just really curious here okay hold the phone for a second bros because what if i did this and what if i threw in some draft picks to get like that's good bang for our buck right there i think dudes we also don't want a second from next year this is going to be accepted boys i'll take that we're literally we're rebuilding the bengals into the pittsburgh steelers so on to the next one so i let's just our we need was right tackle let's just focus on offensive line because i know for sure offensive lines offer our skill positions are fine we need to find a try my best not to trade for the same guys back to back but it's just gonna happen eventually that i'll trade for the same guys so like just just keep that in mind lane johnson they have a minute and 45 seconds to go like i literally have no clue what to send in here like this might be way overpaying but screwed at this point i mean not quite so we throw in a six and maybe the seventh will be enough lane johnson let's welcome ourselves and nobody yet because they declined it fifth round draft pick and then a six for next year this should be enough we need to hurry up we have a minute and 20 seconds left to go i still get to sign two free agents afterwards now what else what else do we do here we need the other offensive lineman positions we need guards really the whole entire this is why joe burrow got hurt last year bro we got sacked so many times because the offensive line is so bad andrew norwell you look good we have a minute we can't be picky here so i don't want to do what i think i have to do i don't want to try away a first round drafted for andrew norwell but bro at this point like what else am i supposed to trade away freaking samaj p ryan like there's just no there's no shock how about a quarterback position that we don't have anybody there either i i i have to trade a first round pick for andrew norwell i got i got like i just got to i got to save time i'll do a first round drafting from next year but like we have 40 seconds left i know that seems silly but like we need offensive linemen we also do need a right guard we have 30 seconds to get one who's somebody i have the number one overall pick to sit in here potentially jack mason we have i can't be picky can't be picky kevin's or brandon i won't reign in 15 mil a year we have to cap i'm gonna have to trade the weight number one overall pick away from i know it's silly but we need him i probably i should have done that i could have got more i gotta remember that i gotta get tactics like drawn up here oh i should have got i probably could have got somebody else added in the deal like adam humphrey he's like if i just do this just to try to get somebody else i mean seven seconds like i don't know what to do it was except we got adam humphries but that's that's it that's our team i don't think we did a horrible job i do need to sign my two free agents and i might just go like best two like who really could help out our defense we did have a pretty weak front seven so how about a linebacker add kj right to the squad next let's just let's go ahead and add melvin ingram on the other side as well didn't they lose carlos dunlap this offseason let's let's see if we can make it the super bowl with this team not this time around it's chief seahawks how did we do at least we only won nine games bro i can't let bill's mafia down if i do i'll probably lose a hundred thousand subs like what do we even need let's focus once again i know it's boring focus on offensive linemen just get the easy positions out first literally just add in whoever i'll go the other way maybe roger saffle like you'll be solid for my tennessee titans let's just i mean we should be able to throw like i don't need to be picky don't waste time i'm sure i'll learn strategies throughout today's i have to burp i learned strategies throughout today's video that one worked so now let's just rock around and get ourselves a right guard but i don't know what right guard to get though which one is a good fit maybe oh we got him last time we'll get kevin zietler this time around for buffalo who do we even have at guard we have this guy and we have cody ford wait didn't i just get a left guard what okay oh forgot they disappeared i forgot that's broke rain bro all right so that already made me waste time like what are we what am i trading here all right we're gonna draft pick we'll go up fourth from next year we have fifth two this should be enough for kevin ziegler it's decline but we also throw in a fifth from this year and welcome ourselves our new starting right guard we're only like a minute and 10 seconds in so it's not the worst start in the world but now what we need to do is find out who we can trade away maybe somebody out there wants one of these two fellas green interest looking for green we saw green right at the get go who's that no waste in time football team again who do we get from you jonathan allen we add another jonathan allen payne maclaurin terry mclaurin i just i just want to see like i just want to see where this is yeah like who do we have i mean we have stuff on digs but again we don't need a waste of a wide receiver i was almost about to get him maybe later jonathan allen just buff up that defense a little bit maybe it's declined is it worth it maybe maybe duron payne's a little easier to get here bring over to buffalo and it's declined again let's just throw in like um let's go with a bit or maybe just the third this should be enough right this should be enough don't i that was almost enough that was almost enough but a seventh or a seven from next year is enough now ron payne welcome we have ourselves a new clog in the middle of our defensive line now we need linebacker linebacker all right move forward oh we do have that left guard and somebody wanted mitch trubisky right or a lot of teams do i could use him as a make weight in a deal like if i needed a little extra boost but nobody's green interest right i didn't miss anybody i'm wasting time right now all right bet how about that offensive lineman who's not going to start john feliciano yeah roger he's he showed up now i i just disappeared i gotta go any green interest on this fella like there's only a few teams that even want him at all all right who's the first one the bears all right first team we rebuild can we get clear matt probably not uh keem hicks maybe though we need a left in be huge for us all right but that worked that's nice to take that one i will definitely take that one all right quarterback position one next right in so we need two new defensive ends here i don't think buffalo fans be mad about right away mitch trubisky like who cares it's mitch trabisky dude all right left and we need another defensive end all right let's move forward let's get somebody that can be a anchor on that defensive uh what right side miles garrett he's going to be and i'm going so i know i can get him like he's probably like is that is that who i need to go with i have so many draft picks hold on let's just get another gun to get it over with i don't need to waste my draft picks i don't at all like i know i could have got better but i don't need to waste something we have 30 seconds i saw my first round pick bro we could get some super star just anybody to add to the team like do i just go joey both side no we could use you declined let's also throw in a second from next this year too is it gonna be accepted no first from next year but we don't have two defensive ends we already traded for hold on this could be bad what about keenan allen or derwin james instead durwin james he'll try you during james accepted all right bet what else we got hold on we have one more pick right we have the first from next year can we get anybody from the chiefs anybody from you uh travis kelsey hold on first rounder is declined i don't i don't think we have enough last attempt it was declined it was so close though bro it was so close we do still get to sign two free agents be the same for every single team hopefully we can like we have to be able the bears thing was a fluke we've got to take advantage of these really good teams that we get to rebuild because i need them to win this revolve so i can get the three so i don't have to waste more money dude i'm already giving away a copy of madden every day until the game comes out on ea access every day over on twitter so i want to be giving away more money but let's like help out the linebacker core again but at the same time i don't want to sign the same guy we'll go let's add that secondary richard sherman actually no didn't he he just did something bad like he's got arrested that might actually just let's just avoid that um olivia vernon will goo mitchell we haven't signed it 94 rated right tackle like of course we've got to take advantage of that and you're gonna once again see me sign the same guys over and over again we don't have it's 32 teams bro it's gonna happen earl thomas just wanted to add two pieces of that defense let's go out and win this freaking super bowl oh what do you know the browns already making for the second time yeah we didn't make it to the super bowl we wait are you serious all right so what i do know is that the broncos they need a quarterback 100 it's first thing we're gonna try to go after i'm gonna trade away teddy b i love teddy b i love them now teams want teddy be bad so how bad you actually want them buffalo bills will you give me staphon digs in return i'll take that we already have it already have a good wide receiver core um let's let's flip one of them to make this deal go through maybe i can just hold on to them yeah that's stupid i can hold them and try them later all right so a fourth round pick maybe a fifth on top of teddy b first to find it i really had no idea this was like this close so let's start what we don't need to waste time i mean i'm bringing this to fond dig third round pick teddy b also throw on top of the round draft pick from next year maybe change that to a second from next year's decline but maybe the second i think the second for next year should be good now i would i would say i think that should be the case and bam welcome stefan diggs to buffalo the buffalo but welcome him from buffalo dude this is hard now do we trade by drew lock anybody actually want drew lock i know there's gonna be a lot of yellow interest but i think it's more important we look for a quarterback before we actually take him away yeah we actually could trade him for a quarterback like have him as part of a deal so let's go how about let's let's go let's go to packerville like this would make sense right like this was this is rumored in real life but i don't know how much they actually like value aaron rodgers here oh no all right so this might not ever happen in the history of life we have the third overall pick okay so that that's more like what i want to see yeah it sucks to get rid of the first now but like we didn't today we're not gonna waste it we're getting freaking aaron rodgers wait did that go down hold on did that just actually go down hello second from let's do a third for next year instead like what do you mean declined again huh so first in a second for aaron rodgers like that's weird but i mean i guess that's aaron runs like i can't complain we got aaron rodgers we need a defensive tackle now we can get rid of one of these wide receivers like probably tim patrick he's the owner of the bunch any green interest we're looking actually you know let's sew in all these wide receivers and find oh i don't want to try today what about kj hamler added in there anybody have green interest in all these guys why he has like a smudge on his face it looks like they needed to get better lighting for tim okay nobody wants tim unfortunately tight end offensive line bobby massey like i'm just trying to get some green interest here we were like i'm doing this a lot different than i did the first few and i really don't know why because they went okay all right a bunch of teams want this guy a bunch of them so we need to center frank ragno michael brockers and what else do we need we need to start doing more like multi like trade like just getting good pieces like at positions that like just stacking good players like why not try to get jamie collins too just adam i mean he'll be behind forget uh von miller obviously but that's curious though in the universe i mean that went so much further than what i thought would be getting three solid players here if we can go here and i have a first from next year but is this actually enough it's accepted wow three i mean players that will be good for us this season that's funky bro all right next running back davonte williams royce freeman there's gonna be somebody out there has some sort of green interest in royce not looking good boys not looking good what else do we need we have strong safety guards tackles we need linemen so i guess i need to try to do what i have been doing and just get cheap lineman real quick like i just i need to just get the first guy i see that i feel like we could get pretty easily maybe not david bocktiari isaiah win oh god where where are the people hey ho this is a perfect candidate andrew 30 seconds to go i feel like we might be able to get one more offensive lineman up to protect us have a stroke protect for it oh god for aaron rodgers fourth and a third hello they love andrew six as well i don't think we're gonna get another offensive lineman i can try really quick who's the right tackle that i always get who is it bulaga bulaga where are you chargers six seconds i'm not gonna get it off in time man am i i need to like stop trying oh god i see it's just like i was about to like try likes to find digs in the deal but it's no big deal i don't think you know what what we're 86 rated like this is the best team we've really put together so far like that we did need a safety so maybe i could sign earl thomas he could play strong safety for us like he's an 82 rated wouldn't do a horrible job and maybe go back and sign david castro i think this is the best team we've assembled so far and it doesn't matter because the browns and bears play for the second time in today's video what do you mean an 86 rated team went eight and eight with aaron rodgers like this is why i said it's gonna be hard to win three like i don't think i can build a better team than that well speak of the devil this should be easy you know what for the browns i'm gonna do something special since they seem like they have an automatic advantage to other teams we only get ourselves two minutes like they're already winning the super bowl every year bro like what does it matter so what we just want to get get-go just be so i guess the same time i like i wanna i want this to like go good like who's a good wide out we can add let's add as many weapons as offense as possible let's just be so trolly with this mike evans like we have first round draft picks freaking to get guys like this about a second for michael evans how about this declined let's just throw in our first from this here screw it it's freaking mike evans all right well we probably can get somebody but deandre hopkins that's not really close at all keenan allen may be trying to find somebody that i feel like would be like a good fit here second rounder we're gonna trade a first second and third get ourselves a solid wide receiver screw it declined again let's find somebody that we can get here tyreek hill maybe that's declined too okay i might actually be trolling i might actually not be able to get anybody at all in two minutes devonte smith would be nice calvin ridley how about you bro just the first round pick for you decline but now we add in the third we we need to get some some work done here because we have 50 seconds to go because i'm a let's just just try to get some hold on i'm just about to go like crazy 45 seconds of just complete concentration i just i okay now i'm actually kind of curious like would this work george kettle out of this offense yeah not close not close not close concentration alex mack former brown third round pick add me to the team because you're old and i know this will be easy to go through here in a second fourth and fifth add-ins deal as well alex mack welcome to cleveland ohio next giants who do you have anybody i can pick anybody at all bro she killed griffin we already got a center marvin jones like we don't need you for anything 13 seconds this is this is a fail unless we get a middle linebacker i should have focused on the linebacker core second round pick for cj mosley throwing a second next year or was accepted can i get anybody else hello that's it that's that's the two minutes like i like that sucked but at the same time like that was the challenge like they're still gonna win the super bowl like they're better than what they've been the last two times they made it in today's video like i added players to them but watch them not make it just because it's me to be fair i guess i could sign some linebackers since like i can still sign two free agents and i didn't get traits ready so kj wright welcome to the squad how about the other like quan alexander he's a youngster i mean he says star development make it be a little decent linebacker for us but hopefully that's good enough i i should be i told you guys there's just something about madden and the browns they have a love affair we've made it against the arizona cardinals in the super bowl teams at a 90 rated 93 offense we went 12 and four on the year we've got to get ourselves our second super bowl win we have ourselves this opportunity we can't fail at this point and we get the dove 24 to 21 bros we haven't even got out of the bees yet we already have two out of three wins let's go dang i get the browns and the bucks back to back this should be easy yeah i know i might be making up things as i go along but i think it's fair i think if the team is in 85 overall or higher i'll only do a two-minute timer i think that's fair i think that's fair it makes things a little even but still it should be easy for me even though the time's cut in half like this the box they're the super bowl champions like what are the bucks even need it says they need quarterback they need a fullback that shows you right there how good this team actually is i think i'm just going to go for some some veterans who want to win themselves a ring like harrison smith like who we got a strong safety here like i'm sure he's a nice like fine guy jordan whitehead nice man but when i can trade my second round draft pick and then like a fourth and fifth and get a guy like harrison smith who needs himself a ring okay i was like that would have been really cool but like i'm gonna still get him first round draft pick for harrison smith also throw in a third this might be pretty close not exactly wow so like do i do this this is stupid like at this point why not like i'm already this far into the commentary like come on fifth round pick this hopefully does get it accepted we saw plenty of draft picks and we still have plenty of time but hopefully the next guy tried to trade for do i i'ma try it i'ma try it bro i don't think i've ever traded for derek henry in a rebuild ever a third round i don't have no clue what's his value oh wow they won a lot for julio first round pick from next year yeah not even close to trading for julio well i mean i might as well get julio knox i said his name i meant derek henry like obviously like but i have julio's jersey i've gotta trade from a couple times in today's video what did i have to trade for him before oh yeah he was actually kind of hard to get all right moving on to the texans and i guess steelers do we get camera they do need a defensive van we already traded for them today but like we have 30 seconds left like let me get somebody easy for once again why is he valued at a one star but it still takes a lot to get him first round pick cameron hayward declined again uh can we at least like we have 20 seconds i want to get one more player oh no oh no i'll just throw in the third we have 15 seconds that's this is insane like come on now 10 seconds to get one more player i don't think i'm gonna have nine seconds anybody anybody uh let's let's go dwayne brown dwayne brown dwayne brown dwayne brown i see i did i i didn't get it i don't think like i don't think that counts i think i should cut him i'll cut him actually no i think it's fair i'll just sign one free agent like that's a good trade-off it's not that serious like it was close without one free agent though you know what no screw it i don't have to sign a free agent no no no since you guys will be crying oh rbt the trader was accepted a second after the timer went off all right fine i won't sign a free agent we'll still make it to the super bowl like there's no way that's real like the jags didn't just make it in the super bowl over me like we went nine like there's just no way the super bowl ready champions at all those players and they go nine and seven next year back to the four minute timer now what do we do here we need a defensive tackle that should be easy defensive tackles from the get-go pretty freaking easy to bring in now oh we got to find the right fit though vitaveya let's get let's get a champion let's get a world champion from our last rebuild not really like they didn't win it but they wouldn't realize like you get what i'm trying to say here so draft pick what do you what does it take for you veda like second okay maybe not maybe we need to go for somebody else like that's a little bit i mean i guess he is really young now oh that's a guy or this is a guy too i would love to have chris jones now i don't want to trade away any of these running backs they're a wide receiver maybe any isabella you might want submit this through it went up a little bit but not a lot what about we throwing now like a fifth chris jones not quite accepted look do we have let's just okay wait let's stop wasting time like what am i doing third round that's declined too like what do you mean ea sports not throw in a second now he's accepted welcome chris jones to the arizona cardinals now we do need a right tackle and i'm going after him again i've got him once today it's just it just makes my life so stress-free brian bulaga i don't know what they have against you at ea but like i should be able to trade away like my i forget how hard was it okay i i think i gotta trade away like my third or something like it's ryan balaga rose 88 rated so we also throw in a fifth and we're throwing a seventh this should be accepted and we still have half our time to go or let kyler murray become a super bowl champion now middle linebacker let's see real quick is there anybody like i could potentially trade away for something good we do need a tight end kelvin bicho maybe how about we could use a few guards we have a couple corey peters anybody want either of these two guys hello hello nobody wants them that sucks all right let's just start getting freaking after this boys all right we need a good defensive end it's a good writing we've already got not gone sue we just get another no we're not gonna get frank clark get somebody better than franklin uh clark grady jarrett how about you what's gonna take to bring you in brother oh they need a center but like i don't want to trade away a center how about a third i have no clue i have no idea at all okay wow they love grady all right we need to kind of speed things up here i'm starting to stress out a little bit now a lot a little bit coral lawson trey flowers like i mean i guess trey flowers could do a job for us second round draft pick like i have no clue it is going to be okay that would have probably been accepted in the third from next year all right but hey whatever we're not wasting our draft picks all right moving along now we do need guards we need guards i know we need guards a lot but like that's on the team you know they they need to sign better guards in real life like don't stream at me for trading for guards all the time you go go tell them in real life hey go sign real guards that can be put in the roster so rbt didn't have to trade for them anymore and rebuilds or tires you know offensive lineman you know shaq mason 39 seconds ago third round pick from next year i just want to see yeah not close i'll be willing let's just get rid of this let's just get our right guard get out of here it's accepted 30 seconds to go still so we that doesn't mean we can't get anybody good it's gonna be tougher now 20 seconds to go i want to get a middle linebacker really quick do i go after dante hightower again i probably should have just done that and like not wasted of time mario davis 15 seconds to get you bro third and a fourth from next year submit this through it's so close it is so close we have nine seconds i'm gonna be so salty we get ourselves to mario davis and i'm gonna end it right there we don't need the extra five seconds so our disability didn't waste an extra five seconds because nothing was gonna happen 84 overall team we can still sign two free agents consists we did need another defensive end i mean we needed a corner too so we could like let's just let's just let's just disregard life at this point you know everything has happened this is the video game let's get out of here we need ourselves a corner and last but not least let's get ourselves two corners brian poole he's a creative spool how many times are the bears gonna make it to the super bowl the chargers have so much cap from 95 mil they once again need guards let's just get that like over with why does it say they need a quarterback like they have just been herbert let's just get the boring position out of the way we'll try to get a guy we have not got yet i don't think i've ever traded from wyatt teller ever in a day of my life in any video i've ever done third round pick i i don't know like that not even close second instead i don't think i should be accepted either like is he that good i mean i know he's good but like guards used to be able to trade a freaking pickle for a guard let's try to get like at least an 80 plus rate exactly martin's 98 rated i forgot you existed second round pick for zachary declined i mean he's worth though a first round pick it's a 98 rated at your number one position he's got to protect justin herbert that's accepted i wanted to keep my my uh first from this year fourth added in did i i keep thinking they're going down am i like blind or is that real like are they really going down justin jackson we don't need anybody behind eccler that like are they going down i i can't i don't throw who knows at this point in my life let's just do a third it's over with zach martin welcome what is happening like what is actually happening right now with a second from this year this is the most insane thing i think i've ever seen in my life with finally oh the ea sports is having themselves a giggle they are giggling in themselves right now fifth round drafted from this year this is i'm like literally about to puke let's just like please dog get out of here what is going on what do you mean bro what is happening this is this is the most insane thing i've ever partaken in my entire life dog we're never going to get zach martin this oh i'm tilting tilt my tilt level's over a thousand right now jesus christ that was the biggest like mistake of my entire life let's move on next we do need ourselves let's see if there's a wide receiver we can we don't have any white outs we really can trade away forgot i got brian cook our offensive line if we can get let's get ourselves i know that little guards you said you weren't trained under the guard it will have a perfect offensive line to vlog for justin herbert this season and he can get even better throughout the year andrew norwell will get you again get you again i think we got him once maybe i can't remember bro my mind screamed but after that freaking debacle we just had third round for next year is it enough not really let's just second let's i just i just want to have one relaxing trade all right andrew norwell good now we need to go outside linebacker but do we have anybody we can fade away or we just really need to do draftings i can say free safety like can we trade away either these guys anybody wants you somebody had like yellow interest in adderley you can sign earl thomas at a free agency so who are you why is the steelers like my entire team can we get minka like okay i knew that wasn't gonna happen next up on to it i mean we could use another line on the other side of joey bosa what why even have interest in them tyson we need a defensive tackle decline all right we'll get him like he's not a sexy pick or anything but we'll get him uh four from next year add in the deal is accepted thank you so what do we even do now like do i just try to get a bunch of average players from a team like do well let me try this actually let's just try let's go to a team like i don't know ravens like could we get like colise campbell from you can we get like mark andrews for me too okay yes uh yes they they can um i i so that that just i didn't think that really was gonna happen but it just did so we now can trade away this guy we have 19 seconds to do so first team interested my titans kevin byard like i need a free safety yeah i had a feeling oh come on just give me somebody taylor lawn aj brown roger saffold rashaan evans maybe i just i gotta submit something okay that actually got accepted okay i had no clue that was gonna get accepted but i think we actually did a decent job with those four minutes especially after how it started with that zach martin tree we got 86 ready with the quarterback that can win the rookie or maybe even the mvp that can help them even get higher rated now we do need to sign two free agents and like i said i want to sign a free safety i said earl thomas but i forgot malik hooker's way younger he's a free agent be exactly like perfect for what we need and i really don't even know know what else we need maybe another cornerback maybe a wide receiver just for depth golden tape could fit well welcome to l.a oh would you guess who made it to the super bowl he's so stupid well obviously the chiefs get the two-minute rule too they're the chiefs bro like what else do you want me to add to their team i can get mitchell sword to resign him let's just get himself let's just get another star receiver like we're already here al robinson let's let's beat up the teams that always like pick apart the teams to always make it to the super bowl allen robinson let's welcome you into town if we can find somebody that like you are interested in jarrod mckinnon you don't want either it went up some though so maybe we can throw in a second as well and add ourselves alan robinson to the kansas city chief that was simple it's all about saving time and i'm like talking which kind of like takes away from saving time you know like what joe betonia slowly but surely pick them apart let's build the browns on our team let's do that instead of build-a-bears build the browns but you can play center i guess you can definitely play center trade straight up maybe for a 78 for an 88 to be kind of a big finesse right there we also throwing a fourth in a fifth this enough not quite i think though we should be able to just a third by itself like i just i i hate myself sometimes i'm just so anal about things that it just wastes my entire life second round pick from next year this should be accepted i swear bro this is gonna happen too many times and i'm gonna get so tilted this one's accepted finally but can we even get one more trade to be accepted dude like denzel ward or alliance who they don't have any linebackers do they i mean we could take the navy on cloudy like he would be great a third like what is it i mean just throw it in first run graphic for next year test them out close third round are added in we have the davion clowny from two decline we should be able to easily add in like a fifth we have 15 seconds left let's take one more player off the cleveland browns we have 10 seconds anybody literally even if it's like john johnson we don't have time like i don't know why i'm like sitting here acting like we have time to get jonathan because we don't but we still added to the team and we still sign a few players we're gonna sign defensive players because that's what this team needs like melvin ingram and davion cloudy on that same defensive line with chris jones and others frank clark and now you add or just resign mitchell swords like why why'd you leave in the first place i said defense but you're mitchell schwartz bro you're 94 rape oh yeah this is the match up everybody expected in super bowl 56 oh we went 12 and four really who did we lose to like who did we actually lose if we're not gonna win with the cheap so am i really gonna win this third and final super bowl with we lost to the patriots like get out i don't even want to rebuild the code because i want to become in last place well the titans the win but i mean i guess this is virtual world well hey middle linebacker is their number one position i mean oh i know exactly let's just let's be simple smart about this try to add as many players we want to so i i just i don't want to give away a copy of madden i want to win that third super bowl dante hightower we'll get you for a nice little one like fourth round pick carson's and a 72 i didn't realize he was that low this is gonna be so hard like do i do i replace carson wentz do i do i do that let's replace course and wins if there's any other quarterback anything that the patriots want them or no they didn't it went away who who's that the saints okay the saints won't carson wentz all right give me a mic no you gotta you gotta give me michael thomas for him that's that's just what you gotta do you have to give me i mean i guess i'll trade away a first round pick michael thomas first rounder oh come on third round pick added into the deal i guess i'm being a little silly i don't have to do all this nonsense left tackle we do need doughtron like armstead i'll take you they value him actually higher than michael thomas cameron jordan we could use the defensive end like this should go through not quite straight up he's a little bit older second like let's just get this over with go ahead and get ourselves our quarterback that's accepted but who like our defense is already sick we need ourselves a qb though doesn't have to be a stud but like we gotta have something there in a 72 you know who do i have do i go after like a ron antenna hill like i've never done this i've never tried trading from just to trigger colts fans he's 15 overall higher than clarkson wins i i really have no clue like well this yeah i'm not even remotely close i don't even know if the first round pick will be close enough to get right downhill yeah so far away so let's go after another qb really quick hey kirk cousins type is that who i actually try go after baker mayfield tom do i bring tom all the way over like i have no clue he's 43 like is he hard to get in franchise now he used to be pretty easy like i don't even think of versus enough to get tom brady now and i guess at the same time is tom brady okay it might actually be accepted wow i think we'll get ourselves tom brady third round graphic next year added in it's declined again but let's just do it let's just get it over with let's get it over with tom brady welcome to the indianapolis colts that is actually pretty freaking insane now we do need to add yeah we got to get tom some better wide receivers in 3rd so we have a minute and 30 seconds to do so the question is you know let's bring over tom's best friend antonio brown got to be around tom if he's not around tom he uh makes some off the field mistakes second round draft pick from next year already wasted a lot wow i i had no idea he was gonna be that easy to get now do we who's our best tight end i don't remember 78 raider jack doyle can we trade mo alley cox for somebody anybody have green interest in you we have a minute left to go i need to be okay so one team does the saints again all right so who do you have a titan uh um you need a fullback when you're right in wide receiver do they have any wide receivers to get straight away like i i don't think i can get michael thomas i'm just i think i'm just wasting time at this point like let's try and get ourselves a solid tight end to throw to here who's somebody not way too expensive you know tom brady needs his tight ends no offen he's younger he might be harder to get austin hooper 87 rated i i really don't quite know what to expect here we have any good backup linebackers maybe that they might be interested in really yeah they don't have anybody to be completely honest that was kind of disappointing and underwhelming don't want either of those guys it's gonna have to be a draft pick we're really not gonna get anybody at all i mean i have a first from next year and that's the client oh no i needed to try to get somebody like do i do i just do this like do i bring in gronk like i know that's too much but i had 10 seconds left like what do you want from me dude is there anybody old i can get let's just like brian i i i always go for brian i got the trade off but like yeah it's not going to be accepted so like we still built a good team like i basically got tom ready antonio brown and grog i got the books but like i think we still should have a shot let me have tom brady on your team we always have a shot let's add ourselves get ourselves another we do need an outside linebacker because our outside linebacker depth was pretty lackluster kj right let's get ourselves the best wide receiver that's not golden tate oh larry fitzgerald that's perfect getting tom a ring another one but if it's gerald another one i guess everybody i'm talking about already has a ring aside from larry but hopefully we can get one so i i don't have to worry about giving away another copy i'll have to try that hard the rest of the video i'm so tired of the rounds already it's every single time the cowboys just need defense i might not even get one i might get a sinner let's just get a center and not even worry about offense the rest of the rebuild we have three minutes 50 seconds to go let's just get like the first who's the best like 87 rated that's the target ryan jensen super bowl winner i guess at this point just trading for buccaneers the entire freaking video third round pick is this enough not sure not quite third round or we'll do a second round from next year just to make sure this goes through was accepted easy just like that might have been too much but i screw it who really cares tony pollard hold on there's gonna be yup there is a team eagles want them eagles one we could we need a defensive tackle too fletcher cox come on over not accepted but you are perfect for what we need right now especially on the defensive side of things second round pick added in decline so this is actually a little bit harder than what i thought first round draft pick from next year that's also declined so it looks like we're probably not getting ourselves fletcher cox unless we trade away both first first from this year that's declined and our second from this year two you get fletcher bro fletcher's hard to get i guess at least we saved those draft picks i kind of got jason kelsey as well i mean i need a guard could use brandon brooks decline but like i can get all my second round drafting or something not who i wanted off the team oh you've already got two offensive lines i'm not getting any freaking offensive players you know what screw it over here let's get ourselves a tight end dallas goddard like you're already here i probably could have got you instead honestly never been better for our team i i don't know like how hard are you to get actually let's just focus on defense now let's focus on defense like let's see sir like any of these wide receivers i'd be willing to trade away like nobody's gonna want you right or blake jarwin or something like nobody wants one of these guys hey there's no shot not one little yellow like i wanted one little bit of yellow but okay that's understandable all right defensive tackle who is a good d tackle that we can trade for we've got to focus on defense i'm assigning two free agents out of defense so i'm not stressing too much um kenny clark you're probably too hard to get aren't you christian board more is definitely too hard to get jonathan hankins like it doesn't have to be a superstar brandon williams actually could be perfect but i i don't quite know like can we just straight away and still get them for this yes okay noted that has been officially noted now we need the right in position okay did we just get two ravens i didn't even think about that we probably just traded both those like got both those guys in that trade uh third from next year i got once again not quite sure yeah me a little harder when i thought maybe we don't get kalyan's king but we do need to get ourselves a right in because our d-line is not the most talented as of right now we've already had cameron hayward plenty of times i keep hitting my desk we're gonna not like break concentration not break character jerry hughes i know you're nothing like you're not no pro player anymore but like you'll do a job for us in the right in position and you're going to be very very cheap we still have a minute to go six that's enough hopefully it is accepted let's go we do need to add ourselves a cornerback keep in mind we still have two free agents that we can sign be smart about this who could really help us and is actually possible for us to trade for who furious slay that could be an interesting one first rounder from next year declined but actually so much easier than what i expected if it eventually does get accepted seven for next year this should be enough alright it's accepted thank you we still have one more first round pick it says we need a left outside linebacker the first i must go to the first guy i thought of like i don't have time to waste and fill around and try to make everybody happy we're trying to get one first round pick from this year added into the deal it's declined oh no 15 seconds this is going to be stressful isn't it we're not going to get them are we we are not going to get them are we if we do quarterback maybe we go oh we have no people next travon oh i don't want to trade travon digs away i just i just screwed everything up i just screwed it all up oh my god i just i just choked i didn't want to trade away one of the young cornerbacks oh that sucks so bad don't stress don't stress sign some free agents i am a little disappointed not going to lie once again i'm going to get ourselves a cornerback out of free agency who's the best one we'll go we haven't got stephen nelson yet we'll try to like you know just get ourselves a solid corner we actually need two like to be fair like i didn't know our corners were that bad so we'll add ryan pool as well so we improved the defense i mean we didn't get really any superstars but we improved the defense we proved the line now that's just not even fair dude two of like the last three teams we've rebuilt they match up against each other but when i made their team better than what they were this franchise they don't make it oh wow we went 11-5 but what do you know still looking for our third super bowl you guys know now why i was never confident in the first place first thing i'm doing with the dolphins getting a running back because they just have not a featured back they have three just you know like scat backs i don't even know how to describe it there's not one feature back that you know is gonna run you over we gotta get ourselves just somebody that's competent joe mixon he fits the bill like just better than what we got now they need a right tackle maybe they want dj fluker like this would be cool not even close like one guy i think of though that is normally relatively easy to get that you wouldn't expect to be is this man ezekiel elliott this would be so interesting they have so many picks a second round pick it's declined decline that's kind of i'm kind of sad about that are we really trading a first for ezekiel elliott it looks like we just did all right at least they don't have to waste time we got ourselves a running back but we can't we have all these running backs we can trade away now it's the thing like i knew there was gonna be some teams of course the 49ers won another running back oh if we got george killed a throw two okay yeah that's not gonna work is it uh let's left hack we need trump williams i'm gonna be perfect for what we need we need ourselves our number one need is left tackle so we also throw in that let's do a second and try to get away without having trouble with that first that's declined as well how about that first it's the eighth overall pick that's accepted i will take myself that one all right move along next running back we can trade away all these running backs really or if anything what's wrong with the younger guy lynn bowden keep one decent running back back there hopefully there's one team once you win or maybe we need to actually put in malcolm brown too one team i just need one team with green interest and it just it really looks like there is no teams with great interest all right move along wide receiver like i could trade away like there's three guys i don't care about like there's got to be one team green interest one team all right there's not well let's do the running back all right go back to the running when you just i don't care the defense the defense is already loaded i just want to fix this offense give two weapons to throat to who's a good team who's the team we can take somebody from the vikings like can we take adam feeling from you that that sounds good in my head if anything okay that just that was so much easier than what i thought like i just feel like i could have got more but okay okay okay so okay we still have one two three four like we can get rid of all three of these guys really like we don't need them anybody want like all three of them yellow interest yellow where's the color where's the color yellow not one team really wow all right i mean fair play i guess what do we need now of course everything is offensive lineman always bro orlando brown i i gotta i gotta get like the old men like we've got to go after the old guys because i don't think i'm gonna be able to jason kelsey you are actually perfect as well we have a minute to go question is how many offensive linemen are we really gonna be able to try and trade for like jason kelsey is harder than what i thought too first oh okay jason um we still have our first from next year maybe just this by itself declined now we should be able to throw in a third or maybe a fourth let's welcome jason kelsey to nowhere just yet i guess we'll have to trade away this second submit this one like this is just ridiculous at certain points you know six round pick added into the deal i thought somebody's ringing my doorbell that's accepted we have 30 seconds to fill multiple more positions and i mean we have draft picks but like what do what what do i do 26 seconds i'm not trading for him like the seventy like sixth time a guy named elkton can we actually get elgaton jenkins there's no wait right second round pick have 17 seconds left to go okay this this could actually be a thing another second round pick we have 10 seconds to go it's accepted can we get one more there's i doubt it right ryan burns like i don't know why i clicked on yo i was trying to click on somebody just to try something but it just it's just not going to work but i still think we added quite a few offensive weapons and we can sign some offensive lineman i mean that's no big deal like why not just go ahead and take mitchell schwartz like he's an absolute monster i've only signed him once before i think be perfect for tua and also david de castro two perfect offensive lineman exactly what we need like this defense to super bowl caliber i think now the offense is a 91 raid i swear it's every super bowl it's a team that we traded for a player from we got jason kelsey and oh he's still good enough to make it to the super bowl we're only good enough to go nine and seven i mean if life isn't a lie we should be able to make it the super bowl because they just made it to super bowl last sim this time would make the team a lot better so we're going to keep all these guys what are we like i like jalen hurts i'm going to keep jalen hurts let me get myself i know who i'm going after i'm going to get them so many times and i really don't care what you have to say about it because we're in his jersey julio jones and devonta smith on this same wide receiver core what if i threw in my first i can't remember if julio was like if the first round is enough to get julio at this point his career i would take roger probably not actually take rashawn evans though first round pick okay okay ea sports what else can we add around here left in rashad weaver the rookie nico autry maybe let's outside live harold landry what is this looking like decline but if we throw ourselves in this second into this deal can we get three quality players what like there's no space in that green bar like i should be able to literally trade away a fingernail and just be accepted now and it is julio rashad evans and harold landry added to the same team that's that's that's wild like that that's actually pretty legit now don't we need a left tackle i might get rid of jalen hurts i don't know yet i really want to win it all now left tackle that guy's fine and dandy and all but we need somebody better for today's rebuild now first guy think of i haven't traded for him yet left tackle tyron smith now do we did i i didn't even look do we have any wide receivers like they're all just average human beings like they're all just aside from dupont smith like obviously carrion johnson anybody wants you green interest there's gotta be one always right always gotta be one i guess it really doesn't have to be because he wasn't cowboys at least are interested somewhat tyron smith i'm gonna have to trade draft picks to know this oh god this is gonna be a lot harder when i thought actually let's go with somebody different like since the trade deadline a trade deadline the trade update earlier in madden like i've just not been as consistent with knowing who is and isn't easy to trade for because everything was traded which is anything was changed which is how it should be david boxier i kind of like want to try and get you but you're gonna be way too hard to get i'm waffling too much we only have a minute left to go i don't think we can get them i don't think we have enough yeah it's not gonna happen we gotta get somebody there to anchor this offensive line like i might just settle for andrew whitworth at this point 87 rated i sure you guys saw i tried to get as many guys i possibly could but we had to settle on he's a veteran guy do a job here in philadelphia and now we have a minute to get a quarterback like that could be a problem but who really is somebody that i i think we could realistically add to this team like somebody that really isn't that difficult to get which i don't think there's that many guys like baker like i don't know like if i threw set a third a first and a third for baker like i i doubt yeah that's what i expected anybody have interest in jalen though they kind of do all right we have 50 seconds to go to make a quarterback swap deal that's basically what we're trying to do here back back yeah not even close i don't think this like i think we're just wasting our time right here or maybe we're actually not because i feel like matt ryan like matt ryan swap give him one last chance at a ring jalen hurts what else do we have third round pick from this year please be enough it's declined oh you're really not gonna be able to get matt ryan either we have a first and third format yeah it's not gonna be accepted is it unless they don't want jalen hurts and we just do just draft picks which i don't think is gonna be the case yep it's decline we have 10 seconds like literally anybody at this point trevor lawrence zach wilson jared goff like do i get jared goff at this point cam newton here at core i'll try derek carr but it's going to be declined isn't it yeah so we literally that was a that was a waste we started off hot but it ended up being such a waste so you know what jalen hurts the starting quarterback well like this end up i think actually was our worst rebuild we've done yet it was just not great but at the end of the day like we they what they won this they made the super bowl in the last rebuild so they should be able to make it the super bowl now with a better team we'll add jarrell casey that defensive line will also add in another corner do you know what no we'll get another another wide receiver you now have golden tate you have devonta smith and julio jones there you go again another two teams that we didn't win a super bowl with that made it to the super bowl without our edition so basically this is telling us that i'm stupid did we at least win our division no this is gonna be so hard this team is just not good and there's there's so many holes we only have four minutes i love i have always liked the falcons with a julio so i'd love to get you a super bowl oh boys i don't even know where to start i've already wasted too much freaking time wide receivers everything's bad let's let's just go in for it let's go in for let's try to get every old player i can possibly think of everybody you know what cole beasley welcome to atlanta let's get you for hopefully hopefully it's not a lie like a third like a third we can get you i'll be happy with that i don't know okay yeah okay obviously thank you welcome to the squad center plenty of centers we can get let's just go by team need for now let's get the oldest guys possible that just want to win right now jc treader you want to start right away don't you you want to win a super bowl right away don't you second round draft pick from next year was accepted i probably could have got it from so much last two i don't know who's what like who's not good and who doesn't take a lot to get i don't know we're just we're just doing everything we possibly can today on cloudy we're already here we're already here we're gonna try to strip the browns and the best players again is the second enough to get them i can't remember no but it's not far off fifth and a fourth enough to get to davey on not quite do we have a third anybody we can trade away here like we don't need for daryl patterson he's accepted okay bec all right thank you next go right pack who's a good right tackle uh you know what i'm abusing it because this team is so bad brian balaga it's just like it's so hard to keep these thoughts flowing in my head and remember all these players i guess decline fifth and a six four five and six for brian balaga that's seriously mom what happened like you were like very simple to work with here la six round pick fourth and a fourth and a six like it's just like you should already know what's gonna happen this point every time i'm just gonna waste time because i could have done one more thing one more trade if there was four freaking assets i could like trade spots on each side minute 56 to go bros we still like i mean i guess we're better already at this point but like definitely not any youth that we've injected into this team who is a good d tackle not going after you we've already tried that one of williams like brian anybody really christian barmore jonathan hankins uh okay you know what you know what you know what i remember you now you should be a blast to work with baltimore for this trade because that one was accepted then you have to trade a fourth round pick for that one we don't need a full back like who needs a full back left guard who is the next one who's the next man we have a minute 15 seconds left to go i think we're making good progress roger saffold like a third from next year hopefully this is enough to bring you in and it is thank you we still have first left to go so still making good progress left outside linebacker didn't already say von miller we get miller yet 96 rated let's go we'll have to turn away our first round drafting we have 56 seconds to go that's declined but this is easily going to be accepted right here when you try to wait tony for von miller because all they needed was a freaking shaved pickle and it's accepted von miller now falcon we're actually putting in some work here right outside linebacker we have one more first round draft pick to trade for and you know what actually no there's a good free agent out there we need a free safety who's a good free safety that will come in and that's not going to break the bank here we have plenty of cap room that's not what i meant jimmy like logan ryan like you're better than what we got right who's our starting free safety yeah eric harris the same time you have malik cooker out there do i go for another position right i i i okay this is where i talk myself out of things um let's just try to get somebody i just screwed myself over for being a tied in tj hawkinson like i'm just trying to get somebody at this point we saw the first round draft pick about the waist first and a six we're gonna submit this through it was accepted okay so was it a complete waste i know he didn't need to tighten but he was just there what i was trying to say was there was available free agents that fit the needs that we had like kj wright we need the right type like right outside linebacker he's coming in simple enough and also at free safety you got ourselves earl thomas who i think we've only signed once today that we'll go ahead and get him 82 rated should start four is better than the 74 that we got and i think we actually did a great job there it teams up to an 80 rated this is i think i know we traded for a lot of old players but i think this is like the most proud i've been of the job i've done like we might not actually make it anywhere with this team but you know what i i still think i gave him a better shot than what they had previously it's every time best believe first thing we're doing here with the 49ers getting a quarterback i mean i know trey lance is there but i want somebody now and you know exactly who that's about to be we're about to go green bay packers trying to straight swap got them once today going to get them again i know it's not going to get straight up i can get what i'm saying like we'll be able to throw in now maybe that first will be enough for aaron rodgers this time wow it's not hold the phone for a sec i thought we got aaron rodgers today i guess not yeah we did didn't we why was that so hard how did we get them before all right so i guess we uh we move along about a little more the more jackson for jim we also throw in a first like we're like this team is good all we really need is a quarterback but the problem is finding that quarterback right now russell wilson like yeah like who why are they so hard to get now like do i trade or i'm down like do i do this and then try a first round pick and then like start focusing on the rest of the team i know he got a 12 overall increase at quarterback is the second enough do i have to do two first i'm gonna have to do two first aren't i that's insane that is actually insane when we still didn't get them that's this is crazy are we really not gonna get anything to be accepted like josh allen like probably not yeah not even close who do we even like baker like do i do a first that's i don't even think this is gonna be accepted what is what is going on why are these quarterbacks so hard to get right now all right moving on tom and we get tom again that one was accepted like okay whatever like whatever like just whatever whatever whatever move on it's always offensive lineman isn't it like let's just let's just get it out of the way again it's rbt trading for offensive lineman for two hours that's basically what this video is but every team's number one need is offensive line like what do you want me to do so can we try this second we have nothing else to trade away thank god this team is already good so we actually need a right guard so i i don't even like think we have enough to get anybody decent anymore so that's a maybe target a mid 80s guy like who's a good mid 80s guy that we actually target here i mean maybe all we really did need was a quarterback to be good but we would still try to improve as much as possible i mean kevin hopefully will be better than what we have fourth and a fifth hopefully is enough it's declined hopefully the sixth is enough to just get out of here get ourselves our right guard we got him now we need ourselves a corner and a right outside linebacker have we got a right outside linebacker today i don't know who we currently have at outside linebacker but apparently we need some but dupree from my titans but like is this is he hard to get second round pick for the butt dupree and okay he's not hard to get obviously all right fair play we need a cornerback why is quarterback still our number one team need pap pete like adding a veteran in the secondary for not much like this should be enough to get old patrick right for the fifth it was accepted that was once again easier than what i expected so it also same with a left outside linebacker who could we get here anthony barr khalil mack that would be great if we get khalil mack in his team von miller is not going to work shaq barrett we have 45 seconds chandler jones what about you you're such a high rated player second round pick from next year all right we might actually have something going here second seventh third do we have any like running back they might want like wayne goldman or trey sherman you don't want them do you oh no what do we what do we do now left outside linebacker we gotta try to get one before this time it goes out 15 seconds literally anybody josh allen's too good i think we're screwed jamie collins maybe if we okay all we have to do don't choke this four seconds four seconds two seconds i think i got that through 100 jamie collins welcome to san francisco we're an 83 rated now we do need to add ourselves mitchell sports we needed a right tackle like we'll just go ahead and throw him in the starting lineup and last but not least like let's bring them back like it just makes sense doesn't it it's just every time different teams that we've used and didn't win the super bowl with another team that needs themselves a starting quarterback and that's what we're gonna focus on is there team that wants daniel jones i mean why would they probably not it's just it's just unfortunate isn't it like because it's just so hard now to trade for quarterbacks which fair play i guess it makes sense but still like i just want to give somebody it's not going to break the bank and not waste all our time like even if i have to trade my first round pick for them i got to get somebody better like do they want daniel jones at all i would at least help the deal out some okay thank you like i know everybody there's a lot of people that still underrate this man but this is better than what we have right now at least in terms of madden welcome ryan hennehill now are wide receiver core sick wide receivers great we have obviously sac ones healthy good tight ends just i i hate it we gotta focus online making it every time like i don't know what you guys really want from me like when their team needs or are lying what are you gonna do get a freaking kicker when it says defensive line is the freaking offensive lines that you need so let's once again just be smart about this fourth round pick roger saffold was accepted i'm literally not purposely going back and forth to the same exact players it just happens um ryan o'neal i want at least to get an 80 rated right tackle it just always ends up happening like this every single time like i know i know i know like how many right tackles really is there realistically out there man so throwing another six hopefully this is enough no it's not like this okay that's a little bit i'm trying to lowball too much so we will do a fourth and a fifth and then a seventh from next year try to keep everything else declined again do i just go with the third from next year hopefully this is enough don't want to do my third from this year for brian that's decline now i think we should be able to throw like a six and then maybe a six from next year and let's get ourselves our starting right tackle there's a lot of sinners it's been rare that we actually needed a center i think we've only done it like two or three times today but let's be smart about ryan kelly from the coach i don't quite know if he's a guy you can get like easily but we'll try third round pick for ryan kelly yeah not even remotely close i noticed the sinners are harder to get than guards which i don't get that brandon linder or alex matt alex max is like a third or a fourth next year i don't quite know a minute 30 seconds left to go decline it's nothing if we oh we really don't have anything else than like thirds so we'll do just the third for alex mack it's the client week you don't really have to use a draft pick we can use a freaking like back up corner or something or a monter jorge he's now traded as we got ourselves another new offensive line a new starting center now we need left hack but yeah another freaking left tackle bro minute left to go how many offensive linemen can you freak it like why is every team need a freaking offensive lineman every single rebuild like do we go after like an orlando brown type do we still have a first if a second i don't know if this is enough okay it wasn't enough we got ourselves orlando brown i'm gonna get myself a middle linebacker that's what we need like there's never a wide receiver a running back or something he's always like lying every single time mckinney he seems like he could be a nice little fit here since we we still have the second from next year try this one declined with a seventh and then our fourth is this enough please no instead of the seventh can we throw in like that did we have a decent backup julian love submit it welcome mckinney to the giant we need a free safety but like i don't have like i think we all can agree the fact i don't have plan we'll go and get ourselves two free agents so we need a free safety and a right outside linebacker already got two guys in my head that we're gonna go after obviously with the eight millionth time hopefully not back-to-back kj wright feels a need for us a veteran nice linebacker to add the squadron last but not least we do need another free safety so we just traded away one of our safeties crab lee cooker again we'll get him i think for the second time today isn't this like the 74th time we've seen this matchup today like it's boring at this point we went six and ten what an awful stretch i have to go giants jags jets and lions before i can get back to a good team in the packers i promise you if anything i'm at least try my absolute greatest but you might not succeed here today more than likely probably won't with the jags but we'll try carlos hyde why why doesn't anybody at least have yellow interest you're a running bank that's weird now i do have a feeling somebody there's gotta be somebody that has green interest in you right not to be everybody has yellow left in go straight after a leptin we at least try to we'll just go by team need this time let's define to it didn't we already try to get him and he was relatively oh i'm looking for somebody then just a veteran do a job jeffrey simmons i said veteran oh wow okay he's not a veteran like that's easier than some veterans okay uh fourth maybe added into the deal on top of gardner minshew all right jeffrey simmons one of my favorite titans players uh he's gonna be a superstar already pretty much a superstar forever carter minshew all right um i'll take that i guess i didn't expect it but i'm here for it tight end position now what tight end can we go after we have yet to really trade for anybody other than gromp but i want to be smart austin hooper we'll try to stay away from gronk jared cook i mean he could be a decent plug and feel option for what this team wants right now we'll do like we'll just test the waters here okay i like the fact that i tested the waters because this is gonna be so easy if we can throw a guy named daniel thomas 66 rated and welcome in our starting tight end all right now this is where things get boring tied in or the uh right tackle position for the 8 000th time um he was there he was there just like give me a break third round pick let's welcome brian and get that over with you guys have seen it for eight thousand times now i'm obviously not gonna get a quarterback we need to get her obviously a wide receiver too it says now right end who can we get here frank clark's a good one maybe grady jarrod nick bosa what about first for nick bosa we have the number one overall pick it's declined maybe we actually can work something out here any cornerbacks you want from me san francisco you want trey herndon you want cj henderson you kind of want her in a little bit it's accepted welcome nick bosa to the squad boys big one now wide receiver let's get ourselves an absolute monster right here devonta adams it it's gonna happen boys i have a trail away let's do let's see if they want philip dorsett maybe they don't they want leviska like he's a i like lavisca but the packers obviously don't okay all right so we'll just do the number one overall pick and it was accepted for devonte adams a minute left to go and we are building an absolute super squad my dudes now we still have some draft picks to trade away let's just let's take their other one uh person smith we need outside linebacker let's take another player from the packers let's do a second see if this is enough it was accepted oh boys this has been fantastic now the left tackle position we need we probably can get a star here who is that ronnie stanley if we trade the number one overall projected pick for next year this might actually go through huh it's declined but do a little add a little sugar and spice to it like a third rounder from next year and this one is going to also be declined that's always so anticlimactic i gotta back up josh jones how about you are you enough we have 25 seconds but the free safety position oh i don't want to trade away andrew wingard okay i might be i might be choking this i actually might be choking this hold on draft pick draft pick let's do a fifth this should be enough right fifth oh no eight seconds we have okay we have a third from next year this should be oh oh no oh no oh no oh no i got it off with one second i got it off with one second i got it off of one second get out of here that stressed me out so much i would have been so sad we just made the jags an 87 rated offense which means we need to upgrade the defense i'm just going to sign the two highest rated defensive guys because this team is literally the worst team in the league last year you expect me to make them super bowl contenders in four minutes if that's the case dude i actually need to sign an nfl contract with some organization to have some sort of role voila accidentally simmed a free agency we went 12 and four but did we win the super bowl i have no clue like i really hope i get surprised here and we did but i highly doubt that's actually going to be the case and why is it the bears versus bears yeah dude again the browns versus the seahawks like nobody cares anymore at least with the jets i don't have to worry about getting a quarterback so right tackle it's i mean there's not one there's not one rebuild we've done so far where one of the top team needs has not been right tackled why don't teams draft write tackles when they're your biggest position of me it's stressing me out so we have a bunch of first i just wanna you know heat check here second rounder see what's available they're gonna definitely wanna first first for ryan ram chick oh no maybe go with another option like why would i trade for ryan when i can get brian balaga for a third you get what i'm saying that's why i do the same players over and over and over and over and over again trent brown maybe his second round would have to like we're not gonna do well with this jets team i can already freaking tell first round here for trent brown still not enough how about a third we have two thirds at least and a fourth submitted of course it's declined a minute in can we at least get our first player here man second round pick from next year's except that we get our starting right tackle now moving on to right outside linebacker then we need to try to get ourselves a tight end again we're not obviously gonna get a quarterback let's get ourselves an 85 plus rated right outside linebacker that shouldn't break the bank or at least like an 82 you know what bradley chubb i he he could be extremely hard to get i for all i know we'll try a second round pick though oh bradley chubb welcome to the jets where i now have a chub myself because all it's going to take is something very simple for you to come in like a third from next year hopefully will be enough to steer you here to the jets it is bradley chubb welcome now tight in time and then we get to go after guards again you know what since we're here like why don't i try this i have i tried to get von miller today i could never remember okay he's like he's hard to get now for some reason he's von miller like that's why what am i what do i mean so tight in position what do we get here now i don't want to get cool travis kelsey like can you trade a first for you is this a thing okay travis kelsey welcome to new york personality would fit out like fit out here in new york we probably thought six in from next year this should be enough right yeah it's accepted we have one of the best tight ends in the game the best i did good 99. now moving along to the boring positions let's get them out of the way and we might like we have elijah vera tug or a right guard so we really don't need a right guard so we really just need a left door and then maybe spend the last time getting somebody else i mean joe thuney like he's exactly like i mean he'd be fine here 84 rated there in the 783 what we got third round pick for joseph declined what else we got do i just do i just get rid of the first from next year like i just do this accept it okay i mean we didn't waste time take that all right what do we need now oh we could use a solid running back but really who could we get we have 50 seconds left to go just trying to make the team as good as possible at this point like a james robinson type like what about him who do we have kevin coleman yeah we for sure can do better than that like is it third enough to get james robinson yeah probably not he's so young but a first from next year 30 seconds to go okay that that was simple so we just we have 30 seconds really to trade away a third round pick for really oh i know exactly what i'm going after because i want to get as good as possible obviously get this man dante howe tower like with the third time today welcome to new york do i try something else like dwayne i don't think i even have anything like who could this possibly get me a freaking like a pack of rinds or something kind of annoying maybe probably not oh no seven seconds i'll be so sad oh we have no body like we have no our secondary is horrible oh my so we definitely need to use our two free agents on the top two probably a free safety in a corner so we've used richard sherman too many times we'll go back to steven nelson 81 rate is gonna be better than what we have and last but not least for the 8 000th time today sign ourselves old veteran earl thomas to the secondary because by god we freaking need it i give up bro bro i don't know if five hours could help me with the freaking detroit lions i really don't even know where to start like my brain's already just whoo just flaccid all right left in akeem hicks like what are we gonna do here third is that too much for you probably my brain at this point lasted um just like my pecker move it along the bengals so who do we have a running back in detroit now detroit's made some funky moves here jamal williams deandre swift i mean we do got a rookie i kind of want to get rid of jamal williams if we can if we can find somebody that has green interest you're not going to have green engine star you probably don't have one player anybody wants because the lions are in complete rebuild mode so it's all about just trying our best here um let's go to a team who's the team that does have quite a few old folks that i might be able to get a decent return on like what if we did something like darius slay lane johnson and like who is one other guy like we just added brandon graham too like is this where something like a trade like a second round pick and get all three of these guys maybe that's the only like that's the only way we can make something positive happen here in detroit like try to use our time wisely so a second i want to keep this first from this year about a second and a first from next year that one was accepted i'll take it three players three players okay okay okay let's keep that same kind of mindset here so let's falcons don't have anybody i'm interested in like do i go alex mack do i go for he moster do i go oh jason barrett do i try this like is that not good enough like a second and third for next year i'm gonna try it all right so uh three more players we added so this is definitely maybe the move moving forward got six players so let's let's just keep on moving keep on moving slow down breathe a few times relax wide receiver leaving marvin jones back now actually marcus may 20 williams cj mosley for the first our first round pick three good players it's accepted okay see that that's so that's actually smart i think maybe that's what we do going forward but the only problem is we don't have any draft picks now so let's let's let's just let's just just calm down breathe everything's gonna be okay we've done good done good here we can do better still have plenty of time we just we gotta go like the ultimate old of all players here like the absolute oldest kevin zeitler like was a fourth enough for you no but we'll be able to throw we'll be able to save some stuff the seven and the six would be enough to get around for kevin declined actually so that seventh needs to turn into a six from this year and now let's welcome kevin to the squad left guard time are there any like really old left guards that can be good for me i need you to be like 37 preferably oh for the tenth time probably today do we have enough really fourth and a fifth is that enough for you roger your name is roger of course it is dude freeze safety any older free safety out there in the universe i could add to the squad eddie j the jessie's 23. i didn't realize you feel like he's been around for so long anybody here bro i'll take a 94 year old anthony harris i mean i doubt it but i got the point like why not just try fifth and the seventh three anthony it's decline that's actually close okay all right are we actually gonna get anthony we need a free safety bad i didn't realize it was that bad so jamal williams adding the deal welcome to the squad all right there's there's no way we're gonna get anybody else but that was solid like we're still not gonna win the super bowl we do i will be impressed but with that we'll just sign the best two players because we still are gonna suck because we're the lions this is stupid like this is so stupid green bay packers 86 rated team so you only get the two minute timer we started we're just gonna make the dolphins go that's all we're gonna focus on we're just gonna be way too extra going back like i just thought about how crazy this connection would really be julio jones and devonte adams oh my god this would be historic so if we throw in like aj bill do they even want aj dylan in a second so it's enough for julio jones it's decline but it'd be worth it i think to throw in our second from next year to have this be accepted it's declined again so do i just do my first just get that out of the way let's get julio jones i think it's worth it declined it's really this much for julio all right that's that's crazy um i didn't think it was that much for julio jones but i guess uh we keep on moving along third round rapid from next year let's not welcome julio hey maybe i don't need to get julio wow we've already wasted half our time all right that that's just that's not good adam feeling okay okay okay all right let's be more realistic here adam feeling fourth rounder fifth round or six rounder welcome to nowhere all right third we got we gotta i gotta stop troll we have 50 seconds left to go oh my god 50 seconds left to go second round draft pick adam declined again we had we're gonna have 40 seconds 40 seconds to get something done accepted finally this is this is an absolute travesty an absolute freaking travesty i'm just trying to like try to get everybody possible first round pick lil mack trait like you're not gonna be accepted i'm trying to i'm just i'm trying to get as many players i can true davis white for a first round draft pick not accepted all right all right fair play micah high 26 seconds are really only gonna get one player in trades micah highway might get third rounder just get it over with submit it declined again this has been a rough one this has been a rough go-about all right we have 10 seconds we literally have 10 seconds to try to get one more player i'm bringing von miller we have eight seconds to go we have a first and a second for next year with the fifth that's going to be declined and i think we're screwed aren't we we're screwed i'm gonna just like i can't even lie and like try to get that off so we literally got two players that is so unfortunate yes i know we get to add to players but that had so much potential like i don't know why it just felt so hard to get julio we're gonna get the best two players actually let's add let's add another offensive lineman david the castro i'm sure we probably needed to get a guard or something there but like this is i think one of my best chances left with a super bowl we're an 89 rated team bro like give me a break yeah i'm taking a real break after this one but give me an i got breaks where i don't have to give away more money yep that's enough for me for now we win nine and seven with a what rated team and 95 offense ea having an absolute stinker six hours and a bad migraine later here we are carolina panthers we've to win one more super bowl bro one more we have 12 teams left to go i can't fail by one sam darnold i know you're going to the qb maybe in the future at least for this year but like not for this rebuild we've got to have somebody better than a 70 overall like who are we going to take off your hands do we just take uh do we take trump williams because we need a left tackle submit this through like this is hard dude like what do we even trade a second for trump williams like is this enough not even close is this where we also doing a first round pick maybe next year's first round pick throw it in there bailey decline let's just throw in a crappy like 65 rated strong safety in that like i now know that that is what we need to get is a strong safety because we literally have a 66 rated that is starting and we can't they won't even accept the trade kenny robinson i'm just wasting time at this point like why don't i just start a draft pick we need to go get a strong safety that's like immediately what we're doing here after we trade away uh same darn in a first and get trent williams our new left tackle what strong safety are we gonna get let's get let's try to go big here i don't think we've got a big 90 something rated strong safety i don't even know who's the highest rated strong state is it harrison smith is it jamal adams let's just go jamal adams real quick because he's right there what will it take to bring in the man like let's do a second test things out real quick it wasn't accepted but a first is intriguing because what if we also try to take in like uh what's what's a good little player we can add maybe a gerald everett we have any good tight ends let me try this it's declined but barely barely barely so we're gonna throw it once again let's just get out of here throwing a seventh round draft pick from next year let's add jamal adams in gerald everett to the squad now once again they need right guard like i know in the video we have gotten a lot of people but like i'm not gonna remember who we kept getting because it was six hours ago my brain hurts at this point let's see who's a good right guard i don't think we have what it takes to get zach martin brandon brooks i'll stray away from him jack mason did we go after shaq mason at this point it's like i've tried everybody brandon sherf what about you brother how about a third for you that gonna be enough not even close maybe that's why i get kevin's either every freaking time gabe jackson like he's somebody we haven't got 80 rated might not cost too much fourth round pick we only have a minute 20 left to go that's not like a good way i'm spending my time okay so we're gonna get them like maybe i could have got better we have a minute left to go though like i'm just trying my best here dudes so middle linebacker is what we need to fill the void blue kinkley bobby wagner the wagster is this is he a guy you can get nowadays yes he is okay that's noted moving forward all right that's nice to know fourth rounder as well we're gonna get ourselves a bobby freaking wagner just like this my dudes bobby wagner our new starting middle linebacker here now we need a right outside linebacker that's the next thing we need we also need the outside we need a left guard too we could sign one though not the biggest deal do i get bud dupree again for my titans i think he was he was pretty easy to get first time around right like maybe a second round for next year's enough to get him it was accepted so all we need right now to fill every hole is a left guard we had 26 seconds to get one like i know i know it just it just worked out man it's important i just get myself a left guard fourth in the fifth from next year it's accepted i have 16 seconds left like i don't know what i can get with 16 seconds but we can try something like anybody akeem hicks we have nine seconds i'm gonna throw something out there to the universe a six or six we have a qb oh phillip oh no we just had an absolute stinker i forgot to get a quarterback i am the dumbest person alive so i guess what we have to do is go inside a qb out of free agency i completely messed up on that one that's my mistake best qb out there is nick mullen 68 rated all right that's just great we also let's just get the best player available who mitchell schwartz should we go melvin ingram let's help out the defense a little bit yeah i wasn't expecting anything packers chiefs and all hilarious did i just do the packers last went 10-6 i guess that's sort of impressive they're the patriots i know sister number one needs a quarterback i think i'm just gonna stick with cam because it's just so hard to get some of these quarterbacks i know what i'm gonna do yep i know i've traded for them twice three times wearing this jersey again and they were linked to get them in real life like it was a possibility so like give me a break dude first round pick for julio it's declined but we might not even have to throw another draft pick probably like i mean we have some backups that we actually can trade away here too joe juan williams this should be enough be accepted welcome julio jones to the new england patriots good thing here is we have a lot of stuff that can trade away like a lot of decent guys like nikhil harry marvin hall there's gotta be one team out there that could be sort of interested in to kill harry right i didn't quite know he's a 73 rated now jacoby myers on the other hand he's 75 so like you gotta be kidding me not one team wants my big bet then i guess all right so defensive end we have we have a young some some decent young players here i mean we're pretty loaded like adrian phillips like do we trade jewelry does anybody have green interest in you or do i just start throwing out draft picks in the universe so like looks like nobody has green interest in him marty a minute 15 seconds in we could use a feature running back too which means we could we can afford to get rid of one of these guys so a lot of teams want sony michelle fair you know what can we do like a trade like oh richie incognito like i he probably would be a higher rated guy than who we currently have josh jacob added in the deal as well i'm very intrigued on this if we do like a second i just want to see where this is like how close like halfway to going through if he also threw in a first as well is this a possibility it was accepted richie incognito and josh jacobs welcome to the new england patriots a georgia running back for another alabama player another alligator running back for the patriots now another one i don't think there's ever been one but like you kill what i'm saying another alabama player for the patriots that's a running back i'm wasting time like who really cares we need defensive ends though and the first guy can think of that's just a patriot like i would fit perfectly now at cardinal where's he at where's mr watt where's the jj man 95 rated we have plenty of time to try to work something out here third and a fourth for j.j watt decline he's only a two star that they value him at i don't know why maybe i guess his age damien harris or james white either these guys intrigue you james does a little bit now they do also want to write in we have we could sign melvin ingram we but they don't care they don't want them of course they don't right tackle we could sign mitchell schwartz and start using that print brown like he's so solid but like if that means i can bring in jjy i just gonna i'm just gonna sign i'm just gonna sign mitchell schwartz to me decline i think that's a smart little bit of business to try to get that freaking super bowl finally let's throw in a fourth throw in that fifth welcome jj actually don't welcome just yet like if we throw this in now hopefully this will welcome them oh just like get out of here that's wasting so much time today go ahead throw in that fifth just like i like get out of here dude like come on give me a break for once today this is absolute insanity dude this this has got to be this has got to be somebody at ea just freaking messing with my ball sack this is actually unbelievable at this point i don't even know what we need another defensive end i guess i guess we can try and get one more if 20 seconds to go it's probably not gonna happen especially at the rate things have been going today 15 seconds i don't even know who to get i have no clue grady jarrett nick boson we don't have the draft picks for him like i need somebody that's old and easy to get trey flowers like i have six seconds like what do you want me to do with six seconds nothing third round pick and a fourth oh we actually got that deal off that is actually insane at the buzzer so you guys heard me we're going in we're getting ourselves a right tackle we could have signed melvin ingram too we might we just got trey flowers i don't get the point here maybe we just add another linebacker to the squad or maybe add like really what can't we add i can't i don't even know if kj wright will start for us boy he's not trying to stress out or anything but it looks like your new england patriots is trying to complete the challenge and save me some money taking on the cowboys we ended up 13 in three on the season i'm just advancing like we're 13-3 they went 10-6 like don't make this so anti-climactic come on let's get the challenge over with and like i just knew it guys you're gonna kill me look at the three needs bro they need offensive lineman not my fault blame the freaking nfl or at least blaming for a good franchise mode for saying every team need is an offensive line let's get a center real quick jc treader for the raiders this time obviously and i don't quite know what i need i really don't ever know what i like to do in life at all really in every aspect but in this particular instance i'm talking about this rebuild with the raiders because they have some holes for sure let's just get even the top four team needs were all offensive linemen what do they do have a bunch of paper plates back there jack conklin christian worth who i like you just i don't care i don't care what you think honestly a fourth and a seventh i i forget like what he cost but hopefully yep of course he's not gonna be accepted almost a minute in let's just get out of here fourth round pick and then a third from next year just give me brian it's like let's get this over with i think now like a four i don't know a fifth from next year or fourth mixture should be enough let's welcome ryan two loss vegas next now what do you know the left guard position like this how bad is there like offensive line really like how why is it so bad quick nelson like is he still somebody you can get why do we even need a left guard we have rich incognito no we need a right i mean i guess you can play right guard like what do i mean so i guess let's here just try a draft pick i guess second rounder for quinn nelson okay maybe they actually fixed them i don't want to use my first on him i mean i know he's good and all but like i want to use it on a non-offensive line unless i'm gonna get zach morton like i used get zach martin i wouldn't mind using my first let's try to use our first from next year and oh okay all right i see you playing hardball dallas i mean you beat me in the super bowl last time around so like why could i have the challenge done been confident but no you had to ruin everything so we're still trying to get offensive guard like boring boring brandon brooks just like leave philadelphia like just make this easy on me a second that enough of course it's not but like i think the first is too much maybe this is another ordeal where i get like two players and one and just trade the first instead it's like brandon like can i get fletcher cox like can i get jason kelsey too i i don't have the answer for that i look at all three of these players here that's going to be insane dude not even close we'll take out jason kelsey because we don't need a center declined again maybe it's fletcher cox that's so hard to get here take them out oh dude slay again brandon graham potentially to play on the end [Music] what is the move we do need a free safety so i take an anthony harris like that's three quality players that i might be able to get for next year's first instead of this this year's submitted through oh wow harder than what i thought so i bought just the first they said from this year it's green interest we're getting there about the second and a fit how about this decline but we put in like a backup running back or something but in jalen richard this peak your interest was accepted thank you 54 seconds to go we still have our first round draft pick from next year to try and using a deal i just need to try and get somebody like good asap outside linebacker somebody we're looking for miles jack maybe we may be who's somebody who's somebody like this is where my brains really stops the like stops working i'm curious and it's i it was just curious because it never worked the trade didn't work i need an outside linebacker and i don't know who to get at this point cameron jordan mario davis like do i just add you because i know you're easy to get like not i didn't waste this last 45 seconds blabbering all right go ahead throw in the seventh mario davis welcome to las vegas we literally have nine seconds to go i i still have like i still have my first i'm just going to try to get something off the seahawks bobby wagner i know i'm going to be able to get him oh no it's declined oh that would have been great that would have been great i'm so sad i'm so sad we're only an 81 rated since we were since i was just trying to get some defensive players like i'm just trying to get that super bowl win let's just get the best players possible some defensive players out of this squad richard sherman lets you come to las vegas hopefully when you're another super bowl i really hope so at least i've done neither of those teams yet ravens and saints are coming soon we went eight and eight like i just want to win one more the thing is those these teams remaining are so good like the rams are such a good team if we can add them some firepower at wide receiver and the first guy i'm thinking of i'm gonna go crazy off the get-go we're gonna get devonte adams i'm gonna do whatever it takes to add devante adams to this wide receiver core actually i might not we don't have a first round pick okay it's gonna be tougher than what i thought you want to sean jackson you don't don't blame me he's an 81 though i i guess i i can't get devonta adams if they wanted to unless they'll take their first from next year that's already we trade away have our freaking assets decline so yeah that was wishful thinking so let's go linebacker they need a linebacker first guy i'm thinking of maybe we'll get him instead we tried to get him to end off the last speed rebuild get him here we're gonna go to none other than bob wagner do we who is our safety hold on let's actually try to do something crazy here who is our starting strong safety terrell burgess free we don't have any quality safeties really so what is something they need to like what do we what can we trade them do we have any good leptins a sean robinson aaron donald any good offensive lineman i would be willing to trade away not really i know i'm wasting so much time here but we'll just we'll just get bobby wagner i was going to try to get jamal adams as well in this deal let's just throw out the first from next year was this enough or did we have to it was accepted okay i probably gotta got jamal adams there too but whatever offensive lineman we need like the offensive line was actually pretty brutal so we will try to get one or two i i'll try to get somebody different here like at least some of these teams that i'm doing like like the last part of the alphabet for nfl teams in alpha medical order like you know what i mean um they're decent they're decent teams that could give me a shot better than like some of the stretches we've had okay that was so much further away than what i thought to being accepted second round pick all right let's move on too hard to get you ali market i've tried and you're really hard to guess why i keep going after the same guys like quinton nelson we probably need a first round pick for you joe thuney that's declined but like i mean we'll take you six and seven i don't quite think this will be enough is it i'm just wasting time again let's just get the draft picks out of here let's go with the third from next year this one should be accepted welcome to la joseph now we could use another defense event on the other side of aaron donald but who's a good fit demarcus lawrence i'm looking at you off the get go but the question is as always it is for everybody what is it gonna take brother third in a second okay so i probably could have just trade the third and god i'm like how was i supposed to know so now we really don't have much we can trade away so i gotta get somebody really really cheap unless one of our running backs could go in a deal somewhere daryl henderson at wide receiver there's got to be somebody out there he's in 81 i know he's on the older side not one team okay let's get out of that how about daryl henderson is there anybody i know there's a lot of yellow interest and maybe we could bring in a right guard with yellow interest maybe we could even though we don't have any more draft picks left like anybody over 80 something we need a right guard 80 like let's go for an 83 at least try to do a straight up swap zach martin obviously be nice but it's not even going to be close anybody i'll even take elijah vera tucker uh shaq mason i'm gonna try straight up swap i mean potential maybe what what pics do we have oh no not even close bro what what i think so that's decline i i gotta get a right guard i got to like even if it's kevin i'll take kevin at this point maybe i can just get straight up it wasn't matter we'll get them i mean 83 rated there's no way i'm gonna have another trade go through i guess we can be smart here with how i sign these free agents we need to add a little bit to our linebacker course a little thin let's go have we signed a middle linebacker yet out of free agency i don't remember if we have or not avery williamson will add him nice nice little depth player could do a job at the linebacker court and then juan alexander we've we've already was first time i think we've signed him maybe second a little fresh a little fresh like dude am i a joke to you or something once again packers make it after not making it the entire video make it twice in a row after i use them so we went 8 8 again i'm telling you wait where's my face this really might be my last good chance ravens thank god they were 83 rated so i get the full four minutes and once again i'm gonna go after a wide receiver i'm gonna see this time around can i bring in devante adams imagine him in this offense oh my god so it is gonna take a first round pick but i'm not sure we have like the dead last first pick and that's like that's so bad and so unfortunate so let's let's get ourselves a wide receiver though let's make sure we get one like a robbie anderson kind of type but i don't know what he's gonna cost like just some quality number one receiver 87 overall come on robert decline oh i think i know a guy we have yet to get i think i tried to get him early and i said i'll get him eventually oh yeah i forgot they're out of alphabetical order terry mcclory is this enough for you no but i like the potential running back i don't mind trading away gus edwards they're probably gonna want them and they are it is so close let's welcome carrie mclaurin to baltimore as our number one receiver now i want to get a solid running back like i know jk dominance has potential and all but like we need a high overall for this alvin kamara i feel like he would be perfect in this offense a first round draft pick from next year okay so i i i see i see you saying alvin cook like i don't know oh god i don't like why these running backs so hard to get it's a 30-second overall pick that bad like an 80 austin eckler oh he would be pretty tasty in this offense and even that's declined teams do not like that draft pick yeah we have to get rid of this too we like are you serious bro is there any running back we can swap how about this straight up 86 rated c they don't even want that that's so weird only running backs are relatively easy to get but hey we'll get austin eckler eventually here it might take a few tries because that's my luck in today's video but this not close that did i already trade my second from next year i didn't can we just get this to be accepted it was thank you they now need a right tackle and i i can't i don't i the first guy i think of and we're already here i think this is literally like the 10th time we've got him but who cares brian blog i'm just throwing the second out there getting that over with they got ourselves a right tackle what see once again every team need is offensive lineman but that i don't feel like that's really what our number one need is we have wide receivers maybe it is we need a center for sure we need a center for sure it didn't look too good there cory linz did we just get another charger but we already trade away like most of our really good draft picks we do have a first from next year but i really want to get rid of that like do i really have 54 seconds like i might as well right i might as well get rid of that and it's like why is why don't you like this pick i guess we have to trade we don't even get them for that all right running back position we'll try to sign up it's not another free agent oh my god bros let's make sure we get a center i guess i got to keep looking ryan kelly as he's learning today the 30 second overall pick it brandon linder 24 seconds to go fourth first submit was accepted at least we got him i've already given up hope with this freaking trading like it's already it's we're not going to get another trade to be accepted at least we get some free agents i guess we get mitchell schwartz again because like i just want this team to be as good as possible i just i don't want to change i want to win this super bowl i'm going to sign him and like let's just let's just be greedy just be greedy i'm the best too why not i give up like really my team went nine and seven we've already seen them make it to the super bowl multiple times and now that i'm using them and they're gonna make them better they're not gonna make it let's just go all out first thing we do even if it's been the whole four minutes let's get ourselves a good quarterback because i want a good quarterback that's why i want to try something though can we get my homes like if we were to trade the first second and first from next year like what is mahomes value yeah not even close get out of here i guess he's impossible to get this year now i guess he's always been impossible to get can we get a guy like jack how sick would that be in the saints office we traded the first like it's probably yeah bro they won't they have five stars on zach so on zach on that that shows you where my mind is right now matt ryan seems like he could be a good fit potentially but do you have a first rounder for him i guess a first rounder is not enough i really don't think we have like we can get a quarterback i don't know who we could get because i i'm not gonna trade for somebody if i mean i guess we could try and get maybe a matthew stafford kind of type would be good for us like will this even be accepted that's even decline so running backs running backs find a team that has green interest and latavius murray and of course there are zero teams that have great interest in latavius murray that's exactly how i planned it now who like do we have anybody i want to trade away maybe ryden peyton turner you're a rookie somebody's got a bunch because you're a rookie right we're already halfway through this is horrible so we maybe even kurt cousins dude even kirk cousins that like i just got to get a quarterback that's better than jameis unless there's somebody out there can we like swap qbs anybody green interest i found it i would even take justin fields the colts eagles oh my god i really don't know what i can do panthers they have sam darnold so nobody has green interest in jamis with the quarterback to be willing to swap can we at least swap like justin fields for jameis it's declined like i know how silly that is but at this point man i really could care less oh man we're like we're already over halfway done so let's let's we're just throwing out draft picks just trying to get like the best players i possibly can think of like a little mac kind of guy can we bring him over maybe for the right price potentially now middle linebacker might enjoy the way to mario davis any cornerbacks you want patrick robinson oh man i'm this one's been an absolute stinker first round pick for maybe [Music] oh boys i'm running out of ideas i am already running out of ideas micah hyde may be first round pick decline but maybe there's something in there who's our freeze oh yeah marcus williams why am i getting him i could even trade away sean uh cj gardner johnson for maybe somebody good in return like is do i get levonte can i get levante how about we also try to get somebody else antonio brown and rob gronkowski in this deal just curious just here is i love it i love that we're gonna ultimately get something bros where you get something we added three quality players that's gonna i think do something positive for us this season now the only question latavius murray who can we have 20 seconds to get somebody for you and i would literally take anybody at this point were he most sir eric armstead we need linebackers though we have 15 seconds i think i just i don't even need to make i need to just try a swap deal or something trade accepted just like that okay so that was simple nine seconds like i can't get anybody can i six seconds five seconds uh um alex mack two seconds submit it i got it off and it was accepted that's what i talk about when i say i don't wanna waste pics i don't even know if we need this center but we have one now and i'm just so you know what i am signing the best two free agents until we win the super bowl i'm probably gonna do it for the rest of the video i i mean it's an available tactic that i could use and i'm gonna abuse it like there reaches a point where you're like this is a joke right problem here is the steelers don't have an offensive line we're literally pretty much getting off into players like this entire rebuild because i have three teams left to do and i have three more chances to win this role or i have to give away the copy of madden let's get nick chubb let's steal over the rounds just to make browns fans absolutely teal 15th pick is this enough okay we're definitely bringing in nick chubb we'll trade vinnie snell away how about that that gets you intrigued we also throw in our backup qb dwayne haskins they have green interest what what the heck all right so that i i'll take that one uh benny snell now added in was that is that enough declined but i think we're really about to get nick chubb that's uh that's crazy third round pick added in declined again i really don't want to try away both first but this should be enough right decline are you serious so we are gonna have to get rid of both first-round picks but you know what it's worth it for nicholas chubb now next we're gonna trade away naj we're to keep big ben because it just costs too much there's gotta be like gosh wants to get a quarterback that is there like naji is a rookie why are there no teams that want him as a rookie that's crazy so i guess we move first player i think of a wider receiver that could like he's gonna be our highest rated right after that it's gonna be cole beasley our wide receiver is pretty nasty as in not good is really not that good i think the third should be enough to bring them in simple as you like now we we gotta get the cheat i'm really gonna concentrate on this one we're gonna get the cheaper offensive lineman because i want to do whatever it takes to win this because i want to win this pretty pretty badly roger stafford we're looking at everybody on the titans offensive line if i can nate davis too like if i don't know what it will take for this to be accepted but i mean i'm going to make it be accepted i could se i just want to see a second round pick okay i mean i i'm glad i didn't put in two second round picks because it didn't take two second round picks now i need tackles all right so where can we get some cheap tackles at like we might actually be able to build a pretty good team here but who has a nice little cheap pair of tackles the broncos on the other side juwan james like i would take them like they're better than what we have currently i just don't know a second from next year to submit it accepted all right so we have a brand new offensive line uh oh backed out wasting time wasting time all right back into things back into things here a minute 30 left to go do i have any offensive lineman here now that i can trade away i maybe actually didn't need it to get i can't trade away datsun i can trade away nate davis actually anybody have green interest on either these fellas okay the eagles do we we could get fletcher cox let's give fletcher cox let's do it work please not even close like sometimes just don't make sense darius slay though straight up not accepted but now if we throw in nate davis they're sort of interested in him it's declined but maybe we can actually make this work if we throw in what draft picks do we have left the fourth from next year is this enough to get darius slade we really need a cornerback i guess the third from next year it'll do let's welcome darius slade to pittsburgh now let's just get rid of najee i know every team wants naji so we throw him in there maybe just put a mason room off just for the memes 30 seconds to go we do need a defensive tackle and one thing i saw on defense that we really do need we got to get somebody that fits kenny clark like i don't know not even close going back to the lions michael brockers like i would i would take this i will take this it's declined throw it back in make some rudolph we don't have much time six round pick submit this through it's accepted we have 10 seconds but i i mean i guess we could try something like fourth fifth sixth we have seven seconds left get somebody like the first player is a darius smith i'm it's not going to go through but it was worth the attempt really forgot i get to sign two players of course we need a corner as well richard sherman added back there with darius slay and also we could use maybe somebody else in that second area just add you know veteran earl thomas it's just the same two players over and over and over again like after you rebuild 29 teams it just comes to a point where you just don't know what to say we went 12 and 4 like we're building good teams but we just keep losing in the playoffs the football team can be really good as well if they have a high pick they have a very high pick i think this can be another shot where i want to try a little different here see if we can actually bring in russell wilson we haven't got him yet we have a high pick so it's a possibility declined maybe instead we'd be smart and try to get aaron rodgers just because he's older might be a little bit he's still hard to get but it'd be easier than what it would otherwise so 95 rated aaron rodgers it's declined again but i do think if we throw in something like a lamar miller what am i like i'm not gonna get one like i'm not gonna get here in rogers am i okay it actually went up more than what i thought but they didn't want ryan if it's patrick so try the third i want to get out of here with not having to trade away both my first because they're going to be extremely vital later i want to keep my second from this year too so a second from next year we spent a minute and we still didn't get aaron rodgers of course that's just how things go around here how about just the first and second from this year it's declined but now if we go in i'll trade jd mckissick so what 77 okay of course of course how about antonio gibson instead they want them but just them too declined again but now we actually get to save a draft pick i think so we're going to use our third just give me a break for once in my life no aaron rodgers the big pickup and all but we just wasted like two and a half minutes we still have some big draft picks though that we can add to this squad i want to add like some beasts like i want to go right i mean von miller i want to get them like i feel like we'll be able to actually get multiple players from the broncos if we use this pick so lamar miller was also thrown into kareem jackson for the heck of it and also how about melvin gordon to be our running back and that was accepted straight up dude i love it when we do actually have a projected high traffic we'll get mitchell shorts as well i keep bumping my desk dude gotta be better than that rbt gotta be better i gotta be a professional youtuber but i i'm under too much pressure here i like two hours like this might be a three hour long video i'm going after dante hightower because he's cheap i guess that's the only like that's the only logical reasoning behind this so we can use just simply maybe even fourth or fifth and a six and this will be accepted welcome to the football team dante hightower all right next i actually don't know where we go from here like regine cognito just popped up on my screen that's nature telling me that this team is gonna be a super bowl winner third round pick might actually be too much for richie okay actually it's not all right so a third the 69th overall pick declined again why is richard so hard to get second overall like second round pick this will be accepted eventually but it's kind of disappointing lamar miller added in the deal this make it go through is accepted thank you forgot about the fact that we have ryan fitzpatrick still right there's gotta be one team that kind of wants them or maybe not actually okay we're wasting time now all right let's move along here boys who is one more superstar i i'm curious we still do have now why our wide receiver i know is sick already we do have that oh we don't have that first pick next year dewey so that just i completely wasted time there didn't i so what i don't even know where to go from here i've already failed devin mcquarrie though do we have a free safety we do we have anybody bobby mccain you know what let's see third two thirds we have two thirds freedom mccordy declined oh no oh no what can we get from you really quick david andrews maybe matthew judon we do we do need an outside linebacker can we get this in the last second submit it through it's accepted thank you one final trade at the buzzer and you you guys already heard what i said i don't actually need to sign melvin ingram because we already have chase young in that position so it's not a big deal mitchell would be perfect at right tackle for us i think i'm gonna sign ourselves another cornerback we actually probably could use another guard we haven't got clichos to cemilla yet i didn't even know he was down here so we'll get him and use him as our second final free agent signing i've never seen this matchup before i swear to god somebody in the comment section please total up how many super bowls the browns have been to in today's video eleven and five division winners 88 rated team and still don't even make it to the super bowl seahawks might be our best bet yet now we are gonna add like a defensive tackle first thing we're just gonna add defense got no defense is where this team was lacking last season definitely it was been letting them down down the stretch chris jones comes to mind first he would be sick on that defensive line they don't have a first round pick so that's already a horrible start so you know what i kind of want to go the route just adding a bunch of good veterans that are cheap and like getting a bunch of them in one deal just like killing a bunch of birds with one stone so i find a very cheap option defensive tackle here in a second which i think michael brockers could be one so we'll add him into the deal we also need a left end like i don't know if i want you outside linebacker anybody jamie collins could be added potentially cornerback we really don't have anybody i'm interested in there either how about offensive line any older folk that i really think would give this team some bit of a boost that left tackle taylor decker maybe could feel some void for us we're gonna use our first from we don't have a first from next year either serious so we tried two like it was one second good enough not quite i don't even i don't think two seconds is gonna be good enough either but i say it from this year is this good enough not quite either oh wow how about two seconds this good enough it's declined still who are they like they really like taylor decker so maybe that's what's making this deal not be accepted i think maybe if we just get a third from next year we'll be able to get both these guys at least okay that was a total lie i think now we should at least get both these guys okay like what is what's happened to this game so we'll try again third round pick from next year added in it's declined again okay so running back position rashad penny into the deal now we've got we just got two very mediocre players i really don't know why i did that i was really disappointed when i saw he didn't have many draft picks so old guys we need a bunch of old men here derek wolf perfect perfect for what we need absolutely magnificent fourth of the fifth is that enough to persuade you and it is that that's great that's actually fantastic maybe like the 80 range is what we need to look at like fill in every need with like 80 rated players and should go by a lot smoother once again i don't care i've got them about five times today we're gonna get them again we'll do a s fourth fourth fifth from next year an assortment of picks oh that was even accepted tasty i like it all right left guard now okay let's actually go corner back here let's go corner back generous jenkins you're just right there and i really feel like he's gonna be like maybe even okay we have so many late picks now okay just kidding it would work perfectly fine all right can we find an older center like yes we can like when they just end up being the ones i'm like already on that's when i know that's nature telling me yes make it happen so also throw in oh i need to find somebody that could be valuable to the titans let's do a 72 rated cornerback i have no clue it's decline oh so instead of him free safety strong safety marquis blair is that no that's not good brothers we have 30 seconds to go like i got old man i got to find me an old man around here i have an old man fetish brian hansen rodney hudson why have i not seen you today brother how about you decline big time we have 11 seconds left i i really i i don't know what i could like possibly even get here like i'm just gonna try to get him because he's there and it's declined anyway but we do need to add whatever our big needs now we need two offensive linemen and maybe even another cornerback well actually probably knocks they're all about average and that's all we're gonna add to it anyway so once again you know what we're doing mitchell schwartz welcome to seattle you're gonna be coming to everything with this rest of this video i'm glad you're an available free agent and david castro because as you saw our offensive line has been awful it is currently still awful in real life it is awful russell wilson doesn't like it hopefully he likes it enough now with what we've built so at least finish the challenge for me we'll make that time number 17 the browns are in the super bowl in today's video i don't know if that's actually the number it really might be 25 for all i know we went 6 and 10. this is the dumbest game yeah dude you see what team i'm using wish me luck imagine the texans of the team that could put the challenge for me i'm gonna keep the sean for today's videos purpose tyrod taylor though i know a lot of teams are gonna be interested in you like i i don't know what to possibly even begin to start repairing this team like i don't even know where to start like i don't know what position to do i don't know who to go after it's just the tip is so bad like i'm trying to get i'm trying to get literally every single position because that's the only way this team is gonna do anything possible mario davis with tyrod taylor oh i love it dude i love it after doing this so long we don't our draft picks are so bad too this is a fat freaking walking elf what a hundred percent now davis mills okay some teams want him seahawks really want him enough to give me i would that would be two middle linebackers i get though that would kind of just like it's defeating its own purpose tyler lock it potentially it's declined how about you left tackle dwayne brown no he's 35 he could do something positive for us but quandary digs as well we try okay that's so much closer than what i really anticipated for this to be accepted like did we also throw in like another 70 rated guy like a carlos dunlap or jordan brooks even young guy so davis mills our backup quarterback and we have a bunch of backup running backs we can trade away too let's try this and that's big time declines they they actually really like jordan brooks so instead of doing that let's just take that out in here try to solidify the deal six round pick is accepted okay so we're making some we're making some ground up here so we're going to need to go ahead and try to trade away our draft picks let's just try to go for the old guys old average guys all around uh let's go eric ibron for tight end let's let's find somebody somebody try turner even and then tyson at defensive tackle like is this gonna be declined it is they really like ibrah more than what i thought they did so we'll move here we need left and already look at left hand staphon to it we need right tackle they didn't have anybody i wanted either see like this is where things joe hayden maybe how about this deal decline okay i mean i know that looks disgusting but it works for what we're trying to do just average players everywhere everywhere right now now we have a ton of running backs that we can trade away mark ingram david johnson like obviously i'd be willing to trade away any of these guys 11 mil yeah you're not gonna get moved on nobody wants you wide receiver like it's pretty disgusting to be fair kiki couti any team wants you of course they don't let's just go ahead and try to trade away this first round traffic get another three players in a deal or something so our first we might be able to get something like what i'm not gonna try bobby wagner we already tried this dude with my titans again like is this where we just do the freaking roger saffold and ben jones thing again i mean why not like who else jeffrey simmons just let's try it all right so uh jeffrey simmons again so he i mean that's that's okay all right not asking questions boys sometimes it's better just not to ask questions all i really have left is two thirds let's try to find one more little like cheap deal out there so it says we still need defensive tackle like we could try oh what's rough dalvin thomason maybe we could use anthony barr even and then maybe patrick peterson another cornerback try this it's accepted as well my dudes let's see though like can we trademark ingram or rex burkhead to anybody out there like not even nobody even wants these running backs like it shows you how like bad the texans did this off season falcons like gonna get alex mack or somebody from you like drawn hormone i'm just trying things here that was acceptable we got an extra player but like we literally have a team of just average players 77 rated to watch them have like the best record of the entire video i'm just gonna sign the best two players because they still won't be good enough to bring us to a super bowl that makes me more mad than happy like that's the worst team i've built yet well like not that i built but there's already bad i didn't even get anybody good we went 13 and three like that makes no sense i we'll probably lose the packers like this would be our third win like that would be so anticlimactic because it's like that's not even the best team what's our overall world 83 it's still a good team i guess maybe everybody got good throughout the season like people progressed i don't know we're advancing we're gonna lose i got this would complete the challenge but i'm just not expecting it oh my god the houston texans the houston freaking texans or the team to officially complete the challenge or you actually serious bro there's no way the texans the texans are the third and final team i win the first super bowl they'll win another one after like 10 tries and then it all comes down to the texans and last teams the titans to do i thought maybe it'd be poetic if my favorite team the last team would do today the final team throughout the challenge ended things off with the third and final super bowl but like not did i expect this maybe it's karma maybe it's karma like i feel like after recording this for like three and a half hours i'd be more excited but like i guess i am at the same time it's just like it's silly anyway at least i don't have to put all this pressure on myself with my favorite team like if i can win this super bowl that's great now okay i'm actually this is so much easier to actually know what we need we need to tie it in and the titan you know what i mean let's make this sort of realistic here because that girts has been rumored to be a little bit of trade bait we can use them third rounders should be enough to get them right secure the bag we'll throw in also a little fifth that's almost what it took to get rid of julio and we got zachary with it barely but i'll take that get ourselves you know a reliable veteran height in now we also need a defensive tackle and let's just get the best one out there fletcher cox is he the best one no i mean like i guess the highest overall may be deep into tackle is it a first that it takes to get fletcher or is more the first my god bro the trade logic is better but it's just confusing sometimes like things i think are gonna work don't work like really anybody will help out what we need we have literally zero depth that defensive tackle brandon williams okay yeah you're just there you're so easy to get for this enough yep welcome to nashville next let's raid the browns again because we just know they're gonna be the ones making it out of the afc to the super bowl let's rate them a little bit at least let's go ahead and add ourselves we could use a strong safety who's there ronnie harrison like i mean that's i guess it makes him a little weaker but it's really not going to make our team much better i mean i guess he's higher overall than who we currently have a monty hooker but it's an improvement an improvement is an improvement brian hill i completely forgot we signed him why would we sign him so we got rodney harrison i mean i'll take it now we do need a little bit of help at the cornerback position and be willing to spend a little bit here but the question is really what can we afford with the draft pick that we have because it's not a top draft pick like i don't like like i want to try a second first but same time i'm wasting time okay i'm glad i didn't use the verse that would have been awful so our corner like really quick i don't want to waste too much time but a cornerback do we have 81.77 we can use richard sherman as a little overall boost to that position now i'm just trying to like figure out what do we even need to do here maybe get a better write-in over denico autry maybe that could be the plan and then maybe right guard right guard let's try to make the team as good as possible screw it right guard right guard who can we get a right guard so actually since ronnie hudson he's never we haven't got him today i so i don't really know i think we tried one trade but maybe the trade was just kind of silly because maybe the second round traffic from next year is it's not even close to enough to get them so that's a good thing i didn't waste my time this entire recording session to try and get them so we move broncos graham glasgow we need i like to be like worth my time i think we need an 85 plus or so at least an 82 plus or so hey jackson maybe we go back to brandon like nice little nice little right guard it's going to take a first though to get them maybe not even just the first we'll try it though decline is it really worth both first it's at the point where like i don't want to waste my drafting so we have 40 seconds left to go let's just get the position that we need to upgrade now we could hopefully here maybe finish off by adding a defensive lineman cameron and jordan would be great other side of jeffrey simmons so a second round from next year i don't know this is enough not close so we're gonna have to compile something tasty here maybe one of our marcus johnson 15 seconds to go declined again i don't think we if we can maybe trade the nico autry in return if they're interested they're not interested yep dude i don't think we're gonna get anything maybe we get bobby wagner last second that'd be nice not quite i'll take it like we got some good players i don't have any stress on me here i will take the free agents that i want to i will take you know what instead of mitchell schwartz this time since we have a young rookie there we'll take melvaning of a guys i feel like i wish we could have signed in real life but also richard sherman we don't need another corner i don't think in real life we have young guys that we need to have you know that i think are going to eventually prove themselves and be quality corners but just for this simulations purpose we are going to get richard's sherman and together to end off the longest video in the history of the channel we're gonna get that freaking zero off your screen and we're gonna put that dramatic music in the background and we're gonna end things off in poetic fashion even though we've already completed the challenge somehow flooky with the texans i want to end things off after three and a half almost four hours recording with a super bowl win the first ever super bowl win from my favorite team uh who would have freaking thought like this is stupid like it's not even funny anymore it's not even a meme anymore it's just stupid
Channel: RBT
Views: 3,046,087
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madden, madden 22, challenge, rebuild, rebuilding, rbt, madden nfl, madden challenge, nfl, team, teams, super bowl, franchise, every nfl team, nfl teams
Id: EpsLsMc4Ul4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 29sec (8609 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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