Rebuilding A Wrecked Ferrari 458 Spider Part 14

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what is up guys welcome back to the channel so today we're gonna continue working on our Ferrari 458 Spyder and we're actually gonna proceed with putting this thing completely back together we still got a good bit to go but we're gonna start with the rear end here because we got to install something behind this bad boy right here something very exciting before we can completely fasten it together which is our full titanium armytrix exhaust man this thing already sounds good but I think it's gonna make it sound even better so let's go ahead and actually lift this sucker up pop that rear bumper off and start removing that stock exhaust [Music] that's right boys got a custom mahogany hood prop right there or trunk prop whatever you want to call that because those those shocks are out aren't they they go out on probably every Ferrari like quick but we're gonna pause right there because we don't know what exactly we need to remove to put the new exhaust on so what we're gonna do is go ahead and open this sucker up man we have been waiting such a long time to open this box up Friday probably been about three months since we got this sucker in but as you know we've been bouncing around from projects to Ferraris through Ferrari so it's going to Ferraris man this thing man I can't wait to hear what it sounds like because that exhaust right there sounds really good anything good but looking fat cans right there dude back hands ugly looking Poppins but look at that split dude we can't have that got a big legit this is worth that right here you ready yeah third kept out there never gets old open up a home what is that what do you think it is that's good cat delete Oh No good if we delete our cats out there yep definitely kept the leak I can already see the bracket I want to go ahead and pop this sucker open technically you have to man my goodness this thing is gonna shoot flames man no don't Ferrari shoot flames I don't know thank you there is a big ol cat on either side here and they just take up a lot of room we show you guys out there these cats right here you know I just don't I don't look right in there that's gonna sound so good and it's coated so it's gonna stay cool yes yes ceramic-coated that's what they do dude armytrix is you know open the game man that's some legit that's quality stuff though that's some legitimate right there bro now let's see what else we got here another one of those that's the other cat delete and then we got the control right here control box that's all hey we may not even install that we made you sleep in wide open what is this the rear section uh just gonna be two points I get a one I think so I mean there's no need for the center one yeah I guess it's just gonna be a dummy on the tips there at the scene that is some titanium stuff right there there's some next-level dimes right there that's uneven I'm just like freaking I can't even see the thing it's like a perfect world but that's gonna look sick it's gonna be crazy but more importantly gonna sound sick what is this these are tips which we don't know we may be just running our tips over there because they're actually made for that rear bumper I don't think you can put any other tips on there honestly hey we may be able if these look better than those we're gonna have to manufacture the the dual - so may just use those I don't know would be sick but we'll see if we're gonna install them if we can't then we're just gonna send it with those I think I think the tri-tips look pretty cool though you know I do like the try it's not gonna lie yeah I got do you know something different I don't know we're gonna let you guys decide on this because I honestly do not know should we do this or should we do those three original looking tips but we don't know if this will even work because that bumper right there is custom made so them tips were actually custom made for that bumper so yeah we'll see those but dude that looks pretty titanium bunk tips that looks legit man dude I don't know I don't know got us a mat you know we love these mats right there Omnitrix mat oh yeah these are the secondary part of the exhaust right yeah we still haven't fully exhausted so you got the cat delete type I don't know exactly what you'd call that pipe right there then you got the muffler I guess can't delete pipes would be called down pipes right that what you call bleep accidental tailgate this for turbo but this this is like the muffler right here this is will quiet and sit down whenever you press that button right there but actuation right there that's legit man look at how quality that is man let's set this down and feel how light this stuff is dude I know the time of the titanium exhaust on Lambo by armytrix sounds amazing so I know this is gonna sound good super good this to make this for our screen let's go ahead unpackage everything see what we got and then start removing the original exhaust [Music] all right so now that we got everything a package before we start removing that stock exhaust we do want to give you guys a before-and-after of the stock exhaust verses this armytrix exhaust so let's go ahead and fire it up show you guys what it sounds like all right hey sounds really good man dude man Harvey Trix I believe it's gonna sound like ten times better so it's gonna be an insane sound because already sounds like party sounds good but there's cash in there let's go ahead and get rid of let's do it man let's start paying this sucker apart [Music] that's it man that's the full exhaust right there the fool stockings own stock exhaust without the headers or is that even stock dude don't know in that Ferrari which it has this oh look at this it says HJ s tuning so these are some after markets right here which sounds really good not gonna live pops amazing but hounds good but it's got that honeycomb in there is it gutted no I don't know oh yeah it does have the hood we don't need none of that the difference man straight flow versus this can I think you see your eye both through here no no you can't see nothing through here and I think this is what blocks the flames from shooting out my van Gogh that's a flame stopper we need a flame free light thrower flamethrower there you go that hopefully throw some flames which we noticed something weird on these uh cats right here you see this little angle is for the o2 sensor it's like a spacer slash angle know what that's for let me I get that one off maybe you for the tune that this dude had or saving maybe had some cartoon or maybe he had like an engine light on or exhaust light on our oxygen like emissions and passing missions but this one's actually packed armytrix packs this with some kind of glass I think yeah so we should be good there so let's go ahead and actually start installing our supreme exhaust [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so our exhaust is finally on now it's time for the moment of truth let's go ahead and start this sucker up see if it's in you louder man I hope it is man because I mean he's got the cat delete on there and it's got the titanium exhaust and I think we found out one direction and we found out something about those headers will tell you guys right after we started let's go ahead fire it up first dude let her rip she better strain dude and she better spit flame balls flame balls better be incoming right now yes sir [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and he'll if we're a little second there yeah we're just checking through everything and it started smoking I think that's actually the ceramic that's on the headers I think or the downpipe the titanium I believe it a little smoke like that I guess there's a coating on it or something I'm making sure that nothing's on fire honestly right now everything is pretty smooth man no leaks no nothing the initial cold start was a lot louder I got a turn now we got to warm this sucker up and give us some ribs look let it warm up too much cuz we forgot to put cooling in today oh yeah I'll give it a few reps go back there [Music] bro he spits flames really she spits planes that's cool we're going forward it pops way louder not actually like keeps popping a little bit like double pop sigh pop pop pop pop baby that sounds insane let's make that I was thinking about turning the lights off maybe the camera didn't pick up those plans are there explain bolts turn everything off and see if we shoot some flames but I didn't see any man yeah I know you didn't see them but you'll see them on the video but hey we need to put some coolant in this sucker before we blow it up yeah before we blow it up and we're gonna talk to you guys about these uh headers over here Oh cats these these cats are actually four thousand dollar cats right here I guess they're just an upgrade because they do sound really good which is crazy but I looked up that name on there and there's a four thousand dollar performance head cats pretty expensive cats but I'd rather get the Omnitrix because the shoots flames exactly shoots flames and it sounds freaking good dude sounds amazing let's go ahead throw some cool in this thing you got some more revs alright so we're gonna go return our spring compressor and we're gonna go ahead and pick up some coolant so drive a little supercharged Cup car today heyno see if we can let her rip and this one because y'all haven't seen this thing rip in a while have they I don't think so man let's go for a ride look at this thing dude looking sharp at the blacked-out light bar up top this thing's just a go-getter this is made to go get parts right yeah this is a part to get it right here and this is a really quick part together so let's go ahead and rip it son you got some boost on her man she got some post on she a suppose there's some juice boost gauge how much you're pushing I can't believe we don't got a boost gauge on this thing but man that son looks cool I gotta tell you I like that that's awesome man so we're gonna go ahead and return this spring compressor that we use on the gt3 wide-body Ferrari you know where to go pick up some coolant probably just the mix all stuff right yeah the the regular stuff well I don't know a little full find what's best for it but there were no quick will we shoot some flames so it's not shooting flames what we're gonna do when we get into the store we usually just like google it while we're in the store I find out what's best for that Ferrari and we're gonna grab it and we're gonna be right back at the house now all right so we're in here we don't need no Asian vehicles no European vehicles we've got a North American where's the Italian might just go with the Auto Zone 50/50 mixes with anything might just have to but we're gonna Google this right quick and hopefully we can figure something out all right so we got some coolant we got just this stuff that just mixes with everything because they didn't really have a lot of choices but we're gonna catch you guys back at the shop all right we are back let's go ahead and top this fluid off and spit some flames [Music] I alright guys so now that we got the coolant topped off we're gonna move on to our vacuum lines that control the exhaust from opening and closing and we did notice something pretty cool and it's actually an actuator that armytrix actually provides somebody already routed one what the vacuum lines already in so hopefully this stuff still works we're gonna find out where this wire actually runs so we can plug in our new remotes we're just gonna use a little slow obd plug that in and hopefully it works because that's gonna save us a ton of time and we can finally hear this sucker wood it sounds like when it closes because super loud whoop right now and we're gonna just press that little close button hopefully closes right up [Music] go look this thing he had Ethernet I think it had a radar sitar system on it so what we're doing is actually tracking down their original wires that way we could up just like this this little circle yeah yeah we need to plug this in because this actually can goes straight to that little control module on the back and then once we get that plugged in the remotes are gonna read everything and open and close hopefully but there's a bunch of aftermarket wires on this thing man like somebody wired up like a bunch of stuff hardly can find anything I think we got everything wired up properly let's see if this thing works [Applause] [Music] oh yeah [Music] open him up so we couldn't get this aftermarket wire to work with our army tricks valves for some reason just won't work so we went ahead and did it easier route and we've routed the OEM of vacuum lines for the exhaust so that should actually open the exhaust on race mode I think race Modi Iraqi oil is gonna be a lot I think personally it would be a lot better and easier to do that and is basically like OEM exhaust it's already equipped with the factory vacuum system so hopefully it works we were just about to start this thing up to test it but then we figured out that there is some loose wires here and we actually ran our eyes along the wire and we found out that it actually goes all the way over here and that right there folks is for our Oh two sensors on both sides it's unplugged as you can tell probably why our car has the engine light on the stuff like that but I wonder is it runs pretty good we drove it around yeah runs pretty good we drove it around without it we do have an engine light on but I don't know maybe they removed them when they took their aftermarket exhaust and then just slapped everything back together because everything was actually loose in here a bunch of bolts as you can tell there's actually a bolts missing here a bunch of bolts missing so we're gonna have to put all that together but let's go ahead and plug this stuff up and see if it even sounds or runs better all right so we just noticed that race mode actually doesn't open the actuators all the way up they only open up at a certain rpm which kind of sucks because I want it to be loud all the time even with idling so we're probably just gonna go ahead and unplug them suckers completely not full of that we're more eaten in that closed valve do you think we'll ever close it man so let's go ahead actually pop these wires back off this car plug these little holes up and just run it wide open she spit in flames but I wonder if what the o2 sensor is unplugged it spit bigger flames but it mean it gets it gets flame through there really I don't know we got to research something too because we want as much flames as possible about like six seven foot flames coming out the back you know it's not something close to it but it sounds amazing but it is that's all that matters definitely but let's go ahead and start throwing this rear end together man I'm ready to get this whole entire and complete and our little carbon fiber spoilers so we are gonna take one thing from our OEM bumper that is a reverse cam and as you can tell here we've got a little bit of qu edge and when Max was a little teeny baby right there he's just he's growing up right now but he did you want and he kind of ruined the wiring so we're gonna have to do some fixing hopefully we can save that it's really close to the edge but he's got the soldering skills and we're gonna try to get it done and put that rear bumper on [Music] thanks freaking good dude oh yeah man and we decided to go with the dual tips cuz once we put them on there it looks absolutely amazing killer yeah especially with the carbon fiber and I liked how they blocked that little area off and put armytrix looks super sick but right now we're just trying to finish off the rear bumper we got our camera mounted that was really difficult still not 100% but not nothing else you can do basically because this carbon fiber is actually so thick that it catches a little bit on the camera just around the edges not nothing really serious there's some some of the things that you guys sacrifice for the more standard bumper for this look yeah for this look you gotta sacrifice a lot of things but dude we're making it as best as possible it actually looks really good we lined it up with the body lines as best as possible lined up over here lined up over there really good dude and we went ahead and put these both of mesh grille inserts in which was really difficult as well because all this carbon fiber nothing alive yeah had to be adjusted we had to kind of bend it a little bit but dude look at that looks amazing now there's pop in those taillights and throw in those wheels and we'll probably call it a night because it is pretty late took a little bit longer than expected all is well worth it oh yeah definitely so that is it guys we got a huge mess on our hands we're gonna go ahead and clean up and catch you guys tomorrow in the morning so it is the next day and the last thing we want to do is go ahead and install this borscht on our rear wing because I think that's just going to be the cherry on top on this aggressive rear-end [Music] all right so I think we got that rear-end completed with that carbon fiber wing I think it looks perfect but that's gonna be a wrap for today's video make sure your post notifications are on so you don't miss out on anything because we still got a little bit more to go and this thing is gonna be on the road before you know it all so guys be sure to follow us on Instagram where you can get an inside scoop there before YouTube and if you want to help support your boys be sure to visit goon squad comm and copy some merch but that being said thank you guys for all the love and support be sure to drop your comments and thoughts down below and we'll catch you next time peace
Channel: goonzquad
Views: 866,617
Rating: 4.9268427 out of 5
Keywords: rebuilt, wrecked, salvaged, rebuilding a wrecked ferrari 458 spider, rebuilding a wrecked ferrari 458, rebuilding a wrecked ferrari, rebuilding a salvaged ferrari 458 spider, rebuilding a salvaged ferrari 458, rebuilding a salvaged ferrari, ferrari 458 spider rebuild, ferrari 458 rebuild, ferrari rebuild, goonzquad ferrari, goonzquad, rebuilding a wrecked car, rebuilding a salvaged car
Id: MhXQob7kTm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 46sec (1306 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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