#REBROADCAST | "God's Handkerchief" | Nature Speaks Series || TUE, August 14, 2021

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[Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] good evening everyone what a joy to be back in the house of the lord we welcome you this tuesday afternoon back to the nature speaks online evangelistic series we trust you had a good day we missed you yesterday but we are delighted that you are there you are here with us and we thank god for his blessings his mercies so if you're on facebook youtube instagram wccn or you're in the deaf community or or you are on bless tv welcome back we hope you have been praying but if you haven't we still have opportunity to remember 6 a.m 12 noon and 6 p.m and in between pray for the evangelist pastor williams pray for the entire team pray for those individuals with whom you are working and pray that god will pour his holy spirit that there will be commitment and recommitments if you are in saint elizabeth hanover westmoreland or saint james welcome if you're in the rest of jamaica thank you for joining us and wherever in the world you are welcome thank you so much for joining us this evening we are going to be looking at god's handkerchief what could that be you have to stay connected to find out what that is and when you found out whatever the holy spirit tells you do then be sure to do it so we are going to be praising the lord we are going to be giving we are going to be worshipping in all of these activities and we are so delighted that you are here with us and you will stay with us for the duration of this program so won't you join me as we bore heads in prayer and then we will turn you over to the praise team bow your heads with me as we pray our father thank you so much for the good day you have given to us and for those whose day did not turn out quite as expected we thank you for the grace to have gone through we commit ourselves again to you we want to hear from you speak to our hearts and even as we sing now accept the praise we bring bless your people tonight bless the ministry of the word may your name be glorified thank you so much for hearing and answering our prayers for jesus sake amen good evening to all our viewers we are here once again we are happy and i can't see you guys but i know you are smiling because you're excited for this another evening of our nature speaks campaign just join us in singing these songs the first song that we'll sing is open the eyes of my heart lord i want to see you sing with us [Music] i want to see you [Music] i want to see you [Music] open the eyes open the eyes of my heart i want to see you i want to see you [Music] shining in the light of your glory pour out your [Music] shining in the light of your glory pour out your power and love as we sing holy holy holy open the eyes of my heart open the eyes of my heart lord open the eyes of my heart i want to see you i want [Music] i want to see you i want to see you to see [Music] in the light of your glory pour out your love as we sing holy holy holy [Music] [Applause] as we sing holy holy holy holy holy holy [Music] holy holy want to see you i want to [Music] me see to you [Music] never let me go [Music] i let it all down again [Music] [Music] no will [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] help me find a way [Music] you're [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're [Music] draw me close to you [Music] never let me go [Music] to hear you say that i'm your friend [Music] no one else will do [Music] cause nothing else can take your place [Music] to feel the wants of your embrace help me find the way [Music] bring me back to you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i want [Music] oh you're all alive [Music] [Music] you [Music] join us in singing our theme song it's your nature [Music] to the darkest spaces god it's your nature you bring joy to the brokenhearted [Music] hope to the ones who've lost their god it's your nature [Music] silence [Music] it's your nature you bring joy to the broken heart and hope [Music] you tell the wasteland [Music] you keep the promises that you [Music] [Music] this is [Applause] [Music] you tell the wasteland [Music] [Applause] [Music] you will restore the years [Music] [Music] cause it's your night [Music] [Music] indeed indeed indeed you know one of the most beautiful things about nature is that nature keeps on giving if nature reaches a point where it stops giving well all of us will be in some serious problems and so we're just so glad that the heavens declare the goodness of god and so we're so happy that you have joined us again right here at nature speaks hope for tomorrow and we have reached that point in the program where we will share in being a blessing to somebody else a blessing to the work and so you will find right there on your screen the the numbers that you can find and you can give give something that will not only give glory to god but that will be a reflection of nature i remember the last time i checked that one mango seed that i may have planted yes it bore a mango tree that would have given so much and so i want you to understand that when you give especially your heart to the lord you can be assured that you will be blessed and so do what you can and if you perhaps you're near an adventist church you can also contact that pastor that elder and give right there also all right but those of our friends who are online remember keep on giving and may god bless you tremendously as we continue this wonderful work of saving of mankind now i invite you at this time to to bow your head with me as we pray together loving father we're just so glad that you are still the giver of all things loving god we say thanks that we are blessed and highly favored that we can be here another evening too to be in your presence to give you praise and honor and glory we say thanks father that you kept us through challenging times and uncertainties we're so glad god that you provided for us and we can reflect we say thanks lord for the ways you protected us while we traveled while we went back and forth we're so thankful god for that unseen danger that you diverted from our direction we want to praise your god that you have sent us this opportunity to be blessed another time as a father we pray now that you will take charge of that which shall be done this evening we pray almighty god that you'll bless those who have just given and those who are given even now and those who will give we pray almighty god in a special way for those who this evening have placed those requests in the chats we prayer god for that prayer request for that husband for that son for that change in that situation we pray tonight god for that person who is seeking salvation for their soul we pray tonight god for that community who just need an injection of peace we're praying this evening father for that young man who is battling with demon possession we are praying today god for that home that is riddled with confusion we are praying tonight father for that child who is crying out for deliverance we are praying tonight god that you will wipe away some tear from that eye that has been crying we pray tonight god that you will take charge and we ask o holy spirit that you will move upon your son in a mighty way oh gracious god his stone can't move unless you direct it o gracious father his heart needs your divine power and so we pray now o holy spirit that you will speak to your son another evening we ask almighty god that you will deliver somebody who is in that that den of deception somebody father who is just crying out for salvation somebody god who just need a word of hope and a word of life we say thanks god that you will speak another time and so we ask you now to take charge of pastor donovan williams we pray o god that you will even now dispatch from heaven mighty angels to guard your people everywhere and even that young man who is walking by even now the young lady was on her way home from work oh god may you arrest their attention with your holy spirit's power and may somebody come to fall in love with jesus is our prayer under our skin in the wonderful name of our savior may somebody say amen amen and amen hello everyone it is no family time we are happy to have miss susan brown she's a substance abuse officer for the parish of st james she works at the national council on drug abuse i invite you at this time to listen attentively to her good evening everyone this evening we're going to be talking a little bit about a very complex and intense topic we're going to be talking about suicide but it's very important that before we get started that persons understand that once an individual is having any kind of suicidal thoughts they must be taken to the hospital emergency department immediately where they can be appropriately assessed this information that i'm going to be sharing with you this afternoon is not treatment nor should it be used as such persons must be assessed by a trained medical health professional mental health professional i'm sorry and for any more information should persons be having a suicidal thought they can contact 876-952-5100 and ask for the mental health department now as we get started i think it's critical for us to be able to um look at some definitions so when we're talking about suicide we're talking about death caused by injuring oneself with the intent to die then we're going to look at the world definition for suicidal ideation which means thinking about considering or planning suicide and when we look at suicidal attempt we're looking at a non-fatal self-directed potentially injurious behavior with an intent as a to die as a result of the behavior an attempt may or may not result in injury now the jamaican statistics and this was taken from the ministry of health website ministry of health and web wellness website before covet 19 the data tells us that about 1 million people globally die each year due to suicide here in jamaica the suicide rate is approximate up is approximately 2.1 per 100 000 with statistics from the jamaica constabulary force reflecting between 47 and 56 dead per year due to suicide now one of the things that we want to bring to the fore is that suicide can have significant impact on families it is it is very important that continuous support be provided and individuals be sensitive to the needs of families this can be very intense and a very complicated time and all members of the family can be significantly impacted there can be feelings of extreme guilt intense pain and sorrow sense of helplessness and research has shown that when there is a suicide in the family it increased the risk for men other members of that family now when we're looking at risk factors for suicide um we're looking again as i said it's a very complex um concept there are many reasons why peop by persons including young people may have suicidal thoughts it can be biology where for example there is low hormonal levels which results in feelings of depression sadness you know suicidal thoughts there can be it can be as a result of mental illness for example a person may be may be suffering from depression or have like bipolar disorder there can be history of substance misuse you know economic stress where persons would have lost their job and have no income coming in at all and no means of taking care of family there can be as i mentioned her earlier i'm sorry that you know when there is suicide in a family it increased the risk for other family members research has indicated sexual orientation and gender identity struggle there are times when persons may be struggling with their sexual identity and as a result of such you know may have suicidal thoughts you have a sense persons with a sense of hopelessness persons who may have been abused sexually and as a result as a result of the abuse may be suffering from feelings of guilt and shame and helplessness and so on there is also the is the issue of body image concerns you know persons may visit especially for young people going on social media and there's this old concept of how somebody should look and it may affect a person's sense of self and they may end up you know um having suicidal thoughts bullying is another very popular reason why some young people you know may have suicidal thoughts you know being bullied online you know being bullied face to face you know these are some serious factors that young people may encounter we're looking at hospitalization with an infectious disease and worried about infected other family members peer relationship problems you know people overall feeling like they're a burden to others and feel like others will be better off if they were not around now it is important for persons to understand that if a person has any kind of suicidal thought they need to get professional help immediately for thoughts or attempts you know persons need to be encouraged to complete treatment encourage persons not to just visit once but to follow up with their treatment and to understand that services are available there are persons who are trained to provide help for persons with suicidal thoughts or previous attempt we're saying you know additional information that persons need to you know bear in mind and not that we're saying that this is treatment because it certainly isn't but we want as parents guardians relatives or friends to be able to listen to other people listen to understand not listen necessarily to agree but to not be judgmental to validate other individuals feelings and help persons to be able to validate those feelings and how do we do that you know we talk about how we are feeling you know why am i feeling how am i why am i feeling the way that i do to be able to you know identify where in my body am i feeling this and what do i need right now to help me to feel better what can i do it is also important for us to pay attention to our men and boys their depression may appear quite different from females you know and their mental health is just as important keep our children meaningfully engaged and what do i mean by that you know get them involved in voluntary work help them to you know show others you know support and kindness you know be able to understand that you know by helping others you know they are doing something to you know lift the spirit of somebody else talk about ways to cope with different emotions when i'm feeling sad when i'm feeling frustrated when i'm feeling angry when i'm feeling depressed what are strategies that i can use teach ways to take care of ourselves and when we talk about taking care of ourselves we're looking at you know following through on the laws of health and i know that the conference health department you know they're going to be rolling out a program that we can participate in because healthy body means healthy minds so just um asking persons to be mindful of some of these issues as we look at the whole idea of suicide suicidal thoughts suicidal attempt and suicidal ideation thank you so much for listening thank you miss brown for coming on family time thank you viewers and listeners god bless you see you next time [Music] tears often falls on my face and so wrong [Music] as i walked on through the long lonely night often i cry when it seems no one hears me but then through the shadows i can see [Music] he promised me there's gonna be joy in the morning [Applause] [Music] the tears of glory known broken hearts we'll find obey [Music] my [Music] a sweet victory [Music] with all of these [Music] the shadows of sin will vanish he forever me there's gonna be joy in the morning [Music] with all of these [Music] [Applause] [Music] the shadows of sin will vanish forever [Music] he promised me there's gonna be joy in the morning [Music] joy comes in the morning [Music] we last [Music] joy night in the morning [Music] the darkest forming sun is just inside [Music] joy comes in the morning [Music] oh [Music] joy comes in the morning the darkest door is [Music] [Music] and it's just inside [Music] [Music] amen amen amen hold on my child joy comes in the morning the darkest hour the day is morning is just in sight good evening everyone and welcome to our nature speaks hope for tomorrow evangelistic campaign as we continue to worship and to praise almighty god i want to welcome you in a very special way if you are joining us via youtube facebook instagram bless tv wccn whatever social media platform you're joining us from this evening we just want to welcome you in a very special way i know that a number of you probably are in the town square or in somewhere in your community watching i want to greet those who are in hopewell square or that hope each night carries a program live in the town square no doubt there are other areas outdoor that continue to carry nature speaks if you are joining us from overseas it is so wonderful to have you connected with us here at nature speaks and god continues to be tremendously good we are thankful for the those who have surrendered to the lord in baptism and those who are planning to do so we want those who are evil overseas and you have requested baptism that we will make the connections for you for this coming sabbath is going to be a tremendous baptismal service right across west jamaica conference and many from other areas of jamaica and overseas we just want to thank god for the tremendous moving of the holy spirit on the hearts of individuals and it is never wrong to do what is right it is always right to do what is right in the sight of almighty god and so i just want to give god thanks for his tremendous blessings for those who have called to let us know that you are really enjoying nature speaks we are very happy for the impact of the program because of the curfew that has been brought forward we have to just condense our message each evening and this evening is no exception i want us to know that we want to you to get home and get off the streets before the careful few time so we just get straight to the word our message this evening is in taikud god's handkerchief and i have mine here god's handkerchief let's bow our heads as we pray heavenly father and o god we are so happy for the special moving of your holy spirit in nature speaks we are thankful lord that you continue to speak to us through nature the various messages help us to trust you and to obey you and to listen to your voice as you guide us we pray lord for the anointing of your word the anointing of your servant and the anointing of every viewer and made through your spoken word this evening and through the power of the holy spirit you bring conviction you bring conversion and you will bring transformation in jesus name we pray amen and amen so this evening we look at god's handkerchief and each evening each day we continue to look at something in nature and we will look at one of the elements of nature and that is wind wind wind is the natural movement of air or other gases relative to the planet's surface and and wind can appear are a core on various ranges and scales and range of scales uh wind can appear there are some wind that are heavy strong forceful and last for a few minutes or for hours there are some wind that are very soft and can go for days in our civilization the concept of wind has been explored in various ways in mythology wind has influenced the course of history the events of history um expanded the range of transportation of warfare wind has been used to provide power source for mechanical work for electricity for recreation wind has taken individuals to many places wind has taken individuals in the air and various parts of the earth when when winds become strong hear me somebody when winds become strong they destroy trees human beings human structure they damage and they destroy and strong force winds are experienced all over the world in the united states of america and other parts of the world a strong force winds like tornadoes are experienced and when once it touches the month of june we know that that is the beginning of what we call the hurricane season i think it's from june to november hurricane season and those of us in jamaica we are not foreign to strong winds we are not firing to hurricane winds i think before 1980 many of us were um not used to hurricanes but after 1988 hurricane gilbert was it september 12 september 12 1988 as a matter of fact some of us did not i don't want to preach another sermon but some of us did not even believe that gilbert was coming some of us did not believe the reports from the met office and we went about our own business but whether we believed it or not gilbert came and gilbert ravished this country took lives songs were made from gilbert but gilbert taught us several lessons revelation chapter 7 and it is a serious message this afternoon this evening revelation 7 i read in your hearing from verse 1 somebody who is listening the bible says after these things i saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth that the wind should not grow on the earth on the sea or any tree then i saw another angel ascending from the east having the seal of the living god and he cried with a low voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea saying do not harm the earth or the sea or the trees till we have seen the servants of god in their foreheads and i say amen let me quickly dissect this passage one four angels four messengers four of god's anointed messengers angels holding back the four winds at the four they are standing at the four corners of the earth standing at the four compass poles at the earth corners not east west and south and these angels are holding back the bible says the winds of strife now wind in prophecy symbolizes strife warfare calamities danger hear me somebody there are four angels standing at the four corners of the earth and they are holding back calamity strife they are holding back the forces of evil i told you out here that the devil doesn't like a bone in any of god's creatures any of god's creation the devil doesn't like aborting you the devil wants to see you better the devil will set us up make us feel good and feel all right and in a blink of a second the devil will take our lives the devil is the greatest con man he's a con man make you feel that everything is all right and when you believe it is peace and safety then southern sudden destruction hear me somebody there are things happening greater than that the eyes can see the invisible things are more real than the visible things there is a battle that is going on there is a warfare that is in place christ and satan good and evil and the devil wants you dead and sometimes we blame god for what he's not guilty of fear some people will blame god for calling god is not the altar god is not the art of sin the devil is and as a result of sin these things are happening and the devil is out to destroy god's character and god's creation but hear me somebody god is keeping things in control weren't it for the protective power of jehovah god this world would be a valley of death but there is a strong force that is fighting against the forces of evil holding back the wings of strife holding back calamity holding back destruction and by the way friends covet 19 is just a tip of the iceberg here me somebody it's just a tip of the evil power of the devil and if the devil can lock down the whole world cause the whole world to be suffering friends in hopewell square friends across jamaica friends across the world let us open our eyes and see that the devil wants to destroy this world but god is keeping him at bay god is holding back the forces of evil god is keeping things under his control wanted for that we'll all be in a valley of death but there are four angels holding back don't let the wind blow don't let danger come in its fury don't let calamity come to the maximum why is it then that the devil why is it that the angels are holding back the winds of strife why is it that they are holding the winds of strife an angel came from the east having the seal of the living god cried with a low voice to the four angels do not harm the earth or the sea or the tree do not touch the livelihood until god seal his people in the forehead until god puts a mark on his people until god identifies his people until god's people are totally saved there's a sealing process god is gathering his people and nature speaks is here to tell you god is finally gathering his people it's a gathering going as a matter of fact in psalm 15 psalm 50 and verse 5 i think psalm 15 and verse 5. gather my saints together to me those who have made a covenant with me by sacrifice god is gathering his people why so that there can be one sheep one shepherd one fall one people gathering and god is doing it through this preaching of the gospel of jesus christ because it is one lord one faith one baptism one true god one true lord one true faith one twofold and i have no apology for this one heaven and there is one way to heaven and that is through jesus christ and if you love me somebody need to say amen keep my commandments gather my saints together so what he's doing is calling back a people to come home come back to full obedience come back to a covenant relationship get back to true obedience to my word and then he's sealing his people please take note that he's sealing them in their foreheads it's it's it's a it's a seed of decision it is a seed of reason not in their hands but in the foreheads because it's a decision that you have to make it's an intelligent decision it is asked the holy spirit talks to you is as the truth of god's word come to your heart is as your eyes are open it's as your minds are open to the truth of god's word you are going to trust and obey no matter what it takes and some of us to obey god you have to give up some friends some of us obey god you may have to walk away from your job you may have to walk away from a relationship you may have to walk away from some things that you love but your life your soul salvation is more meaningful what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and to lose his soul nothing should stand between your relationship and god because when it boils down to gravy all that matters is your relationship with jesus christ somebody needs to say amen it's your relationship with jesus let me hasten on so the ceiling god's people have a few more minutes to go sealing god's people a sealer has three components a seal has the name the title and the territory joe biden is his name president is hysterical united states of america is his territory a sealable has three components what then is a seal of god what has these three components what is god calling us to why is god holding back why is god allowing the angels to hold back what is he doing he's calling his people to full obedience and there is one commandment that has these three components exodus chapter 20 we spoke about it on sunday night remember the sabbath day to keep it holy six days you shall labor and do all your work but the seventh day is what the sabbath of the lord your god in it you shall do no work you nor your son nor your daughter nor your maid servant nor your female servant nor your cattle nor the stranger which is within your gates watch this now for in six days the lord lord his name his god the lord made that is his tycho his creator he made heaven and earth that's his territory and the sea and all them in is he is the lord god he is creator and his territory is both heaven and earth he reigns in heaven and his footstool is earth he is the mighty god he is the mighty god and so what he is what the call is is for each one to return to keeping the commandments of god but there is one commandment and church the sabbath is not an ordinary thing i told you on sunday i told you on sunday that if you would you want to get rid of the moon would you want to get rid of the sun watch me now no because the moon regulates the moon the sun regulates the day but what about the week because we have week month we have day week month year what regulates the week it is the savage of the lord for in six days the lord created the heavens and the earth and on the seventh day he rested close the week you cannot leave out the sabbath but guess what oh holy ghost i have a question to ask you i have a question to ask you can you get rid of the moon you cannot man cannot get rid of the moon because man didn't create the moon oh you know where i'm going now can you get rid of the sun even if you want to you cannot man cannot get rid of the sun because man did not create the sun and i tell you can you get rid of the sabbath no because man did not create the servant god created the servant somebody needs to say amen [Music] before you can get rid of the sabbath you have to first get rid of the sun and the moon and you can't so why do you think you can get rid of something that you did not create man cannot change a savage god didn't change it man cannot change it the sabbath stands forever and god is saying bring back a people to worship me on my holy sabbath day because when we worship god on his holy savage we are remembering him as creator and the devil doesn't want us to do that and we are remembering him as redeemer so that's why nature's is saying nature speaks is saying come back to the word of god come back to the commandments of god and talk into a preacher who knows the truth of god's word i'm talking to an elder who knows the truth of god's word i'm talking to you you know it know that the sabbath is true don't put your own satisfaction before the sabbath don't put your own needs before the sabbath the sabbath stands forever the sabbath will not save you but your obedience to the commandments of the lord which includes the sabbath is saying that you love god if you love me keep my commandments if you love me honor me let me close this message with god's handkerchief i'm thankful to the lord that there will always be a remnant who will keep the sabbath holy who will stand up for the word of god and i want to stand up for the word of god and some some people will say then pastor what about those who worship other than sabbath some are ignorant and at the time of their ignorance god will wink but you you you you are no longer ignorant you know the truth of god's word therefore stand by the truth of god's word and then in let's get back to revelation chapter seven as we looked at the whole matter of god's handkerchief let me bring this message down and those were sealed in the forehead 140 and 4 000 and that is another subject that many people are contradicting themselves with that many people are are just plainly being confused about but we are not going to go into that tonight because whether you believe that the 144 000 is literal or symbolic then that is your conclusion that does not prevent god's people from making it into the kingdom because john said after these things i look and behold a great multitude hallelujah which no man could number they come from all nations from tribes people tongues and the stand before the throne of god and before the lamb and i say amen and they're clothed with white robes white robes symbolize righteousness white robe symbolizes the righteousness of jesus christ it is not our righteousness that will save us because our righteousness is like filthy rocks we are sinners done to the bones we are sinners down to the core but praise god he take it my all spotted government exchange it and it gives me a rover of pure white but it gets sweeter than that oh stay with me somebody the word gets sweeter than that there are white robes and they have palm branches in their hands and palm symbolizes victory what a day that's going to be when sin will be no more when we will stand in the righteousness of christ we are going to sing the song of moses and the lamb and we're gonna have palm branches in our hands let the church say amen let somebody say praise the lord because one day god's children will be delivered god's children will be delivered and crying out with a load voice saying salvation belongs to our god who sits on the throne and to the lamb salvation is his because he is the author of salvation salvation belongs to our god because he is the source of our salvation all the angels stood around the throne what a place the elders and the four living creatures fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped god what a beautiful sight 24 elders and as prophecy tells us that the 24 elders are redeemed beings from the earth four living creatures are heavenly beings so earth is united with heaven and and we worship god who sits on the throne because he deserves our worship he deserves our praise he deserves our honor god is god saying amen blessing glory wisdom thanksgiving honor power might be unto who be unto our god not only one day but be unto our god forever and ever and ever hallelujah oh from one sabbath to another from one new moon to another shall all flesh go up to worship or heavenly father but with three minutes to go it gets sweeter oh thanks be to god with three minutes to go it gets sweeter then one of the elders answered saying to me who are these hallelujah arrayed in white robes and whence did they come whence comedy where they come from and i said to him sir you know so he said unto me oh hallelujah these are they who have come out of great tribulation are you hearing me church these are they who have gone through covet 19 these are they who have gone through persecution and trials and difficulties and hunger these are they who have gone through great tribulation and have washed their robes in the blood of the lamb and have made them white in the blood of the lamb these are they who stood up for the commandments of the lord these are they who had the courage to obey the commandments of the lord these are they who have the courage to obey the sabbath and to keep it holy to stop going to market on sabbath and to worship god these are they will wash their robes white in the blood of the lamb but it gets sweeter with my two minutes to go therefore they are before the throne of god and they serve him day and night in his temple what a beauty that's going to be day and night we shall worship and he who sits on the throne will dwell with them somebody needs to say amen because god will dwell with us forever we shall live with god they never had the privilege of spending a night in king's house our jamaica house never had the privilege of going to the white house went to buckingham palace a few times saw the queen wave in her hand royal wave to her people i waved back thought it was me she was waving at but never remember that there were thousands of individuals i waved back but i've never spent a night in buckingham palace never spent a night in the white house but praise be to god one day i shall live with my savior i shall live with my god forever and ever i shall live with god forever and god shall dwell with his people but even though my time is up i have to read this hallelujah this is a hallelujah part of it god shall dwell with us and shall lead us neither they shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore the sun shall not strike them no more somebody needs to say amen hey there is no politician there is no politician no matter how powerful he is there is no politician there is no doctor who can tell you you will never hunger again and you will never seek again but my god my god has uttered that one day we shall hunger no more one day no more sickness no more covey 19 no more cancer no more pain no more sorrow leave me let me praise my god because better days are coming but today's a coming but i have to close god's handkerchief for the lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to the living fountains of water and god god god hallelujah god shall wipe away all tears from her eyes god's handkerchief god shall use his handkerchief of righteousness and wipe away our tears from our eyes somebody who's thinking of suicide one day crying will be over one day suicide will be over somebody who is going through trials and difficulties must know weeping will only endure for a night but joy joy comes in the morning so god understands your tears god understands your weeping sometimes nobody knows the trouble we're facing sometimes only our pillars know the tears sometimes even strong men have to cry sometimes only just women but strong men have to cry but one day one day we shall have time to shout hallelujah one day god shall use his handkerchief of righteousness and wipe away all tears from our eyes but before we get to that experience we have to stand in obedience to god's word god is sealing his people god is not just sealing seven the adventist but god is sealing all those who are obedient to his word obedient to his commandments obedient to his truth obedient to his sabbath all that he's asking you now young man stand up and trust and obey him young lady stand up put your soul salvation first put god first in your life stand up for jesus christ god is calling you now make that commitment walk away from sin because all that sin has to give us is shame and disgrace sin will put us on a high and drop us on a law but tonight jesus is calling for full surrender will you do so now if you are online go to our website go to that decision card you will see it pop up there make a decision for jesus if you are in the united states if you're in england if you're in canada wherever across the world you are australia but you have heard the truth of god's word make it stand tonight for jesus christ thank god for the many who have decided and yes i will make that call that i have to make to that friend overseas who wants to be baptized i make that call but you can make a decision for jesus christ right now if you're in central inspection if you are in saint james hanover west milan wherever across jamaica you are if you have been worshiping otherwise on the sabbath you can make a decision for jesus if you need to come home and be sealed because the sealing is going on and one day the angels are going to let go and it's only those who are sealed by the seal of the living god will be saved make a decision now as the song is rendered the promised land make a decision for jesus tonight as nature spoke to you that will be sing the song holy spirit is moving on the hearts [Music] if your children have decided to stand up for jesus encourage them leave them to jesus may god see them [Music] make a decision for jesus it's a glorious thing [Applause] [Music] [Music] closing moments [Music] [Applause] [Music] because jesus wants to give you that preacher jesus wants to give you [Applause] that deliverance want to break the power of sin want to break the chain that is finding you give him a chance [Music] make a stand for him walk to the altar walk to the front of the worship talk to a pastor talk to a leader talk to a church member get a line make a decision for jesus see it now be a part of the group that has been sealed by god let the holy spirit gather you into one fall because there is one sheep there is one shepherd there is one let god [Music] we are closing now [Music] glorious [Music] our heads about our eyes are closed our father god in heaven we're happy this evening that you're sealing your people from all corners of the earth you're stealing your people you're sealing your people online through social media you're sealing your people they're standing in a church they're sitting at their homes they're standing in a square they have heard your caller and they want to be sealed with the seal of the living god [Music] father we pray that wherever your people are right now move upon each heart move upon each mind and let there be a total surrender of life to you this evening breakthrough for somebody give deliverance to your people and come the sabbath when the water is troubled may many stand in total surrender to you walk into the watery grave of baptism and demonstrate the love in jesus name we pray amen and amen amen amen whether your tears are many or few god wants to wipe your tears my tears i trust that as the holy spirit spoke to your heart you heeded his voice let there be such a rejoicing this sabbath as we commit and recommit to god his handkerchief stands ready to wipe our tears thank you so much for watching for listening we look forward again to being here tomorrow evening when again we'll worship god till then we say to you stay connected remember share the link invite a friend and remember pray 6 a.m 12 noon and 6 p.m the lord bless you on behalf of the production team we say thank you god bless stay connected [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Petersfield SDA Church
Views: 71
Rating: 0 out of 5
Id: -aise5aiQF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 33sec (5373 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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