Reawakening the craziest TVR of them all, the Scamander, plus the Wheeler's secret TVR collection

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well welcome to a new Harry's Garage video and no we are not in the garage at home we are in the trough of band a beautiful part of England I know quite well because up here is where Peter wheeler lived and we used to come visit here and see the amazing TVs he then created all sorts of cars but the last time I was with Peter was with a very special car that was the barest TVR if you like I'd ever seen and it was called the scamander and the idea of it was according to Peter it could go up these Ms but he could also go into a lake and cross he had a boat and he wanted to get to his boat as well just barmy typical Peter and I just have very fond memories of pet taking me around and say yeah this is the answer to life this is the car everybody needs it then progressed and we did I did actually the last time I saw this car I actually went out into olw water and it did swim and it did about six knots and it's just crazy that was 12 years ago and a few weeks ago I got a call from Peter's son Joe he said what about the scander do you think we could get it going again I'd really like to see it on the road I said I'd love to see that can I come up and see what it looks like now and if we can get it going and behind this door is where the scander is and Joe is so let's open the door and go and see this crazy TVR Joe thank you ever so much good to see again what a shed what things to see and there it is yeah oh so good to see it yeah this some some hibernate and obviously this is where it's been been resting for yeah and You' got all these other toys in here that I recognize I can remember your dad in that up on the mall series one yeah it's a funny story with that one it's uh the year I was born it came here and uh it's just a complete coincidence it's called Joe so that's where it's uh it's stuck and it's it's still here yeah yeah what it as I say it's it's quite tricky the terrain around here isn't it you want something proper to get about the farm and uh I think that's one of the reason why it did stay cuz going across the wet fields in particular is really surprising how good they are really surprising well they're so light yeah to now yeah and it's got oversized TS it wouldn't have to be stay standing with your dad really would it no no it had to be changed obviously uh yeah so super light but yeah just just before we get to scander which we will do which is just epic there's me my last time I was in it swimming there it is it does swim and it does go on the mall I just think we ought to go around some of these cars here cuz there's a bit of a story here isn't there yeah well um well some of these the these TV um one of the stories was uh so after uh my dad passed away yeah um all I've got two old sisters Lizzie and Alie and my mom surprised us one morning and uh we woke up and said yeah we're doing something today so I think we're in the car an hour and a bit yeah uh asking obviously a l a load of questions where are we going and uh it turned out to TV do this year this is I was about at the time so luckily my sister me and Annie and Lizzy all chose chose cars at that age yeah so yeah so this is where the cigar us ended up because uh me being an 8-year-old cigar it obviously appeals to perfect look at it yeah this is this is where it sits so yeah and now you're yeah the grand age of 20 20 turned 20 now yeah and you've driven it yeah I have well only uh the insurance is a bit of a problem than all of them but um yeah not not on the roads yet but hopefully right right so you didn't take a test in it or anything silly like that oh no no no yeah definitely not think that would have gone too positively yeah definitely well excellent choice brilliant colors as well a SRA yeah a soora so this is Annie right which is Annie's choice I think she's more of a she's not the oldest but I think she's more of a wise person so I think she likes the Practical of the two seats in the back too so I think that's why why that was okay she's got yeah family sort of intention so to take the four up four yeah so uh that's where that it very sensible Choice yeah obious very sens and then your dad's yeah I he had one of these yeah so this is uh well his dad's uh car which he always had um and uh yeah so it's based on Elvis where you get the chassis and then obviously it's a coach bu so so you build up around that and uh wow that's that's H for a while so that's a family heirloom now yeah it is really no yeah it's h yeah I think that's going going no too soon no and then Infamous cars yeah this hasn't been this hasn't been uh around for a while it's um so this is uh my dad's last uh Tusk and race car yeah um which the distinct FitFlop colors with the purple and green um wouldn't expect anything else yeah yeah so um yeah this is this is half in the work um for a conversion um by my dad um and then just didn't didn't finally complete it but now it's bit of a bit of a dilemma to be honest because right do do you take it the full way or or do you take it back to the the true race car where it's been all the molds are correct now for the interior and stuff so um I don't know the racing the racing side is also intriguing as well right so what a conversion into Road converion into a r car so there's been a few things changed in it still got the the the V8 from uh from the racing days but um just in in a dilemma at the moment right I always remember with your dad the the engine was always interesting on his race car because it was always a development engine wasn't it and people grumbled that he was always easily the quickest on the straights well I think that's the way he liked it to be honest well he did own the company and the race series so he had yeah so I think that that uh stays out stairs yeah so it's a pretty healthy engine in it let's say but this car I remember seen and your dad I've never seen a smile on his face like when I saw him in this [Music] car this is quite a rare car isn't it this yeah so um yeah based in the 5000 M so uh a series in Canada which went to Canada and mimport one back and I think that was his base for uh for building his his race carard to do uh classic racing him yeah we went we had a uh Aston Martin db4 he was racing that but he wanted a historic TBR to race and he didn't quite fit in the early Griff yeah where a 3,000 M he could fit in yeah that's I remember that's the story I remember him tening me and then it had a 5 ler engine this one in Canada all that's the one I have yeah definitely so yeah that was it was more TR trying to get it back to fit in all the classic racing so that's why it was established and he loved that type of racing so and he did race this inz 2008 yeah this was raced in October so did one round um wow and you've got Ambitions to race this haven't you oh yeah I would I would love to uh have a go definitely and see what see what see what has but yeah wow we ought to quickly move on to yeah so this is the MK 2 tuskin uh this was the final choice of my oldest sister Lizzy and Lizzy as it's sort of a personality as well a bit more of a wild side so I think it's like the convertible look so that's why it end from bright red brilliant uh collection but we really want to talk about scander now we've been dancing around on dates and things so you do a bit of racing these days don't you yeah so uh just coming back from Dubai U I'm doing my you do yeah so I just uh it turns out I'm I'm doing my degree at Bentley 2o at the moment so um it turns out an opportunity arise for for doing the Bentley Continental GT3 U unbelievable I've worked up through British GT U yeah Gene Genet in the genets yeah um and now it's yeah the GT3 um so the Bentley GT3 it was it was a we made it 24 hours came fourth in class unbelievable cuz that hasn't raced for a while yeah so it is it's uh it's not had an EVO package so it's 20 2018 was the last time it was raced um well homologated so um yeah it was a a pretty event with the managed to finish and it finished fourth and there was some new boys there that didn't finished was yeah yeah so those the factory Audi um and and all the new Ferraris yeah the GT3 so two of them um Mercedes so yeah it's a it's was a good weekend and how many hours racing did you get then so I did uh six and a half in total um but it it was even more impressive because the car managed to do nearly 24 hours of testing before it did the 24-hour race so it was a real real achievement for the car well well done you yeah and now we're back to something completely different the scamander hasn't the scander hasn't done anything then for how long 10 12 years it's not really turned a wheel so um yeah yeah get so we had a quick look at it yesterday still need a service um and getting back on the road for anot um but right it's uh just uh yeah just been hibernating here at the moment I it it is just the most extraordinary thing you had shown me earlier some of the sketches you did on this he actually drew it out didn't he yeah yeah not many people know about that but he did like a pen probably probably not on a piece of paper it's probably on a a bit of what well it's it's good drawing the one you showed me yeah really nice but it was always Central driving position wasn't it it was obvious yeah s Central definitely uh see everything around you especially on the mall you don't want to be on one side and see the rock on the other side so that's that's why it was pretty Central and I think he can also fit more people in right yeah the three with with the three seat layout um yeah a bit of a an event with everyone in and yeah the obvious thing anybody else except uh pet would think oh it has to be four-wheel drive because it's going to go up on the mall no he demanded two wheel drive for lightness yeah exactly yeah and uh also was more uh determined to get it working with the wheels as well when it goes in the water so that was also another Choice well that yeah I first saw it 2008 and we dipped into his pond and um okay it was all right on the mall but he had these funny paddle things he thought he would work on the back wheels and he would just drive off and it just made a muddy mess and didn't really go very quick yeah so that yeah I think was that the first time the skeleton it was very early days but then we came back 2012 and it was completely different it was on skinny TS when I first drove it sort of vintage Bentley racing tires and it was I say it was all right and on the rough I was amazed it it's like a dard car that I sort of know and it has lots of suspension travel and it was actually really good on that side of things it just didn't quite work when we dipped it in the the water but then it did in this form it was extraordinary and also just how it cornered cuz it's wide track it was a real surprise how good it was on road it's quite noisy in there yeah it's got a bit Yeah bit bit of a stance but yeah it's uh a lot of things going on definitely that's for sure the fans cuz you haven't driven this have you this hasn't been driven yeah as I say it's this is 10 years I've not not driven this so no so it do you think yeah I think I remember sitting the sides sides of it but um yeah never turned the wheel yet well that is the idea I wonder if we can get it going but you've had a good look around yeah got a few a few fuses um to to to have a look at which is a bit of a mystery but we've managed to all solve that now so it does turn turn over now um as I say it does need a need the oil droing and service but it is it is uh working so what have you done so you just put a new battery on it so far so literally yeah a new battery um and then having having an issue with with a fuse um which we managed to solve now and uh cuz you couldn't get the fuel pumps we couldn't get the fuel pump that was it we couldn't get the fuel pumps and and we tried for ages tracing everything um and then it was in the end it was just a dodgy fuse which had a a problem I didn't have at the top but at the bottom it was broken so that's why we missed it it's a tricky thing to work on isn't it because it's all has to be waterproof so it's not that you look underneath and wiggle stuff yeah yeah so that that was think that was another idea so the idea was this this back was just um just sort of the the demonstration of of actual pickup where you can stand stand in the back or sit in the back um but the idea was that this is interchangeable back so you could have different lay lay well layouts uh so I think one of the maddest ones when I was speaking to the design the other day yeah design which did it um his favorite one was all he wanted to talk about was the gun with the machine gun on the top um for the the Army uh usage so yeah just army use yeah not on the moall yeah so um that was and then there's the flatbed ones for transporting stuff that's gr and brown is it the Des yeah gr and brown yeah and you're saying he's at Bentley now yeah he's at great yeah yeah he's at Bentley now so uh yeah small world and he does dashboards or interior yeah see he's on exterior at the moment so yeah some some of the stuff you'll see was is done by him as well so oh great yeah what a legacy so what we going to do then do you want to see if we can actually make it sort of start up start up yeah go yeah definitely oh let's let's do that yeah so engine is right directly behind the driver yeah the yeah so the engine well a lot of heating work has gone into it uh get it obviously to to cool down um yeah but but yeah it's it's it's mid mid well as close as to the middle of the car as possible obviously for weight reasons um so that's where it sits and that's why it's a bit of a theater inside the cabin have a look so yeah how do you do it you have so you have to take uh some of the uh padding out that seat flips down isn't it and then yeah so this seat all these seats flip down cuz this is another idea um I you see the fuse box another idea was when that when that pads there this could be a sort of a stretcher as well for rescuing people right so that was that was another idea so you could have a stretch either the side in in in the in the Army so that was another idea yeah or to sleep in when you're yeah I'm sleeping and exploring and if you're injured all purposes really so yeah that was the thing and then yeah if you tell you this this is where uh the magic is wow yeah that's that sort of explains why it was quite noisy in here yeah definitely that is right there my goodness there's not a lot of cover on that engine is there there's no soundproofing yes well as much as that and then uh obviously got a lot of fans to to heat it up wow that's right yeah so I I remember just from my piece looking at the D it was 3 l V6 Ford unit 275 horsepower and actually an automatic gearbox in it can't remember where gear CH gear on the other side yeah yeah right so you've been in here squaring around yesterday muing about just trying to make these fuel pumps go yeah the these fuel pumps it was really stumped by it and then obviously it led to a fuse but um from that yeah say works of two systems uh for the chass module and then you obviously have the engine module and there's bit of TVR and then there's also um the the Ford system too so not a lot of drawings manuals to go on really yeah so it's a a bit of a puzzle but as soon as everyone gets together the team I've been talking to yeah um yeah the information starts flooding in so they remember it yeah and and lots of fans wasn't there cuz it's not a lot of where's the rad on this thing so yeah so You' got two in the back and then another one at the front so right quite a bit of cooling need what have you what have you done have you changed the fuel to Fresh fuel in it or yeah so fresh fuel um I still need oil as I say it's not it's not moved yet so um there's still still a bit to do to get it back running um but at the moment it it it does turn and and is able to drive yeah you think I like I I didn't realize the tax disc on it ran out of tax at the end of November 2013 so yeah so that's when yeah yeah well that's obviously when it was up but yeah it didn't didn't move for that year I don't think no and it's a commercial vehicle isn't it yes definitely yeah it's uh yeah it's uh obviously got it all uses yeah so that that was the ambition for it well I can't wait to see if we can yeah actually get it to move which I don't see if you've got fuel you've got sparks and and yeah you've run but you just haven't actually put it in gear and put it's put in gear yet so it's got so things yeah as it was well as say it went went in a running so it should should be no problem Oh forgotten about that wheel yeah so that lifts up and then it's a twostep process one yeah so hopefully things cross everything's uh as it was um so battery cut out of the zoom somewhere yeah you've got a master down here just isolate the battery oh I'm just looking at jet off and road I don't remember that so they yeah so yeah the jet you can have it well obviously both off or just for Road use and then you can have both to get some more more power right this clever yeah here we go oh look look at that yeah so Comes Alive yeah and you can hear the fuel pump which is a good [Music] sign oh well that sounds very very good isn't it yeah yeah it's super smooth yeah I can't remember where the exhaust where's the exhaust on this thing that sounds quite thy yeah yeah there is is it's coming out of here so it got oh it's got one the other side as well go that's fantastic yeah I mean we got fuel gauge and things or yeah so the fuel gauge currently um I need to C fuel gauge back up cuz that was part of my work to to try and SC what the problem was so the fuel gauge I know we've got fuel at the moment but um yeah that we don't have that a minute right yeah um and then just just need some more information on the alternator at the moment the alternator why you don't think it's charging I don't think it's charging at the moment so on a lost system so where the hell is the alternator on it so the alternator is down the down the side up here and I I just can't see how it's charging at the moment cuz it's not plugged in yeah but I don't know I say I need some more information and you do you're studying electrical engineering aren't you yeah so yes yeah so some reason yeah can uh go hand in hand but it's a a bit of an issue at the moment obviously more studying to do yeah but I can't get over how sweet that sounds actually that's that's good so we don't yeah we could almost put this all back together again then yeah definitely go then we'll put it into gear and see what happens yeah definitely it's only 12 years it's moved yeah under its power been a lot of pushings been happening with this car there isn't there yeah yeah so far it's all been quite a bit of work so try Master yeah I do like those and then we'll [Music] uh yeah you're going to what we need to do is just run it for about couple of minutes just to get some temperature into it and I think it'll run a bit happier once it's there so there going to be a bit of smoke as we fill up the carot I think it's only steam isn't it you know that's all right it does look a bit boat like from underneath isn't it it's smooth you got lights and things like that for anot oh you got you got a wiper wa is that an indicator oh yeah there was something yeah yeah got an indicator yeah oh that's good yeah headlight I didn't realize he had hidden them under that mirror where all the lights are right I'll uh give it a should I just pull out and go to the top and come back try try if you think so yeah going into [Music] gear way it moves it moves 12 years since it last moved look at that that is an amazing sight now we'll find out if he's got reverse it has reverse hey it oh he's showing off now closing the canopy wow look at that sounds like a dry shaft or something making a noise [Music] it works works I know I know we got brakes that's thought you have got Brak I've got brakes I thought that I just coming down the hill I'm going to get in Jo all right I want that was don't don't no no no you carry on oh right now you got oh oh you got to use your mirrors haven't you that one mirror is working anyway one mirror that's that's one thing we need to uh yes need to [Music] they we uh what we got oh you going to close the canopy again it's uh that was very brave there we go you haven't got a lot of readouts then is it no that's that's one we need to that that's the dash we need to find the the model of right for the battery I need to get one cam go but I see that was [Laughter] working yeah I'm I'm actually surprised it's not bad for a 12E layoff yeah yeah did he change the feel you said uh we didn't change even change Fu we put more more feel in oh you just chopped it up yeah yeah oh look at the F that's quite beautiful you had a lot of snow yesterday didn't you yeah yeah we had a lot of snow yeah it's all all gone it's just such a weird yes isn't it yeah just well I can't tell you how comfortable it was to ride it's very is it yeah it really is soft setup yeah I'm not too sure that in the back that noise it's like a drive sha or yeah something need it could be the prop though couldn't it yeah shut up no it's off isn't it yeah yeah it could be the prop John's go it no I don't I'm going to wait until it's it's got anot and all all cool and drive it on the road yeah well thank you Joe S so it's an experience it out yeah no absolutely fantastic and it all works all works there we go well there you go a working scamander so next stop is I suppose anot station uh in a couple of days time just get everything sort of together but I hope you enjoy this video and sort of bring this car back to life thank you for Joe for giving us the tour and his expertise and getting it this far if you have enjoyed this video well keep watching keep subscribing more videos coming along very soon
Channel: Harry's garage
Views: 301,030
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Id: a0QKPMj6jWs
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Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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