Rear Door Wont Open on Chevy Astro Van - Why? See What's Inside!

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one two hey guys maybe you're like me you want a van like this uh Chevy Astro van and you your back door kind of stopped working your the latch you're trying to open the door and it's not opening the door it's getting kind of like you got to give it that extra tug and you're wondering what's going on and finally you get lock yourself out even if the van is unlocked you can't get it open well here's I'll show you what's going on inside what you have to do with that screwdriver there to get it open now here you can see I broke my handle right off because I got frustrated I wanted to get the darn thing open so let me show you what's inside but here's how you use the screwdriver you just slide it in horizontally and then push it you know on an angle like that now here's what's going on inside you take off this little panel of course you won't you won't be able to do that but I'll show you what's going on here when your sliding that screwdriver in it's pushing this lever all right forward like towards the towards the front of the van and it's pulling down on a rod and that Rod is unlatching the door so that's all that's going on in there guys so I'm just going to show you how to replace it real quick put a little of your favorite uh I don't know Degreaser on there and uh it's only two bolts it's a 10 millimeter nut so get your socket out you're gonna just remove that door handle buy yourself a new one and uh well buy yourself a new one first then remove this old one it's just the two bolts and I'm going to show you another little trick you know I thought my door handle had gone bad but it actually really wasn't the door handle I mean eventually it was because I destroyed the handle trying to open it up but what it really is is this this one uh what do you call it like a rod right near my finger there you'll see it going into the I'm removing it from the old one now that's the one rod you got to remove to uh to get the handle off and that Rod it gets a little bit unbent like there's a right angle that goes into the uh into the bushing there that I just popped it out of well that gets a little unbent so it doesn't quite pull the the rod down far enough here's the new handle guys in case you wanted to get a new one uh this is where I bought it that's the number that I bought I think most of them are going to be standard this is a 2003 Chevy Astro van but uh it works for many of the estrovance I'm not sure when and if and when they ever change this one but uh that's the one I got now you saw that bushing it's very important see that Rod there where my fingers are that goes into that bushing but before you do that give that Rod a good little Bend like more of a right angle into that bushing so that when you pull on that handle it pulls the rod down a little bit further because what what happened with mine was that Rod like I said there's an angle on it and it got unbent a little bit so it didn't quite have the leverage anymore to pull the rod down all the way but now you can see and I'll show you a better view of this but when you pull that handle it pulls the rod down a little more of that Degreaser on there get things uh a little greased up a little bit there and you notice I had to take that cover plate off to get to the two bolts anyway right here that Rod going into that bushing that's the one now you may have to bend that a little bit more when you put it back in before you put it back in the new bushing just give it a good bend so that it's when you pull it down it pulls down all the way pulls the whole rod down because what you're pulling down I'll show you here there's a latch and test it before you before you shut your door test it just push down like I did there on the upper part of the the latch push it with your thumb as if it was engaged and then pull the handle and see if it disengages if it disengages you're all set if it doesn't you've got to pull down on that rod and reset it in that bushing give it a better Bend like I said I know I'm repeating myself but that's really what the problem was like I said of course I destroyed the the old handle trying to figure it out and I wanted to get the darn door open if you're like me you can't live with it not being open so hey that's it good luck guys have a great day [Music] oh in the clouds [Music]
Channel: Pete Smith
Views: 9,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pete Smith, Peter Quentin Smith, Actor, Singer, Songwriter, Retired Firefighter, Chevy, Astro, Van, 2003, Rear Door, Back Door, Won't Open, Can't Open, Replace Handle, Repair Handle, Open Door, Broken Back Door, Rear Door Latch, Not Working, How To Open, How To Fix, How To Replace, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005, Astrovan, ChevyAstro Van, Can't Get In, Broken Handle
Id: i76c_jweuag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2023
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