Reaping What You Sow: Pastor Dennis Cummins

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well you know we've been talking about God's dream for your life and developing God's dream for your life it's not your dream right it's not your dream it's his dream you have to understand whose dream you're living okay and when you decide to follow and fulfill and and pursue God's dream for your life suddenly God's provision and God's favor comes your way in that right and so today we're gonna be talking within that the power of reaping what we so this is an immutable law you cannot undo this law I don't care if you try to ignore it or what have you but you reap what you sow and the thing that bothers me about this statement that that you know we've kind of found in our Western culture is when we say you reap what you sow we typically use it in a negative context well you reap what you sow right and we and we have other words that we use or phrases well you made your bed now you go to sleep in it who thought that one up aren't you supposed to make your bed and then sleep in it how is that a negative thing right or will you got your cake now you gotta eat it too well duh what do you think I wouldn't got my cake cause I want some cake right but so many times we think reaping and sowing is a negative context it can but it also is a powerful beneficial context there's fruit and there's power and you know it was awesome to have our family together we had about 50 plus 55 in our family here yesterday I'm fluent from around the States and it was just an awesome testament of the fruit and the seeds that my our parents planted years ago and our reaping that today that is a positive sense but if if you were pursuing your dreams stop and you need to pursue God's dream for your life and many times what you need to understand is you've got to quit focusing so much I'm fulfilling the dream that God has given you because you're gonna need some help just just pause right there if if you want to fulfill the dream that God has given you your life then you need to start helping other people fulfill the dream in their life that God has given them when you sow into other people's god-given dream guess what they will come and they will sow into your god-given dream give in a will be given so whatever you plant right so I can take you over to Ezra Ezra chapter 4 verse 24 I want to give you a little synopsis of what's going on here it says this in verse 24 now I'll kind of unpack this as we go but it says the work on the temple of God in Jerusalem had stopped and it remained at a standstill so let me give you the backstory Israel had just come out of Babylonian captivity they had returned to their promised land and the first command and the first instruction given to them by God was to rebuild the temple this is your first mandate this is your first goal before you do anything else before you build your home build my home before you build your house build my house cool accept what had happened the work on the temple of God in Jerusalem had stopped and remained at a standstill how long maybe six months maybe six years try 16 years 16 years they sat on their hands of the objective and the goal that God had given them given them and they pursued their own goals and their own dreams and their own objectives now I want you to see something though the blessing is not dependent on the completion of the temple it is dependent on the rebuilding of the temple there's a difference well God won't bless me until we get it done no God blesses you as you go as you are obedient as you are fulfilling as you are laying the groundwork and the foundations and as you are cutting the timbers and the mountains and bringing them down and hewing those those huge logs and and getting the materials together as you're rebuilding the blessing comes God doesn't wait till you're perfect to bless you he blesses you as he perfects you but the prophets they rebuked the people in Haggai Haggai one four through eight I'll just read this thing put it up there why are you living in luxurious houses while my house lies in ruins this is what the Lord of the heavens armies says look at what's happened to you you have planted much but harvest little you eat but are not satisfied you drink but are still thirsty you put on clothes but cannot keep warm your wages disappear as though you were putting them in pockets filled with holes this is what the Lord of heavens armies says look at what has happened to you now go up into the hills bring down the timber and rebuild my house then I will take pleasure in it and be honored says the Lord you have to focus on God's dream you have to focus on God's house when you do your part for God's house God will take care of your house and this is why we go over to Galatians chapter 6 Galatians chapter 6 verses 7 through 8 it says do not be deceived God is not mocked for whatever one sews that Willie also read sews is planting reap is harvest so whatever seeds you plant in the ground that is what you're going to harvest say harvest for the one who sews to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption but the one who sews the to the Spirit will also reap the Spirit will reap eternal life this is an immutable law you cannot stop it you cannot change it I don't care if you ignore it I don't care if you try to deny its existence it is always working in our lives and this is why God says that God is not mocked whatever a man shows that's what he will read whatever you plant that's what you will harvest God is not mocked literally means that it what it doesn't really change if you snub your nose at this principle this law that's what it means to mock God means that whatever yeah right in in let me let me help you with this some of you you just may not know nobody's ever told you but I've heard Christians throw the word around karma karma karma is a spirit a spiritual term relating to new-age in Eastern mysticism it is a vain counterfeit on God's law called sowing and reaping karma what goes around comes around they didn't make that up they stole it from the Bible so let us not quote secular theology let us quote God's Word it is not karma it's whatever you plant that's what you reap and some of you might think that I'm picking at this no I'm not we need to be biblical we need to be true and we need to understand that the law came from God not Buddha and then he says for whatever for whatever whatever you sow that's what you whatever it makes the law all inclusive it applies to anyone and everything that we so in other words there's nothing left out whatever you plant whatever you say whatever you do you're gonna read you know God established this law in in in the beginning and he says in Genesis 822 as long as the earth remains even if they put us in our houses on time out even if they say that we're coming to the end of the world as long as the earth remains there will be planting and harvest seed time and harvest time cold and heat summer and winter day and night here in Washington is wet and wetter schizophrenic weather I tell you what man well I lost seven pounds in the Sun Friday and I gained it all back yesterday you can't ignore seed time and harvest time you can't ignore the law of reaping what you sow you can try to deny it you can try to overlook it just like you could try to deny gravity I just don't believe in gravity doesn't matter what you believe or not it's still there it's not gonna change reality okay you you could try to deny what quarantine has done to my body but it doesn't do away with reality now you're all I'm being self-conscious now stop stop it let me just drop a few things here that says number one your denial of sowing and reaping will not nullify its effects in your life it's not going to stop it and it's amazing how God gets blamed for the harvest in our life and God had nothing to do with the seeds that we sowed to get that harvest my grandpa our grandpa grandpa Davis he pastored many churches he pioneered I believe three is that right and and actually mark is pastoring in grandpa's old stomping grounds back in misery that's what you call it in July it is the armpit that's what Laurie's husband used there Charles husband used to call it Gary he'd say Missouri is the armpit of the US because it is hot but but grandpa pastored he was loved by everyone and when he died so many people said well the Lord took him home no no no you were wrong bacon grease took him home God's like I didn't I didn't I did not plant bacon grease in his life it is you were not designed to eat wilted lettuce with bacon grease poured over it and God is my witness we all know that was one of his favorite delicatessens it was a food group bacon grease was a food group how many people remember the day that you would store bacon grease in the fridge and if you're really tough you didn't even care of his refrigerator turnout you just left it on the counter a grandma would get mad at you if you're gonna dump the bacon grease out no save that we got to make fried chicken that's why it tastes so good but God did not call Grandpa home bacon grease did he had a heart attack and died he had clogged arteries from the seeds that he planted some people really don't want to take responsibility for their life for the marriage for the financial situation they want to blame it on everything else they want to blame it on God will the Lord because like why'd you throw my name in this why you interjected my name I put you in charge I gave you the wisdom of the Holy Spirit I gave you my word so that you can be successful and be the head and not act like the tail that's in the passion version why did he say in Ephesians 5:15 if he says 5:15 therefore be careful how you walk not as unwise men but as wise making the most of your time because the days are evil I don't know if you've opened your blinds lately but the days are pretty evil ah so then do not be foolish but understand what the will of the Lord is you know we all have a message our body is the horse and the Spirit of the Lord that he's put in us is the rider and what happens is is we have a message to carry the message of the Lord but sometimes we kill the horse and then God gives flame for it why do we need wisdom so we can make wise choices so we can know what seeds to plant and what seeds to run out there and dig up right there are seeds you could dig up right now with an apology mmm honey will you please forgive me what you do you just dug up a seed even if she don't want to forgive you even if she puts it in the filing system and it is backed up on the cloud which we know women never do right they've got copies of the copies of the duplicates of the duplicates just in case they need to pull it up no forgiveness asking for forgiveness not saying I'm sorry I'm sorry you upset I'm sorry you're mad I'm sorry you're making such a big deal No will you please forgive me what did you do you just blew that thing out of the dirt here's something else that you can see we can also reap a harvest that we never planted my family we are reaping a harvest from grandpa Davis and from our father and mother we are reaping a harvest from heritage from the legacy we are reaping a harvest some of your reaping the harvest that you don't want to reap from your family I never planted these seeds and here they are in my life well cancer runs in my life well you need some new genes get Jesus genes I'm serious John 4:38 says I sent you a harvest where you didn't plant others had already done the work and now you will get to gather the harvest you know it's interesting when you look at the foundation of America people planted seeds in America before we were born on which we are living on the fruit thereof we are we're living on the fruit of seeds and the seeds are covered in blood many of them and you know somebody posed the question did we bring the Bible to the shores or did it not rather bring us did did the did the breath of the ancient prophets was that the wind and the sails that drove that tiny Mayflower to the US shores it has been said that South America was settled by the Spanish who came to the land in search of gold but North America was settled by Pilgrim Fathers who came in search of and that is the difference and we also know that our seeds can not just positively affect others but can negatively affect others this is why Romans 1413 says to live in such a way that you'll never make your brother stumble letting him see you do something he thinks is wrong it's amazing how I I hear people Christian people say well I can do that I can do that well you can but is it beneficial to the people that see you do that it's not a sin it is if you cause somebody else to stumble we have to be careful that we're not planting seeds that destroy other people's dreams people plant seeds in their marriage like it's just lunch honey it's a co-worker it's oh we're just having coffee we're just getting together for coffee it was just business planting seeds planting seeds and suddenly there's an affair suddenly there's a disruption in the marriage and there's a harvest that destroyed other people's dreams it's just a little shoulder rub mm-hmm and sadly bad seeds they grow without effort do you ever notice that I'd never had to tell my wife honey we need to go out and water the thistles there look like a little there they're parched they're looking a little Brown we need we need to water the thorn bushes out back the Blair the black berry briars say that ten times really fast backwards they just have the ability to grow you don't have to go out and talk to them they don't need the right sunlight and they don't need the right water they just do it you go out there and you can destroy them and cut them back and throw all kinds of Kassar on and whatever stuff you want to kill the environment and guess what they're right back where they were but good seeds they need to be nurtured they need to be protected you know there's a sign along the Alaskan Highway years ago it read this choose your rut carefully you'll be in it the next 200 miles lastly I just want to say that we have to understand that we are going to reap in a different season than when we sowed we're gonna reap in a different season than we sowed I know that seems obvious but you know we're not talking about just agriculture here we're talking about our lives and so many people they want to reap a harvest that they never took the time to sow and carry through the different seasons of life you know it's funny to many believers they're out sowing Wild Oats throughout the week and then they go to church on Sunday and believe for crop failure Oh God kill it they're hoping their lifestyle won't catch up with them but let me help you rome wasn't built in a day plants don't grow overnight less Knar mushrooms michael phelps didn't just join the swim team and win 27,000 medals by a fingernail a good thing he didn't trim that day right children aren't born overnight hello wisdom isn't gained overnight and so many times because we don't see the immediate results we think that maybe we got away with it or they got away with it and it's not fair God and you know God why how come you aren't doing something let me help you with this Ecclesiastes 8 11 and 12 says this when a crime is not punished quickly people feel safe in doing wrong but even though a person's sin sends a hundred times and still lives a long time I know that those who fear God will be better off so don't worry about the big picture don't get caught up in that God knows how to deal with this but if there's one thing that Netflix and Amazon Prime and and and movie binge watching has done to us it has given us a false sense of reality yeah because we can sit there and in a few hours we can see somebody's life fall completely apart and then they make one good decision in 30 minutes later everything's great and we go why can't my life be like that you men you're watching those soap operas every day now ladies you will you watch those soap operas and what happens you start to wonder how come my husband don't hold me like that cuz you ain't like that whoo-whee we have a society that wants to reap without sowing you know we got the Millennials love the Millennials love you guys but you know after you're at work at a new job for three weeks you still can't expect to be the president tomorrow right right and when your mom and dad go with you to the job interview because you don't have a driver's license yet you know these are just realities that a lot of times what happens is is we want to reap without sowing and then we want to sew without reaping but we have to understand that this is a powerful tool principle that god has given us to be successful in life for his namesake you don't make 50 years in marriage without saying yes dear you got that right 50 years two weeks ago right was the 13th is that two weeks ago 50 years that happens because you are planting the right seeds and nurturing the right seeds and you're killing the wrong seeds the best part is no matter what you're always gonna reap more than you sell that's the best part you know if we didn't there wouldn't be a farmer on the planet that gets into farming they would have quit right away wait wait wait I put a kernel in the ground I put one kernel corn in the ground and I get one kernel corn back this ain't a good business right you put one kernel in the ground and you get thousands back that's a good deal that's a good deal and this is a powerful tool that God has given us you know there's there's weird people to get out there and they're like well if you sold car you're gonna reap a car well if you sell a car you might be walking just be ready but it's never a seed for a seed you know in in concept in principle think of it this way if you want to be blessed give if you want to be poor grasp give or grasp it's up to you if you want abundance scatter if you want to be needy hoard Luke 6:38 give and it will be given to you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over some of you think about your ex-spouse right there running over I got a stop I'm sorry I've been cooped up for a few weeks they will pour into your lap for by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return the amount of sacrifice that you give and your sowing is the amount of blessing you will receive in the receiving this is a powerful tool but as we come into this last piece I want I want the worship team to come I want you to catch this though I have a friend lives in a different country he's from Brazil originally and before he got saved if you know anything about the Brazilian lifestyle of not being saved it is a very promiscuous lifestyle very carnal a lot of relations he got born again absolutely transformed serving the Lord went to Bible College is going into the ministry you know what he got sick what happened he got AIDS now to some people they think that's a death sentence because they're using Mema's theology you reap what you sow you made your bed sleep in it this is your life I've heard people say well I smoked on my life I got lung cancer even though I'm serving the Lord I guess this is my outcome can we just hit the pause button right there did we forget the whole reaping what we saw see we think in the old context we think in the negative context that well we're gonna have to carry this out the rest of my life I made these decisions and here we are stopped because when Jesus comes along you still reap what yourself when you sow to Jesus and he comes into your heart you get to reap the blessings and the benefits of Jesus in your life and the power of Jesus can disrupt and destroy those seeds that were before Christ so he didn't walk around saying well you know I love Jesus but I guess this is my lot in life I guess this is the way it's gonna be and he didn't die of AIDS I'm sorry to tell you that some of you might be disappointed because you think that's the the theology we should live but you know what he did he got ahold of the healing scriptures and he began to confess the Word of God over his life and you know what he is completely aids-free he is healed completely 100% he is married he's got children he is serving the Lord because he chose God's seeds in his life God's seed is the power has the power to disrupt the devil seat he has the power to disrupt your evil sees he said well yeah I know so-and-so but but you know well sometimes people make a decision too late in life the house is in fur in an inferno you know what I mean but he caught this early on in his life and his faith and he grew his heart and he spoke the Word of God over his life and it became healed this is the power of sowing and reaping thank God we don't have to be perfect that was the case I'd have to resign it's true but he's perfect and you can reap his perfection his blessing his grace his abundance because you're willing to be perfected if you're here today and you're not born again because you've not you've not asked Jesus to come and plant himself in your life salvation only comes to Jesus Christ surrender to him confessing him as your Lord and your savior if that's you watching right now on the internet this is your opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and if you do that there's gonna be a link on the website there we want you to click that link says just saved and we want you to fill out that form because this is the best decision of your life so here it is pray this prayer with me of that you heavenly father come into my heart be the Lord of my life forgive me of my sin I accept your son Jesus as my Lord and Savior live in me as I live for you in Jesus name Amen come on stand as we see
Channel: Experience
Views: 597
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: experience church, experience church tv, dennis cummins, reaping what you sow, reaping the harvest god promised me, sowing and reaping, sowing and reaping sermon, sermons on finances, sermons on financial breakthrough, sermons on financial prosperity, sermons on financial stewardship, karma, newage, prospreity, finances, reaping a harvest, sermons on reaping what you sow, sermons on sowing seeds, galations, buddah, genesis, god's blessing, blessings, sermons on blessings, ecclesiastes
Id: H8xFbt6na0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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