"Really Free" || Revelation of Hope Evangelistic Series || Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2021

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] good night everyone we will be going into our song service but before we do so let us bow our heads for prayer dear heavenly father indeed we're grateful to be alive we thank you for bringing us here once more so we could sing songs of praise to your most holy name we invite you in our midst and ask your sweet holy spirit to come and sing with us blend our voices together and help that at the end that someone will be blessed thank you for loving us and thank you for spending our lives to see this another day in jesus name we pray amen our first song is number 88 i sing the mighty power of god [Music] the mountains [Music] is [Music] with [Music] is [Music] creatures [Music] there's not a place [Music] draw me close to you [Music] never let me go [Music] i laid it all down again [Applause] to hear you say that i'm your friend you are my desire no one else will do there's nothing else to take your place to feel the warmth of your embrace [Music] help me find a way bring me back to you [Music] you're [Music] oh [Music] you're [Music] i want [Music] [Music] help me [Music] me [Music] our opening hymn will be number 286 wonderful words of life [Music] wonderful words of life [Music] words beautiful words wonderful words [Music] christ the blessed [Music] one [Music] [Music] beautiful words [Music] wonderful [Music] words of life [Music] wonderful words of life [Music] forever beautiful words wonderful [Music] welcome one and all welcome to another night of our informative presentation on the revelation of hope series we especially want to welcome evangelist michael olippe who has from nigeria a professor associate professor in the department of theology and religion now at ncu evangelist olympia is a man who is steep in the world special emphasis on new testament studies is married to beautiful daughters and he's a man of god we are certain that as you listen to him you will be so educated and so inspired that you will want not to miss a night so i encourage everyone plan to be on with us as we go from night to night sunday to wednesday and sabbath you are especially invited to join us also as we worship in this century every summer tonight we have our full feature we have our quiz our special presentation we have our beautiful singing evangelist and as you follow through the program you will be extremely blessed welcome one and all welcome once more may god bless us as we rush it together with evangelist michael felipe [Music] god's wonderful people it's so nice to see those happy faces praising god in heavenly places [Music] anywhere [Music] [Music] [Music] wonderful [Music] it's so nice to see those happy god faces heavenly places [Music] [Music] [Music] holy spirit [Music] oh [Music] [Music] as we stand on your word holy spirit [Music] holy spirit [Music] [Music] how we need your touch again holy spirit [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let your voice be heard come and change [Applause] [Music] raindrops [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy spirit indeed we ask you tonight lord to rain down on our hearts to rain down on us as we come on this platform lord to give you thanks and to give you praise for all that you have done as we have come tonight lord i come on behalf of your children and adolescents not only of the wealth of sda church but of the world indeed god you have reminded us children are on heritage of you and lord because they are heritage of you you have a special eye your your eyes are watching over them with tender care always father god you have also said to us that unless as adults we become we change and become like little children we will not be able to enter into your kingdom tonight lord you see the care that is around us you see lord how many children have been abused since the beginning of this pandemic you have seen so many of them lord have lost their lives and sadly lord they have lost their way tonight god as i have come before you on behalf of these children and our sins father i cannot come to you to pray for them unless i ask you heavenly father to be with their parents lord i pray that you remind them even know of their responsibilities as adults to take care of the children the taker of the flock lord that you have given unto them you have reminded us all that the only thing that we can take into your kingdom as as treasures is our children and so tonight oh god i pray for the parents those who have given up hope those who have lost their way those who have become so distressed by everything that is happening around them that lord they have forgotten about how to take care of their children they are forgotten to be a knee sitting lord interceding on behalf of their children and so lord as i come tonight i place the children before you lord you said that if they are rightly trained they will be able to finish your words that you have given to your prophetess if we train them lord you have told you have told us in your words that we are to train them up in the way that they are to go superintendent or they will not depart from it father god help posit us adults will not forget your word to us you must forget your administrations to us lord that we need to train our children right we need to put them before you lord day and night we need to have the lord seated before you so that lord you can take full control of their lives help us lord as adults we will live lives that are pleasing unless that are acceptable in your side so that the children lord as they look on they'll be able to to grasp from us they'll be able to learn from us lord and we'll be able to teach them all right father god i pray tonight that just as how you've prayed for peter you have prayed lord that we the he'll not be sifted god i pray tonight that our children will not be sifted but lord they will find their place in your kingdom god i ask that you'll help us that as a church will do our part to be out there on the battlefield to encourage them lord so many of them are they don't know where to turn because even in their very homes they're abused in their very homes in their communities lord there's no example that is being sent for them but oh god upon the authority of your words tonight i come and i ask you god that you just rained on upon your children you really don't want to press upon us as adulthood and help us lord to train them help us lord to encourage them help us know that when we plan our programs so that we will not go over their heads but lord will be right with them and then to understand helping them lord to be able to grasp that which you have given unto them your own help us so that we'll never forget lord that we are going to be helpless before them and as such lord we need all that we can do to keep them alive further as we go out on this platform i pray lord that we will do our part to encourage others to come on and to encourage the children lord because they can learn they can manipulate lord the computers and the tablets and everything else around them they can't manipulate your words they can read your words they can understand for themselves lord i pray that you'll help us to do our part in training them and father god we ask that you'll strengthen us that as we look to you lord and they looked off that we will be leaders lord that they would be able to emulate for your kingdom god i pray that not one of your children will be listened from your kingdom and you shall come but that lord all of them will be there because we have done our part and they have accepted your cause lord because they would have heard of us they would have heard from us lord from your words to them directly to their heart lord so that they'll be able to be a part of your kingdom continue to bless us continue to keep us and we pray to continue to be the public represented here tonight on this platform worldwide and help them not remind them of their their love remember of your love and remind them of the love that they need to give to your children in keeping them in your host full of faith bless us we pray your sons holy amen amen amen thank you sister carla and it is now quiz time it is now time for us to review what the preacher would have presented last night and as per usual we try to go through the steps to ensure that no one is left behind so if you're on a computer go to your web browser right now enter the url s l i dot d o enter the participants code eight seven eight five two one enter your name without your name you do not stand a chance to win a prize at the end of the series so enter your name if you're on a a smart device your tablet or your your cell phone you can now go to your mobile application enter the same code eight seven eight five two one and enter your name and join the quiz we will begin our quiz in the next minute we want to ensure that as many persons as possible get on our quiz platform and guess what those who are on youtube because of the slight delay in transmission do not wait for my instructions when the question starts look at your devices and the questions will will pop up just answer the questions i want no one to be left behind i am pleased to report that last night we again there were three persons who got five out of five we have jamima sarai and patrice rooms and i want to congratulate them for getting a perfect 100 on their quiz i'm going to now go ahead in the next 30 seconds as we will cover the questions for tonight all right i see some persons joining we still have 30 seconds the others are coming on i see the others are joining we will wait another 20 seconds for the others to join if you're not on this platform now there's no chance for you to be considered a winner at the end of the series so 10 seconds more and then we're gonna go straight into the quiz for tonight all right so we're gonna go ahead now and start the quiz okay i see some others jumping on i don't want anyone to miss out so let's just wait another 10 seconds to ensure that we have all participants who are trying to join the system just note every night as soon as you come online you can join the platform and wait for the quiz or when you see the prayer go about to start join the platform so that we can go straight into our quiz so let's go now with our first question for tonight our first question for tonight is now on the screen so we're going to go now to our first question according to the description given in ezekiel chapter 28 satan was likened on to which king which king based on ezekiel 28 go ahead go ahead and select your answer is it samaria is it tyros is it sodom is it uh amorites uh which king exactly let's see ah so we have three seconds to go and the correct answer which is almost like a giveaway the correct answer for this one is the king of tyros the evangelist mentioned that last night let's go to our next question question number two easy one satan is behind every war cyclone earthquake drought or famine which takes lives around the world true or false easy question easy easy question here i see some person selecting otherwise but i know you have 11 seconds to change your mind um but this is a very simple question we're going to move on now in the next four seconds so question number three so this answer is actually true so this was brought out last night uh by the evangelist so let us now go to question number three question number three according to the evangelists which of the following are considered as attacks of the enemy he lies accuses persecutes or all of the above what's the answer for this one oh i know if you're in my class you'll say oh these the quizzes are so easy but i expect everyone to get five out of five tonight but let's see let's see we have seven seconds to go for this question then we'll move to the penultimate question uh for tonight so what then is the correct answer the correct answer is all of the above so all of the above yes that will rascal the devil himself uh uh let's go now to question number four another name for jesus as mentioned by the evangelist is michael another name for jesus as mentioned by the evangelist is michael true or false all right we have 10 seconds to go but i see that most persons have already selected the answer or an answer so we are going to see if you are correct in four seconds so let's see going down so let's see so the answer for this one is true and you can see that many persons would have selected that answer and our final question for tonight easy question evangelists amplify the point only those who continually abide in jesus by faith are truly on the winning side only those who continually abide in jesus by faith are truly on the winning side i know that as we go further in the series the questions will become a little bit more challenging but for now just to ensure that we we all get on board for the quizzes and making these questions so nice and easy but until tomorrow night it is goodbye from the quiz master mitchell good night everyone let me welcome you to our online evangelistic series my task tonight in this nugget feature is to represent the children's ministries department in giving words of encouragement to everyone out there specifically tonight as the children's ministries director for the waltham sda church i would just like to encourage and empower our parents parents you do know that we're still in the back to school mode yes the month of september is out but i do know as an educator and as a parent myself that there's still parents out there you're still trying to put together the resources to pay for the school fees resources to access textbooks resources to get the online devices working resources to purchase data and to get a steady wi-fi connection i do know that those challenges exist but tonight while those challenges exist remember who is your god as ellen white says in many of her books specifically child guidance she encourages us that as parents our disposition in the home is very important as it sets the tone for the behaviors of our children our demeanor our attitude our facial expression the words that we use they all set the tone for the success of our children they all set the tone in developing young minds for god's kingdom and so as parents we have to be careful and we have to be mindful of such remember the lord has not given us a spirit of fear he says in philippians 4 verse 4 that we should be anxious about nothing but in prayer we should come to him make our supplication lift up our voices cry out to him plead with him and ask him and he will hear and he will answer he says to us that our bread and our water is always sure can you imagine that the creator who created us as human beings he provides for the grass the grass he gives it dew at night and sunlight at day so that it can go how much more will he give on to us so while we're facing the challenges while we're trying to make use and to spin around in all this madness that is going on around us this covey 19 pandemic is wreaking havoc on the lives of children weak in havoc on the lives of parents even christians i don't know who is not affected by this pandemic but as christians as people of god he calls upon us to come to him in james he reminds us that guess what i have wisdom and knowledge and i can give to you if only you but asks he says we are to knock and he will open up acts and we shall receive and so by doing this i strongly believe that we will be able to stand firm in god's word all we need to do is to just ask of him so as we prepare ourselves and as we are preparing our children for for the for heaven we're preparing them for the kingdom we have to help to set the tone even despite what is happening around us we need to set the tone teach them how to call upon god's word teach them how to believe in god's words because god is not a man so he will not lie he doesn't wear pajamas so he will not be sleeping all we need to do is call upon him i trust that as i have encouraged you in the world tonight you'll remember that your personality your attitude your behavior sets the tone and we are training children for the kingdom let's display an attitude of gratefulness and cheerfulness despite the challenges around us god bless you all you gave me my hands to reach show him your love and your perfect plan you gave me my i can hear your voice so clear i can hear the cries of sinners but can i wipe away their tears you gave me my voice to speak your word to sing all your praises to those who never heard but in my eyes i see a need for more availability [Music] i see hearts that have been broken so many people to be free [Music] lord i'm afraid my will i gave to you i do what you say use me lord to show someone the way and enable me to say [Music] my [Music] [Laughter] now i'm giving back to you only twos you gave to me my hands my ears my voice my eyes so you can use the mess you please i have emptied out my cup so that you can feel it up [Laughter] now i'm free i just want to be more available to you [Music] my to you i'll do what you say use me lord to show someone the way [Music] is empty and i am [Music] my will i give to you i'll do what you say use me lord to show someone the way and enable me to say my storage is empty [Music] is empty [Music] to you [Music] do [Music] we have these [Music] of the lord we have this faith [Music] is we believe the time is here when the nations hallelujah [Music] is amen praise the lord we have this hope that burns within our hearts welcome again everyone to the revelation of hope series i'm sure that you have been blessed uh by messages from the word of god for those who have been attending i know that the lord has blessed you for every meeting and i have no doubt that the lord will bless us again tonight as we expect to hear a word from him if you have been blessed i want to challenge you to invite your family and friends share this word because it's a word that everybody needs to hear uh because we don't have much time uh it's wrapping up times closing time and we need to get this word out so share it so that people may learn of jesus from the revelation of jesus christ as before i begin again i want to ask you to do what i always ask you to do to pray for two things to pray that the lord will open your heart to hear what he has to say to you today and to pray for me so that the lord will help me say what he wants you to hear and help me say it in the way that he wants me to see all right about let's buy heads and when you hear me singing you wrap up the prayer and i'll pray and share the word of god for tonight i need thee every r [Music] most gracious [Music] lord no [Music] tender voice like vine can peacefully [Music] [Music] oh bless me now my savior i come to [Music] yes lord we come to you now because we need to hear another word from you and so i asked lord that in this time that you will send forth your holy spirit to speak mightily again through me tonight lord you promised in your word that you would teach me in this hour what to say i claim that promise now and i ask also that not i but jesus christ may be seen known and heard in every look and action in every thought and word i pray o lord jesus that you will be lifted up and you will draw all men and women to you as you promised and so bless us as we spend this time in your word uh destroy all the works of the enemy every destruction and give us victory again tonight we pray with thanksgiving in jesus name amen and amen right let me share my screen all right we are we have been studying the book of revelation and last night we looked at the great war we sought to answer the question um from the revelation of jesus christ why is there evil in the world today if there is a good god why is there evil in the world today and the answer was because there is a war great war between good and evil the answer is because there is an evil enemy who rebelled against god chose to rebel against god and is against everything of god and so the evil in the world today is caused by this enemy revelation reveals who he is revelation 12 verse 9 jesus reveals who he is in the book of revelation he is the great dragon the devil and satan who is just out to destroy everything that is of god uh uh and so praise god that the bible reveals the reality of what is happening in the world uh but the good news is that michael jesus christ has defeated the dragon defeated him in heaven defeated him on earth and continues to defeat him and if you allow jesus into your life he will defeat the dragon in every battle in your life amen that was the good news of hope from the revelation of hope that evil is outnumbered uh for every demon of the enemy there are two mighty angels of god and so we also saw the good news uh that the devil knows this time is short and and that one day uh jesus will come again and he will bring this great war to an end and the question was what side are you on everybody has a choice to make everybody has to choose what side they're on what side they are on and it's my prayer that you choose jesus it's my prayer that you choose jesus today i share with you on the subject really free really free slavery slavery the united nations celebrates or remembers slavery on march 25 but not just any slavery but the specific slavery that took place in what we call the middle passage uh slavery is an intricate part of the history of jamaica and the caribbean the history of the west indies would be incomplete without the mention of slavery of the middle passage or the triangular trade or the transatlantic slave trade as it is called it is a sad story of how human beings treated and sold their fellow brothers and sisters like animals and objects uh beat them uh whipped them abused them exploited and oppressed them our forefathers our ancestors lived from generation to generation as slaves not free to live fully as human beings bound in chains both in mind and in body oh what a joy it would be for them to live free from slavery today slavery has taken different forms now one of the modern more contemporary forms of slavery is human trafficking there's so many ways that human trafficking is taking place in the world today you and i may be free to do many things but there are many other people and children around the world who don't have it so easy there are there is what is called forced child labor where children work so hard but they are not paid anything they are working for companies uh but they're not paid anything they are children and and and young teens and and adults who are sex slaves they are taken away and they are sold as sex slaves they are i i was uh i had the privilege in my previous university of hearing the testimony of a lady who had escaped from human trafficking it was such a tragic story this young lady from uganda had an aunt in china who told her to come over told this young lady to come over and help her take care of her child because you know she was working and she didn't have anyone to take care of her child and this young lady was happy this young lady from uganda was happy to go to china to be exposed but unfortunately when she got there oh she found out to her surprise that she was there to serve as a harlot as a prostitute her passport was taken away from her she uh worked without any pay she was abused and mistreated and she could not escape it was a terrible life she lost her womb to to to to a terrible disease it was it was terrible it's a traumatic experience and there's so many around the world today who want to be free who want to be free from from human trafficking uh uh people who are looking forward to uh the sweet privilege of living free i've had the privilege also of doing prison ministries some prison ministry in my country in the philippines and uganda almost everywhere i have lived and served and i've been impressed with the way christians prisoners worship uh whenever we came to worship with them uh they it made me value a freedom the privilege of living free today while many of us may enjoy freedom uh we are free to live at home we are free to go to work we're free to go to school we're free to go to church we're free to do whatever we want we're not behind bars there is still a form of slavery that we do not realize uh scientists today call it addictions addictions it's uh the most prevalent form of slavery in the world today i remember as a young child as a young kid hearing of addictions whenever i heard the word addictions i i thought of heroin and cocaine and and marijuana the ganja but today i know that it is called chemical addiction but but today i realized that their the most prevalent addictions are the non-chemical ones or the ones that are called behavioral addictions behavioral addictions and many people many of us are indebted uh we are addicted rather to these things some of us are addicted to shopping and addicted to food and addicted to our work and addicted to games and addicted to the tv addicted to the internet and to social media we're addicted to sex and addicted to pornography addicted to gambling and even exercise seemingly harmless things addicted in a relationship a co-dependent relationship feeling oh i can't live without this person if if if this person leaves me i am going to die many do not realize it many live in denial but lives are being ruined because of addictions when we encounter these addictions in whatever form they appear we are helpless against the addiction the addiction becomes the master and we are the slaves and we can't help ourselves at some point there is a realization of the need to be free from the slave master of addictions i hope you are with me tonight i want to present to you two bible texts that explain the nature of addictions the the nature of slavery of how it works is a very basic two texts the first one is second peter 2 verse 19. second peter 2 verse 19. let me quickly read it in the new king james version 2nd peter 2 19 says while they promised them liberty they themselves are slaves of corruption for by whom a person is overcome by him also he is brought into bondage i love the way it is presented in this version it says you are a slave to whatever controls you you are a slave to whatever controls you yes even your phone even social media you are a slave to whatever controls you lord have mercy i love the bible it is so clear you are a slave to whatever controls you another text romans 6 16 i want to read it in the new living translation romans 6 16 don't you realize that whatever you choose to obey becomes your master you can choose sin which leads to death or you can choose to obey god and receive his approval you are a slave to whatever you obey yesterday we saw how satan the enemy of our souls caused our first parents to join his rebellion by disobeying god and by obeying him we saw how the dragon deceived that ancient serpent we saw as one of his names how he deceived our first parents and caused them to disobey god and by that act of disobedience the human race became slaves to the devil and to sin yes following the text i just read romans 6 16 you are slaves to whomever you obey so because our first parents adam and eve obeyed satan they became slaves to satan you and i all of us are slaved enslaved to satan because of sin john chapter 8 verse 34 is another text john chapter 8 verse 34 is another text it says john chapter 8 verse 34 says jesus answered them most assuredly i say to you whoever commits sin is a slave of sin whoever commits sin is a slave of sin john 8 34 the bible is revealing truth tonight jesus is revealing truth tonight through his word and i hope you're listening whoever commits sin is a slave to sin romans chapter 3 verse 23 says all have sinned and come short of the glory of god first john 1 verse 8 says if you say that you have no sin you are a liar and the truth is not in you first john that was first john 1 verse 8 if you say that you have no sin you deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us verse 10 says the same thing if we say we have not sinned we make god a liar and his word is not in us so all have sinned that means that you and i we are all slaves of sins of sin held under its brute power and condemnation and and romans 6 23 the first part of romans 6 23 says the wages of sin is death now many times we don't get it our wages what are wages wages is like a salary it's what you get after working and so what is the tech saying because sin is a slave master roman 6 23 is saying when you work for sin the salary the wages you get the pay you get for working for sin is death lord have mercy what a salary to receive and so the bible says that because we're all sinners we will receive the pay of death condemned to death and so all human beings all of us are slaves of sin and we need to be set free from sin now that's the bad news but because this is the revelation of hope i cannot end with the bad news i'm gonna end with the good news hallelujah the good news of hope and that good news of hope is found in a revelation chapter 5 verse 9 and 10 go there with me revelation chapter 5 verse 9 and 10 revelation chapter 5 verse 9 and 10 it says in the new king james version and they sang a new song saying you are worthy to take the scroll and to open his seals for you were slain and you have redeemed us to god by your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation verse 10 and you have made us kings and priests to our god and we shall reign on the earth hallelujah uh you are worthy who is worthy who is worthy uh we are told in verse 12 revelation 5 verse 12 revelation 5 verse 12 in the same chapter uh thousands are worshiping if you start from verse 11 revelation 5 verse 11 then i looked and i heard the voice of many angels around the throne living creatures and the elders and the number of them were 10 000 times 10 000 and thousands of thousands verse 12 saying with a loud voice worthy is the lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing worthy is the lamb ah now let's go back to verse nine worthy the lamb is worthy why is the lamb worthy because the lamb jesus christ the lamb was slain on the cross and by his blood he has redeemed us uh hello somebody somebody there listening to me because the lamb was slain he redeemed us he ransomed us by his blood oh brothers and sisters many times we hear the word redeemed but we don't know what it means but i hope after the sermon tonight every time you hear the word redeemed you will celebrate because you understand what it means so in this passage jesus the lamb of god is celebrated as worthy of worship because he has redeemed humankind by his blood now what does it mean to be redeemed you see today the word redeemed is a very common christian word but originally it was a word associated with the slave market the slave market to be redeemed means to be bought to be purchased from a slave market to be purchased to be released to be set free to be bought by a new slave master the one doing the buying the one paying the price so imagine with me a slave from the trans-atlantic trade are being sold is standing in front of everybody and a slave master i heard a story of a man who who placed the highest bidding on the slave and the slave says you know i don't care who buys me i'm not going to obey the master who buys me and there was bidding for the slave uh and this man kept on bidding and he bit the highest price and nobody could beat his price and he bought the slave and after he bought the slave he told the slave i bought you to set you free hallelujah somebody somebody shouting is somebody rejoicing that slave had been redeemed i bought you to set you free uh the word redeemed also applies when a person has been abducted or kidnapped you know i've read so many stories i remember one story i read of a girl who was kidnapped she was taken away and those who abducted her told sent a letter to her parents and says if you don't pay us this amount of money huge amount of money you will never see your daughter again uh these parents did they have that money no they didn't have it but they needed to find it because their daughter was precious to them they found the money somehow and they were able to pay the ransom that's another word for redeemed they paid the ransom and after they paid that ransom price their daughter was released to them she was redeemed she was set free free to live free from slavery free from being abducted brothers and sisters when we read the word redeemed it means that jesus paid the ransom price to have us released from the devil released from sin that has held us hostage held us in bondage with this background from the revelation of hope we can celebrate because jesus the lamb of god by his death on the cross paid the price for sin bought us and set us free from the power and the bondage and the penalty of sin and brought us to god because of jesus we are free to live and not die as slaves hallelujah somebody now you know why heaven was bursting in revelation 5 verse 9 to 12 and all the way down to the very last verse of revelation 5. now you understand why there's so much celebration going on there why it is said worthy is the lamb brothers and sisters when you know what jesus has done for you you celebrate you worship that's what worship is oh brothers and sisters to be redeemed also means when you have a huge debt you're owing a lot of money you don't know where you're gonna find that money for students and for parents it is school fees for business men and women it is a loan or a mortgage or something that you have borrowed but you don't have the money to pay it uh but but along comes a donor who who who is there with all the amounts that you need and pays that amount and clears your red account and says you're free don't worry uh those who are coming to bother you those who those those creditors coming to bother you will not disturb you anymore because the price is paid you are free from your debt free uh to live your life free to live without owing anyone and if you apply that to prison you you you have been set free from death row i'm trying to help somebody to understand what jesus did for you and me he paid the price and he set you and me free hallelujah give god some praise today if you understand what it means to be redeemed uh type hallelujah in the chat type hallelujah in the chat because we are redeemed type redeemed in the chat respond somehow if you understand what i'm saying that jesus set you free you no longer need to live as a slave i i'm not done celebrating yet this message is so good and i pray holy spirit help me as i deliver it today and i hope somebody will understand what jesus has done for us yes sir i will celebrate uh the revelation of jesus christ because it is sweet yes it is sweet this is sweet in order to appreciate the background of revelation 5 you need to go with me again to the old testament to attest to a story in the book of exodus that connects the blood of a lamb with freedom yes it is the story of the exodus c4 the book of exodus tells us by the way exodus means the way out the way out that's what exodus means uh for over 200 years the israelites suffered in egyptian bondage as slaves they were whipped as they worked they were not free to do to live as they pleased they cried out to god and he sent moses as their deliverer moses went and said to pharaoh of egypt let my people go but pharaoh refused and so god sent plague after plague after plague god sent ten plagues plagued number one and pharaoh still did not budge plague number two three four five six seven eight nine pharaoh steel did not release the children of israel there was one more plague left one more plague left and just before that plague came uh the lord sent a message to these uh israelites who were slaves but but they were about to be freed uh the lord sent moses to tell the israelites tonight you're going to work out of egypt you're going to walk out of egypt out of slavery you're going to walk out free for the first time in your lives because i'm gonna visit egypt in a mighty way tonight but i want you to be prepared uh to do this because this will ensure your your freedom from egyptian bondage from egyptian slavery what did the lord ask them to do the lord said to every egyptian give every israelite family i want you to choose a lamb hallelujah somebody i want you to choose a lamp i want you to choose a lamb and i want you to sacrifice that lamb one lamb for every family and i want you to take the blood of that lamb and i want you to paint it on your door post because tonight the angel of death is gonna pass through the land and it's gonna kill every firstborn in every house uh but exodus 12 13 this is a shouting point right here exodus 12 13 says the blood will be a sign on you on the houses where you are and when i see the blood i will pass over you hallelujah somebody when i see the blood there will be no death in this house when i see the blood at the blood guaranteed freedom for the family that had the blood on their doorpost when i see the blood i will pass over dear friends i believe that some egyptians also took a lamb some egyptians took a lamb and they sacrificed the lamb and they followed what the israelites were doing and they painted the blood of a lamb over their doorpost and there was no death in that house because the lord said when i see the blood of a lamb i will pass over you that blood guaranteed the freedom of that house do you see the connection do you see now i am shouting by the blood of a lamb the israelites were set free from slavery in egypt now let's connect that to jesus christ the the israelites were set free they walked out of egypt that night they were no longer slaves but they were free to live set free by the blood of a lamb and it pointed to jesus christ the passover lamb jesus christ the one who has set you and me free by his blood he is the lamb of god he is our passover lamb by his blood you and i have been set free from slavery hallelujah praise the lord brothers and sisters watching it doesn't matter what your religion is it doesn't matter what your background is jesus came to set everyone free from slavery of sin and satan and you know today we celebrate a freedom fighters i when i think of the history i loved history as a kid i still love history today as a kid i used to read a lot of history books and so i know a lot of freedom fighters a william will be force who fought for the abolition of slavery in england uh harriet tubman uh in the u.s that great woman who was called moses who set a lot of how black african americans free in the united states or oscar schindler uh a man who worked for the the freedom of jews during the second world war mahatma gandhi who fought for the freedom of those in uh in india and of course how can i leave out the great heroes of jamaica uh paul bogle and and the nanny of the maroons and many of the national heroes we celebrate in jamaica yes we celebrate freedom fighters but tonight i want to celebrate the greatest freedom fighter the greatest freedom giver the greatest liberator who did not just liberate one nation like mahatma gandhi but has set free all of humanity including you watching tonight jesus has set you free and so he is worthy of our worship he's worthy of our praise yes my dear brothers and sisters in the same way that you say thank you i thank you to the one who has paid your debt and cleared your debt in the same way that you say thank you to the one who has worked so that you're set free in the same way you shout and jump and celebrate that you are free your debt is paid you are no longer on death row you are free uh is the same way we ought to worship i worship the lamb jesus christ the one who has paid our debt the one who has released us by his blood oh yes hallelujah jesus christ is worthy of our worship and that's why the book of revelation is filled with worship filled with worship for what god has done for us yes my dear brothers and sisters that's what worship is worship is responding to what god has done for you and yes we ought to worship we ought to celebrate when we have been set free we ought to celebrate that let me use another relevant another relevant uh illustration here you see satan uh satan has injected us and infected us with the with the virus of sin but hallelujah jesus died on the cross and his blood has provided the greatest the greatest vaccination you know i don't know where you stand on vaccination i don't want to bring that in but vaccination or no vaccination whatever vaccination you take i want to recommend to you that you need the greatest vaccination against the virus of sin and that vaccination is the blood of jesus christ which he shed on the cross and i can assure you tonight that when you accept that blood it will set you free from the power of the virus of sin yes my dear brothers and sisters the devil does not want us to celebrate our freedom when people open the book of revelation they're afraid they're looking at antichrist they're looking at 666 they're looking at the battle of a magadon they're looking at the end of the world but there's so much good news there's so much hope in the book of revelation the devil doesn't want you to see it but god sent me here tonight and for these three weeks to celebrate what he has done to point everybody to the good news of hope that is found in the book of revelation the revelation of jesus christ the revelation of hope hallelujah in jesus christ there is redemption ephesians 1 verse 7 tells us that in jesus christ there is redemption by his blood first peter uh chapter 1 verse 18 to 20 says we're not redeemed by by silver or gold but we're redeemed by the precious blood of jesus christ jesus came to set you free hallelujah let me read luke 4 uh verse 18 as i uh try to wrap up this message tonight i i i'm gonna keep shouting this good news and i hope somebody gets it luke 4 verse 18 jesus says the spirit of the lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted and watch this now to proclaim liberty that's freedom to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind to set at liberty uh those who are oppressed jesus came to set you free doesn't matter what your slave master is jesus came to set you free why has jesus come to set you free revelation 1 verse 5 in the english standard version says from jesus christ the faithful witness the firstborn of the dead the ruler of the kings of the earth to him jesus who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood to him be glory hallelujah why has jesus come to set you free because he loves you yes it's there in the book of revelation uh satan wants people to look at all the scary things but why should you be scared of a book that says fear not why should you be scared of a book where the one who writes and reveals it loves you oh my bible says that there is no fear in love i if you love somebody you don't you're not afraid of them jesus loves you do you love him if you love him if you know him and you love him then there's no need to be afraid of anything because he loves you and he has freed you i love this and if you read it in the greek the word for freed is in the past tense it's past completed that means it was accomplished one time once and for all you are legally free now and forever but the question tonight as i wrap up the message is will you accept the freedom that jesus has purchased for you will you accept the freedom that jesus has purchased for you you have been redeemed will you live like a redeemed person you have been set free will you live like a free person i want to bring it home a little bit where you can reach it on january 1 1863 president abraham lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation in the united states of america declaring free all slaves residing in the territory in rebellion on december 18 1865 eight months after the end of the war the ratification of the thirteenth amendment to the constitution was verified finally assuring the end of slavery but the president who signed the emancipation proclamation was dead he was gunned down abraham lincoln was killed but this document still stood i want you to follow me and i want you to get this because this is the heart of the message tonight the moment president abraham lincoln signed the document and it was enacted every slave was set free legally but watch this now but not every slave was free experientially lord have mercy uh let me repeat that one more time at the moment president lincoln signed the document and it was enacted every slave in the united states of america was set free legally but not every slave was free experientially in order to be really free the slaves needed to do the following six things number one the slaves needed to hear the good news that they have been set free number two the slaves had to believe the good news that they had been set free number three does the slaves have to determine that the good news was true for them and number four the slaves had to refuse to remain in subjection as slaves any longer they had to refuse the slaves had to refuse to remain in subjection as slaves any longer the the slaves number five had to assert their freedom from their former task masters and number six they had to count the slaves had to count on the authority and power of the government that declared them free to now help them remain free oh i hope somebody's listening uh to me tonight abraham lincoln signed a document that declared all slaves free but do you know that after he signed that document many slaves were still slaves still lived in slavery he has the message tonight when jesus died on the cross that friday afternoon by his blood he signed the emancipation papers from sin setting everyone free setting the whole human race free from the power of sin but many of us still live in slavery though jesus has declared us legally free through the cross of calvary many of us like those slaves are not really free experientially many of us are not living that freedom that christ has already purchased for us let me make it a little clear let me try help me holy ghost as i try to make it clear so imagine that you have been in a prison cell yes i'm trying to say tonight that you and i have been in the prison cell of sin and jesus comes and he unlocks the prison door of sin and jesus opens the prison door of sin and says you are free to go but you and i sit inside inside a prison cell that is already open and we choose to remain inside jesus comes and and and he's unlocked the chain he's unlocked the padlock that is holding the chains and so it's now for us to remove the chains from our brains take the chains of our brains i think it was bob marley who said emancipate yourself from mental slavery he had a message there uh and that message before he he he sang redemption song jesus had already redeemed us the redemption song was already there in the book of revelation before bob marley wrote it uh and tonight the holy spirit is saying uh be greater than what bob marley says emancipate yourself you're already free jesus has already set you free he's already opened the prison doors from whatever is holding you in bondage tonight he's already unlocked the padlock that is holding the chains it is for you and me brothers and sisters to walk out and live free galatians uh chapter five verse one says for freedom you have been set free you see i i begin to realize that many of us are like this horse in the picture you see this horse is tied to a plastic chair this horse is so much stronger than the plastic chair just with one move this horse can fling away the plastic chair and drag it along but this horse is standing there enslaved to a plastic chair enslaved to something that it is stronger than brothers and sisters do you get the picture tonight many of the chains that hold us our own limitations we are refusing to walk into the freedom that god that jesus christ has already purchased for us many of us are slaves of our fears we are slaves of our past that have been done to us we're slaves to all kinds of things slaves to our phones slaves to our past slaves to a boyfriend or a girlfriend slaves to our parents slaves even to ourselves our mentality is is trapped we are living in bondage but jesus sent me here tonight to remind you you are free but will you live free will you live free some of us have have decided to limit ourselves to say oh i can never make it i cannot do it who told you that jesus has set you free to be everything god created you to be hallelujah i want somebody to get the message tonight holy spirit touch somebody's heart tonight uh the jesus has already set you free to be everything god created you to be in other words there is nothing impossible for you and there's nothing you cannot do by his power all you have to do is choose to walk in the freedom that god has given you i remember uh watching a movie i don't want to promote any movies here but i but it captures the point i'm trying to make i'm going to share these illustrations and then come to a close tonight this man had lived in in prison for so long he had lived in prison for so long and and and one day after some examination he was set free and he got a job he began to work in in a in a grocery store to package whatever has been bought by by those who come to buy his job was to package the stuff that had been bought and you see whenever this man wanted to urinate or use the the toilet he would always ask the manager please can i go and use the toilet and every time you wanted to urinate and he would go and ask the manager please can i use the toilet you see because that was the way of life in prison and one day the manager got got annoyed and says i've told you you don't have to ask me before you go to the bathroom just go because you are free to go our brothers and sisters that man was out of prison but prison was still in him and that's the case for a lot of us we are free already in jesus christ but we're still living in bondage self-imposed bondage another story as i tried to wrap up a story i read from a book titled the naked truth a young man had worked for a ship captain he was on a contract to work for a ship captain uh for about six months and this ship captain was very rude and very cruel and he he was very hard to please and so this ship captain would shout at this boy shout at him and and after he did the work he scrubbed the the the the ship's floor and he painted and he did the chores and the the ship captain would come and check it and says no do it again and shout at him and shout at him and this young man got so used to the voice of this wicked cruel ship captain one day the contract of this young man was over he was free to go he no longer worked for the ship captain he was free to go and so one day while he was after his contract he was free walking around in the marketplace and the ship captain i saw him in the marketplace one day and shouted his name i said what are you doing here come on go back to the ship and do your work and without realizing it this young man was shocked and and and he started walking back towards the ship because he was so used to the voice of this ship captain he started walking towards the ship but then on his way he stopped and said hey wait a minute i don't work for you anymore hallelujah somebody somebody listening to me i don't work for you anymore i am no longer under your contract and he walked away from that shipmaster my dear brothers and sisters that's what jesus has done for you he set you free to say no to every shipmaster to every slave master in your life and you can walk away free from sin hallelujah you don't have to sin unless you choose to romans chapter 6 uh verse 12 says do not let sin rule over you do not let sin have dominion over you jesus has set you free and so you now have to choose whom you will serve will you choose to use the freedom that jesus has given you to serve yourself to continue to serve your slave master former slave masters or will you use your freedom to choose jesus the one who has set you free i want to end by celebrating this text john chapter 8 verse 36 therefore if the son jesus christ makes you free you are free indeed and if i may use the topic the message tonight you are really free hallelujah and so i want to end with a song before brother charlton samwell's uh continues the appeal and praise i want to i want to celebrate in the words of these uh two songs one song says i am free from the fear of tomorrow i'm free from the guilt of the past i've traded my shackles for a glorious song i'm free praise the lord free at last another song says i am no longer a slave to fear because i am a child of god does somebody today recognize your freedom do you recognize that you can choose jesus jesus already chose he has already set you free but illegally but you need to accept him so that he can help you to be free in your own experience set you free from depression set you free from suicide set you free from any addiction set you free from that negative mindset set you free from your family's generational past set you free from anything jesus has already set you free will you accept his freedom and make it personal today you are free today to succeed free to live in peace free from whomever is abusing you your parents your your husband your wife or your friends you're free to walk away from them because jesus has set you free will you accept this freedom today and make it real in your life brother uh brother charlton is is there waiting to continue this appeal bro charlton go ahead amen amen amen tonight i am elated to know of the amazing grace that god has given unto every one of us tonight i too can rejoice because i can clearly say that the grace of god is powerful it transform lives my friend i can give you my personal testimony that i used to be in the clubs i used to be in the dancehall i used to smoke the herb i used to drink the room i used to be out there but the amazing powerful grace of god transformed lives thank you jesus he says i have come to seek and to save that which was lost and so tonight if you are enslaved with whatever fear whatever it is as the evangelist told us tonight that that horse was tied to a plastic chair and though that horse was so strong the horse was chained in its mind and so tonight whatever your situation whatever your fear whatever your circumstances i want you to remember that god has sent his son into the world entering into your situation to transform your condition and set you free and make your peter stand upon the solider of christ jesus i am tonight rejoicing because revelation of hope it is real and hope make it not a shame tonight my friend i tell you you can write it in the chat you can link on into the prayer line you can stick on the perk card jesus power to save is amazing jesus power to save is amazing you might even be in the church and you may even uh officer in the church but still we we can be members and are enslaved god laid down his life upon the cross of calvary for full payment of our sins and not only our sin with everything that would enslaves us jesus paralyzed that power so we know from our minds are to accept that god has done this for us rejoice in him and be set free i can tell you also i can tell also before i close now when i graduate from school i couldn't read couldn't read but today i can read my friend there is no limitation in god and the power of god's grace there is no limitation with god and the power of god's amazing grace the person talking to you tonight you you you you may not want to know what i used to be but i want to let you know i'm not single you know what i'm tempted to sing before i close grace will always be greater fancy proven its times and again whatever you've done wherever you've been god's christ will always be greater than remember we are here every night except in thursday night and friday night let us remember that this revelation of hope is to let you know and to remind us that there is a power in god to save and jesus christ is coming again he will burst the eastern sky and he will come back for the same he will come back for it the regime and unto them that love his appearing will he appear the second time without sin unto salvation father in heaven we are so grateful tonight we are so grateful that the book of revelation it is the book of hope it is a book that speaks to the salvation of all jesus christ laid down his life for the freedom of every one of adam's children tonight we pray for those who are struggling in sin we pray for those who are chained in whatever situation we pray that the blood of jesus will cleanse the power of god will break change set somebody free transform some life heal some marriages heal some home bring some heart to heart and may we find that connection in christ so we will have an experiential knowledge and an experiential freedom in jesus so we can walk as free people forgiven of sin and getting gotten the victory over sin and over sinning to the blood of jesus christ tonight for this we give you thanks for this we praise your name and oh god bless everyone tonight as we go to our beds give us a good night rest give us a good day tomorrow bring us back tomorrow night oh great god that we may again enter into your word and we pray for the pentecostal law pouring of the holy ghost power so we will be stronger in christ to live and to demonstrate the goodness of god in the land of the living is our prayer with thanksgiving in jesus holy name amen amen amen i praise the lord for that prayer thank you brother charles and i just want to invite you for our uh meeting again tomorrow where we'll be looking at the subject staying power you don't want to miss that after you have been set free by jesus you need staying power come and find out what that's all about from the revelation of jesus christ the revelation of hope god bless you [Music] is [Music] and soon will him [Music] [Music] is [Music] so [Music] was trying to cease for joy and peace until the savior comes against [Music]
Channel: Waltham SDA Church
Views: 262
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 8Pu6CpcYFLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 25sec (6565 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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