The Real Faith Part 3 | Bishop Keith Butler | October 03, 2021

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we're continuing where i left off praise god last sunday on the real faith praise god what we call it actually the real faith wednesday night i picked actually picked up with part two of it at the wednesday night service and so i'd encourage you if you were not watching online and we're not there wednesday night you need to hear part two because the day where i'm going is part three praise god on the real faith now let's begin reading here praise god we began last week and let me say the the first part of hebrews 10 is about what the law couldn't do and what jesus did and that praise god where we are today and he told us in verse 23 let us hold fast the acknowledgement of our faith without wavering because god is faithful or he is trustworthy that that promise we looked at wednesday night verse 24 said let us consider one another to provoke and once again to provoke something it's not a passive something when you say provoke amen it says to we are to provoke unto two things one provoke each other to walk in the love of god one another and then here's the second one he said we are to provoke unto good works now works do not save you you don't get saved because of works ephesians 2 8 says we are saved by grace through faith not of ourselves it reads it says that salvation is is the gift of god not of works lest any man should boast so you don't get saved through works but after you get saved you are expected to do works for god almighty can i get amen somebody amen i mean if nothing else you ought to be so grateful that god did so much for you you should be willing to go do something for him amen so he said we need to provoke one another to good works and then of course it goes on not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together because you can't provoke nobody if you're not there if you don't see him right glory to god then he goes on and talks about it that since jesus paid the price for our sin if we sin willfully after that there's no more sacrifice for sin now we've got to do first john 1 9 if we acknowledge our sin and reads god is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness but if we don't then we're trampling on god and we will then put ourselves in a position where we have come up against the spirit of grace then we also put ourselves in position for negative judgment to come our way then we looked at verse 32 on wednesday night called to remembrance the former days in which after you were illuminated in other words the days when your eyes opened and you finally saw jesus as lord and you begin to operate in it then you saw something came to you a great notice what it said there great magos is the greek word for it a magos fight of affliction a great fight of telephones the great word affliction means trouble test trial why because you got illuminated which agrees with what jesus said in mark chapter 4 and in that parable of the sower which jesus said in verse 13 if you don't know this parable how then well you know all the parables it's the parable in which you take and you lay over top of any of the other parables he told because it will tell you the real confines of what you're listening to he said in verse 15 over there verse 16 17 rather he said over there that when you hear the word satan came immediately and he brought one affliction or persecution for the purpose of getting you to be scandalism which means an individual who backs up quits gives up becomes offended all of that so your trials don't come to make you strong the trials come to knock you off the word and knock you out and make you quit that's that's their purpose and they don't come from god they come from satan james chapter one but then he's he went on to say what some of those things could be in verse 34. he said for you had compassion in me when i was in prison and you took joyfully the spoiling of your goods your possessions knowing that you have in heaven an even better in enduring substance and so he said they might even attack your money you might get attacked in your money you might get attacked in your body you might get attacked your reputation you might get attacked in all kinds of ways once you became enlightened aside because satan understands romans 1 16. romans 1 16 says the word of god is the power of god unto your deliverance so if he doesn't stop that word from getting deep down in you and if he can't stop you from coming to a place where you become strong in it he's in trouble so he tried to knock you out right from the very beginning so what do you tell you to do in verse 35 again i encourage you get wednesday but he said cast not away your confidence although they took your money although affliction came against your body all those circumstances happened to you which were very unfavorable or unfair hallelujah he said but don't cast away your confidence your piracy in the greek amen you're all outspokenness amen because it has great great recompense or return to you a reward amen he said you have need of patient endurance learn to take a licking and keep on ticking this is what he said hallelujah amen praise god so that you might receive the promises or will of god even though you've done what he said at this point now he said the just shall live by faith in verse 38 oh it's a lifetime it's not a get-rich-quick scheme if any man draws back now and this is what from that chapter 10 35 all through the rest of chapter 11 is about one thing god being pleased with you amen again the new testament translated from the greek and the greek word pleased here means to be entirely gratified god gives gratification when you have trust and confidence in him even though everything is coming against you and oh my goodness was held in your way and you said that's all right i'm still sticking with god today i don't care what goes down he is pleased by that that's what the rest of this chapter is about amen it's going to talk about people who then endured issues and they still patiently endured did not cast away their confidence hallelujah had great recompense or reward had great reward come back to them hallelujah but they went through difficult times amen so that's why he says uh to just live is a lifetime by faith not just you know hit and miss for a while if any man draws back from that my soul has no pleasure in him in other words that word pleasure uh educate or chao in the greek means i won't think well of him and i want to prove him amen then we went to chapter 11 last week faith is the substance of things hoped for evidence of things not seen is the support is the foundation it's the proof praise god through faith we receive revelation knowledge we come to learn that the words were thoroughly completed by god and then we looked at praise god verse 4 because it seems to me that when he starts talking about individual people the first one you would have talked about was the father of faith if you're talking about faith it seemed to me you would have thought that the first person to come up would have been the father of faith abraham but it wasn't the first one was able and it talked about how abel praised god gave him more excellent sacrifice than cain in other words today we would say he was a titer he gave the best that he had to god and his he was still testified then verse 5 enoch was the second person that brought him enoch was translated that he should not see death he was raptured he was caught up we found out last week praise the lord when we read we read that he walked with god genesis 5 22. see walking with god means what that's why he was taken in fact we read that that line he was translated because he had this testimony that he gratified god entirely see he walked with god walking with god is what you're going god's way and the whole world's going different it means that when you face what god says about life what god says about money what god says about marriage what god says about health what god says about whatever subject there's what god says about it and then that's what the media the universities and the world system says see so you you have a choice again i've told this before but i'll say it again amen i know when i when i was uh at the university of michigan i went i had a class on marriage and family i took american family class at unm talked a long time ago when i was a student but okay amen and when and the the professor said phd and i'm gonna quote you what he said because i'll never get what he said he said how many males do we have in here you are a fool he said he used the word fool you are a fool if you marry a woman that's what he said he said why in the world should you give half or more than half of your income to a female he says particularly when you can have sex with her without mariner so why in the world would you give money to her why would you marry her that's what he said now i looked around at the females in the class because i thought sure he was going to have a female rebellion but instead those 18 19 and 20 year olds were doing this because an 18 19 or 20 year old may be in college but they're not too smart yet you understand and when they look at somebody's phd university degree tag with someone so letters behind the name then that means this individual must have wisdom that i don't have it might mean they are more stupid than you are it don't necessarily mean anything necessarily brother hagin used to call that phd posthole digger amen so praise god he said that and they're going so i challenged them oh man him went at it for 15 weeks he would call me out by name butler what you think about that everybody knew my name in that class right so when class was over i did all my work i gave him a test i gave him the answers of what he said okay and and he is he had to grade my work a but at the end of the course he gave me a c so i had to go to a special board you know they have when you get challenged to grace and under special gore and then they gave me my a but the point that i'm saying okay here is that the world system says i saw the news yesterday uh read yesterday would have talked about you cannot use pronouns because men can have babies i said really i didn't know i could have a baby how come i ain't had a baby yet i've been married for 46 years and i had a baby yet is there something wrong with me in other words these these are bright educated leadership who don't understand the most basic of biology and will sanction you take your job come at you for believing that only a woman supposed to have a baby well the bible said he made them then it told you the bible uses the pronouns she received so you so you're already opposite to society right now you all ready okay cause i refuse to call a woman a man i will not do it and vice versa i will not do it hello i will not use terms like birthing people lord have mercy on us come on but in the end of days late days you see this kind of foolishness now so walking with god means so what does god say about then that was just one example i was giving you so what does god say about money what does god say about this what does god say about that the reason why he was translated and why he gratified god was that the world was going completely opposite and enoch stayed only with god's wife pleasing god is the requirement to be raptured amen all right now let's get into some more ground i didn't get into last week amen verse seven by faith remember the greek word for faith is pisses it means trust belief confidence assurance amen by faith here's the next person we're staying out to abraham yet noah being warned of god not underlying the word of god because god always warms before some goes down now whether or not you are listening whether or not you'll get on the frequency to hear or whether or not you would be mark chapter 4 verse 15. in mark chapter 4 verse 15 is where the word was preached god put the information out and the person went no saint didn't have to do nothing he just came and walked up with the word word praise god it said that that seed was by the side of the road because you could hear anything in the word of god you could have just heard what i just said and then go and say no i'm not buying that there's only male female and you can go well i believe because it's two words or really three words that get people in trouble all the time i think oh i believe instead of the scripture said big difference i know somebody sent me a letter this week telling me about how i ought to do stuff and everything he'll tell me was against the scripture been in church a long time mark chapter 4 verse 15. either the word of god is the word of god or it's not it's either god's methods you follow that or you don't he said in isaiah 55 my thoughts are above your thoughts and my ways are above your ways he said in isaiah 55. is that what he said so adopt his thoughts so praise god so god always warns if you're listening so now know what he said here praise god by faith noah being warned of god are things not seen as yet so he's telling noah about something that never happened before right so so you can imagine the amount of ridicule came to noah because he's talking about something that never happened before see it it never rained before at this time at this time the earth was watered from beneath so they did not have rain come from above yet hadn't happened okay so noah's job was to tell them however what god said they laughed at it they didn't want to do it come on let's keep reading word of god a thing seen as yet moved with fear which means he moved with reverence he said god said it don't matter if i never seen it before don't matter if it never happened before doesn't matter if people don't understand it he said if god said it i'm going to revere what god said and the scripture said he got busy he moved real faith acts immediately real faith is not getting healed or getting your money or being protected or whatever else you're believing god for those are byproducts of real food real faith is what you're talking about here in the faith hall of fame your attitude and what you will do when you are tested and tried so noah being warned of things that yet move with fear he prepared he acted an ark to the saving of his house by the which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith what do you mean he condemned the world praise the lord it means here praise god hallelujah that word condemned is the greek word krino it means to judge against what the sentence in other words there was noah's response to what god said which was he acted and the world's rest of the world's response which wasn't and so god said now look and and he would say to all the rest of them when they had their time of judgment i warned you and don't tell me nobody could have believed because noah did right in fact we can read a little bit more about noah turner first peter chapter 3. can i get three hallelujahs as we're turning first peter chapter 3 and let's take a look here at verse 20 which reads which some time were disobedient when once the long suffering long suffering of god underlined long suffering to tell you how long he waited long suffering of god waited in the days of noah while the ark was preparing noah did not build that ark in a day or a week or a month or a year or even a decade all the time or decades all that time haze preaching and telling them repent come to god it's going to rain judgment is coming and receiving ridicule so all the while however god was long-suffering no judgment came he kept warning them while the ark was preparing wherein few that is only eight souls were saved by water it's only eight people made it in and those eight people were all noah's family now as we go back to hebrews 11 praise god so because amen this is also what pleasing god is pleasing god was making god first with your finances praise god pleasing god was walking with god regardless of what verse six says without faith is not possible to gratify god he that comes to god must believe that god is the highest of course and that he will reward whoever digitally seeks him that's gonna be part of that you'll see in a minute praise god part of noah's reward was that noah didn't drown with everybody else and neither did his family see keep reading now we get to somebody i thought would have been if i was writing it at least i would have thought would have been the first one by faith abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive an inheritance obey and he went out now of course if you go back to abraham or abraham at that time and and he was living in urdu chaldeas southern iraq about 250 miles south of baghdad he's living there with his family and the lord tells him and says i want you to leave your family leave his riches i'm not even going to tell you where to go right now you just go i'm going to give you first step follow that every day you check with me and i'll tell you go west go south go whatever it is each day i'm not even going to tell you where you're going because we would have been lord now so where are we going here so what am i supposed to be believing for so how am i going to know when i get there if you don't tell me i mean we would you know he said no this man heard what god said and he obeyed god faith that pleases god the real faith obeys and act he went out not knowing whether he was going verse 9. so by his trust and confidence and belief he's so joining a land of promises in a strange country dwelling in tabernacles or tents with isaac and jacob the heirs of him the same promise so so look what god asked him to do god asked him to leave his already made home leave all his family's possession leave everything he knew to follow i don't know where and he goes out and he has to live in tents you mean the lord might ask you to leave an already developed situation where you got it all working and he may ask you to leave at all yeah he did me i've been there amen i got a good job break my beard quit go to the place i've never been going to a place i barely heard of hallelujah amen ain't nobody else heard of back then nobody else had heard of it either and go to this place i tell you to go leave a job leave your mind leave everything you got leave the family and everybody we did that's what he had to do now real faith is now if the lord asks you to uproot and do that would you do it now he didn't leave with a job at the other end amen he didn't know where he was going so sure couldn't prepare for it so he didn't know where he's going all he knows is the lord gives me instruction i go and this went on so long that the word says he was in tabernacles here with isaac and jacob so he's going to spend a significant amount of time in a less shall we say prosperous environment then the one he left let's continue why'd he do that well one of the things that helped him do it is verse 10 for he looked for a city which have foundations whose builder and maker is god he kept his eyes not focused horizontally but verdict he's thinking about not just the hearing now he's thinking about the eternity see if you live 120 years on this earth we say woo that that person lived a long time but next to eternity it ain't even a spit in the bucket keep a finger there turn to revelations praise god revelations chapter 21 let me show you what he's thinking about praise god and those who have real faith this is what should drive your decisions he says in verse 2 and i john saw the holy city new jerusalem coming down from god out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband praise god in other words that new city praise god whose maker is god again i won't have the time to read you all about the city today but read in chapter 21 read it all you'll find this this city is 144 000 square miles one city north south east west and up you'll be on the 22nd thousandth floor in the penthouse hallelujah would take up three quarters or at least two-thirds of the surface of the united states one city straits made of gold praise god gates made of each gate praise imagine how large the entrance gate would beat or something that big glory to god hallelujah he's thinking about eternity now see we're so focused on now that people make decisions on what works now but would be against god and then want god to take him up yonder we'll sing again i'm going up yonder to be with my lord [Music] and we'll sing the song you ain't going nowhere except to the altar cause you know you were in trouble when others are gone and you ain't oh hallelujah see he look for this city let's go back to the hebrews so we'll see what this chapter is telling us right here so then it said through favor also praise god through faith also sarah herself received underline that word received she received due to his strength supernatural ability to conceive seed and was delivered of a child when she was past age because here why she judged him faithful who had promised i want to read verse 12 for our comment on her therefore sprang there up even as one and him as good as dead so what it said was amen god said you are going to have a child in your old age and the bible said but your husband's body is as good as dead see we always get our credit the i brought home but you gotta you should be giving equal query credit to sarah cause her husband's body was dead there was no viagra there was no there wasn't no to test the wrong cream come on somebody there was no therapy hello the boy's 99 years ago he ain't got no help we just did and she understands well ain't nothing gonna happen here man we ain't gonna talk about what she is now she's 90 years old herself she and scripture said well she's past age so she ain't functioning either so they're both getting up every day and saying how you doing today good to see you but there ain't no function at the junction you know what i'm saying right yet she received dutimus supernatural ability because what did it say why because his real faith hallelujah she judged him faithful trustworthy who had promised god was pleased that's why she's in the list and not just him god was pleased because even though there is no way in the natural even though everybody says it can't happen even though she'd never seen it or heard it before she said god said it i receive it that settles [Applause] god said that's my girl right there i'm pleased that's why she's in the list see real faith real faith praise god is about having faith in god regardless of testing trials circumstances or even your lack of ability to produce verse 12 said therefore sprang there even as one of him as good as dead so many as the stars of the sky and multitude and as the sand which is by the sea shore immune innumerable well what what what happened praise god not only was isaac born but then what god said would happen happen today i am one of her children seed of abraham galatians 3 29 says if you be christ you are abraham seed heirs according to the promise so today i'm going to sarah's children anybody else belong to abraham i said see and so praise god but it happened it's why god chose this couple now it took him a while it took abraham 25 years to get his act together okay amen and don't get upset because i'm sure it took that long for a bunch of us to get still acting it took him that long get together but when he got together but god helped him get it together and how did god help him get it together first of all by changing his name and her name instead of calling him abraham abraham father multitude so to call her sarah i call her sarah praise god mother great multitude so that every time they got up and they passed by like shifting tonight hello abraham you were the father of great multitude i don't care what i'm looking at hello mother great multitude i know what god said i don't care what i'm looking at amen every time they ran into somebody my name is father multu my name is mother monk too cause you have what you say you come to the heart place you believe in your heart and set up your mouth jesus said you'll have whatever you say but you got to come to the place it took some time for them to get there but they got there hallelujah and in fact once they finally got together it took them less than a year and isaac was born it won't take ten years if you'd become strong in faith glory to god then you know it's verse 13. all these people died in faith not having received the promises in other words having seen them afar off in other words they didn't live long enough to see the completion of everything god said amen praise god but they were persuaded of them and embraced them and confessed or acknowledged they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth some big things what he said there he said praise god hallelujah even though they didn't see the full manifestation of everything because of the things god was talking about was way past just their generation they were persuaded they said it that's so and then they were acknowledged that in this world is not where i belong see you were putting on this earth not to be a citizen of earth you are a citizen of the kingdom of god your job is to be an ambassador for that kingdom here on earth in other words you represent god that's why when they look at us they can't see god but the bible says you are there today we will use the language billboard where they're blinking billboard and light they can't see god but they're supposed to be able to see our love and our works and so there must be god because i see that love in them and i know the way they used to be i see how they with this but look how god has changed them i see how they were salvaged but now they're givers and they help everybody i see when they used to walk in all this kind of strife but now they're full of love something happened to them and then you tell them yeah it was jesus who changed my life you're not supposed to conform to this world romans chapter 12 verse 2 says be not conformed to this world but be changed by the renewing of your mind because you thinking about what it costs let's keep reading we're not done with this chapter i think i got about 10 minutes left i think 12 minutes praise the lord verse 14 for they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country and truly if they have been mindful of that country from whence they came out in their case a rock they might have had opportunity to have returned in other words that's what they're thinking about if they're thinking about the past remember what happened to lot's wife judgment is coming okay to saudam interesting name you might attach some other things to that and gomorrah right so judgment is coming there but god's saving knowing his family a lot of me lot in his family he's saving a lot in his family right he said just don't look back don't think about the old shopping malls that used to be in saudi arabia don't think about your whole house used to having soda amen so don't look back and so when that fire flame fell what did she do she looked back and what happened to the rest happened to her that fire fell and she became salt phosphorous you can't look back you come to god you can't look back saying well you know if if i hadn't been no no real faith never looks back to your neighbor never looked back tell somebody on the other side never look back and they're not looking about where they could have returned verse 16 but now deities are a better country that is a heavenly wherefore god is not ashamed to be called their god for he have prepared for them a city praise god by faith abraham when he was tested offered of isaac and he that had received there's that word again he took it the promises offered up his only begotten son verse 19 says amen he accounted that god was able to raise him up even from the dead so he received them in his own mind already raised and though he'll tell you do what god didn't give you imagination so that you can be scared by movies he gave you imagination so you can imagine yourself winning so imagine yourself with your bills paid imagine yourself healed of that disease imagine yourself glory to god whatever it is that you need to believe god's for start seeing that glory to god start meditating on that start talking about praise god what you want and not what you see god calls those things would be not until because be not until they are praise god we need to call those things to be not as though they were until they are just like god almighty talk like god act like god see the future like god god's never looking back at something amen [Music] now i'm about out of time so i'm gonna finish this chapter but i'm gonna go a little deeper into it now pick up here with verse 32. anybody get anything out of real fast so he says in verse 32 and what what more shall i say i mean i could tell you about gideon and barack and samson and jephthah and david and samuel the prophets calling them please god who through trust confidence belief reliance assurance on god subdue kingdoms wrought righteousness obtain promises stop the mouth of lions quench the violence of fire escape the edge of the sword out of weakness we're made strong once violent in fight turn to flight the armies of the aliens all these things when people operated in real faith when tragedy came their way when tough times came their way when testing trials came their way when their enemies attacked them came their way praise god they stayed strong in faith and in the lion's den the lion's mouth got stopped when the armies came against them god gave them victory when those who were dead praise god god raised them to life in other words they didn't step back because they had real faith real faith never looks back real faith never turns around real faith talks like and acts like what god said is so and it doesn't matter what happens to me it doesn't matter what they try and do to me it doesn't matter what they say about me it doesn't matter what the government says about me it doesn't matter what anybody tries to do there's only one god and he's the only one i will submit myself to that's why i would not bow my knee to some whatever we gonna bow our knee what you mean bow your knee you don't bow your needle nobody except god almighty [Applause] oh i'm preaching good i don't care who don't like it the end of the day you ain't standing before all these folk with a big mouths the end of the day you're going to stand before god [Applause] and if you pleased him good if you didn't keep reading are you not done women receive their dead rays to life again so it ain't necessarily necessarily over even if they're dead others were tortured but watch this torture not accepting deliverance that they might obtain a better resurrection that's because what they believe some believe that well the more you suffer even the better your resurrection will be that teaching went on for centuries by the way amen wasn't correct is what they believed that what the bible tell you others had trials of cruel markings and scorching bonds and imprisonment stones sold asunder with tempted slain with the sword they wandered about of course sheepskins ghostings destitute afflicted and tormented of whom the world was not worthy they wandered in deserts and in mountains and indians and caves and these all having obtained a good report through faith received not the promise god having provided of course the promise there was promise it was talking about was the messiah god having provided some better thing for us that they without us should not be made perfect this means what amen they did all of that and jesus hasn't come yet they were willing to do what was necessary and he hadn't even showed up yet they were willing to give their bodies minds spirits and cash everything they had even though they were believed for something that would happen in the future but us we can look back and see 2 000 years ago the savior came born in the manger hallelujah hallelujah walk the earth with signs and wonders and manifestations of the holy ghost hung on the cross and he bore my sins and carried your sins hallelujah was put in the grave but the grave could not hold him on that third day he rose from that grave glory to god and he said all authority has been given unto me in heaven and earth now i give you that authority you walk on the devil you walk on death you walk on poverty you walk on fear you walk on depression hallelujah they're all under your feet glory they're cut we now are those who have the victory [Music] whether or not you walk in that victory or not depends on whether or not you will be worthy of these people so what will you say to enoch i finished about just in time what you going to say to enoch who walk with god and you choose to be a slip-shot christian i'm saved i'll get to heaven yeah but i expect to have what enoch had i don't think so i'm an expert in scripture and i can tell you i can't find that like that hallelujah god expects us now that we are here to do works for him nobody should just be sitting on their derriere just receiving everybody should be furthering the kingdom of god one way or the other stand with me please amen now don't get me wrong god wants you healed he wants your bills paid he wants you living in divine protection he wants your seed to be blessed all those things absolutely it says just that too many people want the benefits of god and not god it's a big difference they want the fruit of god without the requirements of god i got maybe one amen over here i think no you have to have the whole package here you should want god god is what you want when you get god whatever comes with god then comes yes right when pastor deborah married me she married me with whatever i bring amen she did it by faith all right [Applause] i hope she thinks she's been rewarded amen hallelujah that's why things work so as if our hands and give god praise and glory father we thank you we adore you we magnify and glorify you you are who we want you are god there's no other we worship and praise and adore and magnify you dear lord we glorify and praise your name [Music] now we're all heads of bowel please and all eyes are closed in prayer and no one moving and walking or talking unless we've assigned you to do something otherwise and that all hits about all eyes closing prayer i'm gonna ask you those you're watching me online too there's thousands of you i'm gonna ask you to bow your head and close your eyes too with me because i want to give you an opportunity praise the lord to make the right decision today right now the bible reads in the 10th chapter of romans if you would acknowledge with your mouth that the highest authority of all is jesus christ and if you're willing to believe that god raised him from the dead scripture said you then will be saved see it's with your heart you believe on to right stand with god with your mouth you acknowledge your own deliverance and romans 10 13 reads whosoever that would include you call upon the name of the lord shall be saved jesus said whoever comes to me i will not cast him away i'll not cast him out it said i'll receive him if you come this way i'm not talking about joining the church not talking about being water baptized not talking about doing communion i'm not talking about being sprinkled or immersed or whatever other religious thing i'm talking about have you had a personal encounter with jesus christ yourself and if you haven't i want to help you do that pray with me today you can be born again there may be some here also or watching you now who say well yes i'm knowing the lord and yeah i kind of look back yes i kind of went away yes i kind of let the world's attitudes and things shape me and move me away from the things i know was right but you can come back to him he loves you so much he's offering his hand of divine mercy and long suffering to you he said in first john 1 9 if you would just acknowledge the sin to him he's faithful and just you can count on him to forgive you and it said cleanse you from all unrighteousness if you're a person here and you would say well i need to be filled with the baptism of the holy spirit according to acts 2 4 which reads they began to speak with other tongues that's the spirit gate of utterance that's available for you today you can receive today amen hallelujah to be empowered to do even greater service for god and then finally if you're not if you don't have a church home amen we have an online church we have people who are our members around the world and in those right here in the physical southeast michigan area and you'd like to join up with us praise god we'll be honored to have you as part of this family and this mission and what god's called us to do amen one thing we promise you we are not going to in any way water down the word this place and what you're going to get is the word of god chapter and verse that's the kind of place you're looking for word of faith may be the right place for you and we'll be honored to receive you so if you're not born again or you're not sure you want to be sure or if you're coming back to the lord amen or praise god you want to receive the baptism of the holy spirit with the physical evidence of speaking with thomas or you want to join up with us any one of those things you say bishop that's me i desire your prayers then if here in the auditorium if that's you and you will desire a prayer i'm gonna ask you to lift your hand high where i can see it please amen you know you need prayer let me pray for you now let the hand up high where i can see it right now there's lots of people in here praise god and plus i gotta deal with tv lights us just help me see your hand over there god bless you praise god amen anybody else if that's me pray for me today this is the biggest decision you're ever going to make another hand over there god bless you i see praise god thank you anybody else's that's me pray for me glory to god another hand over there god bless you there's no bigger decision we're talking about eternity here and don't make the assumption that you got tomorrow because you don't know that because once you leave this body you're gone that's it anybody else's that's me all right let me put your hands down listen carefully if you lifted your hand for prayer or you didn't lift it but really you know you should then i'm going to ask you to do something ma'am sir i'm going to ask you to gather your belongings unless you have someone you trust to leave them with and ma'am sir i'm going to ask you to step out in the nearest aisle wherever you may be come forward to the altar area let me pray for you right now come come let's pray come i'll pray with you online in just a minute [Music] come on up come on up let's pray come on up [Applause] [Music] of god hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] come on come on come on come on [Music] [Music] a hallelujah of [Music] a god of god hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah praise god praise god praise god you know what all these people in hebrews 10 and 11 had courage and if you're going to come to jesus amen you're gonna have to exhibit some courage these people stepped out and came down you know why not only do they know they have a need just like me just like everyone else here but none of us is better than anybody else but they recognize what they need and they recognize where they can get it and so they exercise some courage don't you know all the time the enemy was telling them don't you go down there people will see you you might be embarrassed all these other lies he will tell you i mean what i'm saying is because the lord's dealing with me there's several more people here and that's exactly what you said to yourself should i say the enemy said to you amen and the lord's letting you know i love you with an undying love my arm is stretched out to you don't reject me staying when you know you should come is rejecting them don't reject them praise god there's a word we saw in hebrews 11 they received come come you're several come [Applause] don't turn him away come [Applause] myself um pray in the holy ghost church for a moment the lord won't let me close up yet he won't let me do it amen i'm waiting on somebody god loves you so much he said we're going to stop everything here for a moment we're going to hold up everything and everybody because you are so important to me but you got to make that move come on come on come on the devil's a liar and he wants to kill you come to god yeah there you go yeah there you go yeah praise god [Applause] this decision has eternal ramifications to it all right congregation praise god there's another one out there i know it here but god gives people choices amen congregation stretch your hands towards these wonderful folks those of you standing up here by your heads unto god almighty and lift one hand towards heaven if you're able that's where help comes from i'ma ask you in the in the audience praise god watching on the internet lift your hand too and i want you to pray out loud with me everyone praise god as we lead them to the throne pray with me now dear heavenly father in the name of jesus i do believe that jesus christ is the son of god that he died for me hung on the cross for me carried my sins for me paid the price for my sin for me was putting a grave for me and rose from that grave for me i believe that i receive jesus christ as my lord and savior lord i return back to you i've given up the enemy's way i'm coming back to your way i'm reconnecting myself with to you thank you for forgiving me cleansing me restoring me hallelujah now father i pray for these men and women who prayed along with me today yes may they all be filled to overflowing i pray over them shalom peace wholeness nothing missing or broken lord i ask you would strengthen them further with might and the inward man open their eyes their understanding even more that they may see learn and understand their walk in god we thank you for father we give you praise in the name of jesus and everyone in agreement with this prayer said amen one more time just give them a big round of applause to start off with
Channel: WordoffaithCC
Views: 3,208
Rating: 4.8554215 out of 5
Id: dosowgsZyEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 37sec (3637 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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