Reallusion For Blender!

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hey what's up guys and welcome back to ask anki we all know character animation is a huge headache especially for 3d artists trying to create both stylized and realistic character animation and they would like these things to have both facial and full body motion now in most cases trying to get this is not the easiest thing to do but luckily enough there is blender a free open source tool that anyone can lay your hands on and start creating stuff making that 3d model that you would animate comes with its own price first you have to make the model unwrap it rig it texture and prepare for animation and this can take a long time especially if you're trying to make more than just one character and of course trying to use character generators is perfect but most of the problems you would get with this is they are either not usable in terms of topology not easily tweakable for faster iteration and most of them legally are tied to be used or rendered in one particular software and luckily enough these are the things that revolution character animation pipeline set of tools are solving relation tools that have brought into existence faster ways of creating and telling your stories and this is beautiful because more and more blender creators have adopted religions character animation set of tools and this has motivated them to join the blender development fund to support the development of blender as corporate silver members and something else which actually propelled this motivation even more is the lip sync animation contest now within the time the lip sync animation contest was done over 456 submissions were made and most of them were blender users with best price 4 character animation going to a blender user and of course you can see how he took advantage of character creator alongside with iclone and blender to create this stunning ice queen so if you like to see this walk in progress i'm gonna put a link in the description that will take you over to the working progress page where you can check out this beautiful stuff and at the same time if you go over to the character design section the first and the second prize also went to blender creators and this just proves to you that creating your own story and bringing your own projects to life can easily be made once you walk with the right tools so if you're into creating characters and you've been thinking about how you can make stylized character realistic ones a baby like character muscular one yes you can you can make any kind of character that you want you can tweak them you can send them back and forth to blender however you choose beautiful part about all of this is there is actually an add-on to make your life easy the character auto setup is a tool that the folks at revolution have actually made and left for free and this add-on is extremely beautiful what it helps you do is you can easily import any character that you've made from character creator and it brings in all of the parameters that you would like to tweak from skin to eyes teeth the smart hair adjustments if you like to make all of that if you're into physics simulation and you would like to also transport your iclone weight maps over to blender weight maps you can easily do all of that to get that perfect smooth simulation that you're looking for and in terms of lighting you can also play with the dynamic lighting to get some even cleaner and beautiful result the folks at revolution have also shared the commitment to keep up with the development of this beautiful free add-on and in the upcoming update they are looking at creating a round trip action a roundtrip action in the sense that you can easily send your files from character creator over to blender and then from blender back to character creator i think this is definitely going to make a lot of things easier owing to the fact that you might want to make some tweaks in blender and send your files back to character creator to add some extra accessories and probably polish it a little bit more before you send it back to blender for final rendering and for those thinking about animation acta core is a huge motion capture library that levels the playing field for realistic everyday performance character animators and crowd simulators would love this unlike other motion capture libraries acrico offers a full range of body and finger motions and with new sets of updates limited for blender users artists would now easily send motions from octocore directly to blender and also life sync it with any character that already exists in blender back to iclone and also do a simple round trip from character creator to blender as well and for artists looking for facial performance you can actually take advantage of iclone's x-plus and also aculibs to get that perfect facial performance that you've always wanted now despite this there's also a couple of other options that you can work with now for facial expression you can take advantage of the facebook pet that exists in iclone and actually property your character facial performance anyhow you choose for lip sync like we mentioned aculis is right there and you can actually get automatic natural and accurately talking animation and this is extremely procedural which means that you can edit and also fine-tune this to your liking for those who like to use their mobile device and do a simple facial performance capture and retarget these onto your model you can simply use the live face tool and retarget your facial performances to your model directly with the set of tools that is available for iclone so lots of possibilities for anyone thinking about creating facial and full body character animation and just in case you're also thinking about capturing or making a replica of something that already exists there is also a couple of add-ons and tools and also several plugins that you can take advantage of that would make your life extremely easy so the folks at revolution are also reiterating the idea that they would like to serve the blender community in the next coming year and they're looking at incorporating some cool features tool sets and as well some more add-ons that already exist for blender reader character creation and animation pipeline and yes there are a couple of add-ons that currently work with revolution set of tools and folks at revolution are also origin developers that would like to develop more tools for blender users to comfort and reach out to them and in terms of asset the folks at resolution are currently creating more and more diversity driven assets for artists and these assets include smart hair assets outfits and also some other props and miscellaneous assets that tons of artists would like to work with it makes sense to see that revolution is now part of the blender development fund and they're looking at ways to incorporate their pipeline set of tools alongside blender with all of these new steps and also impressive roadmaps that they've put together this is just the beginning of blender artists taking full advantage of tools and also assets that they can get from revolution and start creating engaging and breathtaking stories so for those who like to bring their characters to life or probably tell their stories in a much engaging way then you should consider taking a look at the character animation pipeline set of tools from the folks at revolution and that's about it tell me what you guys think about this one in the comment section links to this is going to be in the description so do well to check it out and of course if you like this video or you learn something from this you can go ahead and give a like and don't forget to share with a friend and until i see you guys in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: askNK
Views: 86,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asknk, maya, Reviews, Texturing, 3d Tutorials, Houdini, Cinema4d, Redshift, Arnold, Sketchup, BLENDER, asnk, blender2.9, blender2.91, blender 2.92, blender 2.92 new features, blender 3, blender 2.92 released, character creator, 3d character creator, reallusion character creator, blender 2.93, blender 2020, blender, blender 2.93 new features, blender 3.0 new features, b3d, unreal engine, rendering, free assets, character animation, character modeling, character modeling in blender
Id: nnEzuvHEK48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 30 2021
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