CC4 to Blender and Back: A Seamless Workflow Tutorial

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hello blender is something that I've been wanting to implement into my workflow for some time now so this is going from character creator 4 to blender and back again so we started off with Eddie Eddie is one of the characters from reill usion that you get free with character creator 4 and iclone 8 so what we'll do is we will delete his clothing and I think we'll uh Del gloves as well and we will give him some shorts there you go right okay so so we want to export Eddie to character creator 4 but before we do that I will so I want to change Eddie's appearance so what we'll do we'll go to the body and we will go to the Head will scale head up so say we want to do a uh um it Pixar child shape of a character so oversized head um we'll make the legs length bit larger and then we'll make the arms um length a bit bigger and if you do get to the end of the scale and you want to go again you just bake and you can go again right so if you come in and you look at Eddie's face doesn't look very CHL we'll get rid of that bit don't need that bit so what we'll do go to to our scene go to the eyebrows the [Music] material and we'll change the material to Black to the hair also change the hair material to Black so our character is ready to go to blender the lovely people at reill usion have made a plug-in it's a blender pipeline so if you want to use blender you come over to the real eion website where you H you land on this page you come down to the download section hit that and then you go to GitHub which is the the tool for blender you download that and you implement that in blender in the add-on section don't want zip the file use a zip file and and you download your plugin and you you just install it like you would just do uh normal software so we're going to export to blender so we only want we only want the mesh so we'll export name it [Music] ready so now we're in blender now when you download the uh add-on you just press n that brings up the sidebar and then you've got CC pipeline at the side and you import character Edie import so here's our character so what we'll do is we will delete that we will get rid of that delete that delete the the gun it's just the props that have been brought in from couch crater 4 so what we want to do is we want to do a bit of sculpting so I think we should start on the hair first so we'll come down and we'll go into sculpt mode and we will pick smooth and we'll just flatten the hair out like that bringing it all down so we also want to do is when you change obviously we're doing the hair at the moment but we want to [Music] change to the body okay so we can if we go on X up here you will basically whatever you do on this side it'll do on the opposite side so won't make the jaw less pronounced [Music] [Music] okay I try not to go too [Music] far get rid of this get rid of this back section here also you can amend the face in C cre to four so right so okay you're happy with what you've done and you need to export it back out so make sure that everything's selected so that is you click uh any part in any part of this section and press a all is selected and yeah that's good and export exporting back out to the [Music] file okay so we're back in carage Creator and we go up to plugins blender pipeline import character our character with that we've exported from blender import character okay let's not to worry about the gun and the helmet we delete those items that's good okay so this is our imported character from blunder that we've sculpted around the chin and we can also and also use our [Music] [Music] [Music] sliders right okay so we now put some clothes on put a shirt on put some jeans on okay and some trainers oh better get rid of the pants boxes delete the boxes right and there's our character ready so we'll just do a quick test of the motion so go for Warp just look all around the character and we will do forace so just to see whether any of our amendments um made a problem so we have our character that we've gone in we've sculpted a bit we mess with the hair um so there's so much more you can do with this and um something that I'm looking forward to use in the future so thank you
Channel: SteveFilm
Views: 6,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cc4, Character creator 4, Tutorial cc4, Workflow, blender, character creator, character creator 3, character creator 3 review, character creator 3 tutorial, character creator 4 free download, character creator 4 headshot, character creator 4 released, character creator 4 review, character creator 4 tutorial, character creator headshot, character creator headshot pro, character creator review, reallusion, reallusion character creator, reallusion character creator 4
Id: jonaXT56UCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 40sec (700 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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