Real Time With Bill Maher on HBO Addresses the Dangers of Political Correctness and Body Positivity

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enablers and glorifiers you're playing with people's lives if you're always on about how this is a life and death issue and it is we can't have body positivity be a third rail anymore political correctness can kill i've seen it before bill maher discusses the quarantine 15 and how political correctness is hurting people right now they can't ignore especially the ones that [Music] [Music] my name is alan roberts this is every damn day fitness thank you for tuning in please do share this video as well as all my other [ __ ] videos no matter what platform you find in this video on i truly [ __ ] appreciate it thank you very much after you're done with all that please go to that's where damn collective coaching is that's where my wife myself and or our team are in daily contact with individuals we also have weekly video conference calls with people we help people transform their lives into a healthier version so if we take a morbidly obese person or a person that's underweight we help them adjust their life bit by bit by bit developing better lifestyle habits better accountability skills and better knowledge so that they can get to and or maintain a healthier weight and a healthier lifestyle for their entire life so please do check that out last night on his show real time with bill maher bill maher used his new rules segment to talk about the quarantine 15 and how america's health officials are a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] you see the quarantine 15 refers to the average amount of weight that americans have gained while being quarantined for coven 19 a virus that clearly clearly is harder on people that have obesity morbid obesity and super morbid obesity public health england found that people with a body mass index of 35 to 40 have a 40 greater risk of dying from covet and over 40 it's a 90 percent greater risk even being mildly obese makes it five times more likely that catching the virus will land you in the icu decade after decade after decade we have watched the public health crisis arise without really any [ __ ] guidance from national level public health officials 20 30 40 [ __ ] percent obesity in america is a public health crisis and these [ __ ] are not saying [ __ ] and haven't been for [ __ ] decades that is a public health crisis the chronic illness disease that goes along with it has risen just the [ __ ] same as well as the shared healthcare expenditures have risen just the [ __ ] same still no [ __ ] word for our public health officials they'd rather pander to special interest groups and pander the [ __ ] corporations that's how pizza is listed as a [ __ ] vegetable on your child's high school menu pizza is listed as a [ __ ] vegetable on your child's high school menu for [ __ ] real that's [ __ ] ridiculous it is absolutely [ __ ] stupid our public health officials are a bunch of [ __ ] they don't want to pander to people they don't want to [ __ ] you know hurt anybody's feelings they want everybody to keep consuming and they want everybody to feel really good about themselves we even have fitness professionals like [ __ ] kelsey wells [ __ ] what the [ __ ] ever she put on her instagram the other day that you cannot tell how healthy someone is by looking at them healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes no they [ __ ] don't healthy bodies do not come in all shapes and sizes they absolutely [ __ ] do not if you're of average height and you're 300 pounds you're not [ __ ] healthy i am not shaming you i am not being mean to you i am being very [ __ ] nice to you i'm telling you the absolute [ __ ] truth that you're 350 pounds and of average height and you need to lose some [ __ ] weight if you want to live a long life period any [ __ ] health official any [ __ ] fitness professional anybody that tells you differently than that anybody tells you you know what you can't tell if you're unhealthy just because you're 400 pounds they're [ __ ] pandering to you they're [ __ ] lying to you they do not have your best interests at heart they want you to like them they are caring more about you liking them than you that's the [ __ ] thing anybody that tells you anything like oh yeah just you know 2 liter of soda a day you should do you you should drink what you want to [ __ ] drink you should have what you [ __ ] want to have that is a [ __ ] lie that is them trying to agree with you so you don't get upset with them that is not them trying to help you trying to help you is you know what two liters of [ __ ] soda a day is going to [ __ ] kill you eventually that is going to be the thing to put you in a [ __ ] grave that could possibly be the thing that lead to your feet being chopped up that is not [ __ ] healthy that is actually caring for somebody we need to [ __ ] rewrite this [ __ ] because political correctness is going to [ __ ] kill us it is going to [ __ ] destroy us because here's the [ __ ] thing sometimes people need to be told that they need to [ __ ] get healthier that's just the [ __ ] truth that's actually caring for somebody pandering to people just so you can get [ __ ] likes just so you can get [ __ ] clicks saying the [ __ ] that you think people want to [ __ ] hear just because you want to make sure that people like you that's [ __ ] up here's the thing if you're 400 pounds get [ __ ] healthy if you're 300 pounds get [ __ ] healthy you should have been doing this the whole [ __ ] time you should have been listening to this the whole [ __ ] time stop listening to the people that are lying to you about bmi start listening to your [ __ ] feet because they're probably [ __ ] killing you from just [ __ ] standing up for five [ __ ] minutes listen to your body do your [ __ ] research and understand this when you deep down know that you eating to the point where you're morbidly obese and you can feel it on your body you know you [ __ ] do and somebody tells you it's okay you're just fine you're healthy just the way you are you [ __ ] know you even know that you should look at that person as a [ __ ] liar you should look at that person like they're [ __ ] lying to you political correctness about this [ __ ] topic about obesity is a public [ __ ] health crisis along with being obese our obesity rate in itself is a public health crisis the denial we have about it is just as much of a public health crisis and that's just my two cents my name is allen robertson hit me up on my instagram at robert cdf you hit me up on twitter everybody also on facebook and everybody fitness i'm on the internet at damn and i'll be on many other platforms really [ __ ] soon god damn
Channel: Alan Roberts
Views: 41,574
Rating: 4.8993134 out of 5
Keywords: everydamnday, everydamndayfitness, alan roberts, weight loss, fitness, eddf, fat loss, weight loss meals, fat loss extreme, weight loss motivation, fitness blender arms, bill maher, real time with bill maher, msnbc, the washington post, the new york times, real time, the daily beast, bill mar, bill mahar, lose weight, getting healthy, how to lose weight, fat acceptance, fat acceptance movement, body positive, body positivity, donald trump, democrats, public health, fauci
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 46sec (346 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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