Computer Vision Roadmap [UPDATED 2023] | How to become a computer vision engineer

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hey my name is Felipe and welcome to my  channel, in this video I'm going to show   you a fully comprehensive computer vision roadmap  I'm going to show you all the skills you should   learn to become a computer vision engineer and all the different ways  in which you can specialize in computer vision and I'm also giving you very specific resources  you can use in order to learn all the skills I show you in this roadmap and now let's get started so let's get started with this computer vision roadmap, in this video I'm going to show you an entire roadmap in  order to go from zero from scratch from having   absolutely no background in IT whatsoever up to a  complete expert computer visual engineer so let's   get started the first step you should follow  in this roadmap is covering the fundamentals   and when I say fundamentals I mean Python and  opencv these two skills are definitely the most   important skills you should start with in order to  become a computer vision engineer, and this video,   this computer vision roadmap is an updated version  of one of my previous videos, and in this version   I have added some specific resources you can take  you can follow in order to learn all the different   skills I am going to show you in this roadmap so  in order to Learn Python and in order to learn OpenCV   you can take a look at these two resources I have  added over here and regarding opencv this is a   three hours long fully comprehensive course of  opencv with python and I definitely recommend   you to check out this course but if you do not  have three hours in order to take this course   then these are the most important lessons you  should take in order to cover the basics of   opencv with python so if you do have three hours  then please take a... take a look at this course but   if you do not don't worry you can just take some  of these lessons and you are going to cover the   most important aspects of opencv with python so  this is the first step you should take in order to   learn computer vision, in order to become a computer  vision engineer and now let's continue the next   step in this roadmap is the basics of machine  learning, machine learning is very very very   important in computer vision and these are the  most important things you should learn, these are   the four most important tasks in computer vision  image classification object detection semantic   segmentation and pose detection and this is the  way I recommend you to learn machine learning by   learning how to solve these four very specific  problems, these four very specific tasks, so by   learning how to build an image classifier how to  build an object detector how to build a semantic   segmentation algorithm and how to build a pose  detector oh my God you will have learned so much   machine learning and you will be super super  proficient in machine learning these are the   most important machine learning tasks in computer  vision and these are some very specific resources   you could use in order to learn how to solve  these problems right these are some courses   and some tutorials I recommend you in order to  solve these problems in order to learn how to   solve these problems and by doing so by solving  these problems you are going to learn how to use   some very specific tools which are... let me show you  scikit learn yolo V8 yolo nas pytorch tensorflow   and many many many more tools and please pay  attention because this is very very very important   these are the tools we use in order to solve these  problems right but the important thing is not the   tools we use the important thing is the problems  we are solving by using the tools right so my   recommendation for you is do not focus on learning  how to use the very specific tools but focus on   how you are going to solve each one of these  problems and by doing so you are going to learn   how to use different tools right my recommendation  for you is do not focus on learning the tools   focus on learning how to solve these very specific  problems but if you are one of those people who   prefer to learn the tools that's perfectly fine  I have also added some resources for you right   because I know we all have different preferences  so if you prefer to learn how to use the   tools these are some resources you could use right  but remember my recommendation is do not focus on   the tools focus on how you're going to solve  the high level problems image classification   object detection semantic segmentation and pose  detection which are perhaps the most important   machine learning problems in computer vision now  let's continue and you can see that from here from   basic machine learning you can take it in either  one of these two paths let's take it over here for   now and later on I'm going to show you what's  over here so following this path we have the   specialization right now that you feel confident  in Python and opencv, now that you have learned   the basics of machine learning now it's time to  specialize right and you have many different ways   to specialize one of these different ways is low  level programming and electronics which basically   involves C++ and how to work with an  edge device for example Arduino or jetson nano   and the reason this is one of the ways in which  you can specialize in computer vision is because   although C++ is a very very very important  programming language you can definitely take up   many projects as a computer vision engineer  and you can just become a computer vision   engineer without really doing anything related  to low level programming or anything related to   electronics right it's perfectly possible so this  is one of the ways in which you can specialize if   you want to go deep into low level programming if  you want to go deep into working with electronics   working with robotics for example then you can  just specialize and you can do it learning C++   and learning how to work with this type of  edge devices now another way in which you can   specialize is by taking the research path  right, by doing research and this   involves learning very advanced machine learning  and also very advanced mathematics there's a huge   misconception in computer vision which is that you  definitely need very advanced mathematics and you   differently need to know how to work with very  Advanced mathematical objects and operations in   order to do computer vision and that is not true  that's a misconception that is false I can tell   you that you can definitely work in the field as  a computer vision engineer and you can definitely   take many many projects and you can definitely  make a lot of money as a computer visual engineer   by knowing Python opencv and the basics of machine  learning only by knowing these skills you will be   able to solve the machine learning part of many  many projects and you will be able to solve many   projects. Knowing the advanced mathematics and  the advanced machine learning and the advanced   everything is not absolutely needed that's why this  is... I consider this is one of the ways in which you   can specialize right and if you want to take this  route these are some very specific resources you   could take right and I forgot to mention these  are some very specific resources you can follow   in order to learn this other way to specialize in  computer vision which is low level programming and   electronics but let's continue now let's take  it to the other way which you can specialize   which is generative Ai and this basically involves  image generation and also text generation right this is   something that I would say it's huge already  it's already a very very important field in   computer vision and my thoughts are that in the  next few years this is going to be bigger and   bigger this is going to be a very very important  field in computer vision and these are some very   specific tutorials from my own YouTube channel  you can take in order to learn how to work with   image generation and text generation in a computer  vision project now let's continue these are   some of the ways in which you can specialize  in computer vision these are definitely not   all the ways in which you can specialize there  could be other ways but I think these are some   of the most important paths you could take as  a computer vision engineer but now let's take   it back remember that from basic machine  learning we could take another path right let's   see what's over here and this is where we have  all the software related skills right because   remember as a computer vision engineer you are  not working on a vacuum right you are working   with other software developers you are building  products you are doing some things which involve   software so the more you know about software  the more software related skills you may have   is going to be much much more better for you  and these are some very specific examples of   some very specific software skills which are very  important in computer vision as a computer vision   engineer you definitely need to know how to work  with a Version Control software for example GitHub   you'll definitely need to know how to work with  Docker is going to be a plus for sure in your   career if you know how to work with Docker it's  very important you know how to work with a cloud   provider with a cloud development platform for  example AWS Google cloud or Azure and it's also   a plus it's something very important if you are  familiar with web development technologies let me   tell you a very quick story about me about myself  when I was just starting in computer vision I   completely underestimated how important it is all  these software related skills and I thought that   by learning Python opencv and the Very basics  of machine learning the very Basics by learning   how to build an image classifier, the very basics  of machine learning I was all set I was ready to   work in the top companies in the field to work  in Google in Tesla in SpaceX... I thought I   was ready, that was all, that was it, and I was  wrong I was so so super wrong for many different   reasons and one of them is because I completely  underestimated all these software related skills   if you are going to work in computer vision  you'll definitely need to know something other   than computer vision and this is very important  because this is very often underestimated by many   people in the computer vision industry or in  the machine learning industry there are many   people who believe who think that by learning  the basics of machine learning that's it   that's not all if you're going to work in the  field or you need to know something other than   computer vision and these are some very specific  resources you could take in order to learn all   these skills and also remember that working in a  company as an employee it's only one of the many   many different career choices you can take in your  professional career you could also be something   like a freelancer, a freelance computer vision  engineer, and if you decide to be a freelancer   and a client hires you to do something like  building a machine learning model, building   an object detector and serving this model through  an API and you tell the client 'okay I can help   you building the model but in order to serve it  through the API hire someone else because I don't   even know what's an API' the client is going to  say something like 'oh okay okay I am going to   hire someone else, I'm going to hire someone else  to do the entire project is going to be much more   affordable it's going to be much more easier to  manage than if I hire many different developers   to make each one of the tasks in this project' so  this is especially the case if you decide to be   something like a freelancer because the moment  you tell your client you don't know how to do   something the moment this client replaces you by  someone else so this is very important if you want   to be a freelancer as well now let's continue  I have already show you the entire roadmap you   should take in order to become a computer vision  engineer with very specific resources and I have   also shown you all the different ways in which  you can specialize as a computer visual engineer   now let's continue because now it's time to  show you how to enhance your skillset, how to   grow your skills and one of the ways in which you  can grow your skills as a computer vision engineer   is by working on projects by making projects by  doing projects by hands-on experience working   on projects and there are two different ways in  which you can do that one of them is by following   coding tutorials and projects in YouTube,  and there are many many projects you can take you   can do on YouTube these are only a few examples  of some of my tutorials of my projects in this   YouTube channel and you can also take many paid  courses right if you want to take your skills a   step further if you really want to become like  an absolute expert then you also have many paid   resources you could use in order to enhance your  skillset even further right and these are only   a few examples also from my own paid products for  example this is a project which is available in my   Patreon and in this project I show you the entire  process of how to build a video summarization API   I take you from the requirements up to the project  deliverable and I show you every single step of   this process how to do the planning how to do the  system design how to work in the execution every   single step of this process and this is exactly  how a real world computer vision project looks like, then this is another example this is also  available my Patreon and this is a very Advanced lesson   on how to train a machine learning model and it  involves how to control the randomness when you   are training a machine learning model this is  a very very Advanced lesson and these are a few   resources you will take in order to enhance your  skillset as a computer vision engineer and then   you also have other resources and in these other  resources are for example books you could read   books on computer vision in order to improve  your skill set as a computer vision engineer   these are only a few examples of some of the books  you could read in order to become a super absolute   expert computer vision engineer then another very  interesting resource is joining a community and   these are some examples this Discord server is  this YouTube channel Discord server right this is   our community and this is a very very interesting  resource the way usually work is that the members   of our community post the projects in which  they are currently working in and everyone else   recommend this user different things he or she can  do with his or her project we say something like   hey have you tried to do this have you tried to  do the other thing have you tried to do this with   the data I don't know we collaborate in many  different ways so we help everyone with their   computer vision projects this is a very very very  interesting resource in order to go deeper into   your knowledge of computer vision then these  are some subreddits you could consider, computer   vision, machine learning, these are some super  high levels subreddits but you also have   many other subreddits which are very very valuable  in order to learn more about a very very specific   niche for example this one about stable diffusion  I have used this subreddit a lot lately because I   have been learning a lot about stable diffusion and  this subreddit is perhaps one of the most valuable   resources in order to learn stable diffusion  so these are only a few examples of some of the   communities and some of the subreddits you could  use and then another very interesting resource in   order to go deeper into your computer vision  knowledge is joining a competition, competing   with other people that's oh my God that's going  to take your skill set a step further for sure in   order to do so I recommend you to use kaggle  which is perhaps the most important and the   most relevant site in order to do competitive  computer vision in order to join a competition   in which you have to train a computer vision  model and compete against other competitors so   this is going to be all for this computer vision  roadmap please let me know what you think in the   comments below if you enjoyed this video I invite  you to click the like button and I also invite you   to subscribe to my channel this is going to be  all for this video and see you on my next video
Channel: Computer vision engineer
Views: 23,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DalV5No4c_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 30sec (990 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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