Real-Time Matchmoving and Green Screen Compositing in Blender 4.0 is the BEST

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[Music] good morning so today we're going to have a look at real time match moving a very interesting way of incorporating green screen footage into your cgi environments [Music] today we're going to have a look at how i created this scene in the music video hero with the great artist rayleigh she sits on the hood of a delorean from back to the future and sings playback so the studio in norway sent me this green screen footage uh first things first we have to key this out and this is a blender tutorial so i will not go over how i key this but i keep it in after effects using various masks as you can see here separating the legs from the background and basically extracting the best alpha i could possibly get i really like to use a key cleaner and refined soft mats for keying and if you would like a more comprehensive tutorial on how to key in after effects please let me know and i will make one if you're interested so i added this shadow between the legs when you will see why in a bit but it it's the small small things that adds detail so what you want to do is export the footage as png sequence and choose either 8-bit or 16-bit depends on how good quality you want [Music] and hit render so after you've rendered it you get this folder with a bunch of png images which is great so finally in blender this is a delorean i downloaded from i think it was a turbo squid if i remember correctly it's not created by me i'll link it down below i did change the number plates to really the name of the artist to better fit the video but that's basically all i did with the model [Music] so first things first we're going to create a camera [Music] then if you go into walk navigation and reposition it [Music] something try to match the angle [Music] and you can also find walk navigation here where you can add it to your quick favorites it's very handy which i highly recommend i know for a fact that they shot the green screen footage at 24 millimeters which is very handy to know so you can match the uh perspective of the cameras [Music] and try to frame it so it matches her height or the height they shot the footage from [Music] then with then what you want to do is import images as planes and if you don't have this this is an add-on which comes with blenders you just have to search for it in the preferences uh search for images and you'll find it here and just activate it then you can write shift a and import images as planes then navigate to where you rendered the keyed footage [Music] check the animate image sequences box and remember to use alpha and the same settings which you used before pre-multiplied and i think that's it yeah just import it and if everything went correctly you should have a transparent alpha with the keyed footage [Music] now go into the camera view and try to align it as much as possible [Music] so we already planned that she was going to sit on a car so that makes it easier always plan what your yeah always plan what you're going to do beforehand it makes life much easier um yeah as and as you can see like even if she's a flat plane it kind of looks like she's sitting on the on the car which is which is good so i for this shot i used an add-on called hdra hdri maker um i can link it down below and it's not a tutorial about the hdr maker so i will not go over how i created this but it's basically an hdr map which is like inside of a bubble and that you can like place things on the ground which is really really cool [Music] i think cgmater has a tutorial on this one if i remember correctly yeah it's a very cool add-on anyways um then what you want to do is always to increase the roughness and decrease the specular of your alpha so so it doesn't pick up like reflections and stuff and if we play it back you will see that it plays really really slow yeah yeah so we'll go into uh preview mode and let's uh better but yeah the playback is not the best anyways yeah um yeah but if you scrub through here you can see like it looks kind of cool what else could we do with this well let's see we could as you can see like if we check the uh bloom effect you can see how it influences her hair which is really cool and remember to check the screen space and the motion blur and we're in eevee now by the way also if you didn't notice yeah let's go to frame one and yeah i mean this is cool shot but we can make it even cooler with some camera movement hence the match moving part so if you check the auto keyframe and go to the first frame now if you select the camera and hit the walk navigation you can like animate the uh walk navigation while you're playing the video so if you just walk around like randomly with the uh wasd keys like getting the the camera movement that you want um something like this works it's uh it's easier if you're actually seeing what the if you're actually seeing the the keyed footage but my computer is so laggy so i will just do it the lazy way and just guessing uh but yeah something like that so now if you have a look at it you'll see that it's uh looking really really crappy but that's okay because we'll fix it but yeah uh we got the uh the animated uh movement which is nice so you're probably thinking yeah this looks really crappy and really choppy and yeah that's uh that's correct it does but there's a very handy way to fix that which is using smooth keys which we'll go over so if we go back to a wireframe so everything moves a bit quicker what you want to do is go to animation and the graph editor [Music] and here you can see all the keyframes there are some keyframes missing in between though so we'll go to key and then [Music] sample keyframes and then go to key again and then smooth keys and you can see the hotkey is alt o so you want to hit the shortcuts like lots of times to smooth out keys like something 100 perhaps yeah it's um it depends on your taste but something high to get some really smooth keys so we'll increase this like a bunch of times alt o yep something like that perhaps and yeah we have a thing [Music] looks kind of good actually smooth [Music] yeah i mean perhaps it's not like ultra realistic but it adds some some smooth movement to your camera shots and the thing is that since she's basically placed on a plane you don't have to do any tracking or anything so she follows the camera movement and uh yeah i mean as long as you don't like rotate the camera around her uh revealing that she's flat it looks um kind of convincing actually in uh in my opinion and you get these uh nice reflections and shadows and stuff which is really cool uh like directly real time so you can see the shadows uh from the actor or artist or whatever so if you just re-enable this uh yeah you get something like this when you render it out and that's basically it if you want like a tutorial more in depth on specific things in this tutorial this was kind of a brief overview of how i created the scene please let me know in the comments and i will have a look at it [Music] and if you have any questions or anything yeah just let me know and thanks for watching bye
Channel: tiedtke.
Views: 73,152
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: social media marketing, red camera, tiedtke, content creator, videography, influencer, vlog, red raven, komondo, music video, fujifilm, xt3, fuji xt3, tutorial, cinema 4d, blender, vfx, editor, short film, films, director, matchmove, matchmoving, raylee, maya, hero, delorean, back to the future, sample, keyframe, animation, match moving, green screen, chroma, key, composite, compositing, Norwegian, layout, modeling, zbrush, 3d game, art, 3d modeling, learning, unreal, engine, educational, digital, game dev, painter
Id: P6jlD3QdZTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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