Building a 3D set from a photo in Blender

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hello it's Alton here's how I use green screen footage in this Photograph to make this visual effect shot first I bring the background image into F spy fspy is a free open source software you can use to get your camera data in terms of like the lens and also lining up all of the horizontal and vertical axes there's also a blender add-on so you can bring all this information into blender which we're going to do in a little bit so in F spy import your photo and then set your axes it starts with X and Y but I realize that there aren't really too many reliable x axis like spots but you can change it over here so I'm going to change the X to the Y because there's a lot of vertical lines that I can line up with if you hit shift you can zoom in a little closer and then basically you just line up all the lines that you see and then you take this cursor and you move it around and just sort of see if it's lining up all of the lines so that you know it gets that vanishing point correctly also this point is going to be your origin point in blender so when you're finished I always like to set it on a corner or something because that'll help me sort of line up where everything is then you save your spy project and open up blender once you have the F spy add-on installed into blender you can just import an F spy project and that'll bring in a camera with a background image of your photo and all of the X Y and Z axes will line up with the X Y and Z axes in blender and from there you basically build the room because we're going to project the image onto some geometry that matches what was actually there because then we can move a camera around uh freely so I start with a plane and just extrude along the X Y and Z axes until I get the basic structure of the room and if you hit e to extrude and then hit X Y or Z you'll just move along that axis so then you can keep everything squared up nicely and then add a new plane and line it up to make the door here and there you go that's kind of like the the basic of um of the space okay so now what we're going to do is make a new material and add it to this plane you're going to bring in the image and set it to the color so it's an image texture and then we're going to add two modifiers one is subdivision change it to simple and set it to five and then you're gonna do the UV project modifier you're already going to have the UV map and object data from F spy you'll notice that things aren't lined up properly so the last thing you're going to do is have to find the dimensions of your image and set that to the aspect ratio here in the UV project modifier so take your X and Y dimensions and put them here and then everything will line up and then there you go you can kind of move around and see that we have some geometry this jug is a little stretched out so I'm gonna make a little cylinder and add it there and then the next step is just to add some light uh just see what that's looking like you want to try to match the lighting of the image which is sort of this backlit image that's reflecting on everything so I'm going to put a point light back there and then let's work with the material a little bit so a couple things we can do is add the image texture and make a bump map so bring it into normal add the bump add a bump node and set this to height and then kind of turn these settings down and the other thing is reflection so if we take the image and put it into roughness and then add a color ramp um we can kind of set what is the most uh reflective parts of this image and I'm actually going to change the color of this light in the background just so I can see the reflection a little better and now let's also take this glass of this door so I'm going to duplicate the material and I'm going to do a mix Shader with glass though as you can see something is kind of messed up with the geometry here and so I'm working with the material but it's got these like edges I don't know what's what's going on so I actually am just going to like delete the whole door and then start over I'm going to add a new plane and line it back up again with that uh with that door that and then just set this Central one to Glass and then I can adjust the slider to see how transparent it is add another light with another color and this is the really fun part where you just get to be creative here and just add um new colored lighting to the scene that wasn't there before I'm going to extrude the sides of these garage doors a little bit more too just because they're going to be causing some Shadows especially as I'm moving new lights around so I'm actually going to duplicate this material again and set it to all of these garage doors because I want the reflection to be a little different um and and just like make sure that these garage doors are reflecting some of that light in the background so I'm just going to duplicate it assign all of those doors this new material and then there we go now I can get some of that orange glow onto these garage doors um the floor I'm also just going to do a whole another separate one for the floor too and adjust the um reflection there as well just because all of them are going to have their own roughness so I might as well just assign them all a little differently now I'm gonna add another cylinder in here and just add a little cap to this jug because this takes place in a Sci-Fi world and that jug is way too much of a modern thing so I'm just going to um make a little cap there I'm gonna give it an image texture and just kind of scale it down so it's something similar to what that jug is um and that way you just won't clock it as quickly as like a water jug so now I'm going to add a new camera and this camera I'm going to set to the settings of my production camera which was 18 millimeters and we shot on a Panasonic Eva one so the image sensor was 24.6 millimeters instead of 35 so I'm going to set those up and uh bring in my keyed footage as image as planes I've already keyed it and exported it as a PNG sequence with transparency I'm not going to go over the chroma King but if you want a tutorial on that let me know in the comments then I'm just going to scale it up and basically line it up with the production camera I'm going to parent it to the camera so and then rotate it basically just to get the angle right so it looks like she's walking straight down the hall and actually you'll notice a lot of reflection on her so I'm gonna quickly adjust the material here and what I do is um you know she's an image texture but I'm also going to make an emission version uh make that the emission a mixed node with transparency based on the alpha and then mix that with the principled Shader there um and that way you know some she will like respond to some of the light from the scene but also it maintains you know the the blacks especially in the footage itself next I'm going to make some pipes so I'm just gonna bring in a cylinder and just add some pipes to the ceiling um that's just going to add some of our own geometry here that will cast shadows and create some um Shadows because I'm not going to model the actual ceiling up there just because it's a little bit complicated and messy um and so by doing this we can kind of like hide a little bit of um the lack of material back there I'm also going to change the background um pull something way back maybe just like subdivide it and extrude some random points and just I don't know something like this basically just so I can put lights back here and cast some shadows in the background so that's also not just like this kind of Monolithic uh material and then if I change the color get some like red and like a teal yeah something like that just something subtle I'm gonna add some depth of field to this camera so that'll be out of focus anyway but that'll just create something that's maybe a little more visually interesting okay we're getting somewhere I really like that there's a shadow behind her on the garage door but there's still uh some things that I can work on here and then I'm also going to separate unparent the footage from the camera because I'm gonna add a camera move and that's the beauty of having all this stuff in 3D space so there is this shakify add-on that Ian Hubert created and it adds some camera shake and I really like it just for some subtle imperfections in the camera moves because I feel like camera moves in blender especially are so smooth you can kind of tell that they're fake and anytime I'm looking at the camera moves from our production footage it's also uh imperfect so this kind of makes them match a little bit but this way I'm going to take the camera and kind of like punch in a little bit um and just get some parallaxing with the character in the background now I'm going to make some fluorescent lights so bring in another cylinder and kind of line it up with the lighting that's in that image texture there an array modifier to duplicate it and this way we can get some rows of light so yeah this is just the you know the place to have fun start covering things up um this is looking pretty good especially for a quick first pass the final step is compositing everything in After Effects I didn't record myself building all this stuff but I can walk you through sort of my layers I rendered out the footage of the actress on her own uh and the background on her own with the new camera move that I made um so that I could just have them still separated here in After Effects and that way I can use that Alpha for a light wrap that goes around her I also masked out the um the light and with a tint and levels just made a Luma mat here that I'm going to use to just add some glow to those lights just to make them a bit punchier and then yeah and then it's just a matter of making sure all the color matches um I add some Grain on top of everything um and then you end up with a shot like this and I am really happy with how this turned out hopefully you found something in here helpful I learned how to do this just from watching YouTube tutorials so hopefully this will help you do the same you can create your own visual effects shots out there as well definitely let me know in the comments what you're working on and be sure to subscribe and turn on notifications for more tutorials like this foreign
Channel: Alden Peters
Views: 164,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alden peters, blender tutorial, blender 3d, image to 3d, 2d image to 3d model blender, blender tutorials, photo realistic in blender, blender vfx, blender photorealistic, green screen blender, fspy blender, blender vfx tutorial, blender green screen tutorial, blender fspy, blender green screen, blender green screen vfx, camera projection blender, blender camera projection, image to 3d blender, vfx in blender, image to 3d model blender, blender picture to 3d
Id: 4nRlg0XEPk8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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