Real Life Tokyo Drift Car Meet (Japan) - Vlog 53
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Channel: CZeroMedia
Views: 985,921
Rating: 4.9102268 out of 5
Keywords: czeromedia, fresh meet tokyo, hardcore tokyo, jdm meet, jdm cars, tokyo meet, tokyo car meet, tokyo car scene, japan car meet, real tokyo drift, tokyo drift meet, tokyo drift, drifting, drift, tokyo, jdm
Id: LtrqStSRW6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2017
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Whatโs with the plates with the red line through them?
I've been to some of these. They are fun. None of that bullshit male-ego posturing like you see in the movies. Just a good time for gearheads.
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